Niles X Reader X Shigure

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Looking around at the other couples made you feel horrible. The man you wanted, Leo, was already taken by another woman and your heart broke. Leo was so happy with his wife you smiled along and nodded to not seem off putting.

Every guy you liked was either getting married to another girl because you were too shy or too busy to really hang out with anyone... it wasn't your fault you had the fate of the world in your hands, but still... it hurt to see everyone but you falling in love...

One morning when about half the men were already married you broke down inside your room. Jakob walked in on it as his eyes widen and set down the tray of breakfast down on the table. He knelt down towards your level. "My lady, what is wrong?"

"Oh J-Jakob..." You sobbed in his shirt as he pulled you into a hug, "E-Everyone is getting married! I-It's just not fair!"

"My lady," Jakob whispered softly in your ear while smoothing down your bed hair, "there are still more men in the army to marry. I would give up my hand for you, but I'm already married and have a son, who is lazy, but I still love them.

You sniffled and wiped away your tears. "T-Thanks Jakob... b-but who do you think is left...?"

"Hmmm... well I know there are some Nohrian's and I believe Azura's son-" He was cut off by his watch as he reached into his breast pocket and clicked it off, "Sorry my lady, but I have to help in the mess hall."

He bowed to you one more time before leaving and letting you get dressed. Breakfast was wonderful as you smiled to see Dwyer sneaked his special coffee in just for you. It was a chilly morning so your cape was the only thing really helping you.

~You are the oceans gray waves~

The lovely voice caught you attention as it came from the woods. You went to enter in it before a manly hand caught your arm. You screamed a bit as Niles pulled away.

"Sorry doll I didn't mean to scare you."

"I-it's fine... what do you want...?"

"Well... since a doll like you so cute, I got you this."

He held out some earrings shaped pure ruby red. They were a simple design but the ruby was real. Your eyes widen as you took them gently into your hands. "Did you make this?"

"Yep, when I would kill those undead guys I would search their pockets and find some jewels in there, but only ruby's for my luck. I thought of you and how they would match your eyes~"

"Oh! Thanks Niles." You put them on as the sun sparkled around them.

Niles smiled and kissed your cheek, "You look beautiful~"

Heat ran inside your cheeks as you stumbled back. "T-Thanks Niles, but I have to go now."

Niles called after you as you ran into the woods. The gift was lovely, but this was too sudden for you. The voice was getting closer and closer as you ran into a nice open forest clearing. Shigure was sitting on a tree stump singing to the animals.

When you came running in the animals jumped and ran away. Shigure looked up and his face softened when he saw it was you. "(y/n), what are you doing here?"

"I-I heard some singing and thought I would check it out..."

"I see, come and sit down." He patted a seat next to him.

You sat down as Shigure smiled and took something out of his pocket. "I have something for you." It was the same amulet Azura had only it was a smaller size, "This is for you."

A tint of blush appeared on your cheeks as he put it around your neck. "O-Oh... thanks Shigure."

"Anytime! Oh?" He looked at your ruby earrings, "Where did you get those?"

"From me." Niles voice came out from the clearing, "I gave them to her to say she's my girl."

Shigure tensed up a bit. "I gave her a gift also, I want to marry her too."

"Back off, I gave her my gift first."

"H-How about I chose..." You spoke up as the boys attention were on you, "I-I think it's fair to me..."

"I like the idea. Let her chose." Shigure said to Niles.

Niles rubbed his chin. "Why not, this make this more exciting..."

"Then I chose..."


"Then I chose.... Niles."

Niles smirked as Shigure felt a little heart broken, but put on a strong face as Niles hugged you. "I respect your wishes, (y/n)."

"Thanks, Shigure."

Niles turned you around to face him as Shigure quietly walked away. "You chose the right man."

You giggled and moved a piece of hair out of his way. "I guess I did."

He leaned you down for a kiss as you happily kissed him back.


"Then I chose... Shigure."

Shigure's face beamed with happiness as Niles face was soft but on the inside his soul was crying. Niles sighed and shook Shigure's hand. "Congrats, just don't get too wild with her."

Shigure blushed but nodded. "Will do, Niles."

Niles walked away as Shigure smiled as you played with your amulet. "It looks lovely on you."

You smiled and hugged him. "Thanks, I love it."

Shigure smiled as he tilted your chin to meet his eyes. "I'm glad. Because I promise to make you happy." He then sealed it with a kiss.

Neither side

"Then I chose.... Neither of you."

The boys stood their shocked as you gave them a small smile. "I-It's not that I have anything against you guys, but I want more time before I jump into a marriage."

"That makes sense," Shigure spoke up, "If she need time then we will give you time."

Niles nodded. "It's understandable, marriage is life long."

You smiled and hugged both of them. "Thank you both for the gifts and understanding me."

The boys both smiled and hugged you back. "You're welcome." they both spoke in union.

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