Chapter 48

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(Readers POV)

Me and my team made it back to Atlas Academy. We are all tired. Torn is carrying a tired Neo on his back.

(Y/N): There was so much Grimm.

Natura: They could've warned us we would be killing Grimm for six hours straight.

Sky: At least we can rest now.

Torn just nodded his head. We continued to walk and we ran into team RWBY.

(Y/N): Hey guys.

I looked at them and they looked tired too.

(Y/N): Tired?

Ruby: Yeah. We had to do a lot of missions in a row.

Torn: Where are the clowns?

Weiss: The Ace Operatives? They went to talk to Ironwood about something.

(Y/N): Where is Jaune, Ren, Nora, and Oscar?

Yang: They are in their rooms resting. Why?

(Y/N): I think we should tell Ironwood that we finished with our missions.

Blake: Alright.

We walked down the hallway and went to Jaune's room. I knocked on the door and Jaune answered.

Jaune: Hey guys.

(Y/N): Man Jaune. You look terrible. What happened?

Jaune: Casseroles.

(Y/N): ...Casseroles?

Jaune: It's a long story. Do you need something?

(Y/N): We are going to report to Ironwood that our missions were successful.

Jaune: Ok.

Jaune walked out with Nora, Ren, and Oscar. We all continued the walk and we made it to Ironwood's office. The door is slightly open. I can hear Ironwood talking with some people. I opened the door fully. I saw Ironwood, Weiss's dad, and the Ace Operatives.

Ironwood: I'm telling you, everything is under control.

Clover: We can handle one kid.

Jacques: That monster is back in Atlas! How can you tell me that everything is under control?!

I looked at the left of the room and my eyes widened by who I saw.

(M/N): Don't talk about my son that way!

(D/N): He's not a monster, Jacques!

(Y/N): Mom? Dad?

Everyone in the room stopped and turned to look at me.

(Y/N): What are you two doing here? How are you two here? How do you know Weiss's dad?

(M/N): Sweetie. Don't you worry your little head about this.

(Y/N): Can you please answer my questions?

(D/N): We... can't.

I put one hand on my head. My head is starting to hurt. What's going on? I just want answers.

Ironwood: Why are you all here?

Ruby: (Y/N) wanted to tell you that we finished our missions.

Jacques: I could care less what the monster wanted.

(D/N): Jacques! I won't hesitate to send you to the medical room.

Jacques scoffed and started to leave. I put my arm out and in his way, stopping him.

Jacques: Out of my way.

(Y/N): Tell me what's going on.

Ironwood: I would like to tell you-

(Y/N): Then do it!

Everyone stayed silent. Ironwood looked at me for a minute.

Ironwood: ...Ok, I'll tell you.

Dad stepped in.

(D/N): Iron, this isn't a good idea. He might-

Mom stopped him by putting her hand on his shoulder.

(M/N): (Y/N) deserves to know.

(D/N): ...Fine.

Ironwood coughed and looked at me.

Ironwood: It started when you were born. You were born in an Atlas hospital.

(Y/N): I used to live here in Atlas?

He nodded his head.

Ironwood: You were different. You were born with your aura already unlocked and your aura levels were one of the highest ever recorded. To say you were born a prodigy was an understatement. And thats why Jacques didn't want you here.

He didn't want me here? I looked at him and he glared at me.

Ironwood: He thought of you as unacceptable and dangerous.

Jacques: And I was correct. Ironwood wouldn't believe me, but you proved me right.

I clenched my hands into fists tightly. My breathing started to go a bit faster.

Ironwood: Jacques forced you and your parents out of Atlas.

Fire slowly started to emerge from my body. I looked at Weiss's dad with rage.

Jacques: Don't shift the blame on me Ironwood! It was you who sent them out and it was for the better! You saw what he is capable of during the tournament! He will kill all of us!

(Y/N): Tell me... Who is responsible? Responsible for me and my parents living like crap!

Ironwood stayed silent. After what felt like an eternity, he nodded his head.

Ironwood: It was... me.

(Weiss's POV)

The fire around (Y/N) got bigger. I can tell, (Y/N) wants blood. I went up to him. I put my hand on his shoulder, but I quickly pulled my hand away from the heat.

Weiss: (Y/N).

He just stayed silent.

Weiss: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): I'll... make you pay!

He dashed forward at General Ironwood. Clover got in front of him and knocked (Y/N) into a wall.

Sky: (Y/N)!

Clover: Come on team. We have a kid to calm down.

(Y/N) recovered and looked at Clover. (Y/N) dashed at Clover. Harriet got in front of (Y/N) and tried to kick him. (Y/N) caught her leg and threw her away.

Torn: We need to step in now!

Torn rushed over and went to strike (Y/N) in the back. (Y/N) quickly turned around and punched Torn in the face, sending him through a wall.

Ruby: Come on guys! We need to stop this before it gets too out of control! Weiss's dad! (Y/N)'s parents! Get to safety now!

I summoned white glyphs on the ground and launched myself forward. I don't want to fight (Y/N), but I can't let him lose his mind again! (Y/N) turned and looked at me. I tried to hit him, but he dodged. (Y/N) grabbed me by my shoulders and lightly tossed me aside.

Weiss: What?

He rushed over at the Ace Operatives. He didn't try to hurt me. Good to know he's still has some thought. (Y/N) raised his hands to the air and a big ball of fire appeared. He threw it at the Ace Operatives and sent them through several walls. He started to scream and he sent a blast of fire through the hole in the wall. An explosion blow off the wall and most of the rooms around it.

Ironwood: Amazing.

I turned to look at him.

Weiss: What do you mean?

Ironwood: With this power, we can finally beat Salem. His power increases the more angry he is.

My team ran up to me. Torn came out the wall and groaned.

Torn: That hurt like a bitch.

Sky: Are you ok Torn?

Torn: Yeah Sky. I'm freaking fantastic!

He said with a little too much sarcasm.

Sky: Alright.

Sky went up to us.

Ruby: Where is everyone else?

Sky: They decided to go around and try to surprise (Y/N).

Blake: Let's hope that might work.

I looked and (Y/N)'s parents are still here.

Yang: Hey! You two have to get out of here!

(D/N): We can't just leave our son.

(M/N): Even if it hurts us.

Ironwood: I wonder what would happen if I did...

Ironwood pulled out a pistol and shot (Y/N)'s father in the chest.

Torn: The hell?!

(M/N): Honey!

She kept him standing, but she looks like she is about to pass out from fright.

I looked at Ironwood.

Weiss: Have you lost your mind?!

Ironwood: Anything to beat Salem.

I was about to shout at him, but I noticed that (Y/N) turned around and saw his father with a bullet wound in his chest.

(Chapter 48 end)

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