Chapter 46

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(Readers POV)

Torn: Yeah idiots! We're going to Atlas!

Jaune let go of Torn and walked away from him.

Sky: I can't believe I'm going to say this but, Torn had a pretty good idea.

Torn: That's right. Praise me some more.

Neo smiled and started to clap for Torn. Torn gained a smug look on his face. I think this is getting to his head.

Qrow: Listen kid.

Qrow walked up to Torn.

Qrow: If you don't know, we are going to the highest security prison in Atlas. How are we going to get out?

Torn: I have a plan for that.

Man, he really thought ahead for this. Torn moved over and showed Neo to us.

Torn: With Neo's semblance, no prison can hold us.

Neo nodded her head. I sat down on the floor.

(Y/N): What if she can't get us out the prison?

Neo pouted at me. I guess I made her really mad.

(Y/N): Sorry, but it's a good question.

Torn: ...We'll wait til we get to that part.

Everyone sighed. Torn didn't actually think that far ahead. Weiss sat down next to me. I looked at her and she noticed me staring.

Weiss: What?

(Y/N): Where was the stick?

Weiss: Oh my- are you still on that?

(Y/N): I'm just curious.

Weiss: Fine, I'll tell you. Just don't complain when you don't like the answer.

Weiss leaned in and whispered in my ear. She told me where it was. I stood up and looked at Weiss like she was insane.

(Y/N): It was up her what?!

Weiss: I told you that you wouldn't like the answer.

I calmed down and sat back down. I put my hands behind my head and leaned back.

(Y/N): What are we going to do?

Torn: We wait.

I groaned.

(Y/N): That's going to take forever though.

Sky: It's not like we can do much of anything else.

Natura: We could play some games.

Ruby: What games can we play?

Natura: Um... Rock Paper Scissors.

(Y/N): I love that game. I used to play it with my mom all the time.

Sky: Did you win most of the time?

(Y/N): No. Mom somehow knew what I was going to play every time.

Ruby: Well, let's start a Rock Paper Scissors tournament!

Torn: ...Sure.

(Time skip)

We have been play for about an hour now. It was the finals now. It's Weiss versus Torn.

(Y/N): Come on Weiss. Beat him!

Weiss: You're putting a lot of pressure on me!

Torn and Weiss got ready to play. I wonder what they're going to do?

Ruby: This is the last match. Go!

Torn: Rock.

Weiss: Paper.

Torn: Scissors.

Torn and Weiss: Shoot!

Torn went for rock and Weiss went for paper.

Ruby: That's the match! Weiss is the winner!

Ruby grabbed Weiss's arm and held it up.

Torn: Dammit!

Torn walked to a corner and slammed his head against the wall. Neo walked up to him and patted his back in support.

(Y/N): Good job Weiss.

Weiss: I figured I would win.

I got close to Weiss and leaned in. I gave her a quick kiss on the lips. Her faces turned a light shade of red.

(Y/N): Just a reward for winning.

Weiss: T-thanks.

I looked out a small window on the door and noticed that we landed.

(Y/N): Guys. We're here.

Everyone looked at the door and we waited in silence. The door opened and Ironwood and s standing there.

Ironwood: Oh. I wasn't expecting all of you.

Qrow: Ironwood. Nice to see you.

Ironwood: Let's get you guys out of here.

(Y/N): We're not going to jail?

Ironwood: I have a feeling you guys would somehow escape.

I looked back and Neo rubbed the back of her head. We all walked out of the bullhead and I looked around.

(Y/N): This place doesn't look like a prison.

Ironwood: This is Atlas Academy.

Qrow: It may not look like it, but it is a prison.

Ironwood looked back and glared at Qrow. Ironwood looked forward. He started to walk and we all followed him.

Ironwood: I want to ask Torn something.

Torn looked a bit surprised.

Torn: What is it?

Ironwood: You are a wanted criminal, but I do have a proposal for you. I'll explain myself later, but I need help and you all came here at the right time. Torn, if you're willing to help, you might get yourself out of your current situation.

Torn: Might as well. I don't have much more to lose anyways.

Ironwood: Good. I'll give you all some dorm rooms. I'll come get you when I'm ready.

(Time skip)

Me, Sky, Natura, and Torn got a dorm room. This one looks really different compared to Beacon.

Natura: What should we do first?

I brought Sky, Natura, and Torn in a group hug.

(Y/N): Team (Y)TNS is back together!

Torn: Let go of me!

(Y/N): You really haven't changed much Torn.

I let go of all of them. I looked around and didn't see any beds. I looked a bit more and the beds are in the wall. I walked up to one and laid down on it.

(Y/N): I never seen a bed in a wall before.

Sky: Sometimes they are made like that.

I put my hands behind my head. I sniffed and smelled something bad.

(Y/N): I need a shower.

I got up and walked up to a door. I opened it and saw the bathroom.

(Y/N): I found the bathroom guys.

I walked in and closed the door. I walked up to the shower and looked at it.

(Y/N): Why does every shower have to be different?

This might be hard to figure out.

(Weiss's POV)

I asked where (Y/N)'s dorm is and I'm walking there now. After a bit of walking, I made it to the dorm and knocked on the door. Sky opened the door.

Sky: Hey Weiss. Has Ironwood tell you anything yet?

Weiss: No, not yet. Where is (Y/N)?

Sky: He's in the shower right now. You can come inside and wait if you want.

Weiss: Sure.

I walked in and heard the water running. I heard shrieking coming from the bathroom.

(Y/N): Too cold!

Natura: I think he's having trouble.

Torn: Bit of an understatement.

(Y/N): Too hot! Too cold again!

I sighed. I turned to look at Sky.

Weiss: I'll come back another time.

I was about to leave, but the water stopped. The door opened and steam came out of the room. (Y/N) walked out with only a towel wrapped around his waist. I can feel my face heat up like crazy. I quickly looked away.

Weiss: (Y/N)! Put some clothes on!

(Y/N): The only clothes in there are my dirty ones.

I glanced back over at (Y/N) and couldn't help but stare at his slightly wet body. His hair is still wet and his skin is a light pink color, most likely because of the hot water.

Weiss: Then we should find some clothes right now!

(Y/N): Alright.

He walked over to the door and almost walked out.

Weiss: You can't walk out of the room like that!

I grabbed his arm and pulled him back in.

Weiss: Stay here and I'll get you some clothes.

(Y/N): Alright. Thanks Weiss.

Weiss: You're welcome. I'll be back as soon as possible!

I went out of the dorm room and started to walk down the hall.

Weiss: The only time I see (Y/N) like that, his teammates are in the room. If they weren't in there, I wouldn't be ashamed of looking.

(Chapter 46 end)

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