Chapter 4

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Opening his eyes, Snowball found himself in a fiery cavern, filled with jagged rocks and pools of lava. Strange creatures gathered around him, jabbing his skin with pointed sticks. "Get away from me ugly!" the rabbit grumbled, shoving one to the ground. But he was quickly pinned to the floor by two more. Struggling to free himself, Snowball shouted, "What do you want from me?!"

"Welcome to the Underworld Snowball," a voice boomed, echoing inside the cavernous room and causing Snowball's head to hurt. Looking around, he finally located the speaker; a large, bat-winged creature with red eyes. "Who the heck are you?!" Snowball spat angrily. Baring his sharp fangs, the creature replied smoothly, "Why, I'm surprised you haven't a clue. I thought someone with the likes of you would recognize the Devil."

Snowball stopped struggling as his blood went cold. Am I dead?! he asked himself. "Yes, you indeed are dead," the Devil answered, reading his thoughts. Panicking, the rabbit cried, "I can't be dead! Send me back!"

"Of course you wanna go back. Nobody wants to live in the Underworld for eternity," the Devil chuckled. Snapping his fingers, a sheet of paper appeared in his clawed hand. Smiling evilly, he continued, "All you need to do is sign." With another snap of his fingers, a red pen appeared in his other hand. Silently, he offered it to Snowball.

Grabbing it, Snowball was about to sign the paper when the Devil interrupted him, "One condition though. If you take this opportunity to change your life now, I'll never have to see you here again when you die once more. But, if you don't do anything, I'll be waiting for your return with open arms."

"Okay whatever," Snowball muttered, signing his name at the bottom of the paper. The Devil took the paper as a mystical light shone around the white rabbit. The last thing he ever heard was the Devil crying out, "I hope you enjoy your new life!" A second later, the Devil added, "Oh! Heads up, there is a side effect!"

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