Inigo's Dance

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Inigo quietly opened the door that separated his room from the dorm's tiny living area. He paused for a moment to listen if his roommates Gerome and Owain were had left yet.

If the silence was any indication, they were indeed gone. A few minutes ago, Owain had dragged Gerome to Hot Topic with him, accomplished only by using both physical force and the promise that he'd seen a cool dragon phonecase last time he went.

The only way Inigo had been spared Owain's impromptu early morning trip to the mall was by pretending to be asleep, his handiest college survival trick. In truth, Inigo was a rather light sleeper, but there were benefits in his roommates believing that nothing short of a helicopter landing right beside him could wake him.

Such as Owain not dragging him to the mall on a Saturday morning, for example. 

After scarfing down a breakfast consisting of a power bar and some yogurt, he closed the blinds on the windows and double checked that the dorm door was locked. Satisfied that the coast was clear, he headed back into his bedroom.

He reached under his bed and pulled out a small box. He gave one last look around out of paranoia, then opened it.

Inside lay some of the stuff that he held dearest to him - a dancing costume his mother Olivia made him in the unlikely event that he should ever dance in a performance, some of his mom's old dancing fans, and other dancing supplies that he mentally swore not to let anyone ever see.

He pulled out two items: a long sheer scarf with a thin metal ring attached to each end (very similar to the one his mother often danced with), and a speaker.

Walking back into the living space, he moved some of the furniture out of the way just a little bit, turned on his phone, connected it to the speaker via Bluetooth, and scrolled through the songs he had on his phone.

He turned on one of his favorite songs, allowed himself a moment to get lost in the music, then began to dance.


Owain was a morning person, much to Gerome's annoyance.

That was why, at exactly 7:18 on a Saturday morning, he received a less than wanted wake up call.

"GEROME!!!!" Owain yelled from the other side of the room. Gerome groaned and pulled a pillow over his face in a fruitless attempt to ignore his blond roommate. "AWAKEN, MY FRIEND, OR LOSE THIS GLORIOUS MORN TO THE CLUTCHES OF THE DARK FORCE KNOWN AS IDIOCY!!!!!!!!!!!!"



"Shut up and let me sleep."

Owain clicked his tongue in a disapproving manner. "Alas, I was too late. The dark forces of idiocy have already consumed your soul. Very well, then. I, Owain Dark, shall preform a ritual of exorcism to save what is left of you, innocent mortal!"

"...?" Gerome wondered sleepily. He heard Owain climbing the ladder up to his half of the bunk. He opened his eyes just in time to see Owain kneeling at the foot of his bed, spray bottle in hand.

"BEGONE, DEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed, mercilessly spraying Gerome's face with water.

"Hey! Stop that!" Gerome made a lunge for the spray bottle, which resulted in Owain spraying even more water at him. 'Lucky Inigo,' he thought. 'I wish I had the ability to sleep though almost anything.'

In reality, laying just a couple feet below them on the bottom bunk was Inigo, wide awake and desperately holding back laughter at his roommate's antics. But for the sake of pretending to be asleep, he stayed quiet.

"Enough of this nonsense," Gerome groaned. "I'm up. Get off my bed."

"I, Owain Dark, have saved your life. You may begin thanking me at your leisure."

"How about never," Gerome huffed as he followed Owain down the ladder. "Let's just go eat breakfast."

They had made it most of the way to the kitchen when suddenly Owain stopped right in his tracks.


"Shh!!" Owain shushed. "There is something calling out to me. Something I must do. Something I must accomplish or someplace I must go this morning." He closed his eyes and lowered his voice in an attempt to sound mysterious. "But what?"

Gerome simply rolled his eyes and shoved past the dramatic blond. "I'm going to make some coffee. Some nice, hot-"

"-topic!!!!" Owain interrupted.

"What now?"

"Hot Topic!! That was the entity that was calling out to me!!! Come now, make haste!" Owain grabbed Gerome's arm and begany pulling him towards the door.

"Hey, I never agreed to go."

"Last time I was there, I spied the most epic of dragon phone cases! "

"I'm not going. I have no intentions of giving up my morning coffee on behalf of your silly whims."

"Then we shall take a Starbucks by storm in your caffeinated quest for coffee! Now, to Xyhiombnsydivor!!"

"I really wish you hadn't named your car..."


Around forty minutes later, the pair returned to music coming from their dorm room. "I guess Inigo's up," Gerome commented.

"All evidence confirms," Owain agreed.

Gerome frowned. "That idiot is playing his music way too loud." He shrugged. "Ah, whatever."

Owain pulled out a key an unlocked the door. After opening it, it was only a matter of seconds until the reason for the music was apparent.

Inigo was dancing.

Like, really, really dancing.

Owain and Gerome just stood there, starstruck. Inigo, however, was oblivious to their presence as he seemed too wrapped up in the music to notice them. Despite having lived with Inigo for almost a year, neither had ever seen him dance before.

But even though neither Gerome nor Owain knew much about dancing, they could tell that Inigo was a very good dancer. A very, very good dancer.

"This deserves documentation," Owain whispered, all theatrics forgotten as Inigo twirled around a scarf by holding onto the metal rings attached to each end, both graceful and powerful all at once.

After about a minute had passed, the song ended. Suddenly Inigo looked up, finally noticing his roommates standing flabbergasted in the doorway. "Oh, um, h-how long ago did you guys get back?"

"Just a minute or two ago."

Now Gerome knew that his friend got embarrassed easily, but he had never seen Inigo so red-faced.

"Ah, well, t-that's um, great, I, uh, have a thing- I mean, something I have to go do!" Without another word, Inigo snatched up the speaker and the scarf, then ran into the bed room, closed the door, and locked it.

Gerome turned to Owain. "Did you-"

"Yup," Owain grinned. "I totally got a recording of that."


"Where does he keep his contacts?"

Owain and Gerome had 'borrowed' Inigo's phone while he was in the shower.

"There they are. And here's his mom's contact."

"Aww, he put little ballet dancer emojis around her name!"

"Owain, focus."

"Of course." He copied down her contact into his phone, and then began to type a text to her.

Dear Mrs...

"What's Inigo's last name again?"


"Right. The deepest parts of my soul thank you."

"Just get on with it, Owain."

Dear Mrs. Montoya,

Hi, this is Inigo's roommates, Owain and Gerome. This morning we left the dorm for a little bit, and came back to find this. Enjoy!

Owain hit send, then sent the video

"I knew that Inigo's mom was a dancer, but I didn't know that he was as well," Gerome commented.

"He probably doesn't want anyone to see him dancing, based on the flustered reaction he gave us," Owain replied with a low chuckle. "So naturally, we send the video to his mom."

"Inigo is going to kill us."


Inigo's phone buzzed, signaling that he had just gotten a text. Seeing that it was from his mother, he looked at it immediately.

Owain and Gerome just sent me a video of you dancing. You've improved so much!! I love you and hope to see you again soon! xoxoxoxoxo

Inigo felt his face turn red.

"OWAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GEROME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Hey! I'm back!

I hope everyone enjoyed this!


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