CH. 33 Happy glam-rock Birthday! (Part 1)

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Hi!! Here is ch. 33 part 1 .... yeah, part 1 because also this chapter turned out quite long. The fact is that approaching the end, I feel like I want and have to make sure everything is out there and well expressed.

Sorry for the long wait, but I updated also my other story.

So, ready for crazy and glam-rock birthdays?? Because Alexi and Travis sure are ;-) Hope you'll enjoy it, let me know as usual, I have to thank you all for your comments, messages, votes and reading..THANK YOU! YOU'RE FANTASTIC!!

Ok.. a fantastic and amazing banner made by Klovis is there on the right: thank you sweety, love it! xox

Dedicated to all "Fire and Ice" fans and readers, to who has a birthday today and in particular to missfancypants69, thanks a lot for your comments!

And now... enjoy! xox



I had prepared everything for Travis’s birthday and consequently for mine. I had talked to Michelle and asked her permission to take away Travis for four days; we were about to turn 19 and I knew I had first to ask her whether she was fine with my idea and plan. It turned out she loved my idea and just made me promise to call her everyday and to take good care of her son and watch out during the concert. You could tell she was slightly anxious to let her only son fly to Canada and then go to a rock concert, but what made me feel proud and thankful was the fact she truly trusted me and knew I would really take good care of my love.

And she was totally right, I’d do anything and everything for Travis.

Therefore, I had booked a room for 3 nights in a nice hotel in Montreal not too far from the concert stadium and Travis still didn’t know about that. I had also booked out plan tickets, in which dad helped me, saying I should consider it my birthday present from him. 

I couldn’t wait to spend few days alone with my love.

I knew my friends had something in mind for this weekend; they wanted to make a surprise for Travis and me and bet they were organizing some sort of crazy party. It was clear on their faces and their smug sniggering around. River was enjoying that, actually. I groaned, he and Derek enjoyed too much trying to annoy me and they always knew how to do it in a good way.

What a pair of smartass bastards.

Last week I took Travis out for Valentines’ day, even if I didn’t care to celebrate that particular day, because every day with my Travis was special, I wanted to make my boyfriend happy and I wanted to celebrate his new role in the performance. When he told me, I felt an incredible fit of pride, love and happiness for him burning every cell of my body; he was incredible and I knew it was matter of time a chance like that would come around. And I felt my heart burst with joy for him, because I knew what that meant for his future career and because he loved to dance, it was his life dream.

I knew that he was going to be perfect and mesmerizing. Travis was magic while he danced, because he had the power to daze you with his movements, his facial expression and his powerful elegance. He was like a gorgeous and sensual magician. I loved to see him dancing, it was something that amazed me every time; I felt my eyes following him under a spell, not able to look away and I felt my heart race in many overwhelming emotions.

After what happened two weeks ago, Travis and I grew so close to the point that I knew nothing will ever change between us two. As crazy as it may sound, considering it was coming from a teenager, I knew Travis was my soul mate and my only love and that will never change. I couldn’t wait to finish school, graduate and then find an apartment to rent with him. My parents were happy when I told them; especially my dad and Vanya would soon leave our house as well to go live with Nichole. He had proposed to her, she obviously said yes, and they were going to get married once my brother had graduated from college.

Mrs. Henderson, err...Michelle, was happy about that as well and she said she would help us find something. She would miss her son, that I knew, but we would still live around this area, because we both liked it here.

I had already received a couple of offers from different colleges here in New York, both offering me very interesting sport scholarship, because they wanted me in their ice-hockey team. The same happened with Hayden and Dima. Derek and River didn’t even need a sport scholarship, because they were both intelligent smartass and had brilliant grades. I didn’t exactly need a scholarship either, to be honest, but can’t deny the incredible feeling of satisfaction when two colleges contacted me, saying they really wanted me to join their teams. I told Travis and you can have an idea how he reacted: in his usual overwhelming and crazy self and celebrated in our way.

Shit, well, I guess my friends had quite a point in calling us horn dogs, or horn beast in my case. 

Ice hockey was what I wanted to do in my life, I wanted to become a professional player and one day join our national team and possibly win a gold medal at the winter Olympic Games. Yes, that was what I had always dreamt about; that’s why I understood what that meant for Travis.

For college, I picked mechanical engineering, given I was good in those sort of subjects and sort of sucked in humanistic or more classical subjects. On the other hands, Travis was exceptional in arts and humanistic subjects; I grinned and chuckled. We were just perfect for each other, because we complemented and completed one another.

“Sasha, did you book and prepare everything for your birthdays?” River asked me, bringing me back from my thoughts.

He had come over my place after practice and we were just chatting and watching a movie together. Dima joined us as well and I could tell he had something on his mind, but when we asked him what the hell that was, he simply shrugged and grunted he had no idea himself.

“Yes, I have done everything, can’t wait to just leave and take Travis to the Motley Crue concert, he’ll love it.” I explained, grinning like an idiot.

“Man, can’t still believe how much you changed with Travis. Well, only with him, but it’s still amazing.” Mused Dima, trying to act his usual funny self.

“Talking about changes, tell us Dima, what’s on your mind in these days?” River questioned studying our friend with his usual smug and cat-like blue eyes. He had something in mind; I could tell that, but no idea what that was.

“Nothing, I told you. I don’t even know myself, I mean, a girl asked me out last Friday and I obviously said yes, but I had the most boring night ever. I had to find an excuse to leave earlier.” He said, arching his brows with quite a ridiculous expression.

“Nothing new, Dima. You never get serious with any girl. I’m actually impressed you tried to find an excuse.” River remarked, trying to provoke him. It wasn’t easy to provoke Dmitri, not for much, but simply because he was extremely easy going and laid back.

“I didn’t exactly pull out an excuse. Why should I get serious now? Man, I’m only 18. I still haven’t found the love of my life like Sasha, so why getting serious? Nah, that’s not for me.” He slumped back on the armchair with his back and sighed still bothered.

I wasn’t sure about that, but I could see a bit of I used to be months ago, when I had met Travis for the first time and I didn’t understand what bothered me. But Dima and I were different and he wasn’t guarded or cold like me, he was outgoing and very friendly. Thus maybe I was just mistaking.

Shit, that would be actually funny and I think that kid had quite a crush on my best friend. I never asked Travis and I think aside from River and me, no one else noticed that. Jasper was very shy, but you could clearly see how his face and eyes changed every time he saw my buddy and every time they talked together.

“Well, if our ice-made and beast-like Sasha fell deeply in love and found his half, I don’t see why you shouldn’t do the same. Ok, it took quite a while for Sasha to realize he couldn’t resist Travis and that they weren’t just friends…” River provoked, making me groan and snort slightly annoyed. Well, I was beginning to understand his trail of thoughts.

“Thanks River for always remembering me that.” I grumbled, stretching my arms.

“Man, that was right.” Dima exclaimed suddenly. “How did you realize that? I mean, that you liked Travis more than a friend.”

I peeked at River and I could see his satisfied and triumphant smile lightening up his face and eyes. That was where he wanted to go and he succeeded. Smartass.

I considered for a moment the question my friend made me and realized I think never considered Travis simply a friend, because I began to befriend him to understand the reason for my sudden confusion and strange thoughts and reactions.

“I don’t think I have ever seen Travis just as a friend. Since the first time I saw him, something caught me, but I never got what that was and then, after spending time with him, I realized how much I was attracted to him … I wanted Travis so much that sometimes it drove me out of mind.” Months ago, you would have never dreamt of hearing me saying something like that, but now everything was different. Now I had Travis and he was the person I was crazily in love with. Plus, these were my best friends and I had basically no secrets with them.

My teammate and friend looked at me and shook his head, wonder what he had in mind and I heard River sneaker amused. Then he simply chuckled.

“Yeah well, you guys are damn horny dogs. Man, you never stay away from each other.” Dima joked laughing his ass out. I rolled my eyes, but I knew he was right.

“There isn’t much I can do about that and there isn’t anything I want to do about that: Travis is irresistible and I don’t see why I should resist him.” I shrugged and then checked River and saw how he was studying Dmitri.

“How is sex with a guy?” He asked and that didn’t much surprise me, he was blunt and had no idea what meant to be tactful. I couldn’t care less, I liked and trusted my best friend.

“You see, for me it all comes to Travis. I cannot tell you in general, because there is only him for me. I can tell you anyway that sex and love with Travis is absolutely mind-blowing, crazy and wild, but sometimes extremely sweet. Travis is beyond words, he knows how to draw out my beasty side and believe me, he loves that and so do I; I love his crazy and aggressive side.” Yeah, my love could be very wild and aggressive in bed and that was incredible.

“Wow..I see. I think I already had an idea about that, especially seeing you guys kissing. Man, that’s hot and I’m straight.” Dima grinned his usual full and open smile.

His cell phone ringed, he probably received a message and after reading it, a soft smiled plastered on his grinning face.

I wondered who could that be, but didn’t ask. I never liked to pry in my friends’ privacy and I think River thought the same, because he clearly wanted to ask, but didn’t say a word. He simply scanned him while he listened to me and asked me questions and I knew he had already what he wanted.

We went back watching the movie and after a while, Vanya joined us.

I went back thinking about Travis and our coming birthdays; I really couldn’t wait any longer to give him the fly ticket and tell him about our weekend.


Hell, I was stunned and completely speechless.

I had no idea what to say.

I just stared at the tickets in my hands and then looked back at Alexi’s breath-taking and mind-blowing sweet and full of love smile.

I had a plane ticket for Montreal in my hands and then the paper for a booked room in a fucking gorgeous hotel there right for Motley Crue’ concert. Hell, Alexi was indeed crazy.

“Baby, happy birthday.” He whispered on my ear, hugging me tight and possessive from behind, pulling me against his chest.

“Alexi…thank you. This is amazing, you’re totally crazy, hell, I can’t even tell how much I’m happy right now, I mean, a weekend for just us two in Montreal and the concert and then...hell you and me together for four days in Montreal!! Hell, this is fantastic, oh God, thank you Alexi..” I was hyperventilating, that was clear and I heard him chuckle.

Today it was my birthday and he decided to celebrate it at his place, because Alexi wanted to cook for me and his house was free and no one was around. Yeah, you heard well sweethearts, my hot, sex beast and romantic boyfriend cooked for me and I loved everything of that. It was a week day, so we couldn’t go out and dance or whatever, but I couldn’t care less; I simply wanted to celebrate my birthday with my love and that’s all it mattered to me and all I asked for. What he did for me was beyond words; it was one of the most romantic things he has ever done for me, just like our first date.

Hell, but Alexi sure knew how to fucking surprise me.

After dinner, he asked if I wanted to listen to some music and then we went back to his bedroom. There he handed a CD from one of his favorite group and said it was my present and asked me to play it. I did what he asked for and when I opened the plastic cover, two folded pieces of paper where there instead of the CD and on a smaller paper was written:

“Travis, that’s your real present. Happy birthday baby, I love you. Alexi.”

I unfolded the papers and my hands almost shook for the emotion of what my eyes were reading and seeing. My heart leaped in my mouth and then started to race crazily. So did my mind. Alexi was crazy; my Lord, I loved him so much.

I threw my hands around his neck and pulled him in the most hot, fired and full of love kiss. He growled in response at my sudden aggressiveness; knowing how much he loved that, and taking advantage of his momentary distraction, I pushed him down on the bed. I deepened the kiss and caged his hips between my legs. I broke the kiss just to place the tickets somewhere safe and then went back to his god-like lips.

“Hmm…I take you liked your present.” He murmured.

“Liked? Hell, I loved it, Alexi. I even don’t know how to say, I mean, it’s incredible..” He cut off my ranting with another heated kiss and tried to roll us over, but right now I was too fired up and I wanted to drive him insane to make him understand how much I loved him and how much I loved his present.

Alexi was amazing and I couldn’t still believe what he had organized for me and our birthdays. He had indeed fucking surprised me and had me speechless for a long minute. I loved him like crazy and I couldn’t wait to start college and go live with him.

“Baby, I’m so gonna drive you out of mind, today.” I provoked him, sitting up and slowly starting to unbutton my shirt. His eyes blazed with burning desire and his hands seized possessive and hungrily my ass. I loved that.

“Just today, Travis? You always drive me out of mind.” He groaned and I smiled feeling incredible, knowing how much we loved and desired each other.

I stood up and walked to the CD player, selected one from Motley Crue and let “Primal Scream” fill the room with its sensual and hot sound. I felt Alexi’s eyes on me and that aroused me even more. I thought at my present for his birthday and hoped he would love it just as much as I loved mine. I took a step towards the bed in my most sensual, feline-like and confident way and finished to unbutton my shirt. Then I popped open my jeans.

“Well, let’s then say, today I’ll drive you particularly crazy and out of mind…” I whispered, slowly sliding down my shirt from my shoulders and eyeing him with lusty and inviting eyes.

Yeah, I was really going to drive completely out his wild and hot beast side.


I was overly excited and I couldn’t almost sit still on my seat. Alexi was beside me and held my hands the entire time; I could see the white gold bangle on his wrist that I gave him as birthday present. It was a simple and plain round bracelet made of white gold with inside carved my name. I had the exact same one, but I had his name carved inside. It cost me quite a fortune, but I had saved a good amount of money in these past years and never used them. This was the perfect occasion and my hot and sexy boyfriend loved the present and wore it every day. I had also bought Alexi a new Xbox game that came out recently and I knew he liked. But what he had organized for me was beyond words, I never imaged that.

Our friends organized something for us on Alexi’s birthday. We all went out together eating somewhere and then we went clubbing in the place I went the time Alexi and I kissed for the first time. I’ll never forget that night. The night when Alexi kissed me and asked me to become his boyfriend. Most of his teammates came along and some of them were really friendly and funny guys; some others I could see they weren’t comfortable with the fact I was his boyfriend, but didn’t dare to utter a word, because they respected their captain and somehow they were intimidated by him. Hell, I sort of understood them. Derek invited also Jess and Xander and I had to admit they were nice guys and funny, it was easy to talk to them and Jess had finally dropped his pointless flirting. Well, Alexi was the main reason for that and Xander as well had grown more assertive. He was finally relaxing and opening up. His friend, a girl with a strong London accent, was totally insane.

Jasper had been super sweet and I absolutely loved his present. When I saw him and Dmitri talking together about skateboarding, since also that huge bear was into that, I wished with all my heart for Jasper to be able to celebrate his birthday with the person he liked; he was just so sweet and damn adorable, that made my heart melt.   

Mum and I celebrated my birthday as we usually did. We would spend the entire day together, doing shopping, having lunch or dinner in some strange and cool restaurant, maybe go to the cinema or see a ballet, and then we would spend the remaining evening watching our favorite episodes of Frasier. Hell yeah, mum loved Frasier, too. Didn’t I already say how cool and amazing was mum? Ha, she was the best ever, so bite me if you got problem with that.

I stared at mine and Alexi’s fingers intertwined together, and then at our bangles. I don’t know why, but it felt like they represented more than simple bracelets. I think I was going slightly mad here, slightly mad for how much I loved Alexi.

My head went to rest over his shoulder and he tenderly brushed my head with his chin. He then turned his head and gazed out of the little window of the plane, looking at the approaching international airport of Montreal. I moved up to his face and slowly licked the line of his neck. He softly growled and tightened the grip of my hand.

“Alexi, I can’t wait to be in our room.” I breathed on his ear, teasing the earlobe with the tip of my tongue.

“Baby, once we reach the hotel, I’m so going to make you scream loud and senseless.” Hmm…I couldn’t wait for that and I had brought with me few things to make it even wilder and hotter than usual.

“The concert is tomorrow, right?” I asked. Today was Friday and we were supposed to go back to New York Monday morning.

“Yes, tomorrow.” He answered. “We have time to visit the city a bit, let me know if you want to see some place in specific.”

“I have no idea at the moment.” I confessed, staring at his beautiful aquamarine eyes. They looked so clear and limpid; they seemed almost transparent. I have always loved his eyes and the way they gaze at me with burning intensity.

“Well, we can decide later baby.” Alexi titled my face more towards him and then claimed my mouth with deep and heated passion. The kiss turned my legs and knees in jelly even if I was seated. Hell, he had all the times such an effect on me.

The captain announced the landing and the flight attendant came over to check whether our seat belts were fastened and all the things they need to control. She eyed our connected hands and smiled at us, but I sure didn’t miss the look she shot at my boyfriend. Hell, I knew my Alexi was the hottest and most mouth-watering man on this world and he was all and only mine.

Once we reached the arrival area, Alexi told me we needed tickets for the public transportation and he didn’t let me the time to even think about what he said, because in a matter of a minute, he bought tickets and told me which shuffle we had to take.

Hell, he never fails to amaze me. Always so confident, decisive, determined, strong, making me feel I had nothing to worry about.

Montreal was indeed a beautiful city and being the first time seeing, I didn’t miss anything during our journey from the airport to the hotel. It somehow reminded me of New York, for the chilly breeze, the tall and majestic skyscrapers, the trees and the huge parks, the river crossing the city and the amount of people and cars on the streets. Sure, they had something in common, but then they were completely different. I hoped we could really visit the place around.

We stopped somewhere in the centre and Alexi guided me to the hotel. It wasn’t far and this way we could admire a bit the city, and I found myself looking around with wide eyes, wanting to see and then remember every particular of these days. My first holiday with my boyfriend, Alexi. Our first weekend away. I was burning with excitement and enthusiasm.

“Montreal is actually nice, I like it.” Alexi said, looking around and still grabbing my hands. I peeked at him and hell, he looked stunning as always. “It’s colder here, thought. But hey, I like it.” He winked and leaned down to peck my lips.

“I like it, too.” I answered, scratching his short black hair. “Thank you, baby.”

“How about we go to the hotel, check in, leave there our bags and then we sightsee?”

“Hell, perfect!”

We walked other few minutes and then I stopped stunned and speechless a second time. The hotel Alexi had picked for us was impressive. It clearly looked like some fancy and high-class hotel, which didn’t impress me per se, but impressed me the fact Alexi indeed wanted to make everything dream-like and perfect.

After the check in, someone showed us our room and I made sure to pull out my best poker face keeping leashed my tongue and enthusiasm.

The room was fucking amazing, it had an “L” form and the main wall was partially cover with full size windows. On the left side of the entrance hall was a door for the walk-in closet. Turning on the right stood the main bedroom: a huge king size bed with old-fashion dark iron bed structure, which faced the windows, nightstands on each side, a leather bench at the end of the bed; in one side was a fireplace and on the other a shirt cabinet with a flat screen TV over it. Beside the fireplace stood a tall lamp and an armchair, but that was nothing. My eyes found the bathroom. It was on the side of the bed and hell, the shower had a glass wall and you could clearly see it from the room. That was fucking hot and sexy. There were curtains to obviously use for covering the glass, but hey, how thrilling was that? That was the only part of the bathroom in view; actually, the shower was separated from the rest. The door was right behind the short cabinet.

“Does the room satisfy your choice, sir?” Asked the person with us.

“Thank you, it does.” Alexi answered. I just nodded, better to keep shut. I saw how my hot beast eyed me and I could tell you tonight we weren’t going to sleep for damn sure.

The attendant left us and I jumped on my dream-like boyfriend’s neck, wrapping my legs around him.

“Baby, this room is amazing! Thank you, Alexi.” My voice couldn’t hold any longer my excitement and crazy happiness.

“I’m happy you like it, Travis.” He seized my ass and pulled me closer.

I didn’t waste any second and kissed him senseless. In a matter of a second my body was been pushed down on the bed and his muscles flexed and strained at my touch. I thought about the bed and I couldn’t help my horny and evil smirk.

I was so damn glad I brought with me those things…hell, Alexi will love that and sure as hell he’ll turn into a wild and sex beast, just what I craved for.

“Travis, let’s visit around, if we won’t move now, we won’t move at all.” He murmured with strained voice on my ear, sending me crazier with his warm and sweet breath in my personal horny-Travis-wonderland. He was right, though.

“Ok, love. We have anyway the entire night.” I mused, clutching his powerful biceps and feeling the strong muscles through the jumper. Hell, was Alexi god-like muscular.

“You bet, baby.” He groaned, then he moved back and pulled me up with him. “Now let’s go. Vanya gave me a couple of advices on what to see here. He had visited the city years ago.”

“That’s fantastic.” Alexi grinned at me and then searched for a small book in his bag. “What’s that?”

“Here” He handed the book and saw it was an old and used tour guide. I opened and my mouth opened in a mute curse. That idiot of a clown. Alexi laughed at my face and hugged me from behind, shoving his hands in my front pockets.

“Your brother is an idiot.” I snorted, but then laughed at that. Seriously. “But he’s funny, I really like him.”

Inside the book was a note written in capital letters that said:

“Look at page 20, it’s where you can find kinky sexy-shops in the city ;-)”

“I know, he’s an idiot.” Chuckled my boyfriend.

“He truly is.” I confirmed.

Hell, little knew that clown of Vanya that we didn’t need to visit such a shop. Ha. Got a problem with my being a horn dog and Alexi addicted? Bite me.

The city of Montreal was amazing and had many things to see or to do and asked Alexi whether it was possible to find tickets for a hockey match, knowing how much he loved hockey, but it wasn’t possible. He had checked already and there were none. Well, I made a mental note: next time I’ll be the one surprising Alexi.

I found something I thought he might like: the Montreal Canadiens Hall of Fame, a holy place for hockey lovers, a shrine celebrating the most famous hockey teams. As expected, Alexi loved it and I enjoyed it with him.

“Travis, really love you.” He whispered to me, walking around with a visible excited look, something not so easy to see in his usual composed and poker face. Well, aside when it was he and I, but that was another type of excitement. This melted my heart.

“I thought you might like it.”

After that, we took the metro and went to the old part of the town, Vieux-Montreal, and admired the river, then stopped in some café to grab something to eat (both of us were famished by then) and stopped at Place Jacques-Cartier to see street performers. A couple of them were really good at doing some street dance and I had no idea how, but I found myself being dragged by them to dance together. Alexi just smirked and made a video.

We walked more around and took tons of pictures together; I was having the best time ever in my life. Everything with my Alexi was incredible and perfect.

At the end, we both were tired and starving another time, thus we took the metro to go back to the hotel and stopped at some other café to eat. I never really stuff myself, but that evening I made an exception. While eating, Alexi replayed the video he took.

“I really love watching you dance, baby. You look every time dazzling, so gorgeous.” He was smiling in such a sweet way that it made me purr.

“I love dancing, just like you love hockey.”

“I know.” He bent towards me and brushed my lips with his. “Do you want something else to eat? I’m totally full.”

“Hell, I don’t think something else would go down right now, I ate too much.”

Alexi grinned and asked for the bill.

Now I was laying down on the bed stark naked, simply enjoying the feeling of Alexi fingers running over my skin. We had a shower together and I liked being pressed against the cold surface of the glass with the water cascading on our bodies and Alexi hot mouth on mine, knowing the room was there behind us. I don’t know, it aroused both of us even more.

I rolled on my side and climbed on his chest, our skin connecting in a warm and hot touch; I stared at his beautiful eyes, now darkening in lust, and softly kissed his lips. He responded immediately and soon our tongues lost themselves in a heated and wild fight. Hell, the way he teased my piercings, one with his kiss and the other with his fingers, sent me to heaven. I moaned loud in his mouth when Alexi’s hands ran down on my hips and pulled me on top of him; now our hard members stroked and rubbed each other and my moans grew louder and lewder.

Hell, I wanted Alexi like crazy.

I broke the kiss to concentrate on his neck, slowly licking his hot and firm skin, my hands tangled in his short hair and out breaths matching growing in intensity. He buckled up his hips harder and I heard him groan powerfully, his fingers now massaging possessive and wanting my ass. Hell, I was so damn hard. I let my tongue and lips descend lower, on his collarbone, softly biting and teasing, earning louder groans, especially when I sensually grinded around on his about to burst shaft.

I slipped lower on his muscular and god-like body, letting my skin friction his provoking and tempting, just like a stripper. My tongue never left his skin and when I crawled lower, finding his hardened nipples, Alexi fingers invaded me quite harshly and rough. His legs trapped mine and spread them further apart. Fuck.

“Alexi…oh fuck…deeper..” I cried out in crazy pleasure and then bit hard his nipple, letting the tip of my tongue twirl around. He fingered me harder and deeper, letting out a loud growl.

“Travis…I’m about to lose completely my control.” He hissed.

I licked harder his nipple, while my hand crept between our bodies and found his incredible hard and pulsing cock. My tongue twirled around more and my fingers wrapped around him controlling. I stole a look at him and I moaned seeing my sex beast throwing his head back with close eyes, desire all over his perfect and strong face and mouth open in a mute moan. I stroked him hard and wild and he ravaged me faster.

“Ahh…” I moaned loud.

Our eyes met and stared back in silence for few second, hearing our heavy breathings; both had a crazy and dark light. Both were craving for one another.

I bent down on his mouth watering and stone-like body and tasted his muscles; my mouth and wet tongue leaving feather-like heated kisses and trailing down their lines. He arched slightly his back and grabbed my hair with sudden harshness when I reached his chiseled and prominent abdominals, screaming at me to lick them and taste them. They flexed at my craving touch. I stiffened more feeling them with my lips and tongue. Alexi’s body drove me crazy every time, I never had enough of it and of my hot boyfriend.

“Travis…ahh…fuck..” Alexi growled loud from his throat.

I felt the king of the world hearing him like this.

I traced slower his six-pack and then … then I took his hard and huge dick completely in my mouth and that wasn’t easy, given how big he was. But I loved his taste, I loved to hear his groans and I loved when he thrust his groin deeper in me, wanting to fuck my mouth. I fucking loved that.

My tongue slid down with my lips and tasted his entire length. My hands were on his thighs and nailed them firmly and aggressively. I could tell he was about to turn into a beast and that’s what I lusted for. He shoved deeper and harder in my mouth and went to move my head according to his pace. I grabbed his wrists then and jerked them apart. He growled in response and I deep-throated him fucking hard. One, two, three...four times.

Until his control completely broke.

His hands went on my face and pulled me away, slamming me against him. He shoved his tongue possessively inside my mouth and drove me crazier than I already was. Alexi broke harshly the kiss, smirked with dark and predatory eyes and then flipped us over.

“Travis, I fucking want you. Now.” He groaned on my mouth, stealing another hot kiss.

“Fuck me, Alexi.” I demanded, with the dirtiest and lewdest tone of voice I have ever managed. My desire was now in full control.

He smirked darker and went to flip me on my stomach, but I eyed the tall full-sized window and something clicked in my head. Our room was completely dark and we were at almost the last floor; the curtains had been left open, and outside was late night.

I shiver of pleasure and anticipation ran down my spine and made me act aggressively.

I somehow rolled us over and I was on top of him. He growled fiercely wanting to possess me, and that aroused me harder. I straddled him and then pulled him up with me.

“Alexi…I want to try something.” I played with my piercing and then casted another quick look at the window and he immediately understood.

Hell, we really were in perfect sync.

“As you wish, my love.”

He pushed us to the edge of the bed and then stood up, keeping me in his arms and grabbing firm and assertive my ass. He took a couple of steps, our eyes locked together and blazing in dark and consuming fire, and soon I felt the cold and smooth surface of the solid glass against my hot back. I slightly flinched at the sudden coldness, but melted down when Alexi’s mouth sealed mine in a burning and devouring kiss. I moaned loud and long.

And then I screamed arching my back.

Alexi had shoved inside me his hard cock and immediately began to slam deep and hard. I dug my nails and fingers in his neck and he threw his head back hissing in feral pleasure; my legs tightened the grip around his waist, pulling him deeper inside me.

“Travis…I love when you do this…” He growled, gripping my hips stronger and moving my hips at his own pace. Hell, I loved that.

He pounded in me more, in a way that was driving me out of mind. It wasn’t fast, but rather slow; but every time he would thrust hard, deep and firm and grind slightly.

“Ahh….Alexi…ahhh…you’re amazing…hmm…” I couldn’t even proper tell him how much I loved that, because I couldn’t contain my panting.

Alexi claimed fiercely another time my mouth and our tongue melted together. He was the best kisser ever, so hot, erotic, demanding, rough, wild, and tender and full of love all together.

He broke the kiss and pulled out, gaining a loud groan of protest, but I shut up when I found myself facing the glass.

“How is it like this, Travis?” He had pressed his chest, now sleek with sweat, against my back and his lips brushed my ear, while he held my hips firm and still in his strong hands.

I looked out and there was the dark sky, lights from the city and other skyscrapers. We were standing high, it felt like I was standing on a precipice and it gave a thrilling sensation of falling down. But I felt his secure and strong grip on me and immediately melt and felt growing even more lusty than I already was.

All the city was out there and we were making wild and hard love here looking at that.

Hell, was that tantalizing and insanely arousing.

“It’s breath-taking and I love you, Alexi.” I whispered.

“I love you baby, too.” He murmured on my neck. “Ya lyu-blyu tee-bya.” He dragged my hips back and filled me completely.

“Ahh…Travis, it feels amazing every single time.” My sex beast almost howled out of mind.

“You’re amazing, Alexi…ahh… this..harder..”

Hell, he began to penetrate rough and fast, in his out of control beast mood and I fucking loved it, it was driving me out of mind. I placed my palms and forehead on the window and let followed his speed and pace with my hips.

It didn’t take long for us to reach a crushing and loud-screaming orgasm that led us both moaning more and shamelessly, slamming against each other more feral, till none of us could moved any more. Only our panting and heavy breathing. Alexi slipped his hands across my chest and rested in his head on my neck, his hot breath caressing my skin.

“Travis, this has been insane. Your idea had been crazy like you … loved it.” His lips moved on my skin and I shivered at their touch.

“I’s been insanely fantastic.” I exhaled and felt the lingering thin feeling of my climax and I tangled my fingers with his. He moved out of me and placed his face beside mine, out cheeks touching.

“Tomorrow we’ll really have fun at the concert, can’t wait for that, baby.” He said, staring at my eyes with his beautiful icy and shining aquamarines.

“Can’t wait either, Alexi…I’m already having such an incredible time here with you and to think it’s our first holiday together..”

“The first of many and many and many others together...” He whispered back. “C’mon, let’s go to bed.”

This time, I pressed him hard on the solid window for another mind-screwing kiss and he growled loud in my mouth.

“Let’s go to bed, my wild beast.” I provoked smirking like a mischievous cat.

Our eyes gleamed and smoldered in the dark of the room. He lifted me up and smirked my favorite lusty smirk. The smooth and silky sheets came in contact with my hot skin and then our mouths and minds lost together in our own world.

Hell, we’ll sure have to order breakfast in bed tomorrow morning.

Author's chit-chat:

Did you like Alexi's idea and present? Isn't he the sweetest and hottest guy?

Well, soon is coming part 2 with the concert and more and more..

When "Fire and Ice" will be over, I'll really miss my crazy and horny Travis and beasty and wild Alexi, but ... they'll be still in "Tricks of Love", Jasper's story :-D

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