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"Steady... steady..." Felicia said to herself as she carried your dinner to your room. Jakob passed by as he eyed Felicia with tired eyes.

"Felicia I will take the food to Lord (y/n), I simply do not want him dinner less by the time tea is ready."

Felicia blushed, embarrassed at her clumsiness, as she knew she messed up a lot. "Trust me Jakob! I can do this! You've seen me on the battlefield before!"

Jakob studied her face with a hard look before releasing a tired sigh. "Alright. But, Felicia." He glared at her while he cleaned his hands with his cloth, "If you trip and spill the food, I will make sure you won't have any food of yours for a whole week."

Felicia eyes popped open with fear. "W-Wha?! Jakob what do you mean?! I can't go without food for that long!"

Jakob whipped around as his long ponytail flew with the tail of his jacket as he walked off while yelling. "It won't happen if you trip and fail Lord (y/n)!"

Felicia's face paled at the thought of no food as she walked carefully up the ladders and steps to your room. "I-I can do this... I-I can do this!"

She arrived at the door as her shaking hands and rapped twice on the hard wood. The sound of your voice almost made Felicia drop the plate.

"Who is it?" You called from behind the door.

"F-Felicia! Lord (y/n)!"

"Oh Felicia. Come on in."

Felicia's hand was sticky with sweat as she grabbed the knob and twist it open as warm light from the candle spilled in. You sat on a chair by the table as you were read a book explaining about weapons.

"Just set it down on the table will you please, Felicia?"

Felicia nodded as the table from her seemed like a million miles away. She took the first step as it landed on the rug. Her heart sped up faster as she took another step forward, again and again. Felicia was smiling as she was only two steps away from you, until she looked up and didn't see the bump the rug made. A gasp escaped her lips as the dinner flew into the air and landed all onto her.

"Felicia!" You ran too her and suddenly slipped on the meat, falling forward and meeting lips with Felicia. Her heart explode in her chest as you didn't seem to move away, but only kissed back. This all seemed like a dream too her as the feeling of your lips were amazing to her.

You pulled back as Felicia face was brighter than any tomato. Putting Leo's tomato's to shame.

"Lord (y/n) I'm so sorry!!! I-I didn't mean for t-this to happen!! I-I'm an idiot-"

"Your not an idiot Felicia." You said while pulling her onto your lap, "After that kiss, I felt something for you and it made me realize something. I'm in love with you Felicia. Will you marry me?"

Felicia felt fain as she held onto the helms of her skirt. "T-This is all a dream... Lord (y/n) telling his love for me... Yes... that's it."

You chuckled at the dazed look on her face as you traced the side of her face. "This isn't a dream." You quickly kissed her again as the dazed look in her eyes were replaced with shock.

"Y-You do love me..."

"Yes Felicia. I've just been so distracted to never really notice it until the kiss happened."

Felicia's whole body heated with warmth as she looked into your red eyes. "I'm so glad I didn't mess this up. I love you..."

"I promise I'll won't mess up this kiss either, Felicia."

You leaned in and kissed her just as Jakob walked in. His eyes widen at the sight as he slowly closed the door, smiling a little as he walked away.

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