Chapter 10

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(Readers POV)

My alarm started to go off. I opened my eyes and turned it off. I got up and started to stretch.

(Y/N): Man. I hate getting up.

Sky: You really are a sleepy head.

(Y/N): Please tell me it's still the weekend.

Natura: Nope. It's Monday.

I gasped.

(Y/N): We get to go on our first mission today!

My shouting waked up Torn. He got up and looked at me.

Torn: Can you quiet down?

(Y/N): Sorry. But I can't help but be excited. We get to shadow a huntsman! How can you not be excited?

Sky: Today is going to be an eventful day.

Natura: We have to be careful though. We are going on an actual mission.

(Y/N): We should get ready as soon as possible. I want to get started as soon as possible.

(Time skip)

All the teams are in the auditorium. There are these screens that show many different types of missions. I was looking through the different categories and saw one called "Search and Destroy."

(Y/N): This one sounds like a great one to pick.

I clicked on it and waited. My request got declined.

(Y/N): What the? Why?

Ozpin: These types of missions are a little dangerous. First year students don't get to do them.

I looked to my left and saw Ozpin taking a drink from his mug. I saw Professor Port walk up to him.

Port: Let them go. I assure you with me at their side, they will be safe and sound.

Ozpin started to think for a minute.

Ozpin: I do trust you Port. Might as well.

He pulled out his scroll and pressed some things. My request for the mission went through and got accepted.

(Y/N): Thanks Ozpin.

Ozpin: You're welcome.

He walked off.

Port: Come on team (Y)TNS. Let's hurry to the nearest bullhead and make our way to our destination.

I nodded and we left the building of Beacon. We saw a bullhead ready to leave. We walked up to it and entered it. The bullhead left the ground and we started to fly.

Sky: What is this mission about?

Port: As the name "Search and Destroy" might imply, we are hunting Grimm. More specific, Grimm near the beaches of Vale.

Natura: What kind of Grimm can we expect?

Port: We will see Grimm that are more adaptable to water.

Torn: Looks like (Y/N) will pretty much be useless.

Sky: Don't say that!

Torn: It's true. Fire doesn't mix well with water, something I'm sure (Y/N) knows because of his dumb games.

I looked down, a little sad. I guess he is right. I don't have a weapon, I only use my semblance to fight. Natura put her hand on my shoulder.

Natura: You should ignore Torn. He is just being a jerk.

(Y/N): I'll try.

(Time skip)

The bullhead landed and we all stepped out. We landed nearby a village next to a beach.

Port: We have arrived.

We started to walk towards the beach.

Port: We have to protect this village. You all have to be careful when dealing with the Grimm.

We stepped onto the beach. Torn got out his sword, Natura got out her axe, and Sky made a bow of light.

Torn: How long do we have to wait until a Grimm shows up?

Port: One can show up in the next minute, hour, day, or even week. Grimm that stay in the water are known to not emerge from the water too often.

After a bit of walking, the beach started to shake. We looked over the body of water and a long serpent Grimm coming out the water. It let out a huge roar.

Sky: Looks like we found it.

Natura: Lets take it down.

Sky flew up and started to shoot at the Grimm. The arrows hit, but it didn't look like they did much.

Sky: What?

The Grimm opened its mouth and started to shot lightning out of its mouth. Sky flew up more to try and dodge the lightning, but it hit her.

(Y/N): Sky!

She started to fall. I ran up and caught her.

(Y/N): Are you ok?!

Sky looked at me and smiled.

Sky: You don't have to worry about me.

I turned over to see Torn making a huge tornado around his sword. He swiped it at the Grimm, but it went back into the water.

Torn: Crap. I can't do anything if it's in the water fully.

Sky jumped out of my arms and got ready to shot the Grimm again. The Grimm came out again and shot lightning at Natura. She was sent into a nearby rock.

(Y/N): Natura!

I was about to see if she was ok, but Torn was also sent into the rock and colliding into Natura. Sky started to shoot the Grimm. It went forward and grabbed Sky using its mouth. It slammed Sky into the sandy ground over and over again. I fired some fire at it, but my flames didn't do much. The Grimm threw Sky away.

Sky: This is going to hurt.

She fell to the ground, causing sand to burst up. I saw and her aura was close to breaking. I turned to look at the Grimm. I'm starting to get mad. I took a few deep breaths to keep calm, but quickly stopped and ran at the Grimm with fire bursting off my body.

(Torn's POV)

I saw (Y/N) running towards the Grimm. He is just getting himself killed. The Grimm used its head and smacked (Y/N) away. He hit the floor. He got up and looked really pissed. A lot of fire started to come from his body. It is getting really hot fast.

Torn: The hell?

I noticed something weird. After every step (Y/N) took, glass started to appear. (Y/N) tried to hit the Grimm with fire, but the Grimm went under water. (Y/N) started to scream as more fire came from his body. It's getting way too hot to stay here.

Natura: We have to go, or we will be burnt to a crisp.

(Y/N) made a big ball of fire over his head and threw it at the water. The water started to evaporate and the Grimm was able to be seen. (Y/N) ran up to the Grimm. The Grimm tried to get away from the heat, but more water is evaporating at a really fast rate. (Y/N) punched the Grimm in the face. He grabbed the Grimm's head and started to blast it with fire. The Grimm started to turn into black dust.

Torn: He took care of it all by himself.

The Grimm died quickly and the flames started to die down. (Y/N) passed out. The area cooled down and Sky picked him up.

Port: That was incredible.

I looked at the area of the beach the Grimm was. There is not a lot of water and the sand has turned into glass.

Sky: His aura is fine. He just needs sometime to rest.

Natura: Is everything ok Torn?

I clenched my hands into fists. He held back. (Y/N) held back during our fight in combat class. If he went all out on me, I would lose easily. Just how strong his this idiot?

Sky: He's waking up.

(Y/N) opened his eyes and looked around.

(Y/N): Where is the Grimm?

Sky: You killed it silly.

(Y/N): I did?!

Sky: Yup. And all by yourself.

Sky putted him on his feet.

Natura: You got rid of a lot of water and turned the sand into glass.

He looked over at the area and started to rub the back of his head.

(Y/N): Oh man. I hope no one gets mad at me for that.

Sky: You'll be fine.

Port: We should rest up for a bit, then continue on our mission of hunting Grimm.

(Chapter 10 end)

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