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It has been a year. A year since you sacrifice yourself for everyone and took down Grima yourself.

You didn't know it, but Chrom's heart broke in two when the final blow came.

Then, your final message echoing in his head, "May we meet again in a better life..."

But, Chrom held high onto your promise, like a good husband should have.

The kingdom of, Ylisstol, was a happy kingdom under Chrom's rule. Baby Lucina, growing up healthy and happy.

The only thing Chrom feared, was Lucina growing up unhappy without a mother. Chrom promised himself to be at her side at all times. Just like he promise future Lucina too.

Everything was normal and happy, until that one fateful day that change Chrom's life forever...

A soldier came running in out of breath. Frederick was the first one to speak.

"You sir did not come in with permission. Speak now or face the consequences of your actions!"

The soldier nodded his head as he bowed his head and kneeled before, Chrom.

"L-lord Chrom! Sir, in one of the villages not too far from Ylisstol, a girl in tactician clothes with (h/l) and (h/c) was spotted out in the fields! We believe it could be Queen (y/n) herself!"

Chrom's heart leap in his steel armor. 'Could it be?!' Chrom thought to himself.

Then he remember what Naga said. If your friendship was powerful enough, (y/n), would return back one day.

Chrom hopped to his feet from the throne, "Take me there. I want to see it with my own eyes. We leave immediately."

The soldier clapped a hand to the area around his heart, "Yes sir, your Highness!"

The soldier ran off as Frederick looked at Chrom he hadn't had since the final battle, hope.

After a day worth of traveling the soldier showed Chrom the spot where you were spotted at.

But, the fields were empty.

"B-but! She was here! I promise you my Lord she was here!"

Chrom looked around. His heart tugging at a direction, "It's alright. We'll look around here and see where she might have gotten off too."

The soldier nodded as he took off looking around. Chrom soon after followed where his heart was taking him.

After a good while he spotted (h/c) in the grassy fields laying down. Chrom's heart burst into pure happiness as he ran up to find you the way he first met you. Out cold in the middle of no where.

Chrom eyes searched you. Taking you in, knowing it was you. Chrom's heart leaped as he bent down and touch your neck. A pulse.

Chrom smiled in relief. Soon after you started to awake. Chrom jumped back up as your (e/c) flew opened.

Chrom smiled down at you as your eyes landed on him. "There are better places to sleep than on the ground you know. Give me your hand."

Shakily, you took his hand as he pulled you up.

Chrom spoke with words so true they could have been written on anyone's heart, "Welcome back. It's over now."

You blinked. Feeling like you know this man. "C-chrom...?"

"Yes. (y/n). It's me, Chrom."

"I-I feel like I know you from somewhere... in the same spot... like right now..."

"Take your time to remember. But, your my wife and the mother of are beautiful baby girl, Lucina."

Shocked filled you as a image of a girl with dark blue hair like Chrom's smiled at you.

"W-wha?! I'm married too you AND have a child?! J-just what happened to me?!"

Chrom eyes saddened for a moment before they turned back into happiness at the sight of you, "You battled with Grima. You sacrifice yourself for the Shepherds and all of Ylisstol. In the end you disappeared on us... for a whole year. Naga, promised us if everyone's friendship was strong enough you would come back... Naga has a lifetime of thanks from me..."

Your head hurt from the amount of information you were getting. Grima, Naga, final battle. Then fuzzy memories came too you with a group of people and a huge dragon.

"I'm sorry... but this d-doesn't m-make any sense...."

"It's alright." Chrom said, "But. At least let me do one thing."

Chrom gently put his lips onto yours. You gasp in surprise as memories came flooding into you. Chrom, your husband, who you finally loved and remembered. A single tear rolled down your cheek as you kissed Chrom back. Chrom gently pulled you closer and kissed you passionately.

After a while Chrom pulled back for air. He hugged you tightly as you cried into his chest. Chrom's heart of longing slowly heal just by the presence of you.

"Just like I said, (y/n). 'Your are the wind at my back, the sword at my side. Together my love we shall build a peaceful world. Just you and me'. I promise still to this day and don't plan on backing out. So, my love, may we spent the last of are days in happiness and love?"

You looked at Chrom with hopeful eyes. You heart growing and beating with each breath, "Yes... I love you. And even in death... I will remeber you, always."

Chrom smiled as he gently kissed you again. Frederick was at a distances, watching the whole thing. A tear drop fell down his cheek at the sight of you. But mostly, his Lord happy than he has ever seen him before.

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