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It was a hot and sunny afternoon in Nohr as everyone was helping around the castle with their chores.

Yours was armor duty. You when inside the tent and wiped the sweat off your forehead, "Ugh. It's way too hot out their!"

"Oh really, why don't you strip off a bit of clothing doll?"

You jumped and turned to the sound of the voice as it was Niles leaned against a box of bows and arrows.

"Niles?! What are you doing here?"

"It was too hot outside so I needed some shade. Plus I also need more arrows if I need to survive in this curl world and protect Lord Leo."

You nodded your head as you started to arrange the swords and lances apart on the racket, "I see. Well I hope you have what you're looking for."

Niles secretly eyed you while you did your job, "I did. But I can't have it."

Confusion clouded your thoughts, "What do you mean?" You said as you accidentally dropped a sword aiming for your foot.

"Watch out!"

Niles quickly took your hand and pulled you out of the way before the sword implanted into your foot.

Niles had you hugged to his chest as you blushed while your heart skipped a beat from him and the sword.

"T-thank you Niles..." You replied almost out of breath, "For saving my foot..."

"Of course. We can't have are hero princess taken down by a sword."

You chuckled and try to pull away, but Niles kept you still close to him.

"U-um Niles, can you let me go?"

Niles smirked as he looked down at you as his opened eye gleamed with mischief, "Why should I? Lady (y/n)?"

You wiggled and squirmed as he kept an iron locked around you, "B-beacuse I have work to do!"

"Awww! But look at your fluster face! I wanna see it red still!"

You wiggled some more and eventually popped out from his grasp. Niles pouted as you fixed your hair.

"No fair." Niles said, "I was having fun teasing the princess."

You growled at him, "I don't care. I'll see you later."

You stomped out as Niles raised an eyebrow while staring at your walking figure walk off.

*night time*

You yawned as the war meeting was boring. Sure you had your family, but Xander talking about only war during the whole meetings gets kind of old and sleepy like.

"(y/n)." Leo said to you as you stopped before walking out of the meetings tent, "Niles wanted to talk to you. He said it's something important to meet you out by the armor tent."

You nodded your head, "Thank you Leo."

Leo gave you a quick smile before heading back inside the war meeting tent as you when out to the armor tent.

It was dark inside as you quietly walked inside, "Niles? Are you there?"


The noise unsettled you as you when to grabbed Yato, before a hand rested on your shoulder.

You yelped in fear as you turned around and kicked the figure only to have the figure grab your foot in time.

"Relax feisty. It's only me, Niles."

You sighed in relief as he gently let go of your foot, "Thank goodness. I thought you were a thief."

Niles tensed up, but shook it off as he looked into your eyes, "Right. Anyways I brought you here to say I'm sorry for teasing you. When I saw you didn't liked it and I couldn't see and continued tease you. So doll, will you forgive me?"

You stared into his eye and giggled, "Yes I forgive you. I don't mind you teasing me. It's just I still had work needed to be done and you weren't letting me go so I kind of got ticked off. Other than that, I don't mind you teasing me"

"That's great. I would sure miss to tease you. Your blushing face is all I need to make my day."

You blushed lightly as Niles could barely see the color in the dark, but smile a tiny bit.

"Ah, well at least that blush made my night. Night, Lady (y/n). I hope to see you in the morning."

Niles quickly hugged you before walking away as you smiled while walking towards you private quarters.

*one year later*

You read the note over again as it said Niles would meet you out by your private quarters.

You looked up at the evening sky as faint lights of stars poked out from the red sky. You sighed in bliss at the sight.


You jumped at the sound as you heard Niles familiar laugh ring in your eardrums.

"Niles! Not funny!"

"Sorry darling. I just had to ruin the moment."

You pouted as you crossed your arms over your chest just like Niles is, "Whatever. Please tell me now why you've called me for."

Niles stopped laughing as he looked you in the eye, "Well... I know we've been friends for a year now. So I thought some confession could come out."

"I was raised to steal and take. I lived a horrible childhood and didn't trust anyone. I killed and took lives to survive. Until, Lord Leo came into my life and changed me into an almost new man."

You gave Niles sad eyes as you almost wanted to hug him, "I'm so sorry Niles. I wish I could tell you my childhood, but I don't remember much from it."

"That's okay. Thought I do believe broken pasts can he made into promise futures. And I believe it starts with you."

Confusion wrapped around you soul as Niles came closer to you. He smiled as the red light made his face half shadowed, "Lady (y/n), I've fallen for you. You've made me seen a better future as someone I can trust and love. So please, will you marry me?"

Joy spread inside you everywhere as you hugged Niles, "Yes I will! I promise to love you will all my heart!"

Niles grinned in his mischievous appearance, "That's great. I love teasing you. So I know I will make you happy in every way."

You giggled, "Oh I know you will."

Niles smirked as he gently cupped your chin as he made you looked up into his eye, "Do you have any idea what you're getting into? I sure hope not."

You smiled and played with a strand of his white hair, "What's that supposed to mean mister?"

Niles chuckled deeply, "Nothing you need to worry with, doll."

He gently connected you lips with yours as it was warm and passion. It lasted for a long time as the evening sun when down as the moon rose up into the star filled night.


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