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"It takes a monster to gut one." 

 "A monster's inside you... I'll tear it out!"

"I became the monster I always was."  

"Run faster!" 

here's one that seems to be about me

The man I was... I killed him first." 

"I ran these streets - now it's your turn to run."

"Violence can be death - or a way of life."

 You killed Warwick, but left the beast."

"I almost felt that."

"One thing you should know; I honour my debts."

This is no challenge."


"Their bones will whet my blade."

"Another body for the gutter."

"This blade's my favorite."

"Enjoy the taste of steel.""

Let's finish this quickly."

"There's nowhere to hide."

"Don't cross me."

"On the razor's edge."

"Your allegiances mean nothing to me."

"I never compromise."

"Only fools pledge life to honor."

"They won't survive."

Eventually, my blades will find their way into your heart."

"Have you anything to offer but weakness?!"

"Ugh, I lost another blade. I wonder who it's in this time."

"The worst part of losing a blade is trying to trace back all my stabbings."

This will be... a harsh lesson."

"One cut, of many."


"Defend yourself."

"Blade and body."

"Never await victory."

"Let us begin."

"Anger gives motivation without purpose."

"In me, Wuju lives on."

"Form before strength."

"Wuju style!"

"The focused mind can pierce through stone."

"Do not let your pride blind you."

"I will show you the path."

"Doubt is the greatest enemy."

"A true master is an eternal student."

Your skills are inferior!"

"You wish to learn the hard way, I see."

"I will take an eye... heh, as if I don't have enough already."

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