Keaton X Wolf Skin Reader

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"Hmmmm... I can smell the meat from here." Keaton contuied to sniff around more around the area.

Their had been a low stock of meat back at the castle and it was his job to hunt out for the meat since he had the best nose.

Inside it was killing Keaton he couldn't eat the meat inside the ragged brown carried over his shoulder.

His ears perked up to the sound of bushes moving. He stopped walking and when into a crouch. He stared at the moving bush until out came another pair of ears just like his, only a light golden color.

Along with the golden ears came out the most beautiful WolfSkin girl he's ever seen. You're fur all nice and shiny while you (e/c) eyes swirled with life in them.

You scratched your head and looked at your map, which was upside down. "Hmmm... maybe I keep going stright I'll come back to ghr village..."

"Ummm hey there." Keaton called out and rose up from the ground.

'Really Keaton? Hey their?'

You stared at his looks and hesitatingly came closer. "You're a WolfSkin... just like me."

"Yup. Now what's a pretty one like yourself doing here? Not that I don't care..."

"Oh well I was supposed to hunt meat for my village back in the mountains behind me. I lost the sac I put the meat in and now I can't fine it... I don't have the greatest nose in the world..."

"I'll help you look for it." Keaton said as his tailed wagged. "Think of it as favor of my kind."

"Really?! Oh thank you! My name is (y/n)!"

"Keaton. Now let's go find that meat."


It was around night time until you found you sac of meat. You hugged Keaton tightly too yourself. "Thank you so much! I have been looking for this forever!"


Your stomach when off as you blushed and pulled back. "I also haven't ate since it disappeared..."

"Well why don't we eat some of my meat? I gathered a lot of it."

"Really?! Thank you!"

Keaton started up the fire and roasted it over the fire. Maybe even taking a few glances at you. He couldn't get over how beautiful you were... he needed to make him yours...

"Hey umm (y/n)... do you have a mate?"

"No not really. My father back at the village is the chief and will only accept head trib wolfs." You looked into the fire and sighed, "That's why I'm still alone and don't have my own litter of children."

'This is it Keaton... this is your chance!'

"Well I'm a head chief back at my trib. I'm just traveling in the army to help out with the war. If you want... we could be... mates... N-not that I don't like you or anything!"

You flashed a confused look over at him. "If you don't like me then why did you mention your a head chief... trying to get my hopes up...?"

"Yes! No! Wait yes! I do like you alright! Just don't make me say it again." He trailed off while he tried to calm his wagging tail.

You laughed at his attempt and hugged him. "I would gladly take you for a mate."

"Really? Sweet!" Keaton kissed the top of your head as you smiled.

"This is great! But where do we go?"

"Hmmm... how about back at the army? They have enough food and you could help out with your abilities. Maybe even after the war we can go to your village before coming to my tribe!"

"Sounds like a plan."

You both ate your meat in peace and love that night.

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