A New Side

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Vansh Rai Singhania

There was a tension between both of us and I looked at the rear view mirror and saw the bruise from before this is the second time she injured me.

"We are here"
Mr.Oberoi said the kids jumped out they are both too cute.

We went towards the auditorium I saw every one glancing at us.

"Mom Dad did Sis won a prize again!"
The girl Sofia asked.

"Yes baby!"

Just then we entered the auditorium and went to the front and saw the principal standing up and approaching us.

"Mrs. And Mr.Oberoi  thank you for coming please have a seat."

"Thank you ma'am"

The all took a seat I sat beside them Aurora the devil excused herself .

"Ladies and Gentlemen I am very happy you are here to celebrate with us today"

A girl on the podium spoke

"I did like to welcome our honorable principal ma'am to speak some words"

With that the lady that welcomed us stood up and went to the podium and started speaking.

"Good Afternoon everyone I am very happy to share our new achievement with you all a student from our school won the national debate competition from political faculty I am very proud of her the numerous times she had won so many competition and is a constant topper from last 3 years in our University."

Who might it be!!

"Please welcome Ms.Aurora Oberoi"

Then the devil I met some moments ago came from backstage and stepped in and whole auditorium clapped she made her way in center towards the podium and nodded at the principal she didn't even smiled is she a robot or what? in car too she sat so stiff like a statue with straight back God this girl.

"Thank you ma'am for you compliment."

"I would like to invite our dean to come on stage and give prize to Aurora and say the word of appreciation."
The principal said and a old man stood up and came on the stage.

"I am really proud of Ms.Oberoi she is the pride of our University by her numerous achievements I feel very happy to have such a talented student in our University."

He then handed her the trophy but and check but what caught my eyes was Aurora's face her eyes were cold her face blank as she posed for the camera.

After the function was over she placed the trophy in car and sat like usual thanked every one who Congratulated her but she doesn't even smile I think she is sick.

"Roi wait!!"

We turned around to see a girl and boy coming running towards us they are the same from Delhi.

"Where the hell were you all for this boring long function!"

She spoke for the third time till now from the time she came here and this is the longest.

"Oh C'mon we were doing what you wanted it's done now that guy is in principals office"

What are they talking?

"Okay so what proofs you got?"

"Java got a CCTV footage and Meera got a video of him in University campus."

What the hell they are spying?

"Let's go exple him this time let me see what his good for nothing ass do this time."

She smirked this girl never smiles.

"Dad mom you can go back I have some important work to do you can take this Whatever he is with you"

She said pointing at me.


"Oh Hello lady don't tell me you are talking about me"

"What if I say yes!"

Oh my God!

"Mom dad I don't gave time to waste on this idiot here you guys take him and I take my leave bye!"

She turned around and started waking away

Third person P.O.V

She walked away towards the office with  her friends in tow and stopped in front of a huge door and asked a worker to tell the person inside that she wants to meet

"He called you inside"

She nodded and opened the door

"May we come in"

"Of course here comes my best student"

The man said

"Thank you Sir I have something important to talk about"

He nod at her and Aurora and her friends sat in the chairs in front of the man's desk

"So tell me what it is?"

"Sir it would be great if you call principal ma'am and Counsellor ma'am here before we began"

He nodded and called soon a old lady in her early sixties and a lady in here mid thirties entered

"Aurora, Dean is everything fine."

"Aurora wants to tell something very important."

They nodded and sat on the couch beside the table

"So sir as the president of University Council I want to take some important things under your notice"

They all nodded

"Ma'am sir there is a student in our University that is smuggling drugs and molested two girls of our University."

"What are you even saying Aurora!"

"I know it's hard to believe that but I have solid proofs"

"Can you call Mr.Khan from Computer science faculty"

They all were shocked but still called the boy

A very handsome boy with beard and tattoos entered the office and said

"You called me sir"

In a joking tone but halted when he saw Aurora Oberoi sitting in front of Dean and Principal and University Counsellor too.

"What are you doing here?"

He asked her and she didn't glanced at him and spoke

"Java laptop"

The boy beside her handed her a black laptop and she typed something and looked at Dean.

"Sir I would like you to see this footage"

The Dean, Principal and Counselor were watching the videos while the new guy glared at Aurora after they was done they looked at Aurora then at the boy

"Mr.Khan you are expelled from the University a written notice would be sent to your house"

The Dean said and the boy looked at Aurora in rage and furry he launched towards her and she immediately stood up and grabbed him by collar

"What the hell you said them bitch I told you don't mess with me"

He yelled

"Don't forget where you're standing I know all your doings I just broadcasted them to Dean sir"

She said in a very calm yet Threatening manner the teachers got up and tried to stop the fight but Aurora stopped them showing her hand and said

"I can handle him easily!"

She kicked him in stomach making him groan Oh I forgot to tell you she is a karate black belt.

They both fought the boy was clearly losing but he pulled out a shiny little thing out of his pocket it was a pocket knife that sliced through the flesh of her left upper arm at center and everyone stopped she pulled her right hand up and pushed him away making him fall on the ground the teachers rushed towards them

"Aurora are you all right!"

The principal asked checking her arm the blood was slowly seeping through it

The Dean yelled some men in blue uniforms came in and took the guy up and took him away leaving them here

"I will kill you Aurora Oberoi"

The guy said just before being taken out of the room

"Sir I did my work may I ask for leave"

"But your arm"

"It's just a flesh wound nothing big don't worry sir"

The teachers still wanted her to go to the infirmary but she being she, she refused and went out they walked through the hallways towards the entrance the flock of students watching them

"Java drop me home because I didn't brought my car"

He nodded and opened his mouth to ask something but stopped

"You want to ask me something say it"
She said

"Aurora aren't it hurting I mean you may want to treat it"

He asked with hesitation she gave him a look that clearly says -do-I-look-like-I-Care- and said

"If you want to know let me cut yours and I will do the dressing myself!"

He nodded and shut his mouth because there is no room for arguments with Aurora


They reached home and she got out of the car blood still seeping through the cut but at a slow pace

"You can leave"

She said and left she opened the main door and entered the foyer and the through the living room towards the stairs she was on the fourth step when her head started spinning and she fell there in the middle of the stairs...

Vansh Rai Singhania

I closed the main door behind me this Oberoi family is very nice except for the devil I started walking but stopped when I saw a line of red drops on the white marble I kneeled down and took one on my index finger just to be sure


I stood up and slowly followed the trail of blood drops it went towards the stairs what was in the middle of the stairs made me stop dead in my tracks

Aurora was leaning her head against the wall and her left arm had blood all over it.

"Hey! Aurora! are you Okay?"

I asked even though I know she isn't

"I Am Fine"

She said but it was a just whisper this girl she is in so much pain still she says I Am Fine what kind of human she is!

I slowly bent down towards her she is almost half unconscious I slowly took her in my arms and carried her bridal style.

"Don't I don't need anyone's help"

She whispered

"You are there in stairs half dead and still have don't want help what's wrong with you Devil"

Her half opened eyes started to shut and she went limp before whispering in such a small voice that I thought I didn't listen


I put her on the couch her eyes opened and she blinked a bit I guess she didn't fainted

"Where is the first aid kit?"

I asked her

"I will do it myself!"

I rubbed my forehead

"What's wrong with taking help from me?"

"If there would be anyone else my answer would be still same!"

God this girl!!!

"Where is the first aid kit?"

"Second cabinet, forth drawer  from right in dinning room"

I got up and went to the dining room 8 cabinets with crockery I went to the second cabinet and bent down and opened the fourth drawer and took the big white box out and went back she was still in the same position I sat beside her and was about to open the box

"I can do it myself now leave"

"Shut up will you! You are bleeding so much and can't even keep your eyes open so let me do it"

I didn't wasted time for her reaction and opened the box and took out the cotton and started cleaning her wound
To my surprise she didn't even make a single noice.

After I was done putting bandage on it I was about to ask her how the hell she got such a wound when a gentle gasp too my attention I looked at her she looked at the door her perents were standing there her mom ran towards us

"What happened Aurora?"


Was all she said, she slowly stood up and walked away.

How can she just walk away from her perents?

"What happened vansh"

She turned to me

"I just came in and saw blood on the floor and the next thing I know she on the stairs half unconscious"

"My baby always pretending to be strong"
She muttered under her breath but I heard but chose to ignore.

This girl is really something else! She was in do much pain still she didn't want anyone's help she is confusing!

God help me!!


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