CH.8: Run for it!

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Dear All,

Here comes a very intense and full chapter, which will definitely move the story to another level, and I am sure you'll understand what I mean by reading it.

Please don't be too severe on Aleksandr, for he has his own issues and past problems, which will discover more with time. Also, as he never ever had thoughts or experience with same sex relationship, you cannot expect him to immediately acknowledge his emotions, name them and act upon them at once. In reality, I believe it would confuse all of us at first. Especially someone like him.

Also, yes, our Travis swears quite a lot and I polished the new version of that, but it couldn't be changed much. He is the kind of person that once nervous or overwhelmed by emotions will swear worse than a sailor or whatever you want to think about. I also swear a lot when angry or nervous, I find it very healthy and beneficial 😊 a few f-words and there, most of my stress is out.

However, I really hope you will enjoy this enhanced edited chapter and please, as always, do let me know, because I would really love to hear what you think about it. THANK YOU!

Happy and magic reading to you!

"If something burns your soul with purpose and desire, it's your duty to be reduced to ashes by it. Any other form of existence will be yet another dull book in the library of life," by Charles Bukowski


The more time I spent with Jasper the more I realized how sweet and considerate he was, what a fantastic friend I found, how lucky I had been. The situation with his parents was completely fucked up because he had quite the issues in that house, and I seriously couldn't get it. How the hell was that even possible? Jasper was absolutely nice, extremely polite and innocent in a terribly adorable way, which wasn't that complicate to guess about him. Any time I talked about sex or made sexual jokes or innuendos, something very usual and common for me, he would blush like some ripe tomato and stutter some very timid reply.

Hell, I loved him, I swear I really and honestly did, and the same applied to my mom, who pestered me the entire evening talking about him, how sweet and cute he was, how polite and kitty-like he looked, how she was happy I made a friend like him, asking questions about him. Well, I was happy, too, and I made sure to tell him, because I always believed in letting people know how I felt about them. Hearing that a person liked you or loved you or was however happy to be around you could only make you feel good, right? It was pleasant and gifted you with a warm sense of affection. At least, that was my opinion on the matter, and I wasn't going to change it. My opinions ruled in my crazy Travis-wonderland.

I had a fantastic afternoon with Jasper, almost not thinking about Aleksandr even once. Well, that was a partial lie and it's good I said almost.

A sigh left my mouth as my thought wandered toward him once more. There was a big problem going on with me: I wanted and desired him so much that it was driving me freaking nuts. What freaked me out even more, was the awareness of knowing I could not have him, but it wasn't just a mere physical thing. I also wished to get closer to him, to discover more about him, but directly from his mouth, because he was the one talking to me and not by hearing it from other people. However, that seemed ruled out, and it awfully sucked, big time. It hurt, even.

Ah...I guess I had to learn on giving up on things, once in a while. I could just admire him from afar and mentally drool over his perfect ass and powerful body, fantasizing about how he would destroy me in bed, being sure he would be the one who had the right dose of roughness and wildness I needed and wanted, having no doubt he would probably give my ass a good slap, something I never really tried because my former boyfriends or lovers didn't inspire me in that way or didn't want to do. It's not like I was into any real kinky form of play, wanting overly hard things, but c'mon, a well landed slap on the ass while the partner was taking you hard and strongly only intensified the pleasure, and hell, sure as fuck, Aleksandr would be perfect in that. But I had to cool down my horny self, facing reality and the fact we probably were never going to normally talk again.

Still, thinking about Aleksandr, I remembered what yesterday happened at the lockers, which the more I thought about the more it felt strange. Jasper froze on the spot and paled down like a corpse. He became a sweating statue, as if he had seen a ghost, or far worse than that. I wondered why he was so afraid of Aleksandr, I mean, he had that tough and cold, do-not-fuck-around-with-me attitude, but he didn't seem a moronic jock, somehow creating problems with other students. Actually, I heard he never did, unless it was John Collins and his band of micro-penis friends. Why did he then react in such strong way? I had to ask him someday, but yesterday I realized it wasn't the right moment, as I could feel his tension and knew he didn't want to talk about it.

Well, whenever he was ready to talk, Travis was going to be there for him, ready to listen and help if needed. And if anybody just thought of messing around with him, I would kick the shitty crap out of them, and fucking break open their peanut size brains. Yeah, it was a bit aggressive and gruesome, true enough, but Jasper was my dear and special friend and I would really beat the crap out of anyone trying to harm him.

Then again Travis, so much for wanting to keep it cool and maintain a low profile. Oh, whatever. Let's just get ready for school and decide how to spend the approaching weekend.

I checked my reflection in the big and large mirror I had in my bedroom and winked at myself satisfied. This morning I felt more on the punk-rock side, and thus I wore red and black tartan skinny pants with black Dr. Martens boots over them, black leather belt with spikes and chains and tight black hoodie. Perfectly punk, wasn't it? If that wasn't clear or obvious enough, I loved adherent and skinny clothes on me, because I was well aware of my body's shape and lines, working my ass to keep it perfectly toned and hot, so why should I have hidden it? I mean, I never really cared about what people thought about my dressing style and if they had a problem, they had the chance to choose whether to kiss or bite my sexy ass.

Mom ordered a cab and the plan was that it would first drive me to school, for then taking her to the airport. She had to fly to Detroit to meet an important and influential client who would sign another huge success for her. At first, I wanted to go with her because I was worried, since going alone to Detroit wasn't my ideal thing for her, but then she explained part of her staff would accompany her. They had to fly on Thursday already and spending the weekend there as this important big-ass-shot client was only available in the next days. Anyway, I felt better knowing she wasn't alone. Maybe I was being too paranoid or overprotective, but I couldn't help it.

"You know what Travis?" she asked checking her lipstick and hair in the small mirror she carried in her purse, a present from me.

"What mom?" I asked, taking the mirror from her and checking myself another quick time, hearing her softly chuckling, because yes, I was very vain.

"Those tartan trousers look very good on you," she commented, placing the small mirror back in her stylish purse.

"I know, right? I feel more punk than usual today, and also, more sexy than usual," I joked without any problem, flashing an extra cocky smile to enhance my words, perfectly knowing she didn't mind my rather weird humor. And of course, she laughed.

"You remind me of myself when I was around your age, going to concerts with my friends," she explained, and it was obvious from whom I took my passion for the music I listened to. Hell, she was really cool and I know she had been a bit wild around my age, but nothing too big or crazy, never having tried drugs for they had always scared her, and always studying diligently, which I could see definitely paid her off.

"Oh, I know, because I saw the pictures," I taunted her and she just shook her head, going to place a kiss on my forehead.

Being in a cab, meant I couldn't play my music as usual, but it still gave her the chance to elegantly insult together with the taxi driver two idiots for their completely lack of driving abilities, almost getting us into a car crash. We finally reached school and I went to open the door of the car and she stepped outside with me.

"Travis, I will see you on Sunday when I will be back to New York, OK? I will call you when I'll land in Detroit and we will keep in touch as usual," she said, hugging me tightly and then giving me a kiss on each of my cheeks. I hugged her back in the same way and returned the kiss.

"I'll miss you, mom, and do take care and yes let me know when you arrive in Detroit. And don't worry, no crazy parties. Or at least, you won't see anything once you are back," I joked, playfully winking at her and she just shook her head.

"Ok, Travis honey, don't destroy our beautiful apartment if you really must throw a party," she replied in the same fashion, for she perfectly knew I wasn't the person to throw parties, and I never liked to do it. It was OK to attend them, but once in a while only for the simple reasons that after a while they were all the same, getting easily boring, always the same crap and same people. So, when possible, I preferred to get into clubs and have real mind-blowing fun. I loved dancing and loud music, so some places were perfect for me. However, I was very clean, because I loathed drugs with all my passion, never having tried them, but having seen how it affected people in a very scary way. I had seen it in front of my eyes and swore to myself to never make use of any of that shit. Exactly like mom, I was fucking scared of them and I witnessed people going nuts and totally psycho after having taken some synthetic crap.

Once I was out with a group of people friends of one of my ex boyfriends and one of them did some stuff which turned him into a madman. I freaked out and asked whether we should have called an ambulance or what, but they laughed at me, saying he was used to it. My ex was fine with that and such thing signed the end of our relationship, for I didn't want to spend time with them. They were free to do whatever pleased them, but I didn't want to be there.

I grabbed my bag from the back of the cab and hugged mom another time.

"Say hi to Jasper for me, honey," she said.

"Alright, mom. See you soon and take care," I reminded her.

"See you on Sunday, love you."

"Love you, too."

I walked to my locker, always elegant, confident and graceful as a feline, and I felt many eyes on me, as usual. Some of them were shamelessly staring at me and I didn't mind it one bit, because I knew I was considered hot by many, and as well weird by many others, but that was me. Hell, in my fantastic and not always very modest opinion, in this school they should all experience some new styles, try something different and out of ordinary. They were all so damn boring and stuck up, some of them so stiff that it wasn't even funny. Then my thoughts went to the object of my horny dreams and obsession, Aleksandr Lebedev.

Would I see him today? Would he still be mad at me and ignore me completely? Would he maybe say hi today? That was so freaking frustrating that I felt like swearing out loud, but I managed to avoid it, as I didn't want to attract more attention than I already did.

I stopped in front of my locker and decided to change my train of thoughts, so I wondered if Jasper was already at school, because he had a calming and soothing effect on me, and I would definitely need to see him. I then realized I didn't know where his locker was, so I had to ask him.

"Travis!" Someone twitted in my ear, jumping on my back and almost scaring the shit out of me. But it wasn't just someone, but my precious cutie.

"Jasper, I was thinking about you, right now! How freakish is that?" Whoa, we were psychic, and I just found absolutely endearing how he became so relaxed with me, not even understanding how that made me feel.

"How sweet, Travis, should I worry because I'm about to become as crazy as you?" He joked then hopped down and smiled at me like the cutest and most adorable person of this world. I chuckled at his words, but he could rest assure, as I doubted that he would ever reach my levels of craziness and extravagance. All in all, he was safe and sound. "Thank you again for yesterday, your mom is really cool and nice."

"She adores you, Jas, and speaking of her, she says hi." He grinned at that and slightly blushed.

"Thank you," he mumbled slightly shy and I pinched his cheek, making him gasp and then smile even more.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist it," I told him and then remembered I had something for him. "Oh right, I've got something for you." I looked into my bag and fished out a CD, an extra copy I had of 'Making enemies is good' from Backyard Babies. He came to really enjoy them, as he began to listen to them with me sometimes during our lunch breaks, and I was just damn happy about it. Something else we could share together as friends.

"Here," I said handing him the CD and Jasper opened his mouth, even if nothing came out from it. He took it and looked at it blinking twice, then looked at me with wide open bright eyes and blushing cheeks.

"Boy, Travis," he said with flabbergasted voice, but then he smiled openly, affecting me automatically. "Thank you very much, I-I don't know what to say." Hell, wasn't he cute and super kind?

"You don't have to say anything, just enjoy it," I said winking at him, and he surprised by hugging me unexpectedly and that had me completely melting down. I was sucker for such sincere and spontaneous expressions of affection. And seriously, when Jasper started to slowly open up and little by little surpass his huge shyness, he was really spontaneous and unpredictable. It still was a mystery for me he had no boyfriend, but maybe he still had to find the right one who would understand his sweet and timid self.

But then, as if something switched his naturalness off out of the blue, I felt Jasper stiffening and getting very nervous. Did I maybe do something wrong or too forward? I didn't think so, but well, I let go of his arms and looked around, having my eyes meeting Aleksandr's cold and unreadable ice-blue stare. He looked at me directly and intensely, without even bothering to hide it or make it less obvious. Hell, I felt nervous myself, but for a completely different reason than Jasper. I swallowed down as his eyes kept searching me, piercing me from part to part, and he saw that, as they concentrated on my throat.

The two guys with whom I shared the class of English literature were there with him, the sexy and very attractive one, with very blue and charming eyes, and the huge and nice one, Hayden. The attractive one, whose name I still didn't know, not only had a super-hot look – even if for me it wasn't comparable to Aleksandr – but also possessed a very cool sense of fashion, not to mention a certain air around him that worked as attraction magnet for the people around him. He wore washed tight jeans and a white shirt, with two buttons left open letting people admire his collar bones and perfect neck, and he completed the outfit with black Converse.

Sure as fuck, he was gay just like me, because something about him screamed "gay" and not because he had a particular attitude, but simply for the reason he had that air around him, very similar to mine. And I knew he was casting me flirting looks. He wasn't interested, that I could clearly tell, he just enjoyed doing so, which sat perfectly fine with me. We had exchanged looks and glances during the class we shared and a few rather mischievous smiles, too. We both enjoyed the flirting game and we saw nothing bad in it, for we understood where it ended for both of us.

Then, as I moved my eyes away and tried to act as if Aleksandr's stare was not affecting me as much as in truth was, I noticed that also Dmitri, the other big blonde Russian guy, was there with them and, when he saw me, he smiled and greeted me friendly. Well, that was nice and encouraging, so I replied in the same open way, for then seeing Aleksandr's expression growing even harder. Err, what the heck was that?

"Hey Travis, man, what's up?" He said in evident good mood, which made me like him at once, with his friendly and easygoing attitudes.

"Hi Dmitri, I'm great and you?"

"Same old, same old," he chuckled and then looked at Jasper, smiling and waving, also asking how he was doing, to which cutie replied with stuttering words.

The one with cat-like blue eyes looked at me and then grinned in a very peculiar way, very sensual and aware of his handsomeness, something I honestly appreciated in him. He was hot, so why hiding it or pretending it wasn't true? Hell, that'd be such a waste. He looked at me and went to speak, so I concentrated my attention on him on purpose, seeing Aleksandr was still piercing me with cold eyes.

"You are Travis, right? We have one class together," he said and even his voice was very smooth and pleasant, his eyes studying me in a way I couldn't completely understand.

"Yeah, you're right, that's me and you are? I am afraid I must confess I don't know your name," I told him, with a subtle note of flirtation and he smiled back. It bothered me not knowing the name of such sexy guy, that was almost unforgivable for someone like me.

"River Kelley," he promptly replied, definitely not shying away from the same note of flirtation and I chuckled, because we really had a similar trait. He stretched out his hand and I took it, going to shake it. Hmm, nice feeling, nice name, smooth warm skin, but no shivers or any tightening in my crotch, no real fire burning in my veins. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you like this." We exchanged a look and I nodded, understanding what he meant.

But then, again, nothing. Absolutely nothing. So really only the ice-made sinfully hot beast was the one making my blood roar in crazy desire, my cock hardening the moment I closed my eyes and imagined him touching me...You have to cool it down, because Travis, you are in front of people, I mentally told myself, so I brushed my hair to the side and turned my attention and eyes to him, my sexual and not just that obsession, Aleksandr, and if eyes could kill, I bet they would have done it right there right then.

"Likewise, River, it's very nice to meet you," I answered, but I guess Aleksandr wasn't that pleased and finding it nice.

Jasper kept his tense and nervous stance, having slightly moved closer to me, and I realized he hadn't uttered any word so far, which made me feel very bad for him, because I definitely didn't want him to be stressed and so uncomfortable.

"River, this is my friend Jasper," I said, quickly glancing at Jasper with an encouraging smile and he blushed as his eyes took in the presence of that very sensual guy.

"Very nice to meet you, Jasper," he spoke to him directly staring into his eyes and they shook hands, seeing River had already understood cutie's very shy and almost insecure nature.

Jas took his hand with hesitation and then munched out a "Nice to meet you, too", still not really smiling and well, we had better leave, because hell, he was sweating bullets as big as grenades. Not to forget, Aleksandr hadn't spoken a single word, only pretty much murdering us with his glares. OK, really better to leave the place, before Jasper melted right there on the floor, and before I had Aleksandr slicing me even more with his eyes.

"Well, I'll see you later in class, nice to meet you all," I quickly said, going to leave and taking Jasper with me. They all answered nicely, all of them but Aleksandr, who stared at me and then just nodded. I tempted a nod back and we went on separate ways. Well, his reputation was freaking well deserved, no doubts about it.

I took Jasper to the bathroom, because he needed fresh water to cool down and I wanted to have a couple of words with him. Once more he had paled down and grew stiffer and more lifeless than a statue, as if about to throw up on the spot. I had to understand what was going on, no more waiting. So, I closed the door behind me and checked whether we were alone or not, seeing it empty. Good.

"Are you OK, Jas? What is going on?" I fired out at once and his eyes widened a moment. So, something was really going on.

"Sure I'm OK, uhm, why?" Sure my ass! I thought to myself, but didn't blurt it out loud, not wanting to make him even more nervous.

"A moment ago, while together with them, you paled down a lot and became suddenly nervous, not speaking a single word. I know you're shy, but still...are you really OK? Yesterday happened the same."

"Oh, w-well, uhm, no-nothing really happened Travis, really," he stuttered out more than usual, his eyes looking everywhere aside me, so it was clear to me he didn't want to talk about it yet. Therefore, I decided to let it go for a short while, giving him time to digest whatever that was and come to me if he wished. For now, better not to push it too much.

"Cutie, just for you to know, if you need anything or to just talk, you know you can count on me, right?"

"Thank you," he replied with a shy smile and I just shook my head, checking the time and seeing we had to move our ass.

We moved towards the door and, I must have done something wrong during the morning or night or God knows when, because right there we met John-jockass-Collins and a couple of his microscopic-dicks-even-smaller-brains friends. Great. Damn. Double, triple, fucking damn. He looked at me with a grimace I didn't like one tiny bit, disgustingly satisfied he had caught me there in such situation, no longer alone, and as he took another step, he pushed me back into the bathroom. I narrowed my eyes at him and went to resist it, but I tried to cool it down, somehow. This was just great, and not completely and absolutely fucked up. No, of course not.

Fucking great.

Three of them, fantastic, how the hell was I going to get out of there? They closed around us and stared at us considering what to do and anger flared in me, for always having to find myself in these damned situations. What had I done wrong to deserve this? Did I pee in church last time I went there with mom? Nope, I sat down silently and listened to the entire function with actual interest. So, I had no idea.

It was just bad luck then and I took a step back as they moved closer, trying to think fast, very fast what to do. I didn't think Jasper was much of a fighter, and however, I didn't want to involve him in this, but instead he surprised me and freaking blew me away. He kept his stance right at my side, and even if clearly nervous, he tried to mask it and kept his chin up and a defiant expression I never thought of seeing on his cute face. I mentally grinned and exhaled, understanding I wasn't alone in this, feeling his support.

"Move aside, would you?" I asked trying not to sound too pissed, not wanting to escalate things if possible, because I doubted these three morons cared about arriving punctual in class.

"Look what we have here, quite the fag convention," the moronic peanut-size-brain jockass Collins said of course, having to be an asshole completely.

"I am amazed you know such a word, if I must be honest, moron," I replied dryly, my eyes daggering his and my fists clenching and unclenching to control what this was stirring inside of me. Then again, way to go, idiot, I mentally hissed at myself, but I couldn't help it and my tongue had its own will.

"What did you just say, fucking queer?" A friend of him asked, whose name I didn't know and didn't even care to waste space in my brain with such useless information. Then, I gave him a good look and hell, he also was quite tall. He must have been in the football team as well, as I heard a couple of them in there were rotten apples, so possibly all coming from the same rotten tree. This was just my damn fucked-up luck.

OK, do not freak out Travis. Do not freak out. You are not alone. I chanted these words in my mind as a mantra, because I was beginning to feel anxiety getting me, past memories coming back to me, slowly sucking my breath away. So, I pushed it away, deeper and deeper away inside of me, getting out my best self-defensive mood and weapon, my cockiness.

"You know what? Your friend over there seems to have a far better vocabulary than you," I sarcastically joked, because I swear, they all had asshole-like size brains. And no, even that was too generous and large for them.

"Fuck you," barked Collins and I made a face at that.

"No thanks, the idea is actually quite disgusting," I retorted back. And burning hell, the mere idea made me mentally puke. I was just hoping Jasper would stay out of this and let me get all the crap here, because he only found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Collins widened his eyes at my reply and grunted out something I couldn't understand, for then going to launch his fist against my face, but he was too slow even in that. Pathetic waste of space. I swiftly moved aside and avoided it and that signed my ticket to hell, because it triggered him even more, showing his lameness in front of the other idiots. He got so damn pissed and his face grew red, so much that I thought he would explode. They all moved closer towards us at once, the fucking cowards, and I pushed Jasper behind me, but he kept on my side.

"Get out of here, Collins," Jasper actually said, even though he was super nervous and pale.

"Jas, let it go," I muttered at him between my teeth, but he wasn't giving in.

"No Travis, not this time," he replied more firmly.

"Oh, look at this, guys, the little fucker here grew a spine? This is going to be even more funny than I thought," John Collins mocked, and I swallowed down at seeing his expression.

I really wanted to punch his stupid annoying smirk and break his nose, and then kick the shit out of him. And probably much more than that. He dared to threaten Jasper and that made me see red.

"Shut the fuck up," I snarled. What he just said switched on my protect-Jasper-mood and right then, I was a real bastard.

"You are so dead, fag," he hissed out and I was ready to truly break his nose, about to jump on him and kick the crap out of his useless self. But something stopped that.

The door banged open and someone stepped inside the bathroom, I didn't know if I should have breathed or cursed.

"Collins, get the fuck out of here before I kick your pathetic ass, yours and the one of your other more pathetic friends."

Hell froze down at those words, spoken with apparent controlled and glacial voice, yet the burning anger was there, barely under the surface of the thick ice. Nobody dared to utter a sound back for a few seconds, and then I exhaled.

I would recognize that calm and freezing tone of voice anywhere, even among thousands of other voices, even among a huge and loud crowd of people. I said freezing, because his stare was made of ice, but to me his voice was burning and blazing fire, scorching in my head, in my veins, in my guts, shaking me and making me breathe again.

Without even realizing it, Aleksandr had just saved my ass a second time.

"You don't scare me, Russian. Mind your own fucking business and you get out of here," John Collins snarled at him, but I didn't believe him one bit. My sexy ass he wasn't scared. That wuss...he was probably about to shit in his own pants, considered the expression on his face.

Then again, the way he spoke to Aleksandr, the insult not so much veiled poured into how he said "Russian", as he had spat out something disgusting, as if he wished to spit at his face, had an unexpected effect in me. I felt by blood getting on fire, my rage growing too fast and too much. I bit my lower lip to try to keep calm, still clenching and unclenching my fists, but that asshole didn't help in the job, he didn't want to make it easier for me. Aleksandr only stared at him as if wishing to make him disappear but said nothing. So, Collins felt provoked.

"You know what, Lebedev? You are a fucking annoying and arrogant Russian bastard. What are you, this bitch's fucker? Are you enjoying this bitch?" At those words Aleksandr's face hardened and his eyes darkened, concentrating so much on Collins the piece of crap took a step back. Then again, what did he just dare to say to him and call me?

OK, that was it. It hit my limit and I saw far worse than red. Nobody could talk to me in such way nor insult Aleksandr like that.

"What did you just say, you idiotic asshole? Do you want me to rip you a new one?" I snarled, mad and angry like a wild, stray cat, about to really jump on him and claw his eyes out, quivering for the blinding emotions coursing through me, and I would have thrown myself against him, were it not for Jasper grabbing my sleeve, probably sensing what I was about to do.

And as I barked out those words, Aleksandr looked at me completely surprised, something darker and angrier, far more scary and dangerous flashing in his eyes, and then faster than anyone could expect or predict, he grabbed John's sweater's collar and slammed him against the wall, making the piece of crap cough for the impact. Hell, I thought he would break the wall with the impact.

"You are so fucked, Collins." And his eyes drilled the idiot in his brain, one of his hands letting go of him to clench into a tight and without doubt powerful fist. If that crashed on that piece of shit face it would break every single bone in there. I went to move, not wanting to involve anyone in this mess, but once more we were saved by the door of the bathroom, opening and letting in River, Dmitri and Derek, and also the other big quiet guy, Hayden.

"I knew something smelled really bad in here, I could smell it even from outside and no shit, man," Dmitri said with a relaxed and sort of amused voice, casting an entertained look at the guys' faces and cracking his knuckles, causing the morons to clearly pale down and decide whether they were about to piss in their pants or not, seeing the four of them coming to back their friend. Hell, yeah, Dmitri as well was a gigantic bear, just like Hayden, and well, Derek was tall and grinning at them as if ready to kick their ass.

Only River kept very collected and quiet, walking towards Aleksandr and touching his arm.

"Sasha, let it go, he is just a worthless piece of nothing who doesn't know his own place and who is not worth of your time." Hell, he could be scary as well and his eyes stared at that jockass in a very hateful way, but also as if he was staring at just a really disgusting piece of crap. "Let it go," he repeated once more, seeing his friend didn't seem intentioned to do so, but then Aleksandr quickly eyed me and threw Collins almost on the ground as he went to push him away.

"Get out of here," he ordered him and if I were them, I would do exactly what he said.

"Yeah, c'mon, dudes, move your sorry ass out of here, you'll make us be late for school," Derek made fun of them, showing the watch on his wrist and shaking his head. "You know you'd get your ass just beaten up if you decide to stay."

"It's not over, Lebedev," the peanut-size-brain douchebag said and honestly, did he think he was in the place to say that?

"Bring it on anytime, Collins. I can't wait to beat you senseless and break every single bone in your body." And that was a promise.

That idiot looked at his friends, jerking his head to the door and with that, they walked out the bathroom.

"Well, that was really calm of you, Sasha," River mused, relaxing his expression and patting his friend on the back, but Aleksandr didn't reply, simply turning to look at me, again with that cold and bewildered look, again piercing me with his eyes.

"You are a damn magnet for troubles," he growled and without adding anything else or talking to his friends, he left, slamming the door behind him. A loud and crushing bang followed that and I almost jumped out of my skin. Had he just punched and very nearly destroyed the door? I noticed that Dima and Hayden glanced at me, tempting a smile, and then they left, possibly following him.

I stood there, half shocked, half relieved I made it through this mess without any accidents, without being involved in any fist-fight or worse, without having endangered Jasper, glad he was OK and nothing happened to either of us. I stood there and kept staring at where he left, confused by his eyes, overwhelmed by the way he had glared at me, this time sure as hell he hated me. My anger washed off, confusion mostly taking over, and then, just a storm of feelings and emotions turned my head into shreds, making it hurt as if someone had bashed it against a wall several times.

I sighed and then lay against the wall, feeling suddenly without any energy, needing something solid to hold me, my eyes now concentrated on the floor, my breathing slightly irregular.

"Travis, are you OK?" Jasper asked with serious and very concerned voice, so I glanced at him and tempted to smile as naturally as I could in that moment.

"Yeah, cutie, don't worry about me, I'm fine," I lied, but there wasn't much else I could do.

"Travis, are you really ok? Because you don't look very good to me." River probably saw the freaked-out look I had then on my face, as the anger and rage washed away, leaving in me only bad memories surfacing once more in my mind and in gripping at my heart, and again, that slimy and revolting voice hissing in my ears. I had to take a deep and long breath to keep my cool and look fine. Derek also approached me and there was sincere concern on his very handsome face, to which I replied with a shake of head as he went to talk. I wasn't really much in the mood for exchanging many words, not even with someone as nice and friendly as him.

"I am OK, River. Thank you for asking. I'm fine, Derek, really," I said with a quick smile and pushed myself up from the wall, taking Jasper's sleeve, because that small touch was necessary for me right then. "Let's go, Jas," I only said and after another quick nod to them, we left.


Boy, Travis surprised me yet another time. And actually, I surprised myself, too, for I didn't think I would be able to stand my ground like that; however, I understood that Travis gave me courage. I was super nervous and felt cold sweat on my back, but I still stood there right beside him.

I was almost embarrassed to admit that he almost scared me back there, because he was so fierce and mad that he reminded me of some jungle-like feline, with candid white fur and very, very sharp fangs. I wondered if anything scared him and I was tempted to bet that nothing did. I-I was so nervous and worried for him, that my fears for him and for the entire situation in which we found ourselves were pushed aside.

For a moment I thought Travis was really about to throw himself on Collins and beat the light out of him, so I instinctively grabbed his sleeve as a way to prevent him to get into danger and harm himself, but I was wrong, because he kept somehow controlled and didn't do anything crazy, uhm I mean, nothing super crazy, because he sure gave them a piece of his colorful mind. I was sick worried for him, because what if...if they didn't come to the bathroom in that exact moment? What if Travis did throw himself on them and start a fight? Oh boy, I needed to calm down and breathe deeply. We were fine, our butts were saved for now and nothing had really happened.

But yes, for now unfortunately. I wasn't silly enough to think Collins and his group of friends would let it go that easily, especially after having been so humiliated in front of us. Sure thing, they were not going to forget it and let it go. I sighed out. When that very handsome guy, River, asked Travis if he was OK, I saw something in his eyes, and for a moment it seemed like he wasn't there, almost not entirely listening to us, but lost somewhere else, far from us. What was that? Did something happen to him in the past and that made him change school? I knew he had changed school recently. I didn't have the chance to ask him, for we weren't alone and he insisted to walk me to class, not able to make him see I was more worried to in fact let him walk in the corridors alone.

"Don't be silly, Jasper. I'll be fine," he reassured me with a smile that wasn't as bright and stunning as usual. "They won't do anything now in the corridors, with professors and other students around. I mean, they cannot be that much stupid, right?"

"If you say so," I only said, but I wasn't very convinced.

"Don't worry, really, and I'll see you later at lunch, OK?"

Lunch, shoot! I forgot today I had to leave before lunch. No, no, no. Oh boy, no!!! I didn't want to leave Travis alone until the end of the day. What if something else happened?

"Travis, I have to leave before lunch, sorry I completely forgot about that!" I muttered out stressed and honestly concerned.

"No worries, cutie. We will see each other tomorrow and anyway, we can still talk later in the afternoon, no?" This time he smiled more in his usual way and my lips tilted up automatically. I really loved his smile and his sweet and warm perfume.

"Sure, of course, call me later! Promise?" I felt the need of a promise, to know he would keep safe and out of troubles, to reassure myself nothing was going to happen to him, because the face Collins had in the bathroom, the way he eyed Travis made me sick and really, really worried me.

"Promise." He kissed my cheek and, I blushed right there for then, remaining rooted in my spot as I observed him walk away, going for his first class. Alone. I swallowed down and sighed out. But he halted a moment, turned around to look at me and blew a kiss in my direction.

How could anyone resist him? I giggled as I returned the gesture, somehow feeling quite embarrassed at first as people were around me, and then not really caring about that. I glanced at his tartar skinny trousers and giggled more. Boy, today Travis sure looked very punk and it suited him fine.


I was so very close to break that bastard's nose and with that, his entire useless face. He deserved that and much more. The way he had dared to address and talk to Travis, how he had called him, and the way he fucking always followed him and looked at him...arghh! I growled out and punched the door of the bathroom, imagining Collin's face being beaten up to a pulp, imagining and relishing in the feeling of hearing his bones cracking and breaking, of hearing him crying in pain. Argh...but that wasn't the case and what the heck just happened in there? I was about to snap so badly and to defend Travis, someone who represented a complete stranger to me.

Bullshit. He no longer was that and I knew it already. I just had to freaking convince my stubborn self of that and accept it.

I had seen him walking to the bathroom and after a while, by very rotten luck, Collins went in there with his useless friends, not imagining whom he would have found in there. And I knew I had to do something, because I couldn't leaving him alone, and something inside of me agitated and made me restless to an unbearable point, so I had marched in there, my friends not understanding what was going on with me, calling after me, until they also stepped in there and understood.

He was about to do something to them, I could feel the rotten, sick vibes coming from him, wanting to do God only knew to Travis and his other small and annoyingly shy friend, who however surprised me by taking his side and being ready to help if needed. I had no idea what went through Travis's head, but the twisted, haunted expression on his face, the paleness of his face and lips, the way his eyes kept wide in a mixture of anger and anxiety almost made me explode. Did I care for him? I had no idea right then and the question no longer mattered to me, but I was pretty sure I wanted to send Collins to the hospital for months, feeling my own rage and issue in controlling it snapping out and eroding my control over it, feeling my skin prickling and my blood roaring, taking almost complete control over me.

I would never stop thanking River and my friends in general.

I walked down the corridor and I barely noticed people around me, for I was still fuming and in quite a very not approachable if not dangerous mood. Until I heard two voices calling after me, although I still kept walking as if completely deaf to them. And in a way, I was. So much was still roaring in my mind that I felt like going crazy.

"Hey man, Sasha, we're talking to you," Dima called, reaching me at first, placing a hand on my shoulder that I shrugged away making quite a growling sound, but he didn't take it bad or personally, knowing me all too well. "What's up?"

"Yeah Alex, what's up buddy?" Hayden asked as he joined us, walking to my other side and avoiding touching me. "So, that's the Travis guy, uhm?" He added spontaneously and that made me halt in my marching down the corridor, turning my attention to him. He tempted a relaxed smile, but let it go as soon as he saw my eyes.

"That's him, so what?" I asked in quite a tone of voice and Dima arched his brows in curiosity.

"Nothing man, just asking, 'cause he seems a cool guy, quite smart if you ask me, well, smarter than me for sure," he said observing me carefully.

"No shit, Sherlock," Dima cut in, "being smarter than you doesn't take much, right?" They both chuckled at that and my Russian friend then thought about his comment for a moment and laughed at some joke probably going on in his mind. "Well, I guess the same could be said about me, right?" He asked me, but I wasn't in the mood for that and they both got it.

"Listen Alex, all I'm trying to say is that if they will still create issues, we'll be there, you know this," Hayden simply explained and I was grateful for those words, so I nodded quickly, and he smiled.

"Thanks," I only uttered and then spotted both Derek and River about to catch up with us. River had his eyes on me, clearly studying me, but also looking worried. Worried not only for me. Shit, I had been a gigantic and unforgivable asshole and I had no idea how to make it up to Travis, because deep down, even though it only annoyed me more and more for I couldn't understand the real reason behind that, I knew I wanted to make it up to him, for the way I behaved with him.

Did I really care that much? Shit. Apparently, I did.

"Hey Alex dude," Derek called for me, trying his usual cheerful tone of voice to lighten the general mood, but his eyes keenly observed me, and I knew tons of questions were about to follow. "Wait for me, we have class together and we're almost late."

"Whatever," I grunted out and then turned around and went for that first class, River silently at my side, quite immersed in whatever thinking and analyzing he was doing.

"Such a fiery and irascible beast, I swear," Dee joked, and I heard Dima chuckling, adding his two cents.

"Wait for today's practice and you'll see our teammates tomorrow all broken and sore." He laughed out more and people turned around to stare at him, still not used to his loudness. "And by the way, Travis's really cool and his friend, Jasper, isn't it? Well, he's cute so I would've really punched that fucking idiot before."

I stopped in my track as I heard him once more talking about that small thing being always glued to Travis, once more addressing him as cute, even having heard him say Travis was cool, and I turned around, my eyes drilling holes in his, and he gave me a tentative smile.

"What did you just say?" What the hell was going on with me? Why did I mind such a normal comment?

"Nothing much man, chill, I meant to say that yeah, I would've kicked that bastard's ass happily and that...err..." He shut up as he better looked at my face.

"Yup, a real unsociable beast easy to piss off," Derek commented, throwing me quite a smug glance and I left them there.

I said nothing to his last remark and walked away, because all in all, they were quite right about me, and I knew Dee was going to give me one of the most annoying times, because that smartass expression on his face said it all.


School went pretty much as usual and, lucky me, the lessons today were quite interesting, touching new topics I didn't study before, and that was a bless, because I needed to keep my mind busy and very much distracted. I needed it in order not to see Aleksandr sitting in the same class still fuming and avoiding looking at me, his muscular and strong shoulders set in a rigid and stiff line, his expression carved into stone for how hard it looked, the air around him cracking of his barely repressed ire. We exchanged a glance as he stepped into the class and I was the one averting the eyes away first, remembering what happened in the bathroom and what he had told, no wait, growled at me. He was right in a way, but it wasn't my damn fault and what could I do about it?

I concentrated on each word the professor spoke and took many notes, really having to keep myself busy. As soon as the class was over, I quickly left the room and pretended not to see Aleksandr, Hayden however smiling and waving, to which I quickly replied. I didn't know if he had come to the bathroom on purpose or not, if he had seen us going there and Collins unexpectedly following, not knowing he would have found me there. I had no idea if Aleksandr meant to get there and help us out, and what really fucking enraged me was that I will never discover his true intentions.

I saw River and Hayden during English literature and the former one sat beside me, while the big one picked the chair at his side. A guy came to us and reclaimed River's seat, for he usually sat there, but he simply shrugged him off and told him to find a new one as today he had decided to get to know me better, and the smile on his face had nothing of innocent. Hell, the guy looked at us, spun on his heels and in a nanosecond was on the other side of the class. What the fuck was that? He threw some dirty glares in our direction, but I played with my piercing in quite a suggestive way and never again he bothered us with his staring.

My mood wasn't exactly tuned on the chatting channel, so I kept silent and quiet during the entire class, just listening to the professor and absorbing every single word. When the professor finally arrived, everything in me switched to complete silence and went off; I focused on what was said, even the most damn dull and pointless parts. River seemed to not mind it, because I was ready to bet my sexy ass, he was an extremely sharp and smart guy, possibly perceptive and clearly attached to Aleksandr. I didn't miss how he spoke to him in the bathroom, how he had called him, trying to pull him out of possible trouble. Hayden though was slightly more curious about me and we exchanged a few words, even though at one point he also understood I wasn't in my best shape and gave me space, saying we could all have lunch together. Somehow, he reminded me of Dmitri, just way less loud.

Sure, one was blonde and the other had black, slightly curly short hair, one had light blue eyes and the other dark ones, but they both had that huge bear size and very easygoing and friendly attitudes, ready to talk to me at first even if they had just met me. It was nice and I didn't expect that, and well, in this they were similar to Derek, too. Only, I had the impression that Hayden seemed a calmer and simpler guy, while Dmitri more the joking, loud and outgoing type. I still remember how people turned around to look at him as he laughed out in the corridor. My eyes quickly ran to River and moved back to the professor, still having to decide about him; I liked him instinctively speaking, but there more, much more than met the eye in him and I still had to find it out.

What happened in the bathroom completely drained me and pulled out things I really didn't want to deal with in that moment; so, I counted the minutes that separated me from the end of this, from when I could go to dance and lose myself into it, for then spending quality time with myself only at home, cooking something healthy and enjoying some good movie. It was what I needed. Natalia had sent a message in the morning saying she wouldn't be at the studio of course, still not feeling well, but she said her assistant would be there for us and she gave him very strict instructions. She was crazy as fuck, but it wasn't my place to tell her what to do, and dancing was really what I craved for today. I just hope she didn't tire herself too much in having organized that.

Hell, when lunch time arrived, I was so glad to have a break at last, to find time alone in the library and put something in my stomach. I felt completely wrecked and mentally exhausted. Therefore, I just sat in the most hidden and remote corner of the library, with my I-pod and a new book I had ordered online, and I was looking forward to reading, and thus I spent the time there. As I bit into food, I realized I wasn't much hungry, so my meal was set aside, not even half consumed. While the music filled my mind and ears, the absence of Jasper became very strong, seeing how much I missed him, with his calm, quiet and sweet presence.

Mom had already sent me a message saying she had landed later than planned because the flight had been delayed, which I could only imagine how much it had annoyed her. She anyway explained that the big-ass-shot client had been informed and was there waiting for them at the airport with two arranged limousines to escort them to their hotel. I was impressed and glad. I messaged I would call her in the evening when she'd be free, because she definitely couldn't hear my voice now, my tone impossible to completely hide and thus, making her worry for no reason. She was there in Detroit for an important meeting and I could tell her about this shitty day once she was back. She replied with many emojis and that had me softly smiling for a bit. Then I returned to my music and my book.

Honestly, the end of this day would never arrive soon enough.

Mercifully, the day in school was over. I opened my locker and sighed, still unable to forget Aleksandr' words and the way he said them, the tone of his voice, the look into his eyes. I rested my forehead on the metallic cold door and then walked away. I sent a message back to Natalia confirming her I'd be at the studio, so her assistant could train us and be ready for that. I pushed the backpack over my shoulders and opened the door of the main entrance, realizing I must have lingered behind long enough, since nobody was around. Well, time to move my ass and get out of school. I couldn't wait to lose myself in the music and dance.

But something else happened and it all went at the speed of light.

Someone, in fact two persons, clutched my arms painfully and dragged me away, far from the main entrance door and in a more isolated place, taking the direction for the backyard of the school. In that moment, images flashed in my mind and before my eyes. I felt nauseous and mad at the same time, wanting to throw up and punch someone at the same time. So, I reacted to that. I pulled away from the grip of Collins' underlings – for I had no doubts it was them – and he himself tried to hit me in the face as I struggled from their grip. I ducked down in the last moment and avoided it, but someone else there seized me from behind. How many of them were there?

Fucking cowards.

I had just an instant to count them and see I was dealing with three sick and vicious grimaces, plus another one still painfully grabbing one of my arms and keeping too close for my taste. My stomach tightened and I felt the taste of bile in my mouth, almost about to vomit on the spot, while my heart began to thunder in a way, I was afraid it would crash my ribcage. I wasn't sure whether I was breathing or not, because as they took a step toward me, for a moment I believed I was fucked. I felt caged and without a way out of that mess. I was this close to start panicking big time.

"Now we are going to have fun, fag. Now we really going to fuck you up," John the jockass said, his voice making me way sicker than I already felt. But my weakness passed in an instant and, as he dared to tell me those words, something else kicked in my mind.

Like hell I'd let them have their way with me. Like hell I'd stay there and not fight back. No fucking way. I wasn't like that.

The one holding my arm quickly went around me to capture both of them, so I kicked the side of his knee the moment he moved behind me, and then a ferocious elbow inflicted with all my force followed and hit him in the stomach. He knelt on the floor gasping and I snorted at him: take that, fucker. But the other three came on me all together. Fuck, this wasn't easy. I wasn't used to this kind of fights, but I'd never let have their way with me. Never ever.

As one approached me, I kicked him in the face given my flexibility allowed me so, but the other two clasped my shoulders. I began to freak out, to really freak out seriously, because the fourth guy was now standing and seizing me with horribly pissed eyes, cracking his knuckles as if ready to hit. And that happened indeed. He punched me in the stomach, causing me to couch out due to the viciousness of the blow, and then Collins dared to slap me very hard. Fuck, that stung like hell and the punch almost left me breathless. That asshole better had not left a mark on my handsome face or one day I'll have his useless head served on a silver plate.

He prepared to hit me more, but I struggled like a tiger in a cage and somehow got free of them, for their grip remained on my jacket and, through the madness, fear and rage, I slipped away from it, my arms finally free and nobody had to tell me to run faster than I could, not to waste this chance. Screw the fucking leather jacket, I would buy a new one.

I felt like puking and my head spun dangerously, so I stumbled as I rushed away with all I got in me, as if I had the hounds of Hell breathing on my neck. Someone hissed and laughed in my head, his disgusting tongue on my throat, invisible fingers wrapping around it, a voice in my ears, and I felt sick, mad, freaked-out and even more sick. I had to get the fuck out of here.

So, I ran away, ran with all my force and fear and anger, ran as fast as my legs could take, leaving that voice and touch behind. I ran towards the parking space, seeing not many cars were left now. Screw it! What could I do? I halted a moment to think about where to go and that was very stupid, because the moment I turned around, they were there chasing for me, leaving me no other choice than acting out of desperation.

I sprinted forward without thinking straightly, just wanting to get away from that mess and not getting myself again in the same shit, as I wasn't sure how I could react to it. I dashed as my eyes spotted a big black Dodge pickup a few meters ahead of me and launched towards it as if my life depended on that. I think, it was my sanity that mostly depended on that, because that voice still hissed and slithered in my head and ears and I was about to go out of mind.

There was no logical reason to explain why I did what I did, why I thought I could trust a stranger and throw myself in their car, but my hand went to pull open the door, however freezing and completely blocking myself on the spot. Aleksandr was standing right there looking at me completely still like a stone, a fierce and hard expression on his handsome face. I gulped visibly and his eyes concentrated on me even more, narrowing even.

Damn it. He was the owner of that Dodge.

Fuck this day! I had just gotten myself in even a bigger mess and, yeah, he might have hated Collins, but still...his words were very fresh in my mind, just as the way he looked at me in the damn bathroom.

Oh great, just oh so fucking great.

He looked at me more and then glared over me, anger flashing in his cold eyes, his face becoming even more tense and set on hard lines, exactly like his lips, now thin and pressed together, for he was clenching his teeth as if wanting to contain whatever was going on inside of him. He had stared at me, and then over my shoulders. Everything weighted down on me and I no longer thought it through rationally, believing I was really fucking done.

"Get in the car," he ordered freaking harshly and authoritatively. His voice was trembling with rage and I tried to swallow down, but my mouth was too dry for that. This guy wasn't made of cold ice as almost everybody believed. Oh no. He was made of burning, devouring hot ice.

"What?" I barked out, completely shocked and bewildered.

"I said, get in the car," he repeated, this time walking towards me. And he opened the door while he grabbed my wrist, his firm touch definitely not causing me to flinch or recoil, which obviously didn't bother me but confused me even more right then, since I felt electric tingles in my skin. However, I flinched at the strength of his grip, because I thought he would shutter my bones to dust, not realizing it himself. Hell, he really was as strong as he looked.

"Bu-but," I freaking stumbled on my own words, not being able to sound coherent or even to spit out a word. I was so fucking nervous and mentally wrecked, still so freaked-out that I didn't know what to do or say.

"Get in the fucking car. Now," he growled and then literally shoved me inside, slamming the door behind me. He halted a moment, back perfectly straight and shoulders wide and strong, set in a hostile and very powerful line, and looked at the direction from where I came, his hands curled into tight fists. He looked like a God of war and I would have never wished to get against him. He shook his head once more and walked to his side of the car, opening the door and slamming it back with inhuman force, so much I was afraid the glass would shatter. It didn't, though. Aleksandr turned the key to start the car and then drove away, leaving the parking place and school behind us.

Leaving them behind us, as they had seen with whom I was, and that explained why they gave up so easily. Fucking cowards.

Then, it hit me once more. I didn't know what to think or do, and I began to hyperventilate, my head spinning and splitting in pain even more, while my heart thundered like a crazy horse in my chest. I had to rest my face on the cold glass of the window and concentrate on my inhaling and exhaling, telling myself to slow it down. Beside me, Aleksandr let out a long and loud breath and then sighed, remaining still very silent.

"Are you OK?" He however asked after a short moment and the question almost startled me, as it came unexpected. But I felt that his voice held a tone of concern. Was that for real or was it my imagination, though?

"Yeah, why? Do you even care?" I hissed out, for then shutting my mouth and pressing my lips together. What the hell was wrong with me? Fantastic Travis, just talk like that and you sure will make it very long and safely in your life. Screw that! I couldn't really help it because I was still far too nervous, and my emotions had the best of me.

"It was that bastard of Collins, right? I saw him and his fucking..." He didn't complete the sentence, because there was no need, but his voice hardened as he spoke, growing angered, and it was obvious he hadn't cared or minded my words and outburst of a moment ago.

I turned my attention to him, and my eyes widened at view of his hands clutched at the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles were white. His strong and squared jaw was clenched even harder, his beautiful and kissable, full lips a thin enraged line. His icy blue eyes were a complete storm and my mouth slightly opened up at that. It all completely shocked me.

"So?" He asked again, his voice very tense and slightly impatient.

"I don't need to explain you anything," I snarled instead, still wanting to slap myself for this sort of reaction.

What the hell was wrong with me? What the fuck did I just say to him? He had saved my ass a third time since we met and second time today, and he saved me big deal. Fuck! Damn! Ahhh...Hell, I was still freaked-out and couldn't really control my tongue or thoughts, they had a mind of their own, not to mention my swearing amplified to crazy extents and my mind flooded with one curse after another, getting nastier and nastier, until I had to take a deep breath and calm down. It wasn't his fault and he didn't deserve my attitude.

I was surprised he didn't say anything, just keeping silent and driving, without talking back or giving me murdering, annoyed glares. I felt a complete, gigantic jerk. I inhaled and exhaled, one, two, three times and then let my mind calm down.

"I am very sorry," I said quietly, hearing my voice still slightly trembling.

"It's OK," he only replied, nothing in his tone hinting at his being annoyed or pissed. He seemed actually calmer than before.

More silence stretched in the car and between us, for he didn't ask anything else, just driving quietly and I guess, giving me time. I still kept the side of my face on the window, the cold of it really soothing and refreshing.

"Aleksandr?" I then tried, because I just couldn't simply sit there beside him and say nothing.

"Hmm?" He murmured from his throat and my eyes quickly widened at the sound of it. Oh, how sexy was that? Hell, I was getting back to my normal self, and the fact my crotch reacted to his voice really meant I was getting better and better.

"Thank you for before, today you really saved my ass twice," I admitted in almost a whisper, because there was something about this proximity to him that clutched at my throat, in a pleasant yet taunting way. I was there in his pickup truck, really close to the man I wanted and desired the most, the man I lusted the most, so much it felt almost suffocating, especially now that his cologne and personal scent wrapped around me. Yet, I had to remind myself, he also was the man I couldn't have. A beautiful sound coming from him torn me away from that thought.

I suddenly heard him chuckling spontaneously and he turned his face smiling at me, just from one side of his ravishing mouth, the sexiest and hottest half-smile I had ever seen, yet impossible completely to understand what was going on in his mind.

"Yeah, that's true, Travis." There was a playful note in his voice, and I loved it, leaving me just stupidly staring at him.

He said my name. He fucking said my name, for pretty much the very first time. My heart skipped a beat and I had to swallow down hard the fire burning inside me, demanding to get out of me and get complete control over me and my rationality. He said my name with such firm and deep voice that I shivered, not caring if he saw that, because my heart beat faster and my mind carried me through some of the hottest fantasies, as I imagined him saying my name while he took me wild and intensely, destroying me. Another shiver travelled my body and I swallowed down what came over me, him seeing it. But he asked nor said anything about it, thank God.

"Where do you live?" He asked instead and I silently sighed out in relief. I gave him my address and he drove me there. After a short while, he surprised me again, first with glancing at me with still that one-side smile, his eyes quickly travelling me, and then telling me something I surely didn't expect.

"By the way, it's Alex. Or Sasha."

I knew I stared at him speechless and that my eyes slightly widened at that.

Author's chit-chat:

Didn't I say this chapter was intense and would have brought the story to the next level? Well, wait then for CH.9 and CH.10 😊

For now, what are your thoughts, ideas, comments, reactions about this?

Isn't Travis a badass for being able to somehow push himself over the fears and try to fight for himself? We all have many weaknesses, we really do, and I want to show it. Nobody is perfect. However, I also want to show how faulted persons, with fears, issues, weaknesses, problems, try to work on that. It's not easy and cannot always be done, but I try it.

John Collins...what are your thoughts on him, aside the obvious, of course?

Any idea what will happen on the next chapter? Oh well, stay tuned dear all, it'll be quite interesting, as our River would say.

Once more, dear all, thank you soooooooooooo much for the love you give to my stories, you're magic readers, thank you! ^^

Lots of Love, Magic, Hugs & Meows,

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