Chapter 43

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(Weiss's POV)

Ruby just dropped the Relic down the well. She started to freak out about it.

Weiss: Ruby, it's ok.

Ruby: No! No, there's something down there! I saw it, it was looking at me!

(Y/N): You saw something?

Ruby: Yes! A pair of red eyes!

She turned to look back down the well and looked confused.

Ruby: Where did they go?

Yang walked up to Ruby and put her hand on Ruby's shoulder.

Yang: It's fine. You said you're tired. It's probably nothing. Let's go.

Ruby swatted Yang's hand off of her.

Ruby: Are you crazy?! We can't just leave, we have to go down there! We have to get the lamp back.

Qrow: All we have to do is fix the tire and we can get out of here.

Ruby: I'm not leaving without the lamp!

She shouted out. Me, Blake, and Yang just looked at her.

Blake: I'll go down with you...

Weiss: We'll go down together.

Qrow: Fine! Get the stupid lamp. Oscar, fix the stupid tire.

Me, Ruby, Blake, and Yang went to the well and we jumped down the well. I looked around and saw an underground waterway system. Ruby and Yang took out their scrolls and turned the flashlights on.

Yang: The current probably carried it away.

We started to walk down. I noticed more tunnels. This place might be hard to leave if we get lost. Ruby looked around.

Ruby: Oh come on. Where is it?

Blake: Turn off your flashlight and just look for the glow.

Ruby: Ok.

Ruby sounded a little nervous. Ruby and Yang turned the lights off and Ruby took out her scythe. We walked for a bit longer. We all noticed a small blue glow.

Ruby: There it is!

Ruby ran forward and the rest of us stayed behind. Ruby turned a corner and went out of sight.

Ruby: Guys! I-

Ruby started to scream.

Yang: Ruby?!

Ruby came out of one of the tunnels and ran back at us.

Yang: What is it?

We all looked ahead and noticed a big group of skeletal looking Grimm. Ruby shot at them. One of the Grimm let out an ear piercing scream, causing us to struggle to stand.

(Readers POV)

I looked down at the well.

(Y/N): Guys?! Are you ok down there?! You four are taking longer than I thought!

I heard Maria gasp. I turned around to look at her.

(Y/N): Whats wrong?

Maria: Those four are in danger!

(Y/N): What?!

I quickly turned around to face the well. I jumped down and landed on my feet. I looked ahead and saw team RWBY. I looked past them and saw a type of Grimm I never seen before.

(Y/N): Guys!

The four girls turned around to look at me.

(Y/N): Run!

I ran in front of them and shot some fire at the Grimm. My fire killed some of them, but there is a lot of them.

Ruby: We have to go now!

We turned around and started to run back to the well. More Grimm appeared and blocked our path. A loud scream came from them. I covered my ears.

Ruby: This way!

We all turned to run down a tunnel. After some running, we found a looked like an underground room connected to the tunnels. I saw stairs that go up.

(Y/N): A way out!

I looked back and the Grimm somehow caught up. They let out another scream, causing me to fall and get really tired. I started to crawl towards the stairs, but didn't make it far.

Ruby: (Y/N)! Get up!

I started to close my eyes. I'm getting too tired.

(Y/N): Don't... worry.

I looked at the approaching Grimm. One of them reached out and is about to touch me.

Ruby: (Y/N)!

I saw a light come from Ruby's eyes and it hit some of the Grimm. My eyes snapped open and I quickly got up. I noticed that everyone else recovered. Weiss made her way up the stairs and tried to open the door at the top.

Weiss: It's locked!

Yang: Out of my way!

Me, Ruby, and Blake ran for the stairs. More Grimm showed up and screamed again, make all of us fall to the ground tired.

(Y/N): So... close...

I tried to crawl forward, but I don't have the will to even move my arm. Everyone else was the same way. This can't end like this. I looked forward and saw Weiss. We locked eyes.

Weiss: ...(Y/N)...

I'm not going to give up now. I made fire around my body. I aimed my hand behind me.

(Y/N): Burst... blast!

A huge blast of fire came from my hand. The fire covered the whole tunnel. It burned some of the Grimm away. Everyone is no longer tired. We all got stood up and ran over to the stairs. Yang punched the door open and we all rushed out. I looked around and noticed we are in a bar.

Blake: We're back in the house?

Ruby rushed over to a counter that Qrow is at. He is passed out.

Ruby: Uncle Qrow! Get up!

He opened his eyes.

Qrow: Hey! Get off of me! What are you doing here?

(Y/N): We are getting out of here!

I started to run, but stopped. I raised my hand towards the sky and made a fireball.

(Y/N): Everyone get out! I'm burning this place down to the ground!

They nodded at me and ran out, they have to carry Qrow. I made sure they left. I saw some of those Grimm slowly making their way up the stairs.

(Y/N): I hope we never meet again!

I threw the fireball at the doorway. Fire started to burn the Grimm and spread quickly. The alcohol in the room helped the fire get bigger and bigger. I quickly rushed upstairs and out the house.

Weiss: Hurry (Y/N)!

I saw everyone on the trailer and Yang on her bike. I jumped on the trailer. Yang started to drive forward as fast as possible. I looked back and saw the house is already engulfed with fire.

(Time skip)

It's been a bit since us all almost dying.

(Y/N): That was too close. What even were those things?

Maria: The Apathy. They're not strong or ferocious. They drain your will to go on. Bartleby's estate was hemorrhaging money towards the end. He wanted to cut costs on Huntsman protection, but in order to do that, he needed everyone calm... always.

The Apathy? I don't want to see them again.

Weiss: I'm... sorry for what I said... about giving up.

Yang: Me too. We can't quit until the lamp is safe.

Blake: It's wasn't your fault. It was those... things.

(Y/N): I don't think we would have made it alive if light didn't come from Ruby's eyes.

After I said that, Maria looked at me.

Maria: Light from her eyes?

I nodded at her. Maria turned to Ruby and looked at her.

Maria: What color are your eyes?

Ruby: They're silver. Do you know about the silver eyes?

Maria: Know them? I had them.

(Chapter 43 end)

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