Chapter 19

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(Readers POV)

I have been staying with Weiss for a few months now. I think I finally memorized the layout of the mansion. I'm just laying down on my bed.

(Y/N): It's been awhile since what happened at Beacon. I wonder how everyone else is doing?

I want to call any of them, but global communication no longer exists, at least that's what Weiss told me. I heard a knock on the door. I got up and walked to it. I opened it and saw Weiss.

Weiss: Hey (Y/N).

(Y/N): Hey Weiss. Do you need something?

Weiss: I need you to come with me.

(Y/N): Where are we going?

Weiss: My father wants me to sing and you are going too.

(Y/N): I would have gone anyway. I'm sure you are a nice singer.

Weiss's face turned slightly pink.

Weiss: Thank you for the compliment.

She started to walk and I followed her.

Weiss: After I'm done singing, father wants to hold some kind of party here in the mansion.

(Y/N): Does that mean I have to wear a suit?

Weiss: Absolutely.

(Y/N): I don't like them though. There itchy and the tie chokes me.

Weiss: Stop the whining. You have to wear one, like it or not.

I sighed and looked down to the floor.

(Y/N): Fine.

(Time skip)

I'm now wearing a stupid suit. I am standing next to Weiss. We are in the party after Weiss sung.

(Y/N): Your voice was nice.

Weiss: Thanks.

I looked around and there are so many people here.

(Y/N): So what kind of party is this?

Weiss: It's an auction party. It so Vale can make money.

(Y/N): Pretty neat.

Weiss: I guess you could say that.

I noticed a painting of Beacon Academy. I walked up to it and got a closer look at it.

(Y/N): Is this being auctioned?

Weiss: Yes.

(Y/N): It... doesn't feel right to me for this to be sold.

Weiss: I can understand that. But it's to make money for Vale.

(Y/N): I understand that. I just have mixed feelings.

I noticed a guy walk up to Weiss.

Henry: Hello Weiss. My name is Henry Marigold.

Weiss: It's nice to meet you Henry.

It feels like Weiss is just here to greet people. Henry started to flirt with Weiss, but she was having none of it.

Weiss: Listen. If you are here just to flirt with me, then you can get out.

Henry: Oh come on. Don't be like that.

I got in front of him.

(Y/N): She said you can leave now.

I made a small fireball in my hand and aimed it at Henry. He gained a scared look on his face and he walked away. I got rid of my fireball and sighed.

Weiss: He really was annoying. Thanks for getting rid of him for me.

(Y/N): He was getting annoying.

Weiss sighed and looked at the Beacon Academy painting.

Weiss: I wish Beacon never fell.

(Y/N): Me too.

Me and Weiss over heard a conversation a woman was having.

Woman: Is it really a surprise, what happened at Vale?

Me and Weiss turned to look over. I see a woman talking to a man, maybe her husband.

Man: Honey...

Woman: What? You said the same thing last night. If they're so arrogant to think they can get by without proper kingdom defense, then I say good riddance.

I clenched my hands into fists and looked at the woman with anger. Fire slowly started to come from my body.

Weiss: Shut up!

Jacques: Weiss?

Everyone in the room with silent and looked over at Weiss.

Weiss: You have no idea what you are talking about! None of you do!

Woman: Excuse me?

(Y/N): You don't know what you are talking about! Me and Weiss are going to become huntsmen, we are going to risk our lives to kill Grimm just so people like you can just sit back and do nothing! None of you sound concerned about what happened at Beacon!

Jacques: That's quite enough.

Weiss's dad walked up to us.

Jacques: You two are embarrassing us.

(Y/N): I don't care if I'm embarrassing you!

I couldn't control the fire coming from my body and it slowly started to spread across the floor. I felt a hand grab my arm.

Jacques: I said that's enough!

(Y/N): Let go of me!

I yanked my arm out of his grasp. My fast arm movement made fire shoot forward and at the woman that made me and Weiss mad. The woman closed her eyes, but Ironwood got in front of the flames and blocked them.

Woman: He just tried to attack me! Arrest this monster right now!

Ironwood: Him and Weiss are the only ones making sense around here. Thank you for the party, Jacques.

He walked out. I was able to calm down and got rid of my fire. Everyone is now looking at me. I heard comments like "He almost attacked a defenseless woman" "He said he's becoming a huntsman? What were they teaching at Beacon?" "He really is a monster."

Weiss: (Y/N)?

I started to hold my head as I ran out the room. I'm such a dunce! I keep losing my temper!

(Y/N): Maybe I really am a monster.

(Sky's POV)

I'm walking through a forest. I've been on a journey to find (Y/N) and the rest of the team.

Sky: Why would Torn attack (Y/N) during the fall of Beacon?

I have been wondering that for months now. When I see Torn, I'm going to let him have it. I'm not going to show any mercy. I decided that flying would be faster and I took to the sky's. I looked around and I saw a broken down town.

Sky: Might as well see if anyone is home.

I made my way to the ruined town and looked down. I looked at the middle of the town and saw Ruby, Jaune, Ren, and Nora.

Sky: What are they doing here?

I noticed a scorpion Faunus trying to sneak up on them. I made a bow out of light and shot at him. He jumped back.

Ruby: What was that?

I landed on the ground.

Ruby: Sky?! How are you here?!

Sky: I was just in the area. Who are you?

I pointed my bow at the scorpion Faunus.

Tyrian: I don't think that matters. But someone that you may know is here.

What does he mean by that? I feel wind starting to blow behind me. I quickly turned around and saw Torn, making a small tornado on his sword.

Sky: Torn! You bastard!

Torn: I wasn't expecting such foul words coming out of your mouth.

Sky: You better except them! Why did you attack (Y/N) during the fall of Beacon!? Your on our side!

Torn: You think I'm still on your side?

Tyrian: He is with us now.

Sky: What does he mean?

Torn: I'm going to show everyone just how much better I am then them. I'm with people that will help me with that goal.

I gritted my teeth. I shot at Torn, but he blocked my arrow. Torn launched himself at me. He's gotten faster since I last saw him. He knocked me back. I looked and saw the scorpion Faunus running at me. I closed my eyes and heard a clash. I opened my eyes and saw a black haired man with a sword.

Qrow: Get out of here! Get to safety!

(Chapter 19 end)

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