Late Halloween Special!

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Soooo think of this as a late Halloween special. I decided to do Kaden first to get my fanfiction writing back in action. Hopefully it hasn't gotten bad over the months I've disappeared. But also, I sold my Fire Emblem Fates game so the friend code you have on there will be a different person. I didn't play the game anymore so what was the point of keeping it? I'm still into the fandom, but just saying I don't have a Fates code anymore :)

Halloween was a odd holiday for Hoshido; because the Japanese scene didn't seem to blend in well with the spooky atmosphere. Of course you were dressed up, but Kaden was the one who picked out your outfit. A orange hue mixed together with the blue spider webs that blended together over each other with the kimono. He let you borrow his scarf as you used it too hold up your hair, which made Kaden fawn over your looks.

You walked up to Kaden, fanning yourself as if you've run a mile, "Kaden, I want to say thank you for the outfit. But... what are you suppose to be?"

Kaden grinned, his ear twitching from excitement, "I'm a fox, but a beautiful fox who is the God of Beauty."

Yup. That seemed to be Kaden alright. He had his fox features, but he dressed up in a heavy robed kimono with white and fire mixing together with a fire pattern. He looked, well, gorgeous, but the leader of the Kitsune. You pondered sometimes what Kaden was like as a leader back in his tribe.

You rolled your eyes at him, "What pleasure do I have attaining a God's attention?"

Kaden smirked, taking you by the arm and kissed your palm, "Your eyes are all that is needed to be said, princess (y/n)."

Your cheeks betrayed you as heat swelled quickly inside. Kaden smiled at the color as they matched his kimono. Music played at the town square as Kaden grabbed your hand, "Let's go dance together."

"Are you sure? I'm not a good dancer like Azura."

"Who cares? People dance because they enjoy it, not caring if they look beautiful! But," he giggled and pulled you along, "no one can compete with my looks and fur." 

You ignore the fur part, since humans didn't have much fur, and let him drag you to the dance. You spotted Sakura in the corner, looking almost the same as Kaden. You didn't question her style of costume because... well... it was great to see Sakura discovering new hobbies outside her bubble.

Kaden spun you around to face him, eyes locked together as if the dance was a formal. Others around you just danced crazily, but Kaden secretly didn't want to let you go. Inside you wanted to ask him why, but your heart was telling you to shut up for the moment.

"Kaden," you spoke, "would you like to spend evening time with me?"

Kaden's eyebrows rose in surprise, "Where is this coming from?"

"Well, we've know each other for the longest time and... well... I want to see if we can... have a relationship together."

Kaden stopped dancing in the middle of the crowd, staring at you. Others easily brushed by him and you, but the world seemed to freeze in a single moment. Your heart hammered inside your chest, wanting to hear the answer right here and now.

He laughed, a light, joyful tone full of a carefree soul, "You like me?"

You smiled, the blush controlling itself for the moment, "Yeah. I have for the longest time. I was afraid to tell you because... you were talking about going back to your tribe and leaving." Tears pooled inside your eyes, escaping and tracing your cheeks, "I understand if you don't want to stay here with me."

Kaden for the first time didn't laugh or smile. He gently wiped the tear from your eye, "It is true. I was planning to leave. My pack need me, (y/n)."

You laughed, a hollowness filling inside your heart, "It's okay I understand."

"You do? Then you know I'm only staying for a month and coming back, right?"

"Wait... a month? So you're no leaving forever?"

Kaden giggled as his tail wagged furiously, "Why would I ever leave you? I like you too, (y/n)." He spun you around one last time and dipped you back, down so low the end of your hair touched the ground, "Because you're in love with a God. The God of Beauty too." He winked.

You laughed and lightly smacked him on the chest, "Wow! But seriously, promise me you'll come back to me within a months time."

Kaden smiled and lightly pecked your lips, "My people make promise they don't break. I will keep my promise and return to you, a heart is yours."

"Good," You leaned on him and nibbled gently on his ear, "I've always wanted to do that."

Kaden blushed deeply, getting a lovely laugh from your mouth.The rest of the night went on. A Halloween to remember as you both danced away, stealing kisses from time to time, and saying, "I love you, to death and back."

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