Alm (part 1)

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"Celcia, would you want to rule the castle with me someday? Just the two of us ruling together? I know it seems like a fantasy, but it's what I deeply desire with you every day of my life in this war." 

Celcia was taken back but smiled through tears streaming down her cheeks. "Alm... I would love that. All of Zofia would rejoin in our name together. King Alm and Queen Clecia, I can just see it as Mila blesses the both of us and our marriage together. "

Alm's cheeks grew rosy under the night sky. They were both outside enjoying the breeze the early fall season could bring. He leaned in and kissed her, both melting into each other as time seemed to slow down. 

The kiss lasted forever as the stars blinked into existence. They fell asleep in each other's arms, having a resting smile on both their faces. Celcia opened her eyes and crested Alm's cheek, her features slowly melting and shaping back into (y/n)'s face. The magic took a toll on her energy as face changing slowly saps away any strength anyone could ever have.

"Ugh..." She scooted closer to Alm's body, gaining warmth in the blistering cold. She couldn't understand how Alm kept his warmth. It might be because of the armor, as (y/n) was draped in a thin dress suitable of the Duma followers. 

She looked at Alm's sleeping face, envying the real girl who was supposed to steal his heart. "I want you all to myself... but that Celcia girl is always getting in the way of making that dream a reality. And... that I am Duma's daughter, a demigod who is cursed to become his doll for eternity." 

(Y/N) is the second daughter of Duma, her older sister being at Regiel in the north seducing Berkurt. Their father ordered them to use their powers to win over the hearts of the children blocking the path to victory. Although (Y/N) is a tad bit weaker than her older sister, she has a human heart closer to the mortals around her. 

She didn't fall in love with Alm right away, she only focused on her mission to win his heart. But, instead, he also won her heart. It was his bravery and kindness that broke her mind from seeing that she didn't have to do the same plan her father wanted her to do. It was, of course, to steer him the wrong way, but hoping her father would be kind enough to spare him from death. 

Alm mumbled in her sleep, making (Y/N) slightly jump. What he spoke melted her heart, but only to stick it back up with pain. "I love you... Celcia... I never... want you to leave me... ever again."

It broke her heart to hear the name Celcia, and not her own from Alm's mouth. She feared constantly that the real Celcia will come from the shadows and take Alm away from her. The only plan she had in her head was to kill the real one and be disguised as her... forever... if that was what it takes to be with Alm...


(Y/N) used her magic to make herself Celcia again before Alm woke up. The army never questioned their relationship and happily encouraged it, telling them they were the best couple they had ever seen. (Y/N) was friends with every girl in the group and often drank tea with them, telling them about what Alm and her did with their nights alone. 

After tea time ended Alm happened to be waiting outside, smiling as he took her hand. "How was tea?"

"It was wonderful. Even though we're in the borders of Regiel, it helps calm my nerves to have alone time with the girls."

"What do you guys talk about?"

"Alm! A man must never ask what ladies talk about!" (Y/N) said, a slight hint of teasing in her voice. 

Alm blushed, rosy pink in the afternoon sun. "D-Don't tease me like that! I thought I wasn't being the refined future king you want me to be."

She stared into his eyes, her smile never faltering, "You're the king everyone will love, and I will be there ruling by your side."

His face lit up like a beacon, smiling from each corner of his face. "I love you, Celcia."

The pain tugged at the tiny corner of her heart,  knowing she desired to hear him say her real name. She laughed and kissed him, whispering 'I love you too' in between the kisses they shared. 

It was time to pack up as the group's knights lead the party ahead. Alm and (Y/N) stood close together as they talked while marching on with the army. She wasn't paying attention to her surroundings as an enemy was hiding in the peaks, using a charm to ward off magic sense. 

The enemy pulled back his arrow and aimed it at Alm, directly at the head. At the moment he released, (Y/N)'s eye caught the glint of the sun the metal of the arrow held. Her heart and mind were thinking as one as she shoved Alm out of the way, taking an arrow directly in the upper right shoulder. 

She screamed in pain as her concentration released the magic disguise. Her appearance was released in front of Alm's sight, his eyes widening in confusion and surprise. (Y/N) fell to the ground, blood pooling around her arm. Alm was shocked, seeing a different face of someone he knew he loved.

"Who... who are you?" He managed to mutter. 

The army stopped in its tracks as the people behind were shouting orders at each other to hunt down the attacker. The people in the middle and front were speaking, mumbling in confused tones.

(Y/N)'s anxiety was rising with each beat, the sudden attack making her shaking and pale. "A-Alm... I can explain."

"Don't!" He shouted, taking out his sword. "Where's Celcia?! What did you do to her?!"

(Y/N) used her good arm and pushed herself to her feet, stumbling and swaying. Alm reacted and held the sword to her neck, the blade kissing the naked part that was yet to be covered in blood. "You haven't met her... she's still trapped on the other side of Regiel."

Shock drained every inch of blood from Alm's face. "No...  you tricked me into loving you... you were never Celcia at all."

"You're right, but I never tricked you at all."

"LIAR!" He yelled, his grip faltering from rage. "You must have used some kind of magic on me! I would never love a witch and member of Duma!"

At that moment, her heart shattered into pieces. She only smiled slowly as she gathered what was left of her magic. "No, Alm. I never used any magic on you... but I am a member of Duma, his second daughter. I won't force you to believe me... but everything I have said and told you was all true, Alm."

Tears streamed down his face as his reality was breaking all around him. "Who are you really? What even is your name?"

She smiled and said it as she disappeared. "(Y/N) Reigel."

Alm watched as she teleported away. He dropped his sword, the others rushing to his aid. Alm yelled in rage and heartbreak, knowing that it wasn't Celcia, but all those feelings he had for (Y/N) weren't fake. 

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