Uncle and The News...

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Vansh Rai Singhania

I got ready on the cue the bell rang and I walked out of my room and saw Aroura getting down the stairs in a traditional outfit damn it she looked hot in that at the last step her heel twisted she was about to fall I was just a few steps away I gently grabbed her arm and waist she looked at me and then sighed and freed herself

And she walked towards the living room leaving me in my own thoughts my heart beating so fast that I think it would burst out I took deep breaths to calm down and walked towards the living room and what I saw made my heart go crazy again

Aroura touching Uncle's feet God I never in my wildest thought about this can ever happen

(A/n: In India touching feet of elderly people is a away of showing respect or seeking blessings)

I did the same and introduced myself he nodded and everyone sat

"So Aroura how are your studies going on"

"Good Uncle"

"Well I know you're too young but there was a Proposal came for your wedding from Kapoor Inc."

Kapoor's family means Karan oh God this made my heart sank I don't know why but her getting married was something I can't imagine

She coughed and looked at her Uncle

"You have to be gota kidding me, what's the boys name?"
She said but she knew who it is.

"Karan Kapoor"

She laughed, a humorless laugh

"Oh I see don't say anything to them Uncle I will deal with it, I guess he didn't took the warning well"

She smiled but I can see through it a sinister smile

"What? Warning? tell me"

He asked

"Well last year he proposed me to be his girlfriend I rejected, he kept on insisting I never payed a heed to him, so yeah Java and Payton gave him warning, but I guess I have to have a word with him personally"

Everyone looked amused

"Thank God I asked you first"

She smiled and stood up

"Uncle I guess we should have lunch now"

Everyone stood up and we headed to the dining room, after everyone was sat the servant served the food.

"Uncle Aroura made your Aroura special biryani"

Dolly Aunty said with a smile

"She knows how to cook?"

I asked and she glared at me

"Yes I know, any problem?"

I shook my head no and took a bite of it and waited to throw up but it was perfect and delicious and was damn familiar....... like the one I ate at restaurant today, could it be, could it be that it was her the chef who made it? but it's not possible right? I looked at her then back at my plate whole lunch my mind was distracted by the idea of that.

Next day in psychology lecture

I sat in third row looking at Aurora's head who was sitting 2 rows below mine

"Aroura can you please tell what is love?"

The professor asked Aroura was typing something on her phone she stood up


She asked to confirm the Professor nodded

"The brain release oxytocin, often called the love hormone, also releases high levels of dopamine, norepinephrine, are released during attraction. These chemicals make us giddy, energetic, and euphoric, even leading to decreased appetite and insomnia, which means you actually can be so “in love ” that you can't eat and can't sleep; these kind of feelings or reactions in human body can be defined as love or attraction"

She finished and sat down, woah is she giving a lecture of chemistry or what?

"Aroura what you explained was correct but I want you tell me the psychological feelings not the chemical reactions"

She stood up again

"Ma'am isn't it the same thing"

"But today we are discussing about what the feelings mean to you so tell me what is love from your prospective"


The Professor sighed and Aroura began, I was curious that what she thinks about love

"Well for me I don't believe in love at all"

"Why so?"

"I don't see why the hell you waste your time on a  person and fell in love that will not let you sleep or make you lose appetite, when in the end you are gonna get hurt, it's just a stupid feeling that will make you weak and more weak, there isn't anything like true love in this world every one is there for you just for some greedy reason, it could be money, status, looks etc. So why falling in love when you are going to hurt in end?"

She finished and I was dead shocked, like how can someone deny such a beautiful feeling and criticize it, so I stood up

"Excuse me ma'am, I object"

Everyone looked at me and Aroura glared at me

"Yes speak Vansh"

"As Aroura said nobody truly loves each other it's just for a greedy reason, then are your friends greedy that they stay by your side when you hit a low, is your family greedy they always stays by your side even in your absence they appreciate you?"

I asked here and she looked at bit surprised but cover it as soon as it came


Was all she said making me shock

I asked

"Tell me Mr. Rai Singhania who will you feel if your mother or father betray you"

"They won't, even if they dose it would be for a good reason"

"You see even if my family loves me I do them too but at one point of time I will become a burden on them, if I get a permanent injury, they will take care if me for a while but after some time I will become a burden to them"

"As much as I know your family they won't because they care for you, they love you"

"Nobody loves anyone"

With that said she walked out of the room leaving me dumbstruck, why she is so against love, there must be a reason.

"It's Okay Vansh she is always cold and close off maybe she hides something under her covers, let it be"

The teacher said and I slumped down on my seat thinking about the reasons, what it could be?

"Hey the class is over"

I looked up to see Aurora's friends here group of four standing in front of me

"Oh thanks..... umm....... I am sorry for trouble your friend"

"It's Okay she is hard to handle and she hate the topic love, and I guess you touched her nerve that made her ran away"

Meera said and I sighed

"There should be a reason why she hates love"
I mumbled

"Sure there is but we don't know too I hope you get to know, I know here for approximately 5 years but thre isn't a single time she cried"
Java said

"Maybe something happened anyway I see you guys in practice"
I said and they nodded I walked out.

Aurora Oberoi

I hate you!

I hate you!

I hate you!

Why because he brings up the feelings that you are hiding since last fucking five years bitch?

Shut it, he is a fucking idiot for comes in my life.

He is the one that is coming and trying to find the hidden you, the lost you.


Fuck you subconscious, fuck you Vansh, fuck you love!

I walked back towards the office because in an hour it's the meeting with all the students playing instruments when someone tapped my shoulder I turned around only to find.....

That's all for today I hope you like it ❤❤❤

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