CH.12: Kiss Goodbye

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Dear All,

Here comes CH.12 edited and extended and yeah, we will see new parts, as I wanted to give our "bad characters" more space and depth in the story, making you all better understand and see their personalities and bad sides, why they act the way they do. You will see reading what I am talking about.

The chapter is long and pretty much all the edited chapters have been improved in terms of length, for obvious reason; therefore, I hope new readers won't mind long updates, because that's how it usually is with me ^^

Now, we will have another alternative POV and before you jump on wrong conclusion when it comes to River, wait and see, he is very clever, perceptive and the kind of person enjoying analysing situations and people.

We have a picture of him, as honestly speaking, Colton Haynes would be exactly as I picture River, perhaps with bluer eyes as River has. I left the same song as it was there, and I will then have a look at them later on.

For now, enjoy it and let me know what you think of it!

"I'm very emotional. I think I may go mad in several years," by Freddie Mercury


Hell. That was quite the freakish way to wake up.

I mean, absolutely fantastic and I was not even using a tiny bit of sarcasm. I got up in a complete and quite stupid daze, my eyes often stealing very hungry glances at Alexi, who looked fucking hot and perfect even in the morning. I had no idea how I looked, but I quickly excused myself and rushed to the bathroom, brushing my teeth even if we still had to get breakfast, washing my face, fixing my hair and such. I was more vain than a cat, so I obviously had to be in my best and most fantastic splendor. When I walked to the bedroom, Alexi was there waiting for me sitting on the bed, still wearing a pair of shorts only. He was too hot for my mental and cock's health.

"Do you want to take a shower now or after breakfast?" He asked and I was happy to see we had very similar habits.

"If you don't mind, before breakfast, but you can go first, because hell, I'm quite slow and I don't want to be a pain in the ass right in the morning," I explained and I didn't miss how his eyes quickly ranked me, once more concentrating on my piercing. Hmm, good to know he liked that, because I knew how I would then flirt more with him...yeah, he might have been straight, but a bit of innocent playing wouldn't hurt anybody. I just had to be careful with my own heart because I was slowly realizing it was much, much more than a mere physical crush. He was too wonderful for that only.

Yeah, I had to be careful not to get scarred once more, but somehow, as I was around him and spending time with him, fears seemed to abandon me, because he gave me a feeling of protection, sensing he was a person I could trust without regretting it, seeing he held a strong sense of loyalty and care for the persons he kept close to him. And it looked like I had been lucky enough to probably be one of them.

"Are you sure?" I nodded my reply and he got up, going to take something from his closet. "I'll be quick, you can do whatever you want in the meanwhile, watch TV, use my laptop if you need or so, OK?"

"Thank you, Alexi," I said with a wink and he chuckled, stepping into the bathroom. I lay back in bed, smelling him on the pillow and I cuddled around it, faintly hearing the sound of the shower, imagining him naked in there, imagining the things I would do with him in the shower, and in no time I was hard. Great job, Travis! I shot up sitting on the bed and tried to concentrate on things that would get me to cool it down, somehow being successful. Nevertheless, the way we woke up came back to taunt me.

I couldn't get out of my mind the feeling of him and of his arm around me, of his warm skin against mine, the solid, strong presence he was, how fantastic it felt to rest my head on his chest and then shoulder, how powerful and muscular his leg felt, how Alexi overall felt...did he stroke my arm with his fingers while I slept or was it only in my dream? Well, I was sure it was just my dreaming and horny imagination, because would have been something completely off the wall. I mean, Travis, get real and just stick with your new plan. Friends, friends, friends. Got it? Just as I was trying to convince myself about the new conceived plan, my personal obsession stepped out of the bathroom only wearing a towel around his waist and I had to repress a groan of lust as my eyes pretty much ate him in one big bite.

Hell...was he doing that on some freaking purpose to kill me? This was another sweet torture just like last night!

"Sorry, I forgot some stuff to wear, I'm still a bit sleepy," he said with a smile that shot straight to my dick and I shifted position, just nodding. Stop eye-devouring him, Travis, stop it before getting even harder than you already are! "The bathroom is all yours and, just in case, I left a new towel for you on the sink. Enjoy the shower and take your time, Vanya isn't a morning person and he'll take forever before being ready for breakfast. I'll see you in the kitchen, OK?"

"Sure, Alexi, and thank you for the towel."

"No worries about that and, just wait a moment," he said, and I turned around. "Do you want anything in particular for breakfast? I noticed last night you ate almost everything, but I also noticed you tried to avoid what wasn't enough healthy, correct?" I widened my eyes at that, completely blown away he had registered so much about me. "I take from your expression I'm right. Don't worry about that, I'm used with Nichole and so are dad and Julie. I'll see to get something healthy for you. Anything you don't like?"

"No, I don't really have anything I don't like, aside junk food as you said, but I really don't want to be annoying, it's just for a morning and my sexy ass won't really suffer from that," I just fired out and then rolled my eyes, but he chuckled amused.

"You're not annoying and that coming from me, according to my friends, it's quite a lot, so relax."

"Thanks, that seems quite a compliment coming from the famous ice-made hockey beast, right?" He just winked.

Yeah, I had a feeling that indeed those words coming from him meant a lot and I couldn't help the wide and happy smile I gave him. Alexi was simply wonderful and so very attentive, having noticed my eating habits and the fact I tried to go for healthy food and he even asked me what I preferred for breakfast and he was just so perfect that...that I had to stop this train of thoughts before getting into a place I didn't want to. I looked as he went to search for something to wear in some drawer and I went for the bathroom, because the last thing I needed was to see him completely naked.

When I was done, after having paid a lot of attention on my clothes and overall looks, wanting to be particularly sexy and hot, I walked down the stairs, hearing people talking in the kitchen. Actually, hearing one person mostly talking and the other one grunting something, both of them speaking in what I believed being Russian.

"Good morning," I said as I stepped in the kitchen, seeing Julie and Mr. Lebedev about to leave, greeting me very openly.

"Good morning, Travis, I hope you slept well?" She asked me, showing me that coffee was ready and that she had arranged a place ready for me. "Is coffee OK with you? Sasha said it would probably be fine."

"Yes, thank you very much Julie, coffee is absolutely fantastic in the morning, I always drink it, and yes, I slept very good." I smiled at her and then looked at both them. "Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and for having me over for dinner." Mr. Lebedev, or Vladimir as he had reminded me in the evening, smiled kindly and placed a hand on my shoulder, surprising me somehow and realizing he had huge hands.

"There is no need to thank us for something like that, Travis. You're my son's friend and therefore, you will always be welcome in our house." I just inclined my head, feeling almost shy in front of such kindness coming right from Alexi's father, him studying me with an expression I couldn't read but that didn't look annoyed or anything bad, just slightly amused, if I got that right. "Enjoy breakfast now, I have got to go and Sasha, Vanya, I'll see you later this evening, alright?" They just nodded at him, seeing Ivan eating something.

"Thank you," I said, then wishing them a very fantastic day. They were so nice that no wonder Alexi came up in such amazing and perfect way. After they left the kitchen and then the house, I looked at him and smiled. "Your father and Julie are super nice; I really like them."

"Same goes for them Travis and I like you, too," Ivan replied, preceding Alexi who groaned out something and sat at the table beside me, handing me a mug full of steaming coffee.

"Oh, don't cry, I meant to say I like you as well," I joked with his brother and he laughed, going to grab more food he placed at the center of the table, seeing it was very well stocked with everything sort of things you could think of eating in the morning.

"How do you take the coffee?" Ivan asked and I noticed he was rather chatty in the morning, while his brother kept more silent, just sitting beside me and eating. "Well, get whatever you want and don't be shy. If you'll excuse me, I'm freaking starving and I need to eat something."

"Finally," Alexi muttered out and I bit my lip not to laugh at his tone, clearly being irritated by all the talking. As I took a yogurt and some fruit, adding just a touch of milk to my coffee, I quickly glanced at Alexi and I almost gasped at seeing how much he had on his plate, but then again, I remembered he ate quite a lot at dinner, which made perfect sense with a body like his and with the fact he trained a lot, thus burning much more calories than a lazy ass would do.

However, eating didn't seem to deter Ivan from talking and he enjoyed teasing Alexi for being somewhat grumpy. He truly was a clown, I swear it; he kept saying stupid things during the entire breakfast and two times I almost choked with the coffee as he came out with rather idiotic jokes and comments. But after a while, Alexi just kicked him shut, and I meant he literally kicked him shut. Hell, that must have hurt a lot, and I saw Ivan massaging his shin, just grinning at his brother. He didn't whine or protest about that, though, and I was beginning to think he must have been used to that.

"Vanya, could you keep it quieter please? I'm just trying to eat breakfast and you know how I am the first hour after waking up," Alexi grunted, seeing he wasn't exactly a morning person. Yet, he had been nice with me when we woke up and there was nothing of grumpy in either his voice or attitudes. How was that possible? Hmm, maybe he was a weird kind of morning person. The one that for an hour would have the mood quite bad and cranky. I was slightly similar, even though I wasn't grumpy or in bad mood when I woke up. I just needed to have my breakfast and drink something warm to kickstart my usual hyper self. Lucky me I didn't do or say anything to piss him off, because, fuck, that kick would break my sexy legs.

"How did you sleep, Travis? Did you survive the night with my very pissed off and irascible brother?" Ivan joked eyeing me with genuine curiosity and I nodded.

"I actually slept very well," I replied in all honesty and then I decided to play along with him, wanting to tease Alexi a bit. "As you can see, I have no marks or bruises on me, so I guess I survived the night," I joked with a bit of sarcasm, which I knew he understood and I heard Alexi very softly chuckling, probably remembering the way he woke up. Sure, no marks or bites, which I wouldn't have minded from him, but we still managed to wake up in quite the unexpected way.

"No mark whatsoever? Are you sure, Travis? Because my little brother can be a very fierce and dangerous one." Oh damn, his brother was an idiot, I mean, I liked him a lot, but he was a teasing idiot and he could make me spit my coffee way too easily. How old was he, by the freaking way? I would ask Alexi later.

"Do you want to check it out?" I smirked, motioning to open my white shirt and sticking out my tongue. Hell, nobody could challenge me on cheeky and cocky things, seriously; my tease-flirt mood would just instantly kick in as if triggered by a lightning bolt.

"Oh my God, Travis, you have a piercing on your tongue?" Ivan asked with wide eyes and I didn't see what the big deal in it was, but whatever. He was different than Alexi and I really appreciated the coolness and calm demeanor of his younger brother. "That looks pretty hot, I never thought I'd say it to a guy, but it does. I always wanted to get one but I'm not sure about the pain part of the needle piercing my tongue, so no for now. Hey, how does it feel when you use it with guys?" He wasn't asking that, was he? He was completely different from Alexi and I was beginning to miss his glacial and distant aura. However, as if reading my mind, he commented before I could reply, suddenly squaring his strong shoulders and throwing a very annoyed glare at Ivan.

"Bro, seriously, shut the fuck up. What kind of question is that? Don't you need to go to the hospital or to class?" He pretty much slammed the mug on the table and suddenly stood up from the chair, looking down at me. "C'mon Travis, we are going." I just nodded and asked if I should have helped with the dishes, but they explained me it was Ivan's turn, especially after this breakfast. "Leave them to him, so he'll shut up next time and avoid asking idiotic questions," Alexi replied grunting and walking to the door.

His brother looked at me grinning and then shrugged as to say "whatever". He explained me during dinner that he was attending a faculty of medicine and that it was very hard, requiring a lot of studying and quite the guts to cut open people. I remember telling him to spare me the gruesome details, for I wasn't into that. I followed Alexi back to his bedroom, and as he brushed his teeth, I checked if I was perfect as usual in the mirror he had in the room, quickly fixing my black eye pencil and slightly smoking it to create a faint shadow. Then I went to brush my teeth and, before spraying my usual cologne, I asked if it'd be OK with him.

"Would you mind if I'll use my perfume in the bathroom?"

"Why should I mind it?"

"No idea, just asking," I replied smiling and quickly spraying my usual enormous amount of it. When I walked back, he was waiting for me sitting on the bed, perfectly hot and dressed as usual, wearing dark jeans and a simple white long-sleeved Armani t-shirt, wonderfully clanging on him and exposing his mouth-watering muscles in the most tempting possible way. So, he also liked wearing some branded clothes? That was quite cool. His eyes quickly travelled me and then a very sexy smirk grew on his mouth, a mouth I really wanted to ravish and attack for hours. And...I had to stop thinking about that.

"I see you are wearing my favorite jeans," Alexi casually commented with an amused tone of voice and I chuckled, thinking about the possible first conversation we had, which was related to my jeans.

"Oh, yeah, they are actually different, but still ripped around, so yeah, same style of those ones," I said and purposely showed him my back and ass, because, why not? Right? I had a sexy round ass, so he could enjoy the view even if he was straight. However, he smirked at that and shook his head. "The offer to try them is still open," I teased him and in all reply he laughed quietly and very much sensually.

"No, thanks, still not my style, but they definitely suit your style," he said, getting up, and, as he turned his back to take the jacket and backpack, I blinked. Hell, did he just compliment me? Fantastic! Travis' wonderful sense of fashion was working perfectly.

Yeah, I had skinny light blue jeans, a rather close-fitting white shirt left open over a black tank top that was sort of rugged, and of course my Dr. Martens boots, which I was going to wear later on. They also had a no-shoes-in-the-house policy and I highly respected it. The sleeves of my shirt were rolled up and I realized the mistake in that too late. Alexi casted his eyes on my wrist and they narrowed as they saw it, as they caught the scars I had there. He had seen them, and I didn't know what to do or say. He considered something, quickly looking at me studying my eyes, but then shook his head to let it go. I silently sighed out and very much loudly mentally swore in my head at my stupidity. How did I forget about that? I went to grab my backpack, knowing some wristband or something would be there to cover it.

Oh my, I really hoped he wasn't thinking I did cut, because I fucking didn't. Fucking hell, that must have hurt like a biting and very nasty bitch; I knew some people had that issue and I always felt bad, because some matters weren't that easy to solve and each of us reacted in very distinct ways. I pondered over this small incident, deciding if to say something or not, but I refrained from that. Alexi without doubts was a very considerate and composed person who wouldn't mind other people's business. I mean, we were "friends" and he let me spend the night at his house, which apparently was a hell of an event, but at the same time he gave me space, as he didn't press to get more information out of me, nor he bugged on my personal life. Nevertheless, he could have asked, and I had a feeling I wouldn't have minded talking to him, at least, about the superficial matters. Right before leaving his room, he surprised me with another question.

"Travis, are you OK this morning, how do you feel?" He asked stopping his hand on the handle of the door and piercing me with his penetrating eyes. It still was all surreal for me, and I still couldn't believe how things changed so much in one afternoon.

"I am more than OK, Alexi, I mean it, thank you for asking, but you don't need to worry," I replied as I walked closer to him, since his presence obviously was a powerful magnet for me.

"I know you are not a kid, Travis, you made that very clear, believe me, but yesterday you collapsed because of exhaustion and whatever else I still can't figure out," he said, turning around and standing right in front of me in all his god-like and powerful glory. His words though didn't pass by unnoticed; what did he mean by that? He couldn't, I doubted it.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused and worried at the same time. He couldn't have figured it out, right? Oh no, please, I so didn't want to talk about that shit or even think about it. One thing was to normally discuss small matters, keeping on the surface, but another thing was diving into that and I really didn't want it.

"You had a look on your face, an expression so freaked out and panicked that I didn't like it one bit," he calmly explained, but his eyes had darkened, and his jaw contracted. "I saw it also that Monday, when for a stupid second you believed I would side with a piece of shit like Collins, to get you," he growled the last words and I swallowed down.

"I didn't know you," I defended myself and then shook my head. "I'm sorry I doubted that for a moment, alright?"

"It doesn't matter, I behaved like a glacial jerk, so we are even." He relaxed his stance and expression and opened the door.

I silently sighed out since he didn't continue on the topic, because it was all fucked-up and absolutely great. I should have paid more attention, but how? As if concealing emotions was that easy. He had seen it and he had noticed my face, given sure as hell I looked like shit back then. And that meant he was also a very hot smartass. We exchanged a quick and silent look and I gave a weak smile. No way in burning hell I was going to explain that right there. In fact, I would hopefully never have to do so. I freaking appreciated that he didn't press further or ask questions. The best tactic was now to pretend playing dumb and denying there was anything to notice.

I shrugged my shoulders and said that I must have been simply nervous and very much pissed off, which wasn't a complete lie. He assessed me for a few seconds, and they felt like lasting forever, but eventually he decided to let it go.

"Have you got everything with you?" I nodded my reply. "Alright, we can go then."

His brother was at the entrance door, waiting for us, a bright smile on his handsome face. Before leaving, I put my boots on and glanced back. The more I looked at their house the more I liked it, because it was bright with large and very comfortable yet cozy rooms, it had a warm and welcoming atmosphere, soft colors, and it gave me similar vibes of my place.

"Travis, remember to take an umbrella with you," Ivan suddenly said to me and I arched a brow, so he winked at my skeptical expression. Why an umbrella? Outside was very cold for November but absolutely sunny. "Yeah, it might rain frogs, did you forget about that?" I rolled my eyes at that and then laughed; I couldn't resist his humor and he was a very enjoyable person to be with. Alexi though slapped the back of his neck and grunted something in Russian, which I didn't understand.

"I'll see you again, right?" Ivan asked nodding, as to suggest me the answer.

"Err, maybe..." I tempted, looking at Alexi, as I was not sure what to answer. The hot beast simply smirked, and I was left there imagining. Oh nice, that was an answer, thank you very much.

"I am sure I will," Ivan declared, patting my shoulder. "Pakà Travis."


"It means bye in Russian," explained Aleksandr. "See you later, Vanya," he told his brother, and then I followed him to his pickup.

He opened the driving door of his black and very big Dodge and I thought that this car perfectly suited him. Before starting the engine, he took his phone from the jacket's pocket and unlocked the screen.

"What's your number?" He was asking for my number. I mean, Alexi did just ask for my number. All right, so we really were friends, fantastic! No, damn fantastic. I gave him my contact details, he saved them and then called me. My phone vibrated in my leather jacket. I felt like grinning as the Cheshire Cat when I realized I also had his number.

"Now you have my contact and I have yours," he calmly said, and I smiled at him, grinning in my mind, in the safety of my personal crazy Travis's world, thinking at the fact we basically said and thought the same thing.

He parked the pick-up and shortly after Hayden also arrived, parking his Audi right beside us and eyeing me first confused and then he shrugged his shoulders. I liked that calm and I-mind-my-business attitude.

"Hey buddy, how is it going? Hey Travis," he greeted us, and I smiled at him.

"Hayden, good to see you, good morning," I replied, feeling particularly in good mood as I was standing right beside Alexi.

"I'm cool, man, but wait, did you guys just arrive here together? How come?"

"He stayed over my place, the explanation will come later," Alexi quickly commented with a touch of hardness in his voice and his friend looked at him, possibly understanding to let it go.

"Fine by me," he only said, for then completely changing topic. "So, did you see last night game? The Knicks sucked big time and I had so much fun with Derek in the chat."

"Yeah, I saw that, so be ready for his bullshit today," Alexi replied with an amused and pretty much evil expression. "Because he'll have much to say and you know it."

"Bring it on, amigo," Hayden replied laughing and playfully punching his friend's shoulder. "He can bitch about it as much as he wishes, but they still sucked big time and I won't forget reminding him." Then he looked at me. "Are you into basketball or hockey?"

"I actually do ballet, but I'd dare say I find hockey very exciting," I pointed out, giving a suggestive quick side-glance at Alexi, who caught it and rewarded it with that damn hot one-side smile.

"Then you should come to watch us, because we're the best, right buddy? By the way, ballet like your brother's girlfriend?"

"Yeah, like Nichole," he replied, and Hayden nodded, looking at me quite impressed.

"Cool, that seems tough stuff, right?"

"You can say that, especially with a teacher like mine," I murmured, thinking she would really kick my ass today.

As I walked to school beside Alexi and conversing with his friend making it look it was the most normal and habitual thing, I realized I could forever kiss goodbye my plan to become an invisible shadow and keeping a very low profile. Walking with them attracted attention, because they sure weren't easy to miss and many girls had their eyes glued on them, and as well, I couldn't be missed for many reasons, aside the fact I was the new one who suddenly befriended the feared hockey beast. Wonderful...the plan had gone down the drain and I couldn't give a flying fuck about it, as Alexi and I had formed a connection.

Derek was waiting for us at the entrance and he was a freaking loud and cheerful guy, which attracted a hell of attention per se, but walking beside Alexi was worse. I sighed and shook my head, that was really done and fucked up, wasn't it, Travis? Fantastic, but then again, what was I complaining about? Didn't I want to get close to Aleksandr? I did and of course there should have been a price to pay for that.

A price I was very glad and obliging to pay.

"Travis dude, what a pleasure to see you this morning and with my man Alex to boot it. To what we owe this?"

"I'll tell you later, now let's just get to the lockers," he told him and Derek just shrugged his shoulders and followed, seeing he was wearing the basketball team jacket, and that yeah, he really was tall and very good looking.

"Dee, are you pretending the Knicks didn't suck last night?" Hayden taunted him and I chuckled at seeing his expression, at the way he immediately replied and at how my personal hot obsession eyed me as to say to leave them there and pretend they didn't exist.

Jasper was waiting for me at my locker and I had to say he had sent me a message quite adorably pissed for not having called him in the evening. But I really wasn't in the right state to talk yesterday and reply questions, and from his expression, I could guess he wasn't going to let it be without knowing what happened. Although, there were no reasons to mind that because he was super-sweet, and what he did when we met melted me. Cutie was there searching for me, and when he noticed me, even if I was in the company of Alexi, Derek and Hayden, he ran to us and hugged me like a cute and adorable koala. Oh my, I absolutely loved my sweet Jasper, and so, I reciprocated the gesture with all my affection. This time I had to give him credit for not freaking out in front of Aleksandr.

"Travis!" He jumped on me, throwing his arms tightly around my shoulders. How could someone be so adorable and sweet? I still had no idea what I did to deserve such a fantastic friend as Jasper. "Why didn't you call me yesterday? You just sent me a message, but boy, I was super-worried for you!"

I heard Alexi grunting out something pretty much annoyed, and he threw at us an irritated glare, scanning Jasper from head to toe and then looking away, still positively grumpy, going to open his locker. Alright, I guess he wasn't a fan of PDA, wasn't he?

"Dude, chill out, will you?" Derek joked with Jasper, clearly teasing him. "Travis is perfectly fine and in very capable hands, am I right?" What was that supposed to mean?

"Derek..." Alexi very quietly hissed at me and Dee winked as to say he was right indeed.

Jasper blushed and released my neck, studying me with an openly worried expression and then timidly moving his eyes on the feared hockey beast, not understanding what had happened. Derek already heard something and saw us together, so he must have done his math.

"What happened?" Cutie shyly asked and I just shook my head, since this wasn't the right place where to entertain ourselves with the crap from yesterday.

"Sorry Jas, I'll explain everything later, OK? A lot happened yesterday and, well, I'll tell you everything, don't worry. I promise you."

He widened his eyes as he heard a lot happened and then narrowed them skeptically, assessing me from head to toe, making sure everything was in the right place, and then a concerned and worried expression darkened his face. I didn't want him to be alarmed and bothered about me. I was fine and well, Alexi really saved my ass.

"Are you really OK? Something else happened with, know, John Collins?"

"Yes, I am fantastic as usual, cutie, relax," I assured him, taking his hands in mine, feeling someone's eyes drilling me and when I peeked to my side, it was Alexi. I nervously smiled at him and then concentrated back to Jasper. "I'll tell you everything during lunch."

Hell! Today was going be the explain-everything-to-me day. Fuck, sometimes I really hated that, but then again, it just showed what a lovely and wonderful friend Jasper was, and I had nothing to complain about. In fact, I could shut up and for once enjoy the feeling of someone sincerely caring for me. Well, I already explained Natalia why I didn't attend the class yesterday and if long-distance anger could kill, I think that peanut-size brain idiot would be dead already.

Then I focused on Alexi, leaning against his locker, as if waiting for me. I bet he would also have a lot to explain, given Derek already fired a million of questions when he saw us together a moment ago, not to mention Hayden had dropped in his two cents and I knew that since yesterday things had changed very much.

Yeah, I could definitely kiss goodbye to my original plan. Oh well...shit happens, I guess. And anyway, I had now a brand-new plan. Friends!

"So, Travis, I'll see you at lunch, promise?" Jas asked me, directly fixing his super cute dark-chocolate eyes on mine, his hair a lovely hazel mess he wasn't very able to tame, and I nodded.

"Of course, Jas."

"Dude, are you going to finally join us for lunch today? C'mon, I want to eat with sexy Travis and cute Jasper," he cheered while resting a hand on cutie's shoulder. He must have guessed how shy and uneasy Jas was and it appeared he wanted to make it smoother for him, making him feel more welcomed. Hayden also had openly smiled and greeted him.

Jasper blushed and grew nervous at once, his eyes dropping to the floor, as I knew he wasn't at ease with them, especially with Alexi, but, after yesterday and getting to know him a bit, I was hoping Jas would get over his fear or, at least, explain me the real reasons behind that. If anything, Sasha wasn't an asshole or a stupid, idiotic jock. Absolutely the contrary! I glanced at him, wanting to know what to say, since sooner or later I had to give in to Derek and hadn't Alexi asked me yesterday about lunch? Did it still stand? I believed so, but first, I had to make sure Jasper was cool with this and, after letting go of a breath, he looked at me with his dark chocolate child-like eyes and smiled softly. He was OK with that and, I swear, I wanted to bite his cheeks for how cute he looked!

"Sure Derek, but only if you drop that "dude" with me," I joked, and he laughed out loudly.

"I'll try, I'll try, but I can't really promise it." I rolled my eyes, great, I was beginning to think I had to get used to it and live with that. I glanced at my hot obsession and yeah, for him I could definitely get used to whatever it took. He caught me observing him and he nodded, as if saying his offer for lunch still stood.

When I lifted my eyes, wanting to say something to Jasper, I saw River sauntering to us, immediately going for his friend, and when he joined us, he winked at me and hugged Alexi around the shoulders with one arm. The attachment expressed in that apparently simple gesture surprised me quite a lot and I had to mask it with a flirting grin directed at him. I didn't miss the fact Aleksandr didn't seem to mind it; in fact, to be completely honest and precise, he didn't mind it at all and greeted River with a warm smile. My eyes rested on them for a moment before forcing them glance somewhere else, not wanting to appear too intrusive.

I bet they were really close friends and the thought agitated and stirred something inside me I didn't expect to feel; I silently swallowed it down and mentally kicked it shut and back to its original hidden place.

There was nothing weird about two good friends hugging each other and being that close, for I did the same with Jasper. Yet, I had to look away, since I was afraid someone as clever and obviously perceptive as River would read too much in me.


I walked to Sasha and Travis noticed me at first, something that didn't surprise me for he was very observant; I knew something was going on and I had no doubts it was related to him. Sasha had been too restless in the past weeks and he almost murdered Collins just his eyes, without counting what occurred in the bathroom yesterday morning. If I hadn't stopped him, I believe Collins would be now in a hospital having to re-do his entire face and fix some other bones. Honestly speaking, if looks could really and easily kill, that piece of garbage would be already six feet under, at least hundred times. As I joined them, I immediately winked at Travis, who answered me with a cat-like and very sensual smile, and so, I had to test something, seeing it for myself. Therefore, I strolled to Sasha, putting an arm around his shoulders, something completely natural to me and as well for him, given he greeted me with a warm and soft smile.

But my attention was concentrated elsewhere, and I caught the way Travis's eyes flickered for less than a moment, not sure if he noticed that himself, and then he looked away.

Hmm, that was very interesting indeed; so, that was what was going on, hmm, I see now. I wickedly grinned in my mind very much satisfied and conceded a very mischievous yet more composed smile on the outside, enjoying the idea of the fun I was going to have in teasing Travis, but also my friend. I loved Sasha as friend very much, and he was like a brother to me, and I would be a hypocrite if I'd say I never liked him in any other way, but it was years ago, hmm, more likely ages ago. Now we had this wonderfully close and very special friendship, which I would treasure with all my heart and mind.

"Hello guys, how are you doing?" I casually asked, shifting my eyes once more on Travis, wanting to get as much information out of him as possible.

Jasper, his very cute and young-looking friend with beautiful innocent dark-chocolate eyes, seemed quite nervous and I saw him blushing more and more. Hmm, he was a beauty of his own kind, with a lovely face and such a sweet smile that would easily conquer the heart of people. Travis however was very hot and sexy, I had to add. He had a perfect ass, which I had already noticed since day one, impossible to miss with his dressing style, and a body many would probably kill to have, and he clearly knew it, seeing his subtly cocky and very confident attitude. But it was something that made him sexier and not arrogant. Plus, he had that experienced look, if that could be easily understood from my words. Let's say that, in another manner of speaking, Travis had nothing of innocent and timid about him and that seemed to intrigue Sasha very much. Well, perhaps much more of Travis intrigued my friend and I was definitely going to find it out.

"We are all fine, River my man," Dee spoke for everyone, smiling deeply and showing his dimples; my ever-cheerful Derek, who then concentrated on Jasper and Hayden. Travis glanced at us again, discreetly enough, and after that went back listening to them. We just missed Dima and with him, we would complete the craziness, for Hayden and Dee were already bickering like two kids about...oh, it didn't matter. I could foresee a long day of endless jokes and teasing ahead of us.

"Should I ask what they are arguing about?"

"No, don't bother with that, they already got on my nerves last night with the endless stream of messages in our chat, and then of course Dima had to step in and at one point I muted the phone," Sasha grunted out, seeing how often he let his eyes trail on Travis, resting on his figure and intensely observing him.

Yes, so that what was going on for both of them. How interesting indeed!

At first, I was really surprised to see Sasha react to him, although I knew he wouldn't admit it straight away. He could be terribly stubborn sometimes, even though the most stubborn among used to be Tolya...yes, Anatoly could have won an award for his mulishness, but I had to leave that thought in the very depth of my mind. Sasha, yes, I pulled closer to him, searching for emotional comfort as the distant memory crossed inside my head, in my heart. I quickly glanced at him and then at Travis, discreetly smiling.

Hmm, more than not wanting to admit it, I was sure he didn't understand what was going on inside his mind, possibly calling it a mess and getting very much annoyed, which wasn't a very complicated task to achieve. Something must have happened yesterday to slightly melt the ice in him, for they were close today, in a way I sure didn't expect. I had my doubts he understood it right then. Aside the fact he could be pretty stubborn, in terms of emotions he was slightly dense sometimes, but not in any bad or obtuse way. No, Sasha had his own very much understandable reasons.

He has always been used to close and barricade himself inside his icy and cold world, almost never expressing any sort of feelings or real emotion for anyone and, even more, not allowing people he deemed complete strangers and useless express their feelings for him. Us friends and his family were the only blessed and very fortunate exceptions, because with us he let himself show his attachment and love. Given what happened to him and his issues related to anger management, he had grown cold and distant toward the outside and outsiders of his own world, and I knew too well how he hated fake expressions of love. They made him sick and he had a talent in sensing them at first, never trusting it one bit. Well, more than sick, they angered him to considerable levels. But he was my best friend, the person who better understood me. Also, Anatoly did it, but...never mind.

I changed posture so that I was hugging Sasha at his waist with both arms, something I always enjoyed because he had a strong and powerful body, and cherished because he would pretty much allow only me to do so. I also liked to hug Derek, since he was a flirt and a clown, but it was less special than with Sasha, for the simple reason that Dee was open and friendly by nature, while Aleksandr not. Hayden and Dima wouldn't be into this and I never stepped over the line, sensing how to behave with people around me. I peeked at Travis again and bingo, he had again that look of before. Oh, this was going to be really funny. And the second part of the fun would consist in trying to push my ice-made friend a bit, although not too much.

People would probably ask why if I were to speak out my thoughts, of course missing the obvious. The answer was very simple, though. Someone like him, suddenly giving attention to a new person like Travis, meant something was very much off. Interesting, very interesting. How did Alice say in the book? Ah yes, curiouser and curiouser. Oh, I could definitely apply her words here.

"Shall we go to class?" I asked my friends, as it really was about time. Sasha slightly stiffened and immediately looked at him, and it took me no effort to understand he wanted to walk him to class. So yes, something was really different today and I had to know what happened yesterday.

"Yeah, buddy, even though I'd really skip class if I could," Hayden replied, searching around for his partner in crime in terms of jokes and school. "Where is Dima?"

"He probably fell asleep and he'll be late, it's Friday Haydo, you know how our Russian bear is," Derek commented, being very accurate about our friend, and, in the meantime, Sasha went to move away from me, but I stopped him, seeing his eyes darting on me in an instant.

"He already has someone walking him to class," I whispered in his ear, only for him to hear.

I wasn't playing the jerk card obviously, but I had to see his reaction for myself and understand what was really going on. He wasn't easy to crack, but I had my own methods. Sasha looked down at me, frowning and studying me with his piercing light-blue eyes and then groaned, a sign I hit the bull's eye. He really acted like a beast sometimes, and so, Travis apparently had a soft spot for rough and wild guys, how intriguing. My friend never really said much about sex, aside commenting it was nothing special or anything so mind-blowing as others described it. I had the impression it had bored him in a way, because he never found the right partner, and I had a feeling that if he did, he would truly be a very rough and fierce one, quite the dominating type, considered his personality. Could Travis be the right one? Hard yet to say, but for sure he could take some hard playing.

The first time he arrived in our school I immediately noticed him. He wanted to stay by himself and kept very quiet, not desiring to socialize or anything of the sort, and never once I thought it was because he was an arrogant kid. In my eyes it was evident he simply preferred it in that way. He must have had his own reasons, which after yesterday started to become clear. Two times Travis stood for students who had been made fun of, giving the idiot a really classy piece of his colorful mind. I was about to say something as well, but he had this very fast and unpredictable reactions, beating me on time, and suddenly cursing the moron for his crass and offensive jokes. I understood that was how he met Jasper, as Derek confirmed he was the kid he helped against Collins.

Yes, he was a good person and I really wondered whether he could be the one cracking my friend's glacial fortress. Well, time for me to have fun.

"Travis, see you later in class, right? Save us a seat if you arrive earlier," I told him grinning with my usual touch of mischievous playfulness. He answered with one even more ambiguous, and he truly was good at that.

"I definitely will save a seat for you, River." He winked at me and I chuckled. Yes, I decided I liked him.

Sasha moved away from me and I let him, seeing he took a few steps to him, being right in front of each other and somehow, being concentrated on one another only.

"I'll see you later in class and then for lunch, you already promised, don't forget it," he spoke to him with a note in his voice that left me slightly surprised, not to mention the lack of physical distance there was between them, their bodies almost touching, gazing at each other as if everything else had faded away.

That was very new for him, not to mention how he seized him with his eyes, how Travis returned the same exact intense gaze, how they unconsciously inched closer, almost touching. As I looked at them, if felt like being left out, but not in any bad way. They simply were completely absorbed by each other and I smiled. Then my expression changed at once when the face of a person I very much disliked caught my attention, seeing Erin at a certain distance watching Sasha with her usual insufferable spoiled contempt, honestly believing she could get him back, and a moment later, her face contracted outraged as she took in Travis talking to him, the closeness between the two.

Our eyes met and I gave her my best mocking smirk, inviting her to spin on her heels and beat it, before she would render herself even more ridiculous and before creating issues for my friend. I never liked her and no wonder. She was awful in terms of personality and she had a talent for getting on Sasha's nerves, thinking it was the best strategy to win him back. She was very stupid in thinking that and also very despicable, to a point she should have decided to pair with Collins. They would perfectly match with their personalities and lack of any good trait. I still remembered the things she hissed at me in that club while being very tipsy, the way she had slapped me. I still remember I had to stop Sasha afraid he would have snapped at her more than her insignificant self ever deserved.

I didn't like how she was looking at him and then at Travis. I jerked my head as to say to get lost and, after eye-murdering me and mouthing something that merely made me roll my eyes for her completely lack of fantasy and elegance, she finally decided to leave. I turned my focus on Sasha and Travis still talking to each other.

"I know I promised you and yes, I'll see you later in class," he replied with a tone that was over the was purely sensual and my friend imperceptibly reacted to it by smirking on one side of his mouth. "Shall I also save a seat for you later?"

"I'll save one for you."

"Thank you, Alexi," he said with a smile that reminded me of some feline ready to jump on his prey. Only, the prey was a very huge and rather rough beast who definitely enjoy biting back.

Also, Alexi? Wow, what was that? Did I hear well or not? Oh, I was so going to bug Sasha. To my great satisfaction I could see that also Jasper appeared pretty much surprised, eyeing them both not knowing what to do or think, suddenly averting his eyes to the floor. He truly was cute. Then, they finally stepped away and Travis took Jasper by his hand, going for their respective first classes. Needless to say, my friend shot an instinctively very annoyed glare at their joined hands. Thus, I took my chance and walked to him. Hayden had already greeted us and walked to his class.

"So, how are you, Alexi?" I joked, knowing he never let anyone pet or shorten his name in such rather peculiar way. How so, so, very fascinating.

"River?" He said with a what-do-you-want glare, his patience almost not existent, rolling his eyes.

"What was that, Sasha? I mean, Alexi...since when?" I stressed the "i" at the end and slightly chuckled.

"Yesterday," he munched out. So, yesterday something indeed happened as I imagined. Sasha was a master in giving one-word answers, especially if he tried to silently warn you not to bother him, but I was much more talented at bugging him and getting what I wanted.

"What's going on, Sasha? Seriously, this is something totally off the wall for you and you know I worry about you."

"No need, River," he curtly replied and then he sighed out, cracking his neck. Derek jogged to us and stepped to my side, letting one arm go around my shoulders, sensing his friend was short in his patience yet trying his best.

"What have I missed?" He asked us and I pointed at Sasha, who groaned out annoyed and mumbled something in Russian.

"Fine, I'll tell you, OK?"

Thus, he explained us what happened yesterday when school was over, how Travis was chased by four of those vermin and ended up almost jumping in his car and much more. I sensed he didn't say everything though, possibly because Travis didn't want to talk about it much, but he admitted he was worried for him as he looked too tired and didn't want to leave him alone. Hmm...had Travis not felt well? Sasha looked too angered and his features were contracted in difficulty repressed rage, the mere memory of yesterday's events enough to inflame his blood.

However, what he told us was enough to get me viciously mad at Collins and his band of morons and, the more he spoke the more I felt surprised about the care he gave Travis. Yet, I understood him in a way; Collins went after Travis with three of his idiots, I mean, four against one. How sick and very cowardly was that? Of course, Sasha wanted to beat that piece of crap so much and honestly, I hoped the occasion would present really soon, because I had already enough of them. I didn't care about their very petty and ridiculous words thrown at me, as I brushed them off as you would with dust, but the way he called my friends, especially Sasha, how they hated his being Russian...unforgivable.

I knew Derek thought the same, just keeping remotely quiet at my side, just cursing from time to time, but letting Sasha explain everything mostly to me. He already heard something and I could tell he wasn't that shocked by the fact our friend took care of Travis, letting him sleep at his place, in his room, because I knew that right then no guest bedrooms were available and that none of his family would have allowed him to stay on the couch. Well, Derek wasn't very sensitive to strangers and for him it was normal to help and take care of a friend; but Travis wasn't a normal or longtime friend as we were. Sasha, a hardcore passionate hockey player who loved hockey with every cell of his body and who played even when sick, skipped practice to stay with him and, let's not forget he introduced him to his family.

Hmm, the more I considered it the more I understood something additional, something else that with all chances eluded my friend's attention. I bet Sasha himself didn't get it, as I said, he was stubborn and with his own issues, to a point I guessed he'd rather run naked around the school than admit something like that to himself. Well, OK, I had exaggerated it. He would never do that, nope. Yet, I could see he was thinking about everything and feeling his head was in a mess.

"Dude, I can't wait to beat that Collins piece of shit to a pulp. Jesus Christ, I can't believe what he tried to do to Travis, four against one...fucking coward," Dee hissed out and I rolled my eyes. Thank you, Derek, let us just add more fuel to the already number one Collins' hater and right, also to number two standing right beside.

"You can't wait to beat the shit out of him?" Sasha asked sarcastically with a very livid tone of voice.

"I am sorry for Travis, 'cause I really like him and he's cool and completely blunt, man, he cracks me up most of the time he talks." I silently snorted at his comment, knowing he would like that side of him. Hmm, true though he honestly liked him as friend, as yesterday, when I stepped in the bathroom, for a moment I thought I had to stop Derek first instead of Sasha, seeing the expression on his face; but he cooled it down immediately, having a very different temper than our hockey beast. "I'll go to class now and see you there, alright? I'll let you guys talk a bit," he said, winking at me and walking to the classroom. We still had a bit of time, so I stopped Sasha, before letting him go.

"Sasha, what's going on for real? You know you can trust me."

"I know that," he barked back quietly, but I continued.

"We are talking about you, who never wants to get involved with anyone and who only ever has icy and scaring glares for strangers. Travis is pretty much a stranger for you, isn't that the case?" He visibly winced at that word and I was sorry to behave like a complete and insensitive jerk, but I had to. He needed to understand what was going on inside of his mind and, maybe, inside of his heart. Which meant, he needed to be provoked, for there was no other way.

"We are friends now, River," he said with a slight note of annoyance and hardness, his eyes directly and intensely staring at mine, almost suggesting me to drop it. I didn't avert my gaze away and he was the one doing it. Nevertheless, I wasn't going to let it go that easily. Nope. He needed the push.

"Sasha, listen to me carefully," I began. "What do you mean friends? You just met him a few weeks ago and you know nothing about him," I pressed, and he snorted.

"That's not a problem," he curtly replied. His tone was getting harder and lower, but I knew too well he wouldn't snap at me, which made feel like a jerk even more. I had to admit although that deep inside I was having fun. Maybe I enjoyed provoking, but there wasn't much to do about that.

"I know you very well; in fact, I think I know you better than almost anyone else, and this is not the usual you. Do you understand what I mean?" I paused a moment to let my eyes sink in his, to let my words sink deeper in his mind. "Don't do anything stupid, alright?"

"River, I am not doing anything stupid, OK? I'm not an idiot," he groaned out quietly. "I want to know more about Travis and I fucking will. Have you got a damn problem with that?" He had basically snapped at me. Wow! I reached my goal successfully and grinned at myself for the accomplished mission of having made the big and scary ice-made Aleksandr Lebedev react. It was then very clear to me he needed to face the situation, and, considered it wasn't going to be easy under many respects, he could count on me completely.

"No," I whispered moving closer to him and resting a hand on the back of his neck. "And you should know it better than anyone else." I gave him my irresistible smile and I chuckled as I caught him widening his eyes. Gotcha! He frowned and then exhaled annoyed.

"River, you..." He didn't say anything more, just gently punched my shoulder, and I made an over dramatic hurt face, to which he replied by snorting, knowing it hadn't hurt. After that, he smiled, a sweet and beautiful smile that made his eyes shine even more. That was my Sasha, my best friend Sasha, and I loved him like a brother. I stroked his really short hair and winked amused.

"Let's go before we have to seduce and scare the professor to avoid a lecture about showing up late in class."

He simply smirked back at that and, before stepping in the classroom, he halted a moment to speak.

"Thank you, I know I'm a pain in the ass sometimes, but thanks."

"Anytime, Sasha, and if you need me, you know you can always count of me. Don't keep it bottled up, please..."

"I'll try my best, deal?"

"Yes, deal." I smiled and we both went to our usual seats.


I sat at my usual place and went to take a notepad from my backpack, but a girl I already noticed a couple of times talking with that waste of space named Collins stopped in front of my desk, and it couldn't be any good, aside the fact she appeared to have the look of a person deserving a good slapping, the typical spoilt superficial mean-girl nobody wanted to have as classmate. Hell, of course my lucky star decided to let me have her as classmate and to boot it, so that of course Travis wouldn't miss anything, this morning she had marched here as soon as she spotted me in the class.

So, the moment she opened her pretty and lip-glossed mouth, it became sure she deserved to be slapped a couple of times, even though I thought that wouldn't do fucking much to her stupid brain and even worse attitudes. She flung my notepad to the floor, and I had to bite my tongue not to laugh at such childish gesture. I simply stared at her, resting my elbows on the desk and openly playing with my piercing.

"Who do you think you are?" She hissed at me as if somebody had stomped on her skanky tail. God, would it ever end for me? Why did I always have to meet such people?

"I'm the fantastic and sexy Travis, of course, and you are? I don't think I remember your name," I replied with a smug and purposefully taunting tone, seeing to my great satisfaction how my words got her, her eyes widening in outrage, her lips curling up in a very pissed sneer and I noticed she contracted a hand, sharp long nails in sight. Did she think she could hit me? Dream of that, bimbo. Nobody could dare to touch my perfect face.

"I am Erin and I really don't care about your stupid name, disgusting fag," she hissed out and yeah, I remembered her name, given she was quite annoying, placing her palms on my desk facing me directly. I snorted a laugh through my nose, because seriously, her lack of imagination in trying to insult me really paired with peanut-size brain Collin's one.

"And what do you want?" I asked completely unfazed by her words.

"Stay away from my Alex, do you hear me? I won't let you take him away from me, steal him from me, and who do you think you are to be so friendly with him?" She was really hissing like some rabid animal whose tail was being stepped on. I wouldn't say like a cat, because I loved cats, and they were beautiful creatures, so I would never insult them by comparing such fantastic animals to this insignificant person. "You won't steal him away, you hear me? He's not a fag like you or like that insufferable and arrogant River, who tried already to do that, setting him against me and talking bad behind my back," she kept spewing bullshit and fucking hell, she said so many that the air around us was beginning to seriously stink.

I looked directly into her eyes to see if she was serious with this ridiculous and embarrassing-for-her charade, and guess what? She fucking was. So, I just burst out laughing at her face and leaned back on the chair, chuckling and mimicking to wipe the tears of laughter away from my eyes. Was this one for real? River stealing Alexi from her? Who the hell was she?

"Listen...what was again your name? Sorry, but I really can't put effort in remembering the names and wasting space in my mind for insignificant and not that pretty people like you," I said with cutting sarcasm, and yeah, she was very pretty and quite hot, but her attitudes ruined it all. "What the hell is your problem? I don't remember seeing you around Aleksandr, so, move your not-so-hot ass away from here, because you know what?"

"What?" I think she really was about to explode and possibly try to slap me, but she had only to try it.

"Mine is much sexier and hotter, so how about you leave, hmm? Class will start soon," I said cockily, my eyes piercing hers and playing with my piercing. Her Alexi? She had to be fucking kidding me and her sense of entitlement really got on my nerves and inflamed me, because now I was the one looking like a feline about to show her my fangs and claws. I collected the notepad from the floor and kept observing her for what she was: an annoying spoilt, pretty-faced waste of time.

"Who the hell do you think you are? You're just like River and stay away from him, you hear me?"

"Or what? What will you do, hmm? River clearly is just his best friend and if anything, he probably just saved him from someone like you, who surely has brain and attitude's issues, so you know what...was it, what, Erin?" Oh, I really enjoyed making fun of her. "Bite me! Yeah, bite and kiss my sexy ass and spare me from wasting my time like this."

She went to reply, but the professor arrived in class and called everyone to give attention, asking if we had reviewed the parts assigned to us the other day. I smiled very smugly and motioned for her to move away; in all reply, once again she slapped the notebook and a textbook on the floor and I seriously had to repress another fit of laughing. No wonder she spent time with Collins, they obviously deserved each other. She took her seat and eyed me pretty much murdering me and I blew her a sarcastic kiss and then slightly patted the side of my ass, to repeat the same message of before and her eyes almost bulged out of her face.

Her Aleksandr? She asked me who the hell I thought I was, but I should have asked her that. Her Alexi, my ass. If he had to belong to anyone, well, it wasn't someone like her for sure and just the thought of her with him made my blood boil.

I shook my head and concentrated on the class, considering I had to ask Alexi and his friends who was this freaking Erin and why she behaved in such hostile and very idiotic way. Was she maybe an ex-girlfriend who got obviously dumped and didn't digest it? I glanced at her and I couldn't believe someone like Alexi would waste time with her, but then again...hadn't I also made a huge? Oh yeah, I did. A very fucking big and bad one, and I still had the scars of that.

Finally, the class I shared with Alexi was about to start, so I walked there and found him already sitting at his usual place, Hayden at his side talking to him probably about training, judging by the way he flexed his arms. I chuckled, because somehow all of them really were cool guys and it seemed funny being around them, so I had to find out why Jasper was always so nervous, if something had happened. I took one step and Alexi immediately spotted me, smiling in his very sexy way and I strolled over there, seeing he had saved a seat for me.

"Hey guys, how is it going so far?" I asked while I accommodated myself right beside him, my eyes gorging on his powerful presence, resting a bit too long on his face and he noticed it, because he glanced at me but said nothing for a moment.

"Well, it's Friday, Travis," Hayden replied, lifting his massive shoulders a moment. "I just want this week to be over and I can't wait to kick ass inside the rink."

"You should come watch us sometime," Alexi said leaning back on the chair and I couldn't avoid seizing the muscles of his arms, how the long-sleeved t-shirt wrapped around his perfect body and then I ordered them to stop it.

"I definitely will, maybe for your next game?"

"Yeah man, you should definitely be there and take your friend, too!" Hayden said, for then tilting his head to side and creasing his brows. "Maybe we should ask Derek to bring his sister, right?"

"Go for it, Hayds," Alexi just said, winking at me and so, I got it. The professor arrived and began to teach straight away, but the hot and perfect beast leaned closer to me and murmured a few words in my ear that shot down a strong shiver on my back. Hell...he had such an effect on me. "Is everything OK? You looked bothered a moment ago." His voice stroked my ear and my senses, and I had to control my physical reactions. His voice was an undoing for me, and it hit me straight in the core of my senses and emotions, wrapping around them and overwhelming everything.

"Yeah, I just had a very pleasant meeting and conversation in the morning, but nothing to worry about, I'll ask you later." His eyes narrowed at once, while his entire expression hardened, and he would have asked for more, were it not for the professor who began to ask random questions here and there.

"At lunch," he said, no, actually ordered under his breath and I just nodded, feeling thrilled by the tone of his voice. Oh fuck...he would be such a rough and fierce sex-beast in bed, and I had to stop thinking about it before showing the effects of my imagination.

When it was time for lunch, Jasper waited for me at the entrance of the cafeteria as we agreed in the library, since we both had a free hour and we spent it together there talking, and I explained him all the crazy and fucked-up events of the previous day. He freaked out a couple of times, but then he relaxed in the end, seeing I was fine and that nothing really occurred to me. Yet, he said that Alexi was right and that I had to watch out for Collins.

"Are you sure about having lunch with all of them?" I asked him once again and he nodded, his cheeks slightly flushed at the idea of having to sit there with Aleksandr and his friends.

"Uhm, sure Travis and well, uhm, it-it'll be fine," he replied not very convincingly, but I had to let it go and give him time.

"Alright, let's go. Derek and River are very nice and so is Hayden, so don't worry about it too much. I mean, Alexi is also quite..." I shut my mouth before saying too much. "Oh, look, there they are." We joined them at the table and hell, a-few-not-so-few literally ogled at us two, given I had the idea this was very unusual.

"Hey guys, finally you're joining us!" Derek greeted at first and I chuckled at his warm enthusiasm, seeing that also Hayden and Dmitri were there smiling and waving at us. River remained much calmer, but he still eyed cutie with a soft smile, sensing his nervous state and then studied me, so I just winked. Alexi remained the most composed and still a bit detached, especially toward Jasper, but he gifted me with a smile that made my knees feel like jelly. He couldn't do that, it was illegal!

"Derek, I see improvements, hmm? No more dude or dudes?" I joked and he laughed out loudly

"Just for you, Travis and just for today," he replied, and Alexi rolled his eyes, quickly indicating the seat free at his side, which I took. To my not very great surprise yet great happiness, Derek took Jasper to get something to eat and it was nice to see that at least around him he was slightly more relaxed.

"So?" Alexi asked me and I knew at once what he meant.

"Who the hell is Erin?" I fired out, still pissed by her attitude, and they all looked at me with different yet resembling expression and thus, I got I hit the bull's eye. Alexi stiffened and his eyes grew cold and very much annoyed, while River maintained a certain neutrality on his face, but I hadn't missed how his eyes quickly widened as I spoke her name, while both Dmitri and Hayden first looked at their friend and then shrugged, barely containing their laugh.

"Man, that's Sasha's ex-girlfriend," Dmitri answered before anyone else and Aleksandr contracted his jaw and set his hard eyes on me. OK, what the hell was going on?

"Yeah, she's his ex-girlfriend and a real pain in the ass, believe me," Hayden offered, seeing my confused expression. "Isn't that so, buddy?"

"Oh yeah, man, she is really hot, I give her that, but she's freaking annoying and mental," Dmitri went on, possibly either not seeing or being already used to Alexi's glacial expression. River remained silent, but his eyes were on me, studying and searching, interested in what I said. But I had to reply to Dmitri, because he needed to get his shit together regarding girls.

"Really hot?" I asked him, arching my brows and resting the elbows on the table to better stare at him, River still glancing at me now with an evidently amused face, obviously sharing my same opinion. "You haven't seen really hot girls if you consider her that much hot, especially with that mental attitude, believe me." I honestly still wished to slap her for what she had said about Alexi and also, about River. I liked him and I doubted he would be the guy she described. No, definitely not.

"You're gay," Dima fired out laughing freaking loudly, having other students checking what was going on with us.

"So what? It doesn't mean I cannot see if a girl is hot or not, believe me. It just means I have a taste for something very different, that's all," I said cocking my brows once and giving him quite a devilish expression, playing with my piercing. I felt eyes on me, and Alexi was there intently staring. I couldn't help doing the same, hypnotized by the intensity and fierceness of his beautiful eyes, possibly inching closer as if wanting to touch him and controlling myself just out of sheer luck. Derek must have arrived with Jasper, because he broke our freaking hot tension with a joke directed at me.

"Something, or better say, someone rough and untamed?" He chuckled and Jas blushed, staring at me not understanding what was going on.

"Why not?" I replied in kind and he shook his head still amused, going for his food, and right when everyone seemed to go back to their lunch, Alexi stood up and eyed me.

"You still didn't get anything to eat, Travis, and I'm still hungry." I got the message straight away and followed him, seeing he quickly checked if we were alone.

"I'm sorry for whatever happened with her and actually, just tell me what the fuck she said or did," he muttered out quietly but very pissed, so I explained him and he growled under his breath, such a threatening yet sensual sound that I had to swallow down. Would he also growl like that in bed during sex? Alright, Travis, focus, you horny dog!

"Shit, I cannot believe it, I'm really sorry," he grumbled out, stopping a moment and just concentrating his breathtaking icy-blue jewels on me. "The guys were right, she is an ex-girlfriend of mine and a huge mistake, possible the biggest one in terms of this. She was...a pain in the ass, as Hayden put it, and clingy and very controlling, hating my friends and River in particular. I broke up with her as soon as I saw her true colors and never wanted to have anything more to do with her."

"Something happened with River?" I dared to ask, and he sighed out annoyed, and I believe trying to keep his anger in check.

"Yeah, something did fucking happen," he replied drily, and he took a moment before speaking further. "She followed me one night when I went out with the guys, in some club River likes, and she drank too much I guess, because when she arrived at our table she was far more than tipsy and began to insult River in the lowest possible way, before any of us could tell her to shut the fuck up. I went to get her out of our sight, grabbing her arm, but River stepped in front of me, knowing me well and despising her...and you won't believe it, Travis."

"What did she do?" Hell, she really was another mental case with brain issues like Collins.

"She slapped him hard on his face and I saw red," he said with deadly cold voice and I could only try to imagine what more happened. "I went for her, but River shut her up with his words, because he is similar to you in this and he can make people feel like shit with just a few words. And he did it, not to mention Hayden and Dima kept me in check before I did anything stupid, which wouldn't be worthy with someone like her."

"Hell, she's fucking mental, I'm telling you," I commented, for then hesitating a moment before placing a hand on his arm. "Thanks for telling me this, Alexi." He shook his head.

"I'm just sorry for what happened because she's awful and completely rotten. She tormented a girl I knew was interested in me, even if I didn't like her or even care. She just doesn't get the meaning of over and I'll talk to her."

"No, it's not necessary, I gave her a piece of my fantastic and smart mind already. Plus, I don't want to care about people like her or Collins, because they're simply a waste of space." I told him with a wicked tone of voice, and he relaxed a bit, chuckling.

"You could say that, yeah, and I have no doubts you gave her a piece of your crazy mind, Travis." I stuck out my tongue at that and he shook his head. "I just wanted you to know this and I'm not even sure why, but it felt right, plus I mean it when I say I'm sorry for the way she talked to you...She is unbearable, and she had been a huge mistake."

"Don't think about it, and we all have our own mistakes," I commented, thinking about mine and pushing it back in my mind before memories would surface and torment me. Alexi studied me after what I told him and he remained there as if made of burning ice, his eyes piercing me. "Let's finally get something to eat?" I proposed, wanting to move from that topic and avoid questions and he considered it a moment, for then agreeing with me.

"Sure, let's go, I'm quite hungry in fact."

When we walked back to our table, someone bumped against my shoulder, and this time it wasn't Collins, but that insignificant bimbo named Erin, throwing at me a dirty and annoyed glare, in the company of two other girls who also looked like in need of some slapping to get their shit together. Her hand went to move, but Alexi caught it, for then immediately shoving it away almost repulsed by her touch. I believe she wanted to throw my food on the floor and seriously, she behaved like a fucking spoilt child.

"Erin, another bullshit like this and I swear..." I stopped him, because I realized only one way would work with her. I placed my hand on Alexi's muscular arm and moved closer to him, sending her the most cocky, challenging and bitchy smile ever, playing with her insipid self.

"Don't worry about it, Alexi," I called him like that on obvious purpose and her eyes flashed at that as they reacted to me touching him so freely, him not minding it one bit. My smile widened and grew into a grimacing snake-like smirk that silently told her to stay the fuck away from me and let him be. "Let's go have lunch, they are waiting for us," I spoke to him and he glanced at me, eyes burning with rage, darting them once again at her, but back to me and nodding, understanding my game.

"Let's go, Travis," he calmly said, giving her his back and such a cold and dismissing glower that if I were her, I would have beat it in a nanosecond. Before leaving, I quickly glared at her and mouthed a "bite me". Alexi was hers? Yeah, but in her mono-neuron and stupid mind only. Someone like him surely deserved a completely different partner and no wonder he deemed her a fucking huge mistake...damn, I'd think the same. Mine had been different, but his I could see how still annoyed him and it pissed me off. I followed Aleksandr, still touching him, and glanced back, seeing they had moved from the spot on which they had frozen after the short confrontation, and he snorted out.

"Hell, sorry for still touching you," I instinctively said retracting my hand, because we sure were friends as he said, yet I wasn't completely clear on all the terms and my mind and heart were in a huge mess, but he shook his head.

"I don't mind it with you," he replied, and I had a feeling he really meant those words.

I smiled at him and at the table, River trailed his studying eyes on us for a moment and his lips tilted up in a terribly smug yet very sensual way. He was sharp a lot, wasn't he? Hell yeah, he was, which meant I had to be more careful in showing my emotions around Alexi. However, I bet he witnessed the exchanged we had with Erin and I was curious to hear his opinion, and because of this I sat close to him, yet still beside Aleksandr.

"I see you met her once more," River calmly mentioned, speaking quietly to avoid attracting the others' attention.

"Yeah, a real piece of annoying and spoilt art she is," I remarked sarcastically, and he chuckled, nodding at my words.

"She's despicable," he only added, but I knew there was much more going on in his mind. She must have been a real pain in the ass. Alexi maintained his glacial and brooding mood and it felt like being sitting beside a burning and storming piece of huge and solid ice, if that made even any sense. So, I decided to veer the discussion elsewhere, involving Jasper, even though he was doing much better now talking to Derek, Hayden asking him a few things here and there, but I noticed he still stiffened with Alexi and avoided talking to Dmitri. weird. I really had to find things out.

"So, I have been told you guys are the best in hockey and are you another hockey beast as Alexi?" I then wished to kick my sexy ass for the comment that just slipped out of my mouth, something I couldn't avoid when it came to him.

"Hmm, maybe not such a fierce, charismatic and feared beast as Sasha is, given how all the teammates worship him and would never displease him, but I sure love it and playing with them all is really wonderful," he replied, to which Aleksandr grunted out something.

"A beast, seriously, am I some sort of untamed animal?"

"Dude, are you really asking for this?" Derek cut in and I pressed my lips together tightly not to laugh at the entire situation and at his face. "What do you say, Travis?" Of course, he had to ask me, so I eyed my hot obsession with a suggestive look and tilted up my lips slightly.

"Definitely a hockey fierce and wild beast," I conceded, feeling his attention completely on me. And super-hot, mouthwatering, fucking perfect, God-like looking, muscular, caring, attentive, mind-blowing, handsome, fucking hot once more, sexy with his hard voice reminding me of the solid ice sometimes, a body that gave me painful boners and such crazy fantasies that sometimes I didn't want to step back to the real world, sex-beast for sure. Yeah, this and much more I had to discover about him. Thank God, this time I managed to keep my tongue in check.

"Am I, now?" He asked me with a very playful tone, and I didn't miss how Derek arched his brows and looked between us two. Why that? Was Alexi really that unsociable normally? "Then you should come watch us play and you can check it for yourself, if I really am or not."

Hell, he wasn't provoking me like this, was he? I leaned closer to him, absolutely fucking impossible to resist the impulse and need, and set my dark eyes on his very clear and almost-transparent ones.

"Next game then," I promised him.

Author's chit-chat:

So, what do you think of the chapter? Didn't I say there were new interesting parts? I hope you enjoyed them very much, because I believe they added what was needed in the story to better understand the behaviour of one of our "bad characters".

Erin sure has quite the attitude...I don't like her, but I have to write her part. But her behaviour showed quite a lot and Travis sure knows how to deal with people like her. I love writing his dialogues.

How do you like River? I personally love writing his POV and well, we all know I have begun writing this story ^^ I believe his insight are almost essential in this story, especially for the face he is very observing and because he is close to Alexi very much.

What about our cute Jasper? He is this kind of character that gives me good mood by just writing his POVs or parts in the story.

It was a rather filled and intense chapter in a way and I really hope you liked it, so please let me know through your votes, comments, messages and such, thank you!

Stay tuned for the next coming chapters and once more, thank you for being such fantastic and lovely, respectful readers!

Lots of Love, Magic, Hugs & Meows,

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