Part 7

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Heylo Dearos,

I am back with the next chapter. Thanks for all the lovely comments. Means a lot to me.

Hope you enjoy this chapter too.. Comments are appreciated ! :)


Days went in a jiffy. All the shopping was done. Guests were invited. 

More than the bride and groom, the excitement was more visible in their family's faces. Nandita and Aaryan decided to keep it as a low key affair. Fans and media never spared a chance to ask them about the wedding date. But they made them believe it wasn't fixed yet.

As per Aaryan's decision, the wedding was to happen at her home town. Aaryan and family were to reach Bangalore 5 days prior to the wedding for the pre-wedding rituals. In order to avoid paparazzi, Aaryan and Abhi reached separately at their place earlier and stayed at Mira's home. Anu was more than happy to spend time with them along with Mira. They had one gala time. For this reason, Nandita had to stay at her home only as they couldn't stay at one place before the wedding. Aaryan got along with Savitri and Prabhakar whereas Abhi spend most of his time with Anu and Mira. They got to know about each other a lot in these days.

Mira was a star already. She was talented. In dance, music and drawing. Abhi and Anu always made her sing their favorite songs and Mira never ever complained for that. She was happy to sing. Abhi was quite impressed with her singing and recorded it in his mobile while she sang for them.

They planned to do a dance performance at their Sangeet. Mira did the choreography and since they were a gang of three, Abhi had to be there on stage for the whole song along with Mira and Anu being paired up alternatively. They selected some romantic songs which was Nandu's favorite. Though Mira took it sportively, Anu was very much happy dancing along with him. She danced her part whole heartedly and she knew that she was falling hard for him.

Each and every time she made mistake, he helped her by correcting it and patiently taught her the right moves. For one step, he had to lift her up in his arms and Mira tactfully gave that step to Anu. Abhi, though a bit hesitant still did that for the performance. They composed the whole performance within 3 days and practiced it during the free time. Aaryan was happy to them.

Then came the next confusion. Mira wanted to gift Nandu something very personal and that she would cherish it for the lifetime. But she couldn't find any.

It was just 4days to the wedding. She was sitting in her swing chair at the balcony, deep in thoughts. Abhi was searching for Aaryan and found her there. He slowly went to her.

"Hello Ms. Dreamer. Thinking something serious? He asked with a smile.

"Hey Abhi, No. I was just thinking." She sighed and continued. "Actually yes. I am confused".

"For what?" he asked.

"Errmm... I want to gift akka something she would cherish for the whole lifetime. And I couldn't find any yet." He noticed her face fell down then.

Abhi thought for few moments and remembered seeing some of her paintings in their drawing room. "Why don't you draw a portrait of Annaya and Vadina's? I have noticed some of your works. It is good and perfect. I am sure she will love it."

Mira's face brightened up and she smiled at him whole heartedly.

"OMG yes ... Thanks Abhi. You know she have asked me once and I completely forgot about it. She will be happy if gift her this." Mira was extremely happy with the suggestion and so was Abhi.

"Start working on it as soon as possible. Only 4days left from today. You have to make it really fast. Well I need something in return for the suggestion." He said with a cute face.

"Huh? What??" Mira asked out of curiosity.

"OK so two conditions. Number 1: Once you complete the picture, you need to show it to me first. Number 2: You have to draw my picture and gift it to me. Deal?"

Mira laughed at his conditions. Shook her head vigorously and agreed. "OK sir. Deal".

Abhi smiled at her. "Okie I will give you time for the second condition. Take your time and gift it to me."

Abhi then asked her about different styles of painting and about her course. They spend a good time together. After almost one hour of chitchatting, Mira went to her room and started painting the couple portrait. She felt good and relaxed after the conversation with Abhi.

She thought of spending more time with him as Nandita called her and they had a discussion on Abhi's positive changes. She made a mental note to keep him close in her friends circle and bring him out from his past. He is a good soul, a supportive friend. He deserves happiness. And now with the wedding, he is her family too.

She spent the whole night on finishing the work and slept by almost 4am.


"Hmm No. Stay right there. I have to do the final modifications."

"Noooo... That's not fair. It is my picture. I have the right to see it. You move aside." He tried to push her apart.

But she dint budge an inch.

"No baby please.. My darling ... Please give me a few more minutes. I will finish it and then you can see it. Please Please Please...." She started buttering him.

"Okie but what will I get in return?" He raised his brows while smirking at her.

She understood his play and knowing him well she said. "Don't make that face. I know your intention this time I don't have any other option. So you will get whatever you ask for. Now go." She pushed him back and closed the door.

After a few minutes, he was waiting outside the room playing his favourite game in his phone.

She opened the door and called him. He went inside and got awestruck at the beautiful sight. Unlike expected, it was not a picture of him. But a beautiful portrait of THEM. He was quite surprised but was extremely happy. He wanted to see them together and just like reading his mind, she painted their portrait.

He stood there looking at the picture and thought for a few seconds. Then he took the brush and applied red colour on her forehead. Turned back to her and said.

"Now it is complete". She smiled at him with teary eyes. He quickly pulled her to him and brushed off her tears. 

"Tears are not be wasted. These are so precious for me and mine. So without my permission, it should not come out of your eyes ok?"

She smiled at his words. "Even Tears are beautiful at times. It symbolises your happiness. You don't feel like controlling it in certain situations Right now I feel content.. Happy and lucky."

He pulled her more close to him and slowly captured her lips. She responded in equal pace and passion. They devoured each other for a few seconds till they were completely out of breath. And then He bit her lips hard which made her flinch with pain.

With that, she jerked off from her short nap. Mira sat upright wondering touching her lips. It took her some moments to realise she was dreaming. 

Him. His lips. His deep manly voice. His proximity and their kiss. !

Everything seemed so real to her. Her Mr. D is back... She smiled sheepishly like a fool. She felt like a teenager dreaming about her guy. At first, she was annoyed with this weird dreams. But slowly she started developing a bond with her Mr. D. Now he has become a part of her. She badly wanted to know the secret of her dreams. More than that she wanted to identify him.

She was in a dilemma. Stuck at the moment.

Coming out from her thoughts, she looked at the clock and found the time as 7 am. She looked at her work and suddenly remembered the portrait in her dreams. A smile spread across her lips. She wished if it was for real. At least she could then identify him when she meet him. If by any chance.

Her phone beeped and she checked her inbox. It was Abhi's message.

"Good morning Ms Shetty. So completed the work? Saw lights on in your room late night. Don't forget the conditions. You have to show it to me once completed. Will meet you downstairs."

She smiled at the message. Went to freshen up and came downstairs. Aaryan, Abhi and Prabhakar were at the lawn. They were teaching her dad a few exercises. She smiled at their bond and felt proud and happy for her Akka. Abhi saw her looking at them and happily went to her.

"Hey Good Morning Miru. Did you sleep properly? Your face looks so tired. You could have taken rest and could have completed the painting Na?" He asked her concern.

"Good Morning Abhi. Chill! I am fine just need to sleep. Anyways we are travelling to Udupi today evening. I will sleep that time. By the way I have finished it. You want to see it Na? Come I will show you." She pulled him along with her and went upstairs to her room.

She asked him to unveil the portrait as if in dramatic style and he did that.

Abhi stood there with his mouth wide open. He was completely dumbfounded seeing the portrait. It was so real. He quickly turned around and hugged her. "OMG Miru. It is beyond my expectation. You are amazing girl. I am sure Annaya and Vadina will love it." He jumped like a kid pulling her hands.

They laughed together and turned around to see Anu staring at them with eyes wide open. They were embarrassed and smiled sheepishly. Anu dint seem to like the way they were together. She found some sort of insecurity.

"What are you guys doing here?" She asked casually with a smile trying to hide her insecurity.

Mira pulled her inside and showed her the portrait of Aaryan and Nandita.

"I am gifting this to Akka as a wedding gift. Actually I was confused and it was Abhi who asked me to draw this. And he was adamant that he have to see this first once I finish this. And this guy is such a kid. He was so excited to see the portrait that he started jumping". Mira laughed while looking at Abhi for which Abhi made a pout. Anu blushed seeing his cute face and she was relaxed now.

Anu diverted her mind and looked at the picture.

"Miru, you forgot to put the sign. Do it and wrap it as a gift. We have to get everything packed by noon. There isn't much time left." Anu reminded her to which she agreed.

"Uff yes. I noticed it and forgot to mention. Any ways glad that you too noticed it." Abhi looked at Anu and gave a Hi-fi to her. They heard Savitri calling them for breakfast. They went downstairs.


It was evening. They headed to Udupi. Nandita and her parents were already at Udupi and the bride and groom were not allowed to meet. Abhi saw Mira a little disturbed but she was trying hard to hide it. He decided to enquire about it later. Prabhakar chose to drive much to Aaryan's complaints. He made a strict order that he and Abhi will only drive and that he don't want Aaryan to be tired. They wanted privacy and sent their driver to Udupi already to be there for the wedding preparations.

Aaryan and Prabhakar sat in the front seats where as Abhi and Anu were sitting at the back. As Mira was tired lacking sleep, she lied down placing her head on Savitri's lap.

Anu was happy to sit with him. They talked about their likes, dislikes and their family. Anu's mother was her father's second wife. Her dad already had a daughter named Avantika. Though she was her half-sister, they shared a good bond. Avanti opted to do her college at Chennai away from them. She was a software engineer working in an IT firm there itself. With her doing her graduation in Delhi, she missed her a lot. It has been quite a long time since she met her in person, though they were in contact through messenger.

She was staying at her dad's sister's place until her best friend Shreya's roommate got married. Now, she is staying with her in an apartment near their firm. Avanti was a big fan of Aaryan and Nandita but she couldn't get attend the wedding though she was invited for the function through Anu. Shreya's roommate met with a mishap which emotionally affected her. She was in trauma and is recovering back to normal now only. So Avanti chose to stay with her until she is completely OK.

Anu showed their picture to Abhi. 

They looked so happy together just like Aaryan and himself. 

Abhi looked at the sleeping Mira and smiled at her innocence. She was sleeping like a child on her mother's lap and Savitri was caressing her forehead, relaxed at the moment sitting with her eyes closed. His eyes welled up for some reason and he blinked his eyes for a few times to stop the tears from coming out.

He wanted to divert his mind and quickly asked Prabhakar whether he would like to stop driving for a while that he will drive. And on Aaryan's insistence, Abhi drove the car for the rest of the journey much to Anu's disappointment.

They reached Udupi by late night and Mira was surprised to know that she was sleeping for the whole journey. Aaryan and Abhi along with their family had to stay at Nandu's uncle's place where they stayed during their engagement.

It was time for the Pre wedding rituals; Mehndi, Haldi, Sangeet.

Everything was so colourful. Nandu was Aaryan were equally excited and happy to see the Trio dancing on their favourite songs for the Sangeet. Anu – Abhi –Mira made a great pair and audience couldn't take their eyes off them. The couple decided to confront Abhi and disclose their wish to see Mira and him once after the wedding bustles are over. On the other hand, the trio was super excited seeing their dance performance a success.

Finally it was the D- Day. Flowers adorned each and every corner of the home. It was so colourful. One could see only happy faces around. Elders were busy in one or the other and kids were playing around.

Mira was clad in a red Kaancheevaram saree and traditional gold jewellery. Her hair tied in fish braid and adorned with a Maang teeka. 

Anu chose to wear a green saree along with Traditional gold jewellery, hair styled in a put up. 

They were no less than a goddess straight from heaven. All the guys' eyes were set on them. They got busy meeting the guests and everyone were waiting to see the stars of the events.

And the time came. Aaryan was called to the Mandap. He was dressed in an off white silk shirt and white dhoti. He had to perform some Pooja and it was time to call the bride. Nandita was called upon the Mandap. Her parents made her walk to the stage. Anu and Mira accompanied her.

Nandu was breathtakingly beautiful. Wearing lotus pink saree and diamond jewellery she looked like a queen. Aaryan's eyes beamed with happiness, excitement and content. Finally she was going to be his. Forever. That single thought made him feel like "The happiest man in the world." (I couldn't help but thought of this scene from Sillunu Oru Kadhal)

Nandu was brought near Aaryan. They had to do some Poojas. The people around praised their Jodi. Mira was asked to get the flowers for showering it on the couple. She got down the Mandap and took the flower bag.

Turning back, she looked at the couple.

A strong beam of light flashed in front of her eyes following pain in her head. 

The voice of Naadaswaram echoed in her ears. She saw another Mandap adorned with jasmine and red roses. 

She shook her head twice and saw Abhi approaching her to get the flowers. She passed the bag to him and stood there frowning. Anu had also come down the stage and got the bag from Abhi giving it back to Prabhakar who was on the Mandap. 

Abhi tried to push her to climb up the stage. But she chose to stay there without moving an inch. Abhi thought she wanted to see from there and stood there along with her.

Mira saw Aaryan Teasing Nandita.

 Another scene flashed in front of her.

She stood there shocked.

 It was time to tie the Mangalsutra and Aaryan tied it around Nandu's neck.

 The couple exchanged garlands and he filled her Maang with Sindhoor. They stood up and entwined their little fingers.

And Mira saw another couple smiling at each other..

They entwined their little fingers symbolizing their union

She couldn't take it any longer. She felt a severe pain across her head and fainted. Abhi in a swift moment noticed it and held her by preventing her from falling down. 


I am sorry for stopping it right there. i wanted to write more. But dint get enough time.

No proof reading done .Please let me know your sincere comments.

Will update the next part soon :)

- Love Apz !

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