#1: Alm

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Alm was training as Jessica was leaning against a tree watching him. Alm stops and looks at Jessica.

Alm said, "Hey Jessica."

"Hey Grandpa Alm," Jessica said.

Alm walks up to her and smiles. Unknown to them, a enemy archer was pointing it's arrow at Alm. The enemy archer took the shot. Jessica noticed the arrow and pushed Alm out the way as she took the hit. The arrow pierced through Jessica's right shoulder.

Alm shouted, "Jessica!"

Jessica pulled out the arrow from her shoulder and held her wound. Alm went in front of Jessica.

"Grandpa... Alm... It's fine..." Jessica said as she winced in pain.

Jessica summoned the Giga Battle Nizer and sent an energy slash to the enemy archer. Jessica dropped the Giga Battle Nizer as she grew weak. Alm was really worried.

Alm said, "We have to get you healed."

Jessica said in a weak voice, "Grandpa Alm.. It's fine, I don't need to get healed."

Alm shakes his head, "You are going to get healed."

Alm picked up Jessica and carried her back to the Askr Castle. The Giga Battle Nizer disappeared.

Moments Later

Jessica was laying in bed, letting her wound completely heal. Alm watches.

Alm asked, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Jessica sat up and said, "Not really."

Alm said, "If you need anything just let me know."

Alm kisses her forehead and leaves the room. Jessica got up and puts on her coat. Jessica looked around. Jessica opened the door and saw Alm.

Alm crossed his arms, "Where do you think you're going?"

Jessica said, "Grandpa Alm! I have a job to do. I'm the Summoner."

"You need to rest Jessica," Alm said, "You don't want all of us to worry about you."

Jessica sighs, "I know..."

Alm hugs Jessica. Jessica hugs back. Alm smiles.

Jessica said, "Grandpa Alm."

"Yeah?" Alm asked.

"Thank you," Jessica said.

Alm and Jessica let go of the hug then Alm pushed Jessica back inside her room.

"Grandpa Alm!" Jessica exclaimed.

Alm said, "You are not leaving until you are fully healed."

Jessica sighed, "Fine."

Days later

Jessica was fully healed as she walked around. Jessica saw Alm eating the orange whole.

Jessica walked towards Alm and took the orange from his mouth, "Grandpa Alm, stop eating the oranges with the peel still on."

Alm said, "But it's much more easier than peeling it."

Jessica sighs and gives back the orange to Alm before sitting down next to him. Alm smiles as he continues to eat his orange. Jessica whistles.

"Come here Zeppai!" Jessica called out.

A small Zeppandon ran up to Jessica and jumped on her. Alm pets Zeppai.

Alm said, "Aww how cute."

Zeppai roars cutely.

Jessica said, "Meet Zeppai the Zeppandon, Grandpa Alm."

"Hello Zeppai, I'm Alm, Jessica's grandfather," Alm said.

Zeppai roars. Jessica, Alm and Zeppai relaxed while eating oranges.

(Just imagine Zeppai is eating an orange)

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