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"No (y/n), you have it all wrong!"

"Then how am I supposed to do this?!"

"Summon it deep within and release it all at once!"


You closed your eyes and started focusing on the target dummy in front of you. You've always wanted to do magic and asked Leo for help. He changed you into a dark mage as today was your first day of practice.

Very slowly... power started to build inside you. It transfer into the palm of your hand as you released it all out on the dummy.


You shouted as the target dummy burst into flames.

Leo cracked out a small smile at the sight. "Nice job there. It seems your magic ability is coming out."

"Yas! Then maybe I can fight alongside you!"

Leo paused and raised an eyebrow up at you. "What do you mean?"

"W-well... I mean Leo... you're just so strong and I'm a weakling compared to Camila, Xander, and you."

"Nonsense (y/n), you're not even close to weak. Train hard enough and you'll be even stronger than big brother Xander."

You smiled up at the blond Marth. "Really? You think so? Maybe I should eat more tomatoes then to grow big and strong."

A quick wave of confusion washed over the blonde. "Wait what? You're not having any of my tomatoes. I don't let even my horse have one!"

"What?! No wonder he's grumpy after riding you out to battle."

Leo growled as he grabbed your Fire spell book and smacked you up top of your head. "Be quiet, he is not grumpy and I don't need you eating my tomatoes."

You huffed and stomped on his foot. "Now you're just being selfish!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Be quiet shorty!"

Oh, that was it. You growled and jumped up just high enough to grab his famous black head band. Leo gasped at the feeling of his head being naked without it.

You giggled and twirled it around in your fingers. "The famous Leo's hair band... this must pay huge for something like this!"


Leo lunged at you as you yelped and dogged just in time. Giggling, you ran away from him as Leo shouted your name chasing after you.

At the last minute you rounded a corner to a dead end between the staff and weapons stores.

'Oh no!' You thought to yourself and turned back, only to find Leo standing there.

"(y/n)..." He said between pants of short breaths, "Give me back my head band... before I release Brynhildr onto you full force."

You sweat dropped at the though and shakily handed it back to him. He grabbed it carefully and set it back on top of his head, making him fully Leo again.

"You have the devil's own luck I didn't release Brynhildr on you, (y/n)."

"I-I know... but I'm still..." Your stomach finished your sentence as it rumbled deeply.

Leo sighted and took out a tomato from his pocket. "Here. Just in case you don't faint from hunger."

Your eyes widen just as big as the tomato itself. Scarfing it down like it was nothing, but it was as it was the best tomato you've ever had.

"Thank you Leo!" You said with a messy face of tomato sauce on your face.

Leo chuckled at the sight. "Your welcome. Come on, let's get back to work."

*one year later*

You were reading a book in your private quarters from Leo. It was a tactician war book. It bored you a tiny bit, but still interested you in some way.

A soft rap at the door alerted your attention to the door. "Come in."

The door opened to Leo carrying in a steaming bowl of soup. It smelled good.

"I came in to say this is my way of congratulating you on become an expert in magic like me."

You smiled and took the soup. Smelling it to be tomato soup. "Thank you Leo. You really shouldn't have."

"Oh but I must. Just tell me what you think of the soup I made... it's important."

You eyed the soup with your eyes before taking a sip of the hot fruit. The soup began to immediately fill your mouth up with flavor as the texture was heavenly.

Your cheek burned deep red at the goodness of the soup. "Leo... this soup taste amazing! You're an amazing cook!"

Leo smiled as he took your hand and slid something onto it. "I'm glad. It seems the devil is giving me is own luck today."

You looked at your hand to find a ring- wait, not just a ring, but an engagement ring. The center was a light green jewel as the whole ring was black with gold outlining of a trees branches.

"Leo... what is this?"

Leo broke into a smile and kissed your hand. "(y/n), please marry me. I've loved you for so long I couldn't stand not having you as my own. I don't care what other people say or think of this, they don't know love when they see it with their dammed eyes."

"Oh Leo..." Your heart warmed at his beautiful confession. "I-I'll marry you. I've had the same feeling for you all these years."

Leo smile turned into a loved filled one. He kissed every inch of your face, and spoke brushing your lips just barley.

"I've hidden my feelings for so long... I can't believe you felt the same way all this time. Stay with me forever."

He pulled you into the kiss finally as you happily kissed back. It wasn't lust or bad. It was just perfect and right between the both of your love.

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