Chapter 15

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(Torn's POV)

I made my way to Cinder. Her back was turned and I tapped her on the shoulder.

Cinder: Hello there Torn. Do you know who is going to the next round?

Torn: It's the idiot.

Cinder: (Y/N) it is. This should be fun. I will tell Emerald and Mercury.

Torn: What should I do?

Cinder: Just wait for now. I will tell you when you should begin the destruction.

Torn: Whatever.

I made my way back to my seat in the colosseum to watch the final round matches. I saw all the finalists standing in the middle of the arena.

Torn: This will be fun to watch.

(Readers POV)

Me and everyone else in the final round are standing in the middle of the arena.

Port: It's now time for the final round! I hope everyone is at the edge of their seats.

Oobleck: This rounds matches will decide who will win the Vytal Festival Tournament. Let us decide the first two contenders of the match.

I looked at the screen and it showed me and Yang.

Oobleck: Yang Xiao Long Versus (Y/N) (L/N)!

All the other students walked out of the arena. I turned to face Yang.

(Y/N): Let's have a great match.

Yang: Yeah. Time to see who wins this.

(Y/N): I had a feeling we would fight. Either at the beginning or end of the tournament.

Yang: Then its a good thing we will be settling this as early as possible.

The middle platform me and Yang are on started to raise up. I heard some shouting from the crowd.

Ruby: Break a leg sis!

Sky: Show this woman who's boss (Y/N)!

Weiss: Just know I'm cheering for both of you!

Port: Let the first match of the final round... begin!

Yang started to fire at me with bullets. I dashed to the left to dodge. I surrounded myself in fire and started to have my flames spread quickly. Yang jumped forward at me. She tried to punch me, but I raised my arms up and blocked her.

(Y/N): Not messing around I see.

Yang: You better not hold back. I will be disappointed if you do.

I tried to hit her, but she was able to jump back. I made two fire spears in my hands and threw them. Yang dodged them and smirked. The spears exploded behind her and she was launched over to me. I reeled my fist back and punched her in the gut. Yang was sent upward and landed on the ground, I couldn't see where she landed because smoke blocked the view.

(Y/N): Is she planning something?

I saw a burst of flames that I know aren't from my fire. I saw Yang standing up, her eyes burning red and her hair ablaze. She dashed at me and started to punch me. I blocked her punches and went for a counter punch. She caught my fist.

Yang: Time to go for a ride!

She started to swing me around. She threw me and I am heading to the end of the stage. I tried to grabbed the edge, but missed.

Port: (Y/N) is heading out of the ring!

I pointed my hands downward.

(Y/N): Burst!

I made fire in my hand and was able to launch myself back into the stage.

Oobleck: Amazing. He is still in the match.

Time for me to get serious. I started to scream as more fire came from my body. I shot some fire balls out of my mouth at Yang. She punched them away. I dashed forward and went for a punch. Yang put her arms to block, but I quickly changed my fist to an open hand to grab her. I slammed her into the ground.

Yang: Oh crap.

I slammed my foot on her gut and jumped off of her. I made a big ball of fire in my hand and threw it down at her. It hit her and an explosion went off. I landed and heard a buzzer go off.

Port: That's the first match done. Yang has lost her aura. (Y/N) (L/N) is the winner!

I got rid of my fire. I started to walk away.

(Y/N): Better luck next time.

Yang: There won't be a next time.

I turned around and saw Yang dashed towards me. I grabbed her by the neck and started to scream. Fire surrounded my body. I head butted her in the face. I let go off her and punched her in the face, sending her into the ground.

(Sky's POV)

What the hell?! I just watched (Y/N) attack Yang for no reason. Everyone started to boo him. I am sitting next to Natura and (Y/N)'s parents. They all are just as confused as me. (Y/N) still has his flames around him. Some Atlas soldiers came out and pointed their guns at him.

Soldier: (Y/N) (L/N)! Stand down!

(Y/N) turned to face him and threw a spear of fire at him. The Atlas soldier was sent flying. The other Atlas soldiers fired their guns and (Y/N) was covered in a net. The net started to glow blue and electricity started to come from it, causing (Y/N) to scream in agony.

Natura: Why would (Y/N) attack Yang like that?

I looked at (Y/N)'s parents and they looked terrified. I don't blame them, I would too if I saw my son attack someone and being electrocuted. (Y/N) eventually passed out from the pain. We fell to the floor and was picked up by the soldiers.

Sky: I have to see what happened.

I flew over to the soldiers carrying (Y/N).

Soldier: What are you doing here? Please head back to your seat.

Sky: He is my leader. I want to know where you are taking him.

Soldier: We are taking him to his dorm room. You can come with us if you want.

(Time skip) (Readers POV)

I am in my dorm room sitting on my bed. Sky, Natura, team RWBY, mom, dad, and General Ironwood are in here too. I was looking down. I can't bring myself to look at any of them.

Ironwood: Tell me (Y/N). Why did you attack Yang?

(Y/N): She... tried to attack me.

Yang: I was just getting up from the ground.

(Y/N): No. I saw you trying to punch me.

Ironwood: That's not what we saw and thousands of people saw.

I started to hold my head. Tears are forming from my eyes. Mom and dad tried to comfort me by rubbing my back and hugging me.

(Y/N): I know what I saw. It looked too real for it not to happen.

Ironwood: I'm not saying I don't believe you. This is your first tournament. You were most likely stressed. Stress can make people see things, even after the battle ends.

(Y/N): I'm... sorry Yang.

Yang: It's fine. My aura has already returned and healed me.

Ironwood: I'm sorry to say this, but you are disqualified from the tournament.

My eyes went wide. I clenched my head more as tears started to fall. How is this fair? I swear I know what I saw.

Mom: It's going to be ok sweetie.

(Y/N): No! It's not!

Everyone jumped slightly from my sudden shouting.

(Y/N): Everyone now thinks I'm a monster! How can I possibly show my face around people now?!

Sky: Don't worry. We will help you get through this.

Natura: We are here for you.

RWBY: Yeah.

How are they being so nice to me? They know I can hurt them at any moment. I was about to shout at them for being idiots, but I felt a hand placed on my shoulder. I looked up to see Weiss was the one doing it.

Weiss: You are going to get through this. I promise. You're not a monster.

She gave me a small smile. I stood up and walked to the door.

Weiss: Where are you going?

(Y/N): I'm going to take a walk. I need to clear my mind.

I opened the door and walked out of the dorm.

(Chapter 15 end)

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