Chapter 12

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(Readers POV)

It is the Vytal Festival Tournament. Me, Sky, Natura, and Torn are watching team RWBY fight.

(Y/N): They are so good.

Sky: Yeah. Good thing we aren't the ones fighting them, even though we would win.

They finished the match pretty quickly and they are declared the winner. Everyone that is watching started to cheer.

(Y/N): I can't wait for our match.

Sky: Right? We will win for sure.

Natura: I wonder who we will face?

Torn: Does it matter? They will just be obstacles for my victory.

Sky: You mean our victory.

Torn: I know what I said.

Professor Port and Oobleck started to talk through some intercoms.

Port: Team (Y)TNS please head to the ring for their match.

Oobleck: Like they were supposed to three minutes ago.

I got up and I am very excited.

(Y/N): Come on guys! Let's show everyone how great we are!

Sky and Natura: Yeah!

They got up and we made our way to the arena. We walked into the middle and waited for our opponents.

Port: Team (Y)TNS are part of the next match. Their spirit to fight is burning brighter then any other.

Oobleck: But they will need more than spirit to beat their opponents. They are up against team WAVE from Haven.

A group of four boys walked into view. They walked to the middle. Their leader looked at me.

Waver: So you the leader?

(Y/N): I am. Why do you ask?

Waver: I'm the leader of team WAVE. My name is Waver. My teammates are Ash, Vector, and Echo.

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N). And my teammates are Torn, Natura, And Sky.

Torn: Stop it with the pointless introductions. Let's just get this over with and go to the next round.

Ash: Man, you sure seem excited to lose.

Vector: When team WAVE work together, we can't lose.

Sky: Like we will lose to a bunch of losers like you.

Natura: You will be crying back home to your mommies.

I looked over and Echo just stayed quiet. I guess he is the silent type. The arena started to change. One half turned into a geyser field and the other half turned into a beach area with water and a pirate ship.

Oobleck: Let the match begin!

Me and my team jumped back into the geyser field. I made some fire in my hand and shot it at team WAVE. Waver started to move his hands around and the water in the beach moved and blocked my fire.

(Y/N): He can control water?

Vector smirked and raised his hand towards the sky. Sparks of lightning started to come from his hand and launched it at us. Sky grabbed me and flew up. Natura jumped up and Torn made some strong wind around him, redirecting the lightning to go around him.

(Y/N): That was close.

Sky let go of me and I landed on my feet.

Sky: Hey (Y/N)! You want to see what I have been working on?

(Y/N): Absolutely! Show me!

She smiled at me and looked forward. She made some light in her hands and it covered her completely. The light disappeared and light is covering her wings.

Sky: Light wing mode!

(Y/N): WOW!

She dashed forward at high speeds and started to attack team WAVE. She attacked them with her light covered wings and they are sent across the arena. I noticed that Waver landed the closest to me. If he can control water, then my best chance on beating him is in the geyser field. I jumped towards him and tried to punch him. He quickly got up and dodged.

Waver: Time to take down the leader.

(Y/N): Took the words right out of my mouth.

I made fire in my hands.

(Y/N): Burst!

I threw some fire balls at Waver. He jumped to my left to dodge. A geyser started to shoot out some water. Crap! I forgot they shoot out water.

Waver: This arena just wants me to win.

He took control of the water and launched it at me. I jumped up and dodged it.

Waver: You better look behind you!

I looked behind me and the water went up and headed towards me. I'm still in the air, so I can't dodged. This is going to hurt. The water hit me in the back. The water is really hot and I landed on the ground. I looked up and I'm at the edge of the arena. I got up and turned to face Waver.

Waver: Looks like you are unlucky man. You are going to get knocked out the ring.

I heard some buzzers going off. I looked at the screen, that shows me and Wavers teams aura.

Port: Natura is out!

Natura's aura went down and she is now out of the match.

Waver: I almost feel bad for her.

I quickly fired flames at Waver, but he still had some water and blocked my fire. I heard two more buzzers.

Oobleck: Looks like Torn and Sky are out of here!

I saw Ash, Vector, and Echo jump over and stood next to Waver.

Ash: Looks like you are all alone.

Vector: And cornered.

Waver: We won't blame you if you walk off the stage.

I looked over and saw Sky, Natura, and Torn all knocked out in the middle of the arena. Something in my head snapped as fire started to surround me.

Waver: Still got some fight in you? Let's finish this guys.

I made more fire and it quickly started to spread, forcing team WAVE to jump back. I jumped forward and grabbed Vector's face. I slammed him into the ground and threw him up. I made a huge blast of fire, getting rid of his aura.

Port: Looks like Vector is out of the match.

Echo sent some sound waves at me. I dashed at him, but the waves slowed me down. I pushed on anyway and grabbed his neck. I started to spin really fast and I threw Echo out of the ring.

Waver: That's it! Time to finish this!

I felt something grab my leg. I looked down and saw a big purple hand is holding me.

Ash: This guy got insanely strong all of a sudden. We have to be careful Waver!

Waver: Keep him like that Ash!

Waver grabbed all the water that is in the arena and shot it at me.

Waver: Time for you to cool down!

I started to scream as more fire came out. The hand holding me went away and before the water could hit me, it vaporized.

Ash: Oh crap!

I turned to look at Ash. I dashed forward and punched him in the gut. He spat out some spit. I punched him in the face and grabbed him. I slammed him into the ground. I made some more fire in my hand and blasted him, knocking him out.

Waver: It's getting too hot here. It's getting... hard to breath.

I turned to Waver and started to scream more. Fire started to come out of my mouth as I fired the flames from my mouth at him. He raised his arms up and tried to block it at best as he can. He quickly gave up and he was sent out of the arena.

Oobleck: And that's the match! Team (Y)TNS is the winner!

Port: What an exciting comeback made by (Y/N).

I started to get rid of my flames and I started to come back to my senses. I held my head as it started to hurt.

(Y/N): Damn it. I let my anger control me again.

I said under my breath. I looked over to see Sky, Natura, and Torn getting up.

Sky: What happened?

She looked at the screen and saw that I beat team WAVE.

Sky: Yes! (Y/N) got us the victory!

Natura: He did?! Nice!

Torn: Whatever. If Ash didn't catch me off guard, I would have won.

Sky: Yeah right. You are just saying that because you lost.

Sky ran up to me.

Sky: Good job out there, even though I didn't see any of it.

She placed her hand on my shoulder but quickly brought her hand back.

Sky: Ow! You are really burning up.

(Y/N): Sorry. I should cool down in a bit.

Sky: Well, lets get out of the arena and get some food.

(Y/N): Alright. I am getting hungry.

I looked at the crowd and saw team RWBY. Weiss saw me looking at her and she gave me a thumbs up. I gave her a thumbs up back and smiled.

(Chapter 12 end)

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