Battle At The Docks! Y/n's Rage Unleashed!

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Character Narration - Hello

Y/n: Previously on Fire Burns Hotter with Anger...

Y/n: I knew I couldn't go to another world without being found not long after. Now that she's here, she'll do anything to try and get me back.

Salem: They are simply a means to an end, and once we have what we need, you have my permission to execute them.

Asia: Rias is working with a woman or...I don't know what she is but she's just full of evil and malice. I heard them talking about using us to get control of this world, and then when we are done serving her, she would have us killed.

Weiss: You wanna know why I despise the White Fang? It's because they're a bunch of liars, thieves and murderers!


3rd Person Pov

After leaving Beacon, Y/n and Blake followed Sun back to Vale where they found a small inn to stay in. Thanks to Ozpin and Sirzechs, Y/n had some Lien to pay for the room so they could sleep. Blake laid in the bed as she slept softly while Y/n sat by the window and watched her, guarding her from any trouble that would come their way. The next morning, the three sat together at a cafe as Y/n sat next to Blake while Sun sat across from them.

Sun: Finally, she speaks! Nearly two days but you guys give me small talk and weird looks.

Blake looked at Sun before narrowing her eyes a bit as Sun smiles.

Sun: Yeah, like that.

Blake: *rolls eyes* Sun, are you familiar with the White Fang?

Sun: Of course! I don't think there's a faunus on the planet who hasn't heard of them. Creeps that use force to get whatever they want. Bunch of freaks if you ask me.

Y/n clenched his fist as he was about to stand up and knock some sense into Sun until Blake put her hand on his as he looked at her. She looked back at him and shook her head as he nods before sitting back down and calms down.

Blake: I was once a member of the White Fang.

Sun coughs and spits up his drink as he covers his mouth as Y/n chuckled softly.

Sun: Wait a minute, you were a member of the White Fang?!

Blake: That's right. I was a member for most of my life, actually. You could almost say I was born into it. Back then, things were different. In the ashes of war, the White Fang was supposed to be a symbol of peace between the humans and the Faunus. Of course, despite being promised equality, the Faunus were subjected to discrimination and hate. Humanity still thought of us as lesser beings, so the White Fang rose up as the voice of our people. And I was there, I was at the front of every rally, I took part of every boycott, and I actually thought we were making a difference, but I was just a youthful optimist. Then, five years ago, our leader stepped down, and a new one took his place, a new leader with a new way of thinking. Suddenly a peaceful protest was replaced with organized attacks. They were setting fire to shops that wouldn't serve us, hijacking cargo from companies that used faunus labor, and the worst part was, it was working. We were being treated like equals, but not out of respect, out of fear.

Sun looked in shock hearing her story as he didn't know the truth about what the White Fang previously stood for until it changed. Y/n looked at Blake as he felt bad seeing how all she fought for had changed so quickly. Blake sets her cup down as she sat and looked at her cup.

Blake: So, I left. I no longer wanted to use my skills to aid in their violence. And instead, I would dedicate my life into becoming a huntress. *looks at Sun* So here I am, a criminal hiding in plain view. All with the help of a little black bow.

The three look at Blake's bow as it wiggles softly from her cat ears.

Sun: So...have you told your friends any of this?

Y/n looked at Blake as she closed her eyes and looks down as he holds her hand softly.

Y/n: I think she let it slip out when she was arguing with one of her teammates after they ran into you. And I may have threatened the one that argued with her and stormed off.

Sun looked at Y/n and nods as the three pay for their drinks and walk down the street together. Sun walked with his hands behind his head as Blake and Y/n walked together.

Sun: So, what's the plan now?

Blake: *sighs* I still don't believe that the White Fang is behind these robberies. They've never needed that much dust before.

Sun nods as he thought about the robberies before stopping as he looked at the two.

Sun: What if they did? I mean, the only way to prove that they didn't do it, is to go to the place where they'd most likely go to if they were to do it and not find them there. Right?

Y/n stood in confusion with his eye twitching hearing Sun explain what sounded like a plan, but in the most idiotic way possible.

Y/n: I swear by the name of Lucifer himself he is as stupid as a monkey....

Blake: The only thing is, I have no idea where that might be.

Sun: Well, while I was on the ship, I heard some guys talking about off loading a huge shipment of dust coming from Atlas.

Blake: How huge?

Sun: Huge. Big Schnee company freighter.

Blake: You're sure?

Sun nods as he looked at Blake and smiled as she looked at him before looking at Y/n.

Blake: Y/n, you should head back. I don't want you getting mixed up in all of this and the others are probably worried about where you are.

Y/n: No way. I can't stand by and watch as someone I care about gets hurt or tries to go do something on their own without any help. Besides, if things do go down at the shipment, you'll need some back up. *holds Blake's hand* I'm not going anywhere. And I'll call Kiba to let them know I'm okay and maybe they can meet us.

Blake looked at Y/n as she slowly smiled and nodded as she held his hand back. Sun looked at them and smiled before the three made their way to the docks.

Ruby: Battle At The Docks! Y/n's Rage Unleashed!

On the way there, Y/n pulls out his scroll and pushes Kiba's contact, bring the scroll to his ear as it rings for a few moments before the line is picked up.

Kiba: "Y/n! Thank Lucifer your all right. Where are you? Asia and I have been looking all over for you and Blake with Ruby and her team."

Y/n: We're fine, Kiba. Listen, some trouble might be going down at the docks later. I need you and Asia to meet us in case we need any back up. Don't tell Ruby or her team.

Kiba: "Are you sure? They could help us."

Y/n: I'm sure. I'll send you the coordinates of where we are once we find a good spot to check out the docks.

Kiba: "Okay. See you soon, my friend."

Y/n hangs up as he continued to walk with Blake and Sun as they docks. After hanging up, Kiba looked at his scroll with Asia as she looked at him.

Asia: Is Y/n all right?

Kiba: *looks at Asia* Yes. He needs us to meet him at the docks for reinforcement. He thinks something is going to happen there and I also have a bad feeling about it.

Asia: Olay, but shouldn't we warn Ruby and her team? They are worried about Blake and if we have this information, we should tell them.

Kiba: Y/n said not to tell them, and after hearing about his confrontation with Weiss, I would assume that it's for the best that they aren't near each other right now.

Asia looked at Kiba as she nods before the two run down the street and towards the docks. Night soon fell on Vale as Y/n and Blake watch the docks, looking at the Schnee company freighter sit on top of a few others. Y/n looked at the freighter before turning his attention to Blake as she looked at the freighter, waiting for something to happen. He looked at her before placing his hand on hers as she jumps a bit before looking at him.

Y/n: You okay?

Blake looked at Y/n and nods as she looked at the freighter before looking down slightly.

Blake: Do you think that the others hate me? For not telling them that I'm a faunus?

Y/n: No, I think it surprised them and Weiss might have gone a little overboard, but I think that once you talk to them about it they will understand.

Blake: How can you be so wise and helpful about this ? You always seem so optimistic about it, even when you're not from here and don't know the struggles here.

Y/n looked at her as she did have a point, this wasn't Y/n's world and he didn't know much about it. However, Y/n knew the differences in his world with Devil's and Fallen Angel's too well as he looked at Blake.

Y/n: I just try to look at the bright side of everything, even when things go bad. After what happened with Rias before I came here, I thought my whole world was gone and I had nothing left. Then Sirzechs said he could take me here and I could make a new life and make new friends and allies. And that's what I did, I met you, I met Ruby and the others, and now I have a new place I call home and someone I care about with me.

Blake looked at Y/n as she blushed as her heart started to race once more, just like the time they almost kissed at the cafe. She looked at Y/n as he smiled at her as she slowly smiled back at him as she looked into his black colored eyes as he looked into her amber eyes. The two slowly lean into each other once more, slowly closing their eyes before a soft thud is heard behind them as they jump and pull away quickly. The two blush together as Sun hops over while carrying fruit in his arms as he looked at the two.

Sun: Did I miss anything?

Blake: Not really. They've off loaded all the crates from the boat, now their just sitting there.

Sun: Cool. *holds up apple* I stole you some food.

Y/n: Do you always break the law without a care of the consequences?

The three look at each other before engines roaring blast by them with the three looking up to see a bullhead circling around and landing in the large clearing in the shipping yard. The bay doors open with a White Fang member exiting as they looked around as Blake looked at them.

Blake: Oh, no...

Sun: Is that them?

Blake: Yes, it's them.

???: *quietly* Y/n!

Y/n looked up and turned his head looking behind him as he saw Kiba and Asia running over and taking cover with them.

Y/n: You made it just in time.

Asia: *looks at White Fang* Who are they?

Y/n: The White Fang. An organization for the faunus that went rouge.

More White Fang members leave the bullhead while one stayed by the door holding a rifle.

White Fang Member: All right, grab the tow cables.

Blake looked at them seeing her holes were crushed now that she saw the White Fang were behind the robberies.

Sun: You really didn't think they were behind it, did you?

Blake: No. I think deep down I knew, I just didn't want to be right.

???: Hey! What's the hold up?

Blake looks in shock as he recognized the voice as she saw Roman Torchwick leave the bullhead the White Fang exited.

Roman: We're not exactly the most inconspicuous bunch of thieves at the moment. So, why don't you animals try to pick up the pace?

Y/n looked at him before sniffing the air as he got a different scent, a metallic one, but not coming from the craters. He looked around before seeing a shadowed figure in the bullhead leaning on the wall.

Blake: This isn't right. *stands up* The White Fang would never work with a human. *draws Gambol Shroud* Especially one like that.

Y/n: Blake, wait! Somethings not right!

Blake hops down from the roof and onto the ground as she silently runs over to the crates. Hiding behind one of them and leaking over, she saw Roman taking to one of the White Fang soldiers who was holding rope in his arms.

Roman: No, you idiot. This isn't a leash.

Blake moves forward as she stands behind Roman and holds her weapon at his neck.

Roman: What the?! Of for fu-

Blake: Nobody move!

A few White Fang soldiers come over drawing their weapons as they slowly surround her as she held Roman.

Roman: Woah, take it easy there, little lady.

Blake looked at them before removing her bow and showing off her cat ears as her ribbon flies off.

Blake: Brother of the White Fang, why are you aiding this scum?

Roman: *chuckles & smirks* Oh, kid, didn't you get the memo?

Blake: *looks at Roman* What are you talking about?

Roman: The White Fang and I are going on a joint business adventure together.

Blake: Tell me what it is before I put an end to your little operation.

More engines roar above the two as Blake closes her eyes slight with the air blasting past them as two more bullhead appear above them.

Roman: I wouldn't exactly call it a little operation. Gajeel!

Blake looks in shock before being struck at her side and knocked away as she tumbles on the ground. Her attacker was a tall and muscular young man with long, spiky black hair, which is usually kept slicked back, revealing his forehead. He has green eyes with slitted dark pupils, and has no visible eyebrows. Most of his exposed body is covered in sets of simple, round studs. The most visible studs are on his face, with three of them above each of his eyes. Two of the same studs are on each side of his nose, two on his chin, just below his mouth, and his ears are adorned with two sets of five earring each.

He also sports four studs on each of his forearms, with his right one being covered in scars. Gajeel's usual outfit consists of a shabby, black, sleeveless tunic with studded edges, a studded belt around his waist, loose, beige pants tucked inside studded black boots, and a pair of studded brown gloves paired with similarly studded wristbands. He also sports a distinctive wing-like ornament, seemingly made of feathers, jutting upwards, over his right shoulder, attached to his tunic by a large stud.

Blake slowly rose up as she groaned softly as Roman smirked and aimed his cane at her and fired a large shot. Blake looked in shock before Y/n appears and smacks the blast up high into the air as it explodes. Roman looked in shock as Y/n only glared at him and growled as Roman quickly fires a few more shots. Y/n dodges out of the way and runs to the left while Blake dodges the blasts, back flipping to gain more ground as the concrete exploded behind her. Roman scowled before looking at Gajeel who saw Y/n running.

Roman: Deal with the pink haired, brat. The girl is mine.

Gajeel: Don't give me orders, ginger head. I'll do whatever the Grimm bitch wants me to do as long as I get to kill someone.

Gajeel smirks before running after Y/n as the bullhead's bay doors open with more White Fang soldiers jumping out. A few jump in front of Y/n who keeps charging forward as he reaches out and grabs two by the head as they groan under his palm. He swings the two around into the others as they all yell out before he tosses them to the side. Y/n stops before seeing Gajeel approach who smirks evilly as the two stare at each other and slowly begins to circle one another.

Gajeel: So your the guy that the red headed bitch wants back so much. No wonder that brown haired loser lost, I can sense some real strength from you.

Y/n: Yeah, and who are you supposed to be? Some metal head that got way too much into playing dress up?

Gajeel: *cackles* The name is Gajeel, and I'm the Iron Dragon Slayer.

Gajeel cackles and dashes forward as Y/n looked in shock while he transformed his arm into a large iron club.

Gajeel: Iron Dragon Club!

Y/n quickly guards as Gajeel strikes him and blasts him back into a container, knocking it back as Y/n tumbles on the ground. Y/n quickly stands as Gajeel charges forward towards him as Y/n punches his fists together. Y/n engulfs his right hand in flames and throws his fist forward as Gajeel looks in shock.

Y/n: Fire Dragon Iron Fist!

Y/n slams his fist into Gajeel's gut sending the Iron Dragon Slayer flying, just like he did Y/n as he crashes into one of the warehouses. Y/n looks at the warehouse before hearing Blake and Sun fighting Roman as they kicked him as he lands on the ground. Looking up, Roman sees a crater suspended in the air as he stands and aims at it before firing as the shot strikes the cables. Blake and Sun look up as Kiba jump up, drawing his sword and slashing the crate in half as he lands. The two dodge the two large pieces as Y/n smiles before seeing Gajeel emerge slowly from the warehouse.

Y/n: Damn it...

Y/n scowls as he yells out and runs towards Gajeel as he does the same. With the commotion Penny was causing while taking down the White Fang and destroying two of the bullheads they arrived on, Roman took this time to escape. Y/n and Gajeel exchange blow after blow, dodging each other's attacks and trying to hit one another. Y/n jumps up into the air as he inhales deeply before shooting a large exploding torrent of fire towards Gajeel who dodges and turns his arm into a sword and jumps up at Y/n. Y/n looked at him as he dodges the sword slashes from Gajeel before the two land as Gajeel smirks at him.

Gajeel: I gotta admit, you really are something else.

Y/n: Same here, I never had to exert myself this much.

Gajeel: Oh, I'm just getting started.

Y/n raises an eyebrow as he looked at Gajeel who clenched his fists and hunched over before standing up straight and roars out as his whole body turns into iron.


Y/n: Dragon scales?!

Gajeel dashes forward at a much faster speed as Y/n looked in shock before being stuck in the stomach as he coughs up before being launched back. Y/n shoots by Blake and Sun as they look in shock as he crashes into a large number of crates and groans softly.

Blake: Y/n!

Sun turns towards Gajeel as he yells out and jumps at the Iron Dragon Slayer, swinging his staff down towards his head. Gajeel easily catches the weapon as Sun looks in shock while Gajeel grins evilly, pulling Sun towards him and knees the monkey faunus in the gut. Sun coughs up before Gajeel punches him towards the left with Sun tumbling on the ground with his weapon as he groans as Blake charges forward and yells out. Gajeel smirked at her as she slashed at him at a high speed, moving all round his body as her attacks did nothing to him. Blake looks in shock before Gajeel grabs her by the hair and slams her head down into the ground as she yells out in pain. Gajeel smirks and holds her up as her body was limp a bit as she barely managed to hold up her weapon as Y/n charges forward from the debris.

Y/n; Let her go!

Gajeel kept his smirk as he looked at Y/n and tossed Blake towards him as he looked in shock as he moved his arms to catch her. Gajeel took this moment and appeared before him kicking him high up into the air as Y/n yelled out. Gajeel jumps up and slams his fist back into Y/n chest sending him back down and crashes hard into the ground as he lands near Ruby and Penny as Ruby looked in shock and ran over to him. Kiba looked at them before yelling out as he charges at Gajeel while Asia ran over to Y/n.

Ruby: Y/n!

Asia: Hold on, I'll heal you!

Asia holds her hands out to Y/n as her Sacred Gear activates as a green aura surrounds Y/n's body and glows. Ruby looked at him before looking at Gajeel as he smacked Kiba away as the young swordsman groaned before charging at the Iron Dragon Slayer once more.

Ruby: I'll go and help.

Ruby stands up before Y/n's hand shoots up and grabs her arm as she looks at her arm before looking at Y/n.

Y/n: *groans* need to get...Blake and Sun and get out of here....

Y/n slowly sits up as the green aura around him disappears as Asia looks at him.

Asia: Y/n, you shouldn't move! Let me heal you.

Y/n: I can...I can handle Gajeel until you guys get out of here...He's too strong for you guys to handle...

Y/n slowly stands up as he takes off his jacket and shirt as he looks at Gajeel as he throws Kiba to the ground.

Y/n: Get going!

Y/n dashes forward and tackles Gajeel back before he could stomp down on Kiba as the two tumble on the ground before standing and facing each other.

Gajeel: *smirks* Back for more, huh? Someone must be eager to die.

Y/n: We'll see about that, metal for brains.

Y/n runs forward and throws his fist at Gajeel who quickly dodges as he laughs evilly and throws his own fist. Y/n barely dodges it with it scraping his side as he groans before the two continued to exchange blows. Ruby and Asia run over to Blake and Sun as they groan softly as Ruby helps Blake up.

Blake: *looks at Ruby* R-Ruby...?

Ruby: Take it easy, Blake.

Y/n yells out as he continues to throw his punches as Gajeel dodges before Y/n lands one on his face. Y/n groaned out as he pulled his arm back and held his wrist as Gajeel chuckled.

Gajeel: Hurts when you decide to punch iron, doesn't it, punk?!

Gajeel headbutts Y/n down into the ground as the Fire Dragon Slayer groans out. Gajeel smirks as he kicked Y/n in the side and walked over to him as he lays on his back and grunts before Gajeel starts to wail down punches onto Y/n as the Fire Dragon Slayer grunts with each strike.

Gajeel: Forget about bringing you back to the red headed bitch! I'm gonna enjoy taking you down and killing you!

Y/n's body slowly starts to give up as his body goes limp as Gajeel continues to throw punches down on him. Ruby and the others watched in shock as Blake looked at Y/n while her arm was draped over Ruby's shoulder.

Blake: Get up...Y/n...GET UP!

Gajeel stops throwing punches as he looks over at Blake and the others and smirks before leaning down to Y/n.

Gajeel: And don't worry about your little cat girlfriend, I'll be sure to break her into my woman.

Aftear hearing that, something snapped inside of Y/n. Smoke began to erupt from Y/n's body slowly as Gajeel didn't notice as he reeled his fist back.

Gajeel: Enjoy the afterlife!

Blake: Y/N!

Gajeel throws his fist down as Y/n's arm shoots up and catches the fist, making the Iron Dragon Slayer look in shock.

Y/n slowly gets up as his grip around Gajeel's fist grows tighter as Gajeel groans softly as the Iron around his arm begins to crunch down in his hand. Y/n's hair slowly changed color from a bright pink to a blood red as his eyes glow with red flames shooting out the sides.

Gajeel: No, there's no way! I'm the strongest!

Y/n lets out a dragon-like roar as it echoes in the shipyard as everyone covers their ears with the sound reverberating off the containers. Reeling his fist back, a dark red flames engulfs Y/n's arm as he throws it forward and strikes Gajeel in the chest as the Iron Dragon Slayer coughs up blood and it sent flying down the shipyard. Y/n's body engulfs in a red flame as he jumps forward with it disappearing as he roars out and grabs Gajeel's head, smashing it down into the ground as he starts to wail down on Gajeel like he did. After another punch, Y/n tosses Gajeel up and inhales deeply before shooting a larger torrent of exploding flames from his mouth, this time in a dark red color as Gajeel looked in shock before being hit as he yells out.

Ruby and the others look in shock as they watch the two with Y/n being clearly the stronger adversary as he charges at Gajeel before he could land. Wrapping his arms around Gajeel's torso, Y/n suplexs him down into the ground with a large smoke screen enveloping the area.

(End Song)

Blake looked in shock, but more with fear as this wasn't the Y/n she knew, she had to put a stop to it. The sounds of blows landing in the smoke as Y/n roared out and Gajeel's weak grunts filled the shipyard as Blake appeared in the middle of the smoke with a large crater in the ground as Y/n continued to punch Gajeel into it. Blake looked at him as she walked over slowly and kneels down next to Y/n once she was close to his side.

Blake: Y/n...that's enough...

Y/n didn't stop as he continued to wail down on Gajeel as Blake looked at him and grabbed Y/n's shoulder.

Blake: Y/n!

Y/n turned and growled at Blake as she looked in shock as his eyes continued to glow red as he looked at her. She could see he was blinded by fury and rage as she slowly reached her hands up as Y/n growls and pants until he jumped and growled more when her hands touched his cheeks.

Blake: It's okay. The fight is over, come back.

Y/n continued to growl as he looked at Blake in his blind fury as she looked at him.

Blake: Y/n, please come back to me. I don't want to see you like this, this isn't who you are. You are a sweet and kind person who means everything to me. You made me feel something that I thought that I would never feel again. You made me feel love again, Y/n. And I love you, so please...come back to me.

Blake looked at Y/n before leaning into him and pressing her lips against his softly, holding his cheeks as Y/n's body slowly calms down. His hair slowly returns to its normal pink color as he closes his eyes as the two share the moment together. The smoke clears around them as Ruby and the others approach seeing the two as Blake pulls away from the kiss and looks at Y/n as he opens his eyes slowly as they had returned to normal.

Y/n: Blake.

Blake: *smiles* Yes, Y/n.

Y/n looked at her as tears filled her eyes seeing he had come back while she still held his cheeks as he smiled at her and held her cheek.

Y/n: I love you too.

Blake smiles before laughing softly as she leans back into Y/n and kisses him once more as he kisses her back while Ruby and the others smile at them and at each other. After some time, Vale police arrived at the docks and cordoned off the area as Y/n and the others sat and waited while Asia healed Y/n's injuries. Y/n looked over to Gajeel as the police took him away in a stretcher, the thought of him not being the only Dragon Slayer filled his mind before he felt someone grab his hand. He looked at his hand before looking to his side as he saw Blake as she smiled at him as he returned the smile.

The group sits before hearing footsteps approach as they turn and see Yang and Weiss walking over, looking around at the scene. Ruby stands up and walks over to the two as she looked at Weiss.

Ruby: Look, Weiss, it's not what you think. I can explain the whole thing, you see she-

Weiss walked past Ruby and towards Blake who stands as Y/n stood with her as he looked at the heiress. Yang watched from the side as the two look at each other before Blake speaks up.

Blake: Weiss, I want you to know that I'm no longer associated with the White Fang. Back when I was-

Weiss: Stop. Do you have any idea how long we have been searching for you? Twelve hours. That means I've had twelve hours to think about this and I'm that twelve hours, I've decided...

The group stands as they look at each other before looking back at the two.

Weiss: I don't care.

Blake: You don't care?

Weiss: You said you're not one of them anymore, right?

Blake: No, I haven't been since I was younger-

Weiss: *holds up hand* I don't wanna hear it. All I want to know, is that the next time something like this big comes up, you come to your teammates and your friends. And not some...*looks at Sun* Someone else.

Blake looked at Weiss before looking at Y/n and her team as they smile and nod as she looked back at Weiss and wiped a tear from her eye.

Blake: *nods* Of course.

Y/n: Guess I was wrong about you, Weiss.

Weiss looked at Y/n as she was shocked he used her name rather than her last name.

Y/n: *smiles* Maybe you can accept some change. And I'm sorry about what I said before, *holds out hand* Friends?

Weiss looked at Y/n as she looked down at his hand, thinking for a moment, before she shakes his hand and smiles.

Weiss: Friends.

Y/n smiles as he looked at her and takes his hand back, only for Blake to hold it in hers once again as he looked at her and smiled. Yang saw this before jumping in shock.

Yang: Aww! You got to him first?!

The two look at Yang with the rest of their teams as they were shocked.

Blake: Wait, you also had..

Yang: Duh! I was hoping to get him first, but I guess you beat me to it. But in any case...

Yang walked up to Y/n as he looked at her as she grabbed his scarf and pulled him towards her as she smashes her lips onto his. Y/n jumps in shock as the two teams yell out in shock before Yang pulls away as she smiles and winks at Y/n.

Yang: I'm sure we can both share him equally.

Blake looked at Yang before smiling and nodding as Yang cheers and wraps her arms around Y/n other arm. He looked at the two as he smiles and shakes his head as he knew he made great friends in this new world.

Yang: Next Time on Fire Burns Hotter With Anger....

Sirzechs: This power you used against Gajeel, it drives on your emotions and will be either a great weapon, or a terrible disaster if not controlled.

Y/n: I didn't expect my life to be so different now, but I'm ready to face whatever comes my way as long as I have you two by my side.

Blake: As long as we're here, you'll never be alone, Y/n.

Glynda: They're supposed to be the defender of the world.

Cinder: We're proceeding to phase two.

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