CH.1: One rainy day

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Dear All,

I have decided to also change this small introductory and chit-chat parts, as it only makes sense.

As I anticipated, here comes the improved and edited version of "Fire and Ice" and it is definitely needed. There will be still some small typos or so, because I will then re-check it once more in a day or two, correcting then the small things. I usually need to stay away from the story or chapters a couple of days to spot them properly. Apologies for this.

Now, as you all know very well (I mean, for my followers and usual readers), this is the very first story I wrote and published on Wattpad, January 2013 😊 Yeah, that long ago. In the meantime, I grew personally and as writer, and this year, I finally decided to take my old stories in my hands and properly edit them. I have begun with this one.

In here, we will have our fantastic and sexy Travis (he told me to write that and I followed his request ^^) introduced in the "Fire and Ice" universe, and also, introducing us to the rest of the other characters and protagonists. As you will see, for this chapter in particular I haven't added much, just mostly edited, polished and better explained things, for the reason that this one had to stay like this, no other POVs were meant to be here. I hope you will enjoy it!

Let me know what you think of this improved version! And for you to know, I will slowly add new pictures, banners and such, re-upload songs if they disappeared, some dedications and such. But this is a rather lengthy work that will need a few days.

As you will note, we will have quotes at the beginning of each chapter, be it from a rock band Travis listens to, from a book, from an author I will see. This one, seemed very much appropriate for the 1st chapter and general sense of the whole story.

In the meantime, enjoy this new edited version!

"If it doesn't set your soul on fire, it's not worth the burn", by C. Churchill


I peered outside the window and sighed out quietly. Apparently also today the weather was lovely: it was raining non-stop since last night and I doubted it was going to stop any time soon.

"Great," I whispered so low that no one could hear me.

As it could be easily guessed, I didn't exactly like the rain, and it wasn't related to any specific reason or weird memory; I simply didn't like it because it sort of messed up with my hair. I came from California, Southern California, and yeah, I really loved the sun and the vast cloudless sky. But what could I say? Complaining about the weather wasn't going to change it and I just had to get use it, end of it. Honestly, I hated when people wasted so much time and energy rumbling about the weather and how it sucked and the hell, I mean, it wasn't going to change anything, aside the fact you'd annoy someone like me.

I had moved to New York with my mother time ago and it really took me time to get used to it. However, each passing day, week, months, year the city became dearer and dearer to me and I enjoyed it, loved it even. Thinking about the reasons we had to move stirred anger in me, and my blood hissed in my hears. I might say it was a long and sad story, but to be entirely honest, it was not very long, but sad yeah. Well, more messed up perhaps more than really sad.

Years ago, my parents had a horrible and rather fucked up divorce, considered my father was not the nicest man you may meet on the street. To say it all, he was a conservative freak with dangerous tendencies to control everything and decide for everyone, combined to a rather violent temper whenever he didn't get what he wished for or us following his mental, absolutely unreasonable rules. My mother, my beautiful, amazing and super cool and smart mom, was a very independent, intelligent and extravagant person, without any sort of prejudice. So why they married? A question I asked myself countless times and that after a while, she also asked that herself. My father fell for her at first, which wasn't very surprising, and he thought he could change her once married, and of course, right after their Cinderella-like wedding he began to show his true colors. He changed skin just like a snake and neither of us liked that.

I heard this from her, as of course I wasn't still born when they married and such; yet, as soon as I could understand what was going on around me, I remembered a father who wasn't nice one tiny bit. He appeared to be so at first and, when I was a very young kid, I almost fell for it. Almost. That was the key word, because it took very little to disrupt the appearance and make his mask break in pieces. And it never was pleasant one fucking bit.

Nevertheless, my mom tried to make it work mostly for my sake, a moment thinking I would need him, too, but when she realized she couldn't take it anymore and that I couldn't take it anymore, not to mention a couple of episodes that clearly spoke volumes regarding his controlling and violent tendencies, she divorced him at once and decided to move across our big country, to the opposite side of the Pacific coast: the Atlantic coast. Mom declared that placing between us and that control-vicious-freak I had for father thousands of miles was the solution, and she had been right. If we stayed in California, he would have bothered us. But once we moved that far away and showed how amazingly we were doing without him, we never heard from him, for he was still licking his wounded and pathetic male ego.

It all happened over ten years ago and since then I did not hear from my father not even once. I think I was dead for him and fine by him, because I sure didn't need him. I have no doubts he didn't take the divorce well, seeing it as an outrageous act of insubordination and humiliation in his eyes, an unforgivable betrayal. Well, he could think whatever he wanted and just suck it up, for all I cared, as I didn't give a damn about him. My mom and I were incredibly happy and in peace without him, and she had finally the chance to become a successful lawyer. She was a smartass and I admired her for the way she handled her career so focused and determined, sharpening her skills more and more.

First, we moved to Boston, because her sister, aunt Madelaine, lived there and, to be honest, I liked Boston; well, I had moments in which I cursed out loud the freezing cold winters, especially when once I slipped on a frozen walking path and smacked my ass on it, and the lack of warm and sandy beaches, but I sucked it up and decided to adapt. I owned it to my mother and hey, it's not possible to get everything from life, right? Unfortunately, I always considered that very much wrong. Hell, I always wanted to get anything I wanted, but not in the sense to have it served on a plate of gold, for I definitely wasn't a spoilt brat, not in the least. I worked my sexy ass off for what I wanted, doing to my best to get it and have it mine. However, this didn't concern our moving to Boston or New York, as there are things in life, I admit, being way beyond me.

We then moved to New York after mom received an amazing promotion and, after that, she became the badass boss of an important and big office of lawyers. I was so very much proud of her that I could shout it out loud right then, right there.

A soft chuckle left my mouth at the thought of it and she looked at me from the driver side of the car, with an amused smile. Her eyes were gorgeous and shining like ink black pearls. Just like mine. Yeah, I took pretty much everything after her and I was freaking grateful. Apparently, even my genes had refused to take after my biological father.

"What's so funny, Travis?" She asked as she concentrated her eyes back to the road in front of us.

I shrugged my shoulders and she did the same, having seen it with the corner of her eyes, both of us softly chuckling. Then I checked my reflection in the mirror, hoping my hair and my thin touch of eyes makeup were still perfect.

I studied my face in the mirror and nodded satisfied. Yeah, the rain had not messed them up. My bleached silver-white hair perfectly cascaded short on one side of my forehead to plunge longer on the other. My thin touch of black eye liner and smoked eyeshadow were flawless and emphasized the wicked smirk of my pitch-black eyes. Yeah hell, of course: eyeliner and eyeshadow. People got a problem with that? Sometimes yes, but I couldn't give a flying fuck. If people thought that my being gay had anything to do with that, they were highly mistaken, for I would wear it anyway. Glam all the way and as Mick Mars from Motley Crue once said, only real men could wear makeup.

Oh right, my being gay, very much out of the closet loud and proud, not to mention my side hopelessly vain in a hedonistic way. I could not really help it and I was aware some people around me mistook it for arrogance, but it really was not the case. It could be simply explained by the fact I knew my body was perfectly toned and fit, with lean and strong muscles in the right places, a sexy ass, my steps were elegant and gracious, my eyes were like unbreakable chains, my skin had the perfect and glowing tone of paleness, I had a quite smart brain and my face and looks extremely alluring, for both sides. Girls and boys, I mean. Yeah well, some people found me arrogant, but I just worked hard for my body and looks, so why would I need to hide it?

Hmm, boys and girls...I tried both, as twice I met very intriguing and incredibly sexy girls, one of them really funny and smart to boot it. It was mostly out of curiosity and because once a girl really fascinated me; or so I thought. The truth was that after having it done twice, I no longer felt the need for it. It had been enough, but let's not get the wrong idea. I didn't feel the sexual and physical connection simply, and not because I had anything against being with a girl per se. The sex was too quiet for my taste and being dominant all the time, in the sense of being the one only having to do a certain part of the job, was somehow boring. Sure, you could argue about using certain toys, but it wouldn't be the same and simply, the sexual connection wasn't there. I wasn't attracted and feeling really horny; it was simple as that. For me, at least. Nothing against those two wonderful girls, who had been great and really cool, but let's say I was entirely and hopelessly gay.

Nonetheless, even if my looks and way of dressing attracted attention, I always preferred to keep quiet and alone, to avoid problems that seemed to stick to me like iron sticks to a magnet, following me worse than my own shadow. And my last trouble had been a freaking messy one, a matter you could only hope to forget it as soon as possible. I sighed as memories flooded my mind unwelcomed, and it probably was too loud, because my mom turned her head quickly, looking at me with a concerned glance that meant to ask what was wrong with me. She knew me too well.

"Is everything OK, love?" She asked and I could see her eyes were scanning me to see whether something was off or not. She truly loved me and cared for me, and I knew almost every parent would do anything for their children, but in my heart, mom was special, and I loved her like crazy, being very, very proud of her. There, I said it once more. God, I really hated when people thought me a mama-boy only because I had no problems whatsoever in admitting how much I loved her and how lucky I had been in having her. What was wrong with that? Nothing.

"Nah, don't worry, It's just the rain." It was partially true and the last thing I wished for was to remind her of what happened months ago.

"Is my Travis afraid of messing his hair or make up?" She joked with a playful smile, as she fixed her own hair when a strand fell out of place.

"It's not proper make up, it's a light touch of..." she cut me off waving her hand to stop my rant about make up. I rolled my eyes in fake annoyance and she simply giggled. The line of cars finally moved, and she resumed driving, her attention back to the road ahead of us.

"Are you entirely and honestly sure everything is OK? You know you can talk to me about whatever it's in your mind."

"Yes, I mean it, I am perfectly fine, and I know that, thanks." I didn't want to worry her about my lame thoughts. Hell, I was ashamed of myself sometimes for being such a scared little kitty whenever recalling those moments, but I guess it couldn't always be helped. I mentally shook my head to chase everything away and, somehow, it helped.

We remained silent for the rest of the drive, looking at the pouring rain and at the grey sky, at the cars and cabs rushing around us, blowing the horn nervously and wanting to get the traffic move faster, until we reached my school.

"Thanks for the lift, mom. See you later in the evening," I said hugging her and I placed a loud kiss on her cheek.

"Are you coming back with the bus or subway?"

"Probably the subway, I have practice after school as usual," I reminded her, and she nodded remembering that. Mom hugged me back and waved at me as she started the engine.

"See you later, sweetie, and do take care." I smiled and waved back, staring at the car as she drove away. I didn't own a car yet, simply because I obtained my license a couple of months ago and mom was waiting for my birthday to buy me one. Alright, I was a tiny bit spoilt, but let's cut me some slack, for it was not my fault I was an only child and mom wanted to do that for me.

I took a few steps toward the school and stopped looking at the gate of the building: it was the third one I had changed since I moved to New York and hopefully, with a touch of good luck, it was going to be the last one. I closed the umbrella and, pulling up the hood of my raincoat and I took a deep breath, then rushing toward the main entrance.

Inside the school, it was nicely warm and dry, and the soft murmur of the students walking around and chatting with each other was buzzing in the air, the fact that it wasn't loud and particularly noisy sort of relaxed me. I removed my raincoat and checked it everything was good and as it was supposed to be.

Black leather Converse with spikes. Checked.

Dark blue skinny jeans ripped here and there. Checked.

Black, tight-fitting shirt. Checked.

Silver chains at my wrist. Checked.

Small I-pod. Checked. This was a very necessary item for me, as my phone could not contain all the music I wanted, for it was meant to be filled with pictures, videos and other things. Music was an essential presence in my life, and I loved it with all myself; it could help me when the mood wasn't great or give me the right mental predisposition or more.

While I walked toward my locker, a couple of girls checked me out smiling openly with a very clear flirting invitation, but I didn't pay attention, pretending not to notice them. I really needed to avoid getting too involve and get myself into troubles. Another girl greeted me with a welcoming smile, but I simply nodded not to be rude, for there never was a reason to be rude. I sighed and quickened my pace. So much for wanting to keep a low profile, right, Travis? I thought to myself, considering then something else: should I maybe change my style and avoid being so eye-catching? Nah, not a chance, you're fantastic like this, I confirmed in my mind, slightly shaking my head, hoping nobody noticed my inner and rather eccentric conversation. I finally reached my locker and groaned out as I noticed who stood there.

Hell, not this morning please.

Right in front of my locker stood one of the most stupid jocks in our school, a typical and real "jockass", and the idiot was threatening a rather short and defenseless guy. What a hero, right? What was his name? Something like John or Joe, but I mean, who gives a damn anyway. I couldn't stand people like him and they triggered my temper in a not very healthy way.

Towering against such cute and small kid must have surely inflated his pathetic, useless ego, while the sweet-looking guy was clearly nervous and not able to move, because pressed against the lockers. I realized I didn't know his name, knowing nothing at all about that cutie, having never seen him around school. Who was he? We did not have classes together I believed, but that was not the point and I snorted out. That jockass leaned closer to him and nobody paid attention to them, to which I sighed out and rolled my eyes, now in real and pissed annoyance, marching with elegant but firm steps towards them.

First, that idiot with a twisted taste for clothes was blocking the access at my locker.

Second, I couldn't stand the bullying. It enraged me to dangerous limits, and even if I swore to keep away from any sort of problem, for my future's sake but also for my own present sake, I just could not ignore that. It would have made me feel like a horrible, stinky vermin, and nobody should be ignored and left alone in such situations, no matter what.

Thus, on purpose I quietly touched Joe's or John's shoulder, which made him jump out of skin and turn like a furious bull. While doing that, he swung one of his arms in my direction, but I easily and gracefully avoided it by stepping in front of him in one step.

"You're blocking my locker, Joe or is it John?" I asked that intentionally, even if I very well knew it wasn't smart of me, considered my need to avoid problems. But as I said before, I couldn't help it.

I ranked the jockass with a quick look and avoided to laugh at him. He wasn't even that hot and to be frank, he wasn't hot at all, at least for my taste. Sure, he had a nice and fit ass, broad chest, and a typical football player look, as he played in the school football team, short brown hair and eyes...I didn't really bother to observe them. Still, not that hot. Maybe mediocre for me. Yeah, that would do; mediocre. Let's say shitty, considered how he was behaving right then, and that cut the deal. He glared back at me, trying to understand what had just happened, and that made me assume he had not been gifted with the brightest brain. Thus, I wasted no time and pushed the cute kid away, hoping he would catch the hint, and thank God he did, muttering a super-quiet "thank you".

"What did you say?" John or Joe asked, and I snorted loudly. Oh, so he was slow, too. Honestly, what did some the girls in my school see in this idiot? To think some really were gone for him.

"I said you are blocking my locker," I repeated, purposely slower this time, for then eyeing over his shoulders, "and your friend is gone, I am afraid." This wasn't the best day for sure and I wasn't making it any easier. Oh well, whatever. It was better than behave like a douchebag and leave that kid alone.

"You fucking fag, that little shit wasn't my friend," he stated with growling voice and I did not miss the fact he knew about my being gay or was my amazing touch of make-up that made him assume that? Hell, who cared. "What the heck are you staring at me for? You got in my way and that wasn't very smart of you." Very clever and threatening, wasn't he? Even though I hated that word with a certain passion, I became immune to the effect it was intended to give and brushed it over like you'd do with something on your shoulders.

I shrugged clearly signaling I did not care about him and his rather obvious insults, and I motioned to insert the combination, but he grabbed my arm and forcefully swung me aside. OK. I didn't like to be grabbed like that, my arms especially, and something boiled inside of me, but I kicked it shut and quiet. It was not the right moment and place for that crap. Hence, I put on a poker face and addressed him once more, hoping to end this annoying situation.

"Now what? Do you want to punch me right here in the corridors in front of everyone, because you lost your fun toy? Or because I am gay?" I wished to smack his face so hard against a locker to crush his ugly nose, for I had the dreadful feeling it had not been the first time he had threatened and scared that cute kid. Cool it, Travis, will you? No, I couldn't cool it, OK?

"My name is John and not Joe. Got it?"

"Um, nice to meet you, thank you for remining me your name, I would really hate not to know it," I joked, setting my eyes on his with a challenging expression and I wasn't sure he got my sarcastic comment, seeing he glared at me slightly confused for a couple of seconds, for then possibly having his brain functioning a tiny bit.

He threw me with all his force towards the corridor and freaking hell, he sure was strong and I could not really resist it. I almost lost my balance, but caught it immediately, however bumping into someone. Someone with a really hard chest, if I might say, and that someone was the least expected person in school.

I gulped and lifted my head, meeting hard and icy blue eyes staring down at me. Great. I had just stumbled against the most dangerous and feared beast of this school. A very hot and mouthwatering beast, this had to be added and underlined. I swallowed down a second time as my eyes took in his expression and his hotness, but immediately cooled down when he moved me away and spoke with very annoyed voice.

"Watch your way."

Great, just freaking fantastic.

I could assume that a wonderful day was ahead of me and I definitely did not look forward to it.

Author's chit-chat:

Isn't our Travis always quite irresistible in his crazy and very flamboyant ways? I must say, I missed him very, very much, and going back to his and Aleksandr's story was refreshing, a jump in the past and memories and very much wonderful.

So yeah, I haven't added much here, and I believe you all agree not much should have been done here, aside the editing.

I think now, "Fire and Ice" will be better, right? And it was much, much needed.

So, let us move on CH.2 and re-enjoy this first adventure ^-^

Lots of Love, Magic, Hugs & Meows,

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