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"Face my blood and wrath!"

You heard a familiar voice say as it cached your attention. It came from the training area as the voice became louder.

"My aching blood! The heaven bestow upon me the power of the gods!"

"Odin. What are you talking about?"

Odin turned around and posed out his hand towards you, "Ahh Lady (y/n)! You are here to witness my greatest spell!"

You sweat dropped at the fact of seeing Odin's spell rituals. People said they were... beyond weird.

"O-oh really? I would love to see this..."

Odin smirked as he got into his mage pose, "Striving universal dismay!"

He performed the spell as it turned out to end up be a critical hit. Your eyes widen in surprise as Odin's gray eyes did the same.

"My spell burned the air like the fires of hell! You, Lady (y/n), are the key to my aching's blood power!"

"Huh?!" You said completely confused, "M-me?! All I did there was just stand and watch!"

"But the secret must be inside the dismal chains of power inside that dragon power inside you! The dragon veins must have hear my call through those powerful veins of yours humble, Lady (y/n)!"

"W-wait Odin... that's not how it works!"

"What? Then... show me how the god dragon's powerful blood works!"

"Ummm..." You looked around seeing if you could use anything to dragon vein with. After a while your soul tug at the feeling of the middle of the training grounds to change it into a healing spot.

You called in to your inter dragon as the blue power came out from your body as it shook the ground before transforming it into a healing spot.

"Holy Awakening Dragon!" Odin exclaimed completely in awe at the sight.

"That's how dragon veins works. It changes things into what it can change into."

"Then please, Lady (y/n), please work with me in my spell casting rituals so that I, humble Odin Dark, can harness the true extent of my dark power!"

You stared at him. This could not be happening. But, for some odd reason your heart tugged at it for joining Odin, "S-sure Odin..."

Odin smiled as he hugged you to his ripped chest, "Thank you oh kind and fair maiden princess, Lady (y/n)! I promise to work every being of my dark soul to create the greatest spell in the history of humankind!"

You sighed and smiled up at him, "I'm looking forward to seeing it."

For some odd reason, you had a feeling you were not going to regret this.

*one year later*

The moon shined brightly in the starry night sky as you waited for Odin to come to the secretly dark spell room. Aka the Arena

You looked up at the bright moon as it seemed to shine brightly than ever before. You smiled at the sight completely unaware of gray eyes watching you.

"I sense the moon goddess has taken a shine to your beauty."

You turned your head to see Odin walking up to you, "Hello Odin. Your late tonight, this is the third time you know. I keep track."

Odin didn't laugh as this confused you. He had on a serious face as this made you worry a tiny bit, "Odin, are you okay?"

"I'm afraid I have new for you. But, close your burning soul bright eyes first, Lady (y/n)."

"But why?" You asked.

"Please. Just do it for me as my aching blood is started to hurt me."

You shrugged your shoulders and shut your eyes. Rustling could be heard as this gave you questioning thoughts to what it is.

"Okay, you can open your warm beautiful blood colored eyes of heavenly fire now."

You opened your eyes softly and slowly to find an object glinting in the moonlight. A ring with a ruby inside it.

You looked up at Odin as blush spread across his dimpled cheeks, "My heart cannot take the achiness of the loneliness of your heart without it. I believe are fates were intertwined from the beginning when your blood reacted to my aching blood spell power. Lady (y/n), can I take your hand in forever loving ties?"

Your heart pounded with happiness as you through your arms around his neck and tackled him to the ground, "Yes you big dork! I'll marry you!"

Odin smiled as he shifted to see your face in the heavenly moonlight, "I knew are paths were two red ribbons connected together by the ever long strands of fate!"

You giggled as you played with his hair, "If we're getting married this means you will have to talk normal."

"W-wha?! But my tongue speaks the language of the gods-"

You eyes him as he sighed in defeat.

"That's a good husband!"

Odin smiled at you in a loving way as he put a strand of your hair behind your ear, "The stars shall go dark before my devotion to you fades. Uh, I mean... I love you."

You giggled as you kiss his nose, "I love you too my poetry dork."

Odin chuckled with a smirk as he gently connected his lips onto yours. It was warm and passionate as you kissed him back just with the same amount of love.

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