CH. 17 My own mind-blowing vodka (Part 1)

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Hello everyone!! Here comes ch 17, part 1. Well, I wrote at first one chapter, but realized was too long, therefore I separeted in two parts. 2nd part coming in few minutes!

Hope you'll enjoy it, let me know what you think, I like to read comments, they help me a lot and give me inspiration.

Thank you everyone for reading and voting my story!! :-)))

This chapter is dedicated to mirandarandall15: thank you for fanning!

Oh, hope you'll like the hockey scene, if you follow it like I do, you'll see it natural to have fights in a game.  Oh, pic of Diane Jackson --> Keke Palmer.

Video...let's which one 8-)

Enjoy xox


“Travis, love, breakfast is ready.” Called my mum from down the stairs. I had the door of my bedroom wide open and I just got out from the shower.

“Coming, mum.”

I ran down the stairs like a graceful cat, made a jump from few steps and landed perfectly. I bowed and grinned. My mum bent behind her head from the kitchen door, to see what I was doing, she shook her head and went.

“Someone is in a good mood?”she guessed with a soft smile.

“Yeah, I woke up in a really good mood and I can’t wait to go and see the game with Jasper and Derek.” I had already told her who was Derek and told her Alexi’s name. I also mentioned his other friends, River, Dmitri and Hayden. She fired so many questions last night that I felt like a witness in front of a judge and a district attorney. Hell, she was scaring. And talked too damn fast. I asked her if she fancied a chamomile.

“Can I take your car?” not sure if she would let me drive her precious car and let it parked in the school parking lot, but had to try.

“Hmm…” she paused and reflected, in the clear intent to make me fidget and roll my eyes. “Let me see, let me think about it…” she poured herself a cup of coffee and then hand me my breakfast. I tapped my finger impatiently on the kitchen counter and looked at her pulling my lips together and arching my eyebrows.

“Yeah, you can have it, but be sure to park it in a good place.” She winked and checked her journal.

“Thank you, mum. I’ll txt Jasper and tell him to wait for me.”

I ate and finished my breakfast, put the dishes and mug in the dishwasher and darted upstairs to get dressed and ready. I opted for a more sportive, sexy rocker look: skinny black jeans (not ripped this time), a warm and tight turtleneck jumper, dirty white, that had a gigantic skull on the back and Converse of two different colors, left one color and right the other, to represent the colors of our ice-hockey school team. I sprayed a bit of my perfume, added a light touch of black eye-pencil and grabbed my jacket, I was afraid to freeze my perfect ass.

“Honey, you look good, more normal than usual, though.” Commented my mum when she saw me in the living room.

“Is that bad? I mean, that I look more normal than usual?” Had I make some mistake? I new my sense of fashion and style were perfect and absolute, but I was so excited at the idea of seeing Alexi play, that I was out of my mind. So…

“No, Travis, you look good. It’s just that you don’t have black nail polish, your make up is lighter and no chains.” Then she looked at my shoes and saw they were of two different colors. “Oh, that’s you, your school colors?” She was clever.

“Yep.” She smiled at me and waved me off, just wanting to enjoy a free and relaxing Saturday morning. She told though to say hi and hug for her Jasper.

Jasper climbed in the car and jumped on my neck, hugging me tight. He was happy to see me. Oh my, he was so damn cute and he was wearing what we had bought together and really gave him the last final touch. He looked good in fit jeans, Vans and tight plaid shirt, he had such a nice and well shaped body, that made me wonder why he didn’t have a boyfriend or at least a line of guys dying to go out with him. I mean, look at his dark chocolate child like eyes, they were adorable and damn sweet, his hazel hair had always that free-messed look style that suited him just perfectly. Jasper was a sweetheart and very considerate. Any guy would be helluva lucky to have him. Hell, why? Maybe it was because he was too shy. I’ll have to bug him on the matter.

I parked my mum’s car in our teacher parking space, not exactly caring what they would say. They could bite me, for all I cared, it would be more scarier to face my mum in the event her precious and beloved car got a scratch. That was a fucking bad situation to avoid. Believe me.

Derek just arrived and spotted him at the entrance of the ice stadium, I waved to him and he waved back, smiling like usual. There was a girl with him, but I never saw her around in school. Was she his girlfriend? Hell, she looked really pretty and hot. I didn’t know that clown had a girlfriend. She had long and wavy shining black hair, full lips and vivid black eyes. She was wearing tight jeans and UGG boots over them, with a nice and stylish black coat. Hell, she was really pretty.

“Travis man, how you doing?” Always cheering and grinning “Jasper dude, you ok?”

Jasper nodded and smiled at him, I saw they were getting along really well, but that was easy to understand. Also with River was getting better, hell, he had that allure on him and such inviting blue eyes. Hmm, but nothing like Alexi’s wild icy eyes. Oh my, getting horny early in the morning just thinking about his eyes. Good job, horn dog.

“Derek, you didn’t tell me you have a girlfriend and really beautiful, I might add.” I teased at him. The girl looked me and giggled.

“Dude, that’s my older sister, Diane.” Oh, now I see, they looked similar observing better. He turned towards her. “Didn’t I tell you he was a sexy cool guy?” I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah, you really are hot, Dee wasn’t joking.” She giggled. Hell, they really were brother and sister. “And you are so cute, oh my God.” She was referring to Jasper and he blushed like you have no idea. I snickered. Poor cutie.

“Nice to meet you, Diane. I’m Travis.” I shook her hand and smiled sensually. She sort of blushed and winked.

“Nice to meet you, Travis.” She stretched her hand to Jasper. “Nice to meet you…”

“Uhm, I’m Jasper, uhm, nice to meet you.” He shook her hand and smiled.

“Derek, you dork, why didn’t you tell me you had such sexy friends?” She slapped her brother’s arm.

“That wouldn’t change much, sis. They’re both gay.” She opened her mouth and eyed us in disbelieve and then face palmed herself.

“You guys look so… whatever. Just my luck, the best either are taken or gay.” She rolled her eyes and then jumped between me and Jasper and hugged our arms with her own. “Now, shall we go?” I decided I liked her at first. She was the older and female version of Derek, only more pretty and with beautiful glossy black hair.

We sat right on the first row, in the centre. Our team was already warming up on the ice and I tried to spot Alexi, but wasn’t easy. They all had those huge uniforms and helmets, that made it difficult. I observed better and saw one of them skating at a crazy speed, swinging his stick like a madman and then shot a ferocious goal. He refocused and turned back immediately to exchange passes with another one, skating almost at the same insane speed. It was breath taking to watch, they seemed to fly on the ice, it made my blood boil faster, such a power, such a force, such wild swings. I swallowed hard and hell, I knew it at once, that was Alexi.

“Derek, is that Alexi?” I asked him, pointing a guy that had a "20" on his uniform.

“Amazing, dude. How did you guess? They all look like freakin’ huge beasts.” I already gave up on his “dude”. He shot me a smug and amused gaze. What was that supposed to mean?

“He has the number of one of his favorite hockey player, but don’t ask which one, don’t remember man.” He explained. I turned to Jasper, now talking to Diane, but he shot a glance inside the rink and froze there completely. I knew he had grew tenser and more nervous, but didn’t understand why. I already asked him more than once, but always refused to explain. Was it Alexi? Hell, why? I couldn’t believe it, I mean, Alexi was such a wonderful protective guy. He wasn’t a jerk or an asshole. But it wasn’t really him, damn, didn’t think so. Why the fuck then? Who was it? I squeezed his hand and gave him a warm smile, I felt him relax immediately. I swear, I had to know what the hell was that and I freaking will.

Alexi turned in our direction and saw us, so skated towards us and stopped right at the Plexiglas wall. He removed his helmet and I melted at the sign of his bewildered and excited icy blue eyes. I just realized to see him like that was a complete and maddening turn on.

“Travis, you are here.” He said, flashing a thrilled smirk. Oh my, he was so, so, so hot. I jumped up and bent closer.

“Hey, how you feeling?” I asked him, pretty stupid question, I know.

“Damn good and wild.” He winked at me and seized me with his gaze, I had to remember I was among people, because I felt like purring. “Can’t wait to play. How are you?”

“Alex man, we are here as well.” Joked Derek, jumping beside me.

“Saw that, mate.” He moved aside and waved to Diane and Jasper. “Diane, nice to see you here. Hey, Jasper.” I studied Jas’ expression, he blushed and tensed, very much, but didn’t exactly freak out or grow scared. Getting better? He sort of smiled and stuttered a “Hi” and “boy, cool goal.” What a cute and adorable guy was my Jas.

That comment had Alexi’s attention and he grinned back at that, then turned to me.

“Ready to watch us? Oh, my dad and bro say hi, they’ll be here soon.”

“Ivan will be here?” Asked Derek. “Dude, he’ll fucking comment every single pass, good luck with that Travis.”

Other two guys joined Alexi. River and Dmitri.

“Guys, so good to see you here. Man, can’t wait to crash some bones and slam my stick.” Laughed Dmitri, sounding like a roaring bear. He waved at Jasper and smiled at him, when I turned to him he was a complete ghostly piece of ice. He had frozen and become green for how much he was tensed. Err, what the fuck? Dmitri? Err, again, what the fuck?? I ignored it for the moment, but sure as hell I’ll dig into that.

They went back when the coach called them, Alexi shot me a last smirk and winked at me. I grinned back and stuck out my tongue. Derek chuckled beside me.

The game began and I got completely sucked into it. Ivan and their father, Mr. Lebedev, joined us and the three of us, Derek, me and Alexi’s brother made a helluva cheer and yelling and whistling.

Alexi was impressive, I couldn’t tear my eyes from him, he was like a fearless and scaring beast that skated really fast and skillfully, exchanging light speed pass with River and Dmitri and also another guy, who I didn’t know. Hayden had defended at the best, they couldn’t pass thought him and the other guys. Alexi flashed against two guys, skated between them and launched the puck to River and passed it back. He sprinted forward, ready to swing a goal, but in a blink of eye he froze, turned round defending the little black disk and then hit it. Alexi was coming from the other side, shoved an opponent away with his shoulder and with a powerful and precise swirl he threw the puck into the net. The entire stadium roared and clapped and whistled. I found myself jumping like an idiot on my seat and whistling with my fingers. That was fucking amazing. Alexi skated to River and they jumped clashing each other’s chest together. The other teammates reached him and slapped his shoulder. The game resumed again and they kept playing at that crazy speed. I turned my head to Aleksandr’ father and so he was watching the game with a proud and satisfied face. He shifted his eyes on me and smiled.

“What do you think so far, Travis?” It was difficult to understand the words, such was the noise around the rink.

“Amazing, Mr. Lebedev. Alexi is fantastic, he’s incredible.” I couldn’t hold my enthusiasm and the excitement he gave me while he played. He nodded with a knowing expression.

Two opponents went against him and collided violently. He clashed back and broke with force through them, hitting the puck away, to Dmitri. Him and River skated side by side, impossible to tell who had the disk and when they have being passing. One of them hit the puck again and went inside. Another goal. That was fucking fantastic.

F.U.C.K.I.N.G  F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C. Got it??

“That was Dima.” Informed me Ivan, equally agitated and jumpy.

They went on for all the time at that insane pace and speed, the other team only a goal and they all protested in wasn’t anyway valid, cause two players basically beat Hayden with the stick to get him out of the way. I bet he was fuming about that, Alexi told me how much he hated been scored. He took it personally and would grudge over it the entire day.

Alexi skated forward, receiving the puck from another of his teammate, Derek told me his name was Carver. I think I never saw him or met him. He darted faster and I could almost see and feel his blood rush and his beast howl excited. Two guys clashed against him and beat him with their sticks. Alexi tried to shove them away, but they beat him even more violently and one tried to punch away his helmet. What the fuck was that? Get your hands off him, now. I jumped madly enraged on yelled like a madman.

“You fuckers, get your hands off!!” Jasper gasped at me and then grinned amused, but equally worried for him. Alexi’s brother and father jumped up as well. Derek joined me in my outraged shouting.

They began to push him away, he shoved one off and a third joined the fight. Dima skated there in a blink and jumped on one of those assholes. River tried to calm them down, but it was pointless, the other team was losing his damn temper completely. One threw away Alexi’s helmet and punched him. My heart stopped for a moment and I held my breath. My blood was beating mad and insane, my anger was getting the best of me: I couldn’t stand someone beating Alexi. My Alexi. I wanted to jump there and kick their moronic ass, but I knew I couldn’t.

“Dude, chill and calm. That’s nothing for him, he’s used to that. I’d be more worried for that asshole, he’s gonna pay bad for that.” Derek grinned with a  sinister face. He was right, though. Alexi punched him so hard that he threw him on the ice. Same did Dmitri. The referees joined and tried to calm down everyone. Alexi shouted something to his teammates, maybe to cool it. Mr. Lebedev told me it was sort of normal, that’s why they didn’t care much about fights and everyone was used to it. I see, still.

I realized that to see Alexi playing hockey was an outraging turn on, he looked so ferocious and wild and fucking sexy over there, that I was afraid to drool over it. Everything inside me stirred restless and felt I wanted him more and more. I was hungry for him, hell, starving for him. Seeing him like that just made me picture how he would be during sex and that got me so damn hard.

They resumed the match and Sasha indeed made them pay for what they’ve done. He became more aggressive and rough, not sparing a single clash and beat, skating with predatory stance. I had my eyes glued on him and followed his every single action, till his last and third goal. I cheered and yelled so much the entire game that I was afraid I’d lost my voice.

The game was over and they had won: 4-1. Fucking losers, that’s what you get for messing with us. Assholes.

“I am glad you enjoyed the game.” Told me Alexi’s father, shaking my hand and giving me a warm smile.

“It’s been pure adrenaline, but fantastic, Mr. Lebedev. Hell, I got so mad when they began to beat Alexi, though.” I blurted, still mad at the memory. He chuckled amused, obviously he was used to that.

Aleksandr skated to us, his eyes shining of excitement and adrenaline. His family complemented him and so did Jas, who had a helluva fun, I tell you at the end he began as well to jump like crazy and cheer, and Diane. Derek was talking to River and Hayden.

“Guys, you’ve been fantastic. Congrats!” I told them.

“Thanks man, but that goal, argh, fucking hate it.” Hayden obviously fumed over that.

“But you have been fucking great.” I said. He smirked satisfied.

“Man, what a bunch of bastards. But I had fun with punching them.” Laughed Dmitri. Jasper tensed again.

Alexi looked at me with a smug and questioning expression, like to ask what I thought of the game and him playing hockey. Oh, that had been really hot. “Fucking fantastic” I mouthed to him and he smirked. He came closer and motioned me to do the same.

“Are you in hurry?” He asked me

“No, why?”

“Want to join us for lunch, Jasper, too?” His voice was husky and hoarse. Oh my, that made me even more done.

“Yeah, I think he’ll be ok.”

“Cool, wait at the entrance. Gonna shower and listen to our coach yell at us for reacting.” He rolled his eyes annoyed.

“That assholes..” I hissed. He chuckled and arched his eyebrows. “Oh, Alexi, you are amazing when you play. But hell, it’s true that you look like a beast. Well, a hot beast, but still.” Oh fuck, I just let my tongue free. Very smart. He didn’t mind it, he actually winked.

“Later, Travis.”

Me, Alexi, Derek, his sister Diane, Jasper, Hayden and River had lunch somewhere close to the school and they were talking non-stop about the match, still fuming about the fight and the goal. Hayden soon forgot about that when started to talk to Diane. Oh I see, he had a thing for her. Well, she was really pretty and funny. She kept calling Jasper cute and he kept blushing and fidgeting. It was nice anyway to see him getting less nervous around Alexi. He told him he played really well and complemented for the goals, same to River. Those two went off talking and hell, Jasper was relaxing a lot. I grinned at him and flashed a cat-like smile. He shook his head and mouthed “oh boy”.

“What so funny?” Asked Alexi, right beside me, feeling his voice caressing my neck and sending violent shivers down my back.

“Jasper, I was messing with him, he’s so cute.”

“It’s easy to mess with him, he blushes for nothing.” So he had noticed that. Hell, that didn’t need a genius, Travis.

Derek’s phone rang and he answered, with trillions of dude, ‘sup and fuck yeah. Hell, just fantastic.

“Dudes, my teammate Danny is having a party tonight, which is gonna be a huge one. You’re invited.” Me and Jasper looked at him with should-we-know-what-you-talking-about stare.

“Danny throws always this huge and crazy parties, where people get completely wasted and fucked. In the real meaning.” I rolled my eyes, had already enough of those parties.

“At the end it’s gonna be as boring as any other party.” I told him.

“Thought you were a party animal.”

“Well I am, but that doesn’t change that once you saw one party, you saw all of them.” I stuck out my tongue.

“That’s why you can’t leave me there alone.” Said Alexi in my ear, his lips almost brushing my earlobe. He was so close, that his scent and cologne were driving me nuts. I smirked at him tempting, to mask my lust, and played with my piercing.

“Hmm, then if it’s for you …” I nearly purred. Fuck. Horny dog, horny bad dog, Travis.

“Good, I’ll pick you up.” River flashed us a strange glare and winked at me. Whatever. Alexi turned to Jasper and hell, he froze for a moment and then calmed down. “Jasper, need a lift, too?”

“Uhm, t-thank you, uhm, if-if it’s not a problem.” He was looking more at me than at him, he murmured a “oh boy”, bet really nervous.  

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