Chapter Three: Roxy

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The return trip to the camp took a few hours on the back of Vincent's bike, putting my three day hike to shame. The same paths I battled through at what I thought was a rapid pace, Vincent rode across without a care. I might have pitied Cin his return journey, if he didn't deserve it. The image of the wild determination in his eyes as he pulled out the knife was still sharp in my mind.

When Vincent pulled to a stop outside the main building, my closest friend and cousin, Avery, was waiting on the steps. She stood up when she saw us and gave me a lazy wave. Avery was tall and slender, with high cheekbones framing the gaps in her face where cheeks should have been. Her eyebrows were arched and defiant, her eyes the same bottomless brown as mine and the rest of our family. The severity of her features somehow only made her even more stunningly beautiful than she would have been otherwise. She walked down to meet us slowly. I knew she was taking extra care to appear her best---she had always had a thing for Vincent.

I could sort of see what she was getting at when he slipped from the bike and pulled off his helmet, revealing his long, unruly black hair, streaked with the same dramatic red as all Helian Protectors (those of us with powers gifted by the Fire God to serve and protect the Realm). His eyes were warmer than mine or Ave's, more inviting, but the rest of his features were colder, harsher, more defined; there was something dangerous and reckless about him which turned the usually unflappable Avery into a silly school-girl. But Vincent had been my mentor since I was five; he was like an annoying older brother, always telling me what to do and how to behave; reminding me of my youth and insignificance at every available opportunity.

''Give me the rings. I'd better go report on how you've done. I'll leave you two to catch up," he said, collecting the rings before walking inside.

Avery let out an audible sigh, her eyes following him in. Once he vanished through the door she turned back towards me. ''So how did it go?"

''It was three days in the jungle without food, water or a decent bed. I haven't washed in days and I spent last night sleeping in a tree... How do you think it went?"

Avery laughed.

''Cinaer was a nightmare. He was so afraid of losing to me that he pulled a knife!"

She gasped at that. ''Seriously? Surely even Cin wouldn't go that far."

I nodded. ''The guy's insane; if he wasn't so self-absorbed he'd probably have stabbed me there and then."

''Doesn't bode well for the future really does it." Avery laughed darkly and a small flame flared up on her fingertips, which she popped into her mouth, inhaling deeply before breathing out a ring of smoke. ''What with your mother's crazy obsession with you marrying him and all."

I shook my head, ''I can handle Cinaer." My mother, on the other hand, was a different matter entirely. She had decided early on that Cin would be a great match for me. On paper I suppose he was---his father was the head of the second city, Kalme, so it would be a joining of two elite families---me being the granddaughter of the current King and second in line to the throne, after my father. Sure, he was incredibly good looking and could be smoulderingly sexy when he tried, but he always seemed to try too hard; he couldn't pass a mirror without looking in it twice. He could also be cruel. I'm no perfect goody-two-shoes---I like breaking the rules as much as any Helian---but I'm not malicious; I just like to have fun. My relationship with Cin was turbulent to say the least.

Flames flared at my fingers in frustration; normally I had them under control, but I'd only had my powers for six months and when I got angry there was nothing I could do to stop them. It had been even worse when they first manifested though; spontaneous fires erupted all over the place. That's supposedly why they send us to the camp: to 'train us'.

''I hate all these stupid hoops they make us jump through; all these tests to make sure we're 'good enough'. Good enough for what anyway? It's not like we even get to do anything serious. When am I ever going to have to be able to survive in the jungle for three days? None of the other Realms even have jungles! Only the Helian Realm does and I'm not going to have to hike on my own out here am I, running from my own people."

''The people you will one day be Queen over." Ave sighed again.

''Exactly!" I grinned at her. ''This is stupid."

We stretched out on the grass by the side of the main building. It was beautifully warm; it always was in the Helian Realm. Our second sun saw to that---a giant ball of fire in the sky over our Realm alone. The world around me was a green paradise; we were at the edge of the jungle I spent the last few days trekking through, the only civilised area on this side of the island. The area was richly fertile, but that was due to the volatile volcano nearby, which kept most of the other Helians well away. The edges of the vegetation had been burnt to nothing---used as target practice---but that only made it seem more beautiful; it was dangerous, alive and scorching.

I let the flames dance up in my fingers on purpose this time. I could still remember when I thought this was normal; that everyone began to produce dazzling flames whenever they felt like it---Vincent made it seem like the most natural action in the world. But it wasn't normal: it was a rare and special talent possessed only by a few---those who really deserved it, I guess, and who would use it correctly.

''So you survived the escape," Avery continued after a while. ''What's next?"

''Just one more test. Vincent's keeping quiet on what it is, but it can't be any worse than the last and once it's over I'm free to go home."

''Well it can't be that bad if it means you get to spend more time with Vincent..." Avery swooned, fanning her face with her hand.

As if on cue, the door opened again and Vincent came out. ''I thought I would still find you out here."

''How did it go?" I asked, eager to find out what had been said.

''They're pleased with your progress."

''And Cin?"

Vincent shrugged but I could tell from the expression on his face that he was slightly frustrated. ''Boys will be boys is pretty much all they had to say. But I have something more important to discuss with you anyway."

Avery, who had been uncharacteristically quiet until this point, suddenly piped up ''Oh? Are we actually going to get to do something for once?"

''Sort of. Your grandfather is planning a diplomatic summit. He's invited delegates from the other Realms to visit and discuss the current political situation."

''And they're all willing to come?"

Vincent pulled another face, ''Well the only ones to reply so far have been the Sephans."

I laughed. ''So they'll be sending their 'presidents' will they?"

Avery laughed too, perhaps more uncontrollably than she would have liked, as she stopped when she saw Vincent looking at her.

The tree-hugging Sephan Realm put a lot of emphasis on what they called 'democracy' and 'giving power to the people', electing their leaders by vote rather than birth, which meant pretty much anyone could end up in charge. Obviously, this put their Realm in a precarious position, which they tried to balance by having two rulers rather than one. This way no one had absolute power and, in the likely eventuality that they did end up with a psychopath in control, they always had someone else to keep them in check. This, however, made their decision process very long and drawn out, since nothing could be done unless both presidents agreed on it (which didn't happen very often).

It was madness---what could someone who had lived in a forest their whole life who hadn't heard of washing, let alone politics, know about making important decisions? In the Helian Realm, members of the royal family and the nobility were brought up with the knowledge of how to rule. It wouldn't take the Sephans long to make complete fools of themselves in front of the other delegates.

''I suppose the Brizans won't be making an appearance?" Avery leaned back on her elbows, watching Vincent with interest.

''We're not sure yet---we haven't heard anything. They're probably waiting to see what the Arcans decide first. I doubt they'll send anyone important even then." We hadn't had any contact with the Brizans since our war with them over a decade ago. Not that our relationship with the other two Realms was much better.

''What about the Arcans? Are they going to grace us with their presence?"

''We're not expecting a response from them until their Prince---Brae---returns from his visit to the Brizan Realm. The King is supposedly on his death bed, so it will be the Prince who comes."

''And why exactly are they all coming? We haven't had contact with any of the Realms since the end of the Brizan Occupation. Why now?"

''I can't tell you that, Roxy---it's classified information."

''Come on, Vincent. You know you can trust me with a secret." I gave him my most winning smile but it didn't work. He just shook his head.

''Sorry, Firefly, no can do. I'm sure your grandfather will explain everything to you when you get back. I've got to go back inside and get some work done. But I'll meet you out here at tomorrow morning for your last task. Don't be late."

''When am I ever?" He smiled and left.

''Flames! You're lucky you get to spend so much time with him. How did I manage to get stuck with Reuben. He's ancient and boring---really not a good combination." Avery sighed, bemoaning her fate, but I was far more interested in the visit.

''I wonder why they've been invited, the King must be planning something."

''Unless he's going soft in his old age and fancies letting bygones be bygones..."

We both laughed at that. The idea of our grandfather---perhaps one of the sternest kings in our history---going 'soft' was absurd. ''I suppose they'll all send their Protectors. It will be interesting to see what they can do." She added after a pause.

All four Realms had their own Protectors, but each had different powers. In the Helian Realm, we worship the Fire God and our powers are based around fire: creation, manipulation, explosions. The Sephans worship an 'Earth God', so their 'powers'---if you could even use the word---are pathetically mundane and hippy. The Brizans, who live on a collection of small islands, are associated with water and the Arcans with the air.

''I don't really think they can compare," I said, letting a small ball of flames form in my palm, glowing brightly in the now dwindling sunlight. ''Anyway, I'm happy so long as there's plenty of opportunity to have some fun." I grinned wickedly and we got up to go inside for food.

{What do you think to Roxy's take on the other realms? Is she right to be so confident about the Helian realm? Let me know in the comments and please vote if you enjoyed reading this chapter.}

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