Chapter 41

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(Weiss's POV)

Everyone turned to look at Ozpin.

Yang: There was so much you hadn't told us! How could you think that was okay?!

Ozpin didn't say anything. He looked down at the ground.

Ruby: Ozpin. What is your plan to defeat Salem?

Ozpin: I... don't have one.

Qrow got mad and punched him in the face, sending him to hit a nearby tree. (Y/N) ran over to him to make sure he was ok.

Qrow: No one wanted me... I was cursed... I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world... I thought I was finally doing some good...

Ozpin looked up at him with tears in his eyes.

Ozpin: But you are!

Qrow: Meeting you... was the worst luck of my life...

Ozpin looked shocked, before looking down.

Ozpin: Maybe you're right.

Oscar's body started to glow. Oscar held his cheek.

(Y/N): What happened? Are you ok Oscar?

Oscar: He's gone.

Yang: Tell that bastard we're not done yet!

Oscar: This is different. He's gone. It's like he locked himself deep in my head. Or our head.

Oscar grunted in pain and held his head.

Oscar: I hate this!

Weiss: He just left us?

Blake: What are we going to do now?

(Y/N) helped Oscar stand up. Yang stomped her foot in frustration.

Maria: Enough!

Everyone turned to look at Maria.

Maria: We need to get a move on. It will be dark soon, and everyone is spewing negativity!

She pointed at a trail.

Maria: There's a trail over there, trails usually lead somewhere.

Yang: Lady, I don't know who you think you are but-

(Y/N): Yang!

Everyone looked at (Y/N).

(Y/N): Respect your elders!

Maria: He's right! Listen to him, he seems to be the smartest here right now.

Ruby: We do need to get going.

Everyone made sure to get what stuff we could find that could be useful. Maria sat on Yang's bike while Yang pushed it. We all went down the trail.

(Time skip)

We have been walking down this trail for awhile now. The snow started to pick up more. (Y/N) made fire around him to make sure we all stay warm. The snow lightly melting while he walked.

Yang: I thought trails led somewhere.

Yang said sarcastically at Maria.

Maria: You really don't respect your elders.

I started to hear what sounds like metallic squeaking. We all looked ahead and saw a huge farm. We walked up to a gate with a sign above it reading "Brunswick Farms".

Blake: Well, at least one good thing happened today.

Weiss: It looks abandoned.

Ruby: It's better than walking down a trail in the snow.

Qrow: Come on. I think we all could use some rest.

We all walked through the open gate. It closed behind us with a sudden loud clang noise, causing me to jump a bit.

(Y/N): Is everything ok?

Weiss: Yeah... I'm fine.

(Torn's POV)

I made it back at the bar Malachite is at. I walked in and found her at a table smoking a cigarette. I walked up to her.

Torn: I know it hasn't been a week yet, but something tells me I should ask. You found him yet?

I sat down across from her and put my feet on the table.

Malachite: Of course I have darling.

I think I threw up in my mouth a little when she called me darling.

Malachite: Lil Miss always delivers. Although, I can't promised you'll be pleased.

This fat woman is really testing my patience.

Torn: Just tell me already!

Malachite: Word has it that he was seen boarding a train with a group of eleven people. The train was going to Argus, but people rarely go to Argus as a destination. Chances are is that he is heading to-

Torn: Atlas.

I got up and started to walk away.

Torn: Thanks for the help.

Malachite: You know, you have been quite the interesting customer... Torn.

I stopped in my tracks. I turned around to look at her.

Torn: Excuse me?

Malachite: It's not often a single client brings me double the business.

She tapped her cigarette on an ashtray. I heard a creak from above. I looked up at the walkway above. I slowly started to reach for my sword, just incase.

Torn: ...

I see a pair high heels. The figure fully walked out the shadows.

Torn: Neo.

She looked down at me and gave me a smile.

Malachite: Maybe put away the good glasses.

I heard her say to one of her helpers. Neo jumped down at me. I pulled my sword out and swiped at her. She shattered. I looked around and Neo is behind me. She hit me and sent me back.

Torn: The hell was that for?!

Neo launched herself at me and hit me back. I'm in front of Malachite's table. I noticed the plates on it. I kicked the table down, sending the plates and an ashtray at Neo. She put her umbrella up to block. I rushed over to her and kicked her, sending her back.

Torn: Not so fun is it?

Malachite: That's enough!

I turned my head to look at Malachite.

Malachite: You two can this show outside.

Neo appeared in front of me and knocked me out a window. I quickly got off the ground and put my guard up. Neo came out the window and stood there.

Torn: I know you're using your semblance. The question is where you actually are.

I made a black glyph behind me. I slashed behind myself and Neo appeared, trapped by the glyph. I noticed she is wearing a hat that looks like Roman's hat.

Torn: You really need to get better.

I hit her on the back of the head. The hat fell down to the ground. Neo looked at me with rage. I grabbed her by her hair and pulled it back.

Torn: Listen here ice cream. I figured out why you're attacking me.

I picked up the hat and placed it on her head.

Torn: It's about Roman. Isn't it?

Neo looked away from me. I sighed and let her hair go.

Torn: I had nothing to do with his death.

I got rid of the glyph. Neo just stared at me.

Torn: What are you looking at?

She pulled out a sign with pink text. It says "Where is Cinder?"

Torn: She's dead.

Neo took a step back in surprise.

Torn: Yeah, your friend is already avenged for.

Noe pulled out another sign. It says "Sorry."

Torn: You have (Y/N) to thank. I'm trying to find him.

Neo looked at me confused.

Torn: That Salem woman. I attacked her. No doubt she's after me now. He's my best bet to at least stop Salem.

I turned around.

Torn: If you want, you can come with me. You seem pretty lonely and I can tell you want to thank (Y/N) for killing Cinder.

I started to walk away. I heard an extra pair of footsteps. I looked to my left and Neo is walking with me.

Torn: ... Can I ask you something?

Neo just nodded.

Torn: Why don't you talk?

Neo gave me an annoyed look.

(Chapter 41 end)

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