Chapter 34

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(Weiss's POV)

I started to open my eyes. I looked around and saw I'm in a forest now.

Jaune: Guys! Weiss is awake!

Ruby: Weiss!

I got up.

Weiss: What happened? Where are we?

Sky: You almost died, (Y/N) went berserk because of it, and now he is fighting Cinder and Raven.

I heard screaming. I looked and saw a bunch of fire in the sky. The screams sound like (Y/N)'s.

Weiss: We need to do something!

Torn: If you have a death wish.

I turned around and saw Torn.

Sky: You still looking for a fight?

Torn: I'm just warning you not to go near (Y/N). If Cinder and Raven are taking this long to beat (Y/N) with their Maiden powers, then we can't do anything.

I noticed fire on the ground. It slowly started to spread through the forest. I felt the heat and I wiped some sweat from my face.

Ruby: What can we do?

Torn scoffed.

Torn: We have to see who dies first. At this rate, Cinder and Raven will be killed. We can hope that the lack of oxygen getting into (Y/N)'s head kills enough brain cells for him to stop, or actually kills him.

Weiss: We have to help (Y/N).

Torn: Sorry ice queen, I don't want to be killed by that monster.

I got mad at him.

Weiss: He isn't a monster! He has been beating himself down because of what people like you have been saying about him! He is a human being! And from what I can tell, he is more human than you Torn!

He just looked at me. He sighed.

Torn: It's your choice to make. But don't say I didn't warn you when you get sent to the next life.

He was about to turn around, but stopped.

Torn: Oh yeah, one more thing.

The snake Grimm came out his arm and quickly bit down on Ruby's arm.

Ruby: Ow! Get this thing off me!

Yang tried to punch it, but it went back into Torn's arm. His eyes turned silver, just like Ruby's.

Torn: Thanks for the snack.

He went to the sky and flew away. I noticed Ruby is holding my rapier. I grabbed it from her.

Ruby: What are you doing?

Weiss: Saving (Y/N).

I summoned a series of white glyphs on the ground and went forward. I followed the fire and sounds of screams.

Weiss: I'm going to help you (Y/N). No matter what!

It's getting hotter and hotter the closer I get. I looked up and saw a big ball of fire, lighting up the area. I saw Haven Academy and (Y/N) fighting Cinder. The big fireball came down and hit Cinder.

(Readers POV)

My fireball hit Cinder, causing it to explode. I stood there and waited. The smoke cleared and Cinder wasn't there. I noticed some flames move. I turned and saw Cinder rushing over to me. I grabbed her and punched her in the face.

Cinder: You are getting on my nerves!

I blasted fire in her face. I saw her aura flicker. She fell to the floor. I walked up to her and kicked her in the gut. She gasped for air.

Cinder: You... will pay for this!

I kicked her again. She is sent away and her aura broke. Cinder was able to stand up.

Cinder: How? How can you be this strong?!

I was about to attack her, but I heard someone shout.

Raven: Time to get rid of you.

I turned around and saw Raven. She raised her hand up. I readied myself for an attack. A blue light came from her hand. Nothing happened to me. I turned around and saw Cinder being covered in ice.

Cinder: I... can't move.

I rushed over to Cinder and punched her as hard as I can. She split into two.


I fired another blast at Cinder. I heard her scream from the pain. She started to turn to ash. Once I know she was completely gone, I stopped my blast. I fell to my knees. I heard footsteps coming closer. I looked and Raven is walking towards me.

Raven: That's one down. Now to finish the job.

She drew her sword at me. I tried to move, but couldn't. I'm too tired. I closed my eyes and waited for her to strike. At least I got revenge for Weiss. I heard the sound of metal clash.

Raven: What?

I opened my eyes and saw Weiss standing in front of me. She is blocking Raven's sword with her rapier.

(Y/N): W-Weiss?

Weiss: You're not going to hurt him!

Raven: Out of my way. He needs to be put down.

Weiss: You'll have to get through me first!

Raven: Very well.

Raven was about to attack Weiss, but a bullet flew past her and barely missed her.

Ruby: You will have to beat us too.

I looked over and saw everyone else running up to me and Weiss. Raven jumped back.

Sky: Are you ok (Y/N)?

I just nodded my head.

Yang: Weiss, go and check on (Y/N). We'll take care of the rest.

Weiss nodded her head and she walked up to me. She knelt down and looked at me in the eyes.

(Y/N): Is that really you?

She gave me a small smile and nodded her head.

Weiss: Yes. It's me.

(Y/N): I thought... you died.

Weiss: I'm alive.

I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. Tears formed in the corners of my eyes. Weiss returned the hug and rubbed my back.

(Y/N): I thought I lost you.

Weiss: I'm here. You don't have to worry anymore.

(Torn's POV)

I looked around and saw Emerald, Mercury, and Hazel. I flew down to them.

Torn: There you all are.

Emerald: Took you long enough. Where is Cinder?

I looked up and saw an orange light in the sky. It came down and went inside of Emerald.

Torn: The Maiden power?

Hazel: Looks like we got our answer to where Cinder is now.

Emerald looked at her hands. Tears came from her eyes and she held her head. I walked up to her and hit her on the shoulder.

Torn: Stop being a baby. It's Cinder's fault she died. We need to head back to Salem and tell her the unfortunate news.

I guess Emerald is our Fall Maiden now. I looked at the ground.

Torn: (Y/N).

I said under my breath. Was he still holding back against Cinder and Raven? Just how much power does he have? I shook my head. I shouldn't get caught up in stupid questions.

(Chapter 34 end)

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