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Giggling filled the quite room up so suddenly that Jakob stood by the door of your room, puzzled at the sounds coming from inside.

Normally he would knock on the door and say 'Tea time, my lady', but carefully opened the door without permission.

He found you jumping around in his butler clothed with a cute smile on your face which would melt his heart.

He cracked open the door some more as you stopped dancing and stared right back at Jakob.

You did look cute in his clothes. The jacket was too long as it ended at your bare feet, the sleeves all rolled up in endless ruffles, and the collar almost hid all your face.

"Hi Jakob! I didn't think you were coming in!"

"Lady (y/n), where on earth did you get my clothes from?"

"I asked Felicia to sneak your clothes in too me! At first she didn't want too, but gave in and bring me a pair!"

That did explain the lack of one less butler outfit in his closet. He searched for it everywhere and couldn't find it. It would also explain Felicia odd behavior when she talked to him this morning.

"I see, but can I have them back please?"

"No way! This is good stuff!"

Jakob was growing impatient with you very quickly. "Lady (y/n), please give me back my clothes!"

"But why can't I wear them longer?!"

"Because if your castle suddenly gets monster it's your fault for wearing my clothes that weight you down."

You pouted cutely as Jakob's heart explode with joy at the sight of your face and eyes all-star eyed.

"Pwease Jakob? I promise to give it back too you..."

Jakob looked at your face, the face and women he serves with all his heart. He sighed and gave in. "If you wish."


You hugged Jakob as his mind was blowing up in happiness. He shakily hugged you back.

You smiled and jumped up and down a tiny bit. "You can dress in my armor too!"

"Ummm... o-okay..."

He really couldn't see how he would fit into women's armor, but it was a tight fit for him. You giggled at the sight of him dragging the cap with him every time he walked.

"Sorry Jakob, but you do look better as a butler!"

"Thought so." He said taking off the armor to reveal his white dress shirt, "Now, your tea, my lady."

You nodded as you sat down on a chair and started having lunch.

*one year later*

You yawned and walked back to your private quarters. An arrow came flying to your head, until Jakob came in time and guarded you.

"My lady! Please do be careful!"

He threw his dagger taking down the thief who was going to kill you. You gasped in surprise as and looked up at Jakob.

"T-thank you Jakob..."

"It was nothing. I will protect my lady with my heart."

You blushed, thinking what he meant. "H-huh?"

Jakob gently pulled you towards him as he stared into your eyes. "My lady, I have been in love with you since the day you took me in as your butler. I wish to repay you with my love and loyalty at all cost. If you refuse, I'll still stay by your side as your rightful butler."

Your words were caught in your mouth at Jakob's confession. He began to lower his head in shame before you kissed his forehead.

"I accept your heart Jakob. I love you too, with all my heart. You saved my life... I need someone like you to protect and love me for the rest of their life."

Jakob smiled on pure joy as he knelt down on one knee and slide his family's ring onto your ring finger.

"I love you... I was always afraid to say it, but from now on I will tell you every single day. I love you."

You smiled warmly. "I love you as well."

Jakob returned the smile as he stood back up. "I love you from the end of time and back."

He gently kissed you as the moonlight basked you both in lovely love.

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