Odin X Family Time

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"Awaken! My beautiful flower I love so deeply to my heart that your blood filled eyes awaken my very soul!"

"Odin..." You mumbled against the pillow, "Go to bed..."

"Alas, I cannot. The moon awakens the very deep part of my soul where she cries out my name, begging me to have me bask in her moonlit glow!"

You groaned and hit Odin with his own pillow. "Odin, when I say get into bed, I mean get into bed right now."

"Oh! Sorry my dear maiden! I am just excited for the morning!"

'Morning...' You dazed off in thought, 'what is in the morning?'

"I can't believe rare tome books will be in the nearest town! It seems like fate as brought me to this location!"

To ignore him you picked up the clock, only to grip it and try not to hit him with it. "What makes you wake up around midnight?! I swear, once are kids were born you didn't have any trouble sleeping!"

"That is because I knew are blessed children were safe with us, now my blood boils of excitement to get by spell aching hands on new tome books!"

"Alright..." You began to push him back into bed, "We'll go to the town tomorrow to see what they got. Just try to sleep and don't awake up the kids, please?"

Odin nodded and snuggled you close to his chest. "I understand my sweet, dear maiden. I will rest my soul until the morning sun awake it for the bright new day."

He kissed your forehead lightly as a feather and covered you both with the blankets before going to sleep. You giggled inside your head to know you loved him and his theater talk sometimes, it what made him cuter than he already was.

The peaceful breathing of Odin let you fall softly and soundless asleep...


Someone was shaking you awake as you blinked awake to Ophelia holding a brush in one hand and shaking you with her other hand. "Mother, can you untangle the beast that is my hair?"

You smiled and sat up, you didn't even need to know Odin was doing because he was snoring loudly in bed. So much for the energy last night. "Of course dear. Just sit on my lap."

Ophelia smiled and sat on your lap. She had bad bed hair like you so your two took turns brushing each other's hairs out. Kanna come up but he didn't have bad bed hair. "Mama, when are we going to town?"

"As soon as daddy wakes up." You eyed the sleeping Odin.

Kanna giggled and when over to his bedside. He tug on his hair as Odin yelped and woke. "What the holy dragon?! Oh- it's you."

"Papa! Can you make us breakfast?"

Odin looked over to you, but lost when he saw you doing Ophelia's hair. He sighed and nodded as he went into the kitchen. You finished doing Ophelia's hair as she ran her fingers through it.

"It's softer than the finest silk! My dear mother, you have the powers of a goddess!"

"Ophelia, we talked about this. I'm not a goddess."

"But- you could be reborn as one!"

"Yeah!" Kanna said and climbed up on the bed and hugged you, "You're just as pretty as one, Mama!"

A blush ran into your cheek as you laughed and ruffled your children's hair. "Oh you two, I love you both. Why don't you go get dressed and have breakfast then we can start going."

"Yes Mama!"


Odin looked all over the place as his eyes shined with joy. The town as the hot spot for tome or anything mage related. Ophelia and Kanna when to the park where children were doing a spell contest to see which could cast a better spell.

You took Odin into the rare tome shop as he was everywhere in the shop looking over everything. You looked around and smiled at Odin's behavior.

"Ophelia," Kanna tug on her cap, "Are you sure you can win this?"

"Of course I can! For I am the chosen one!"

"HA!" The leader of the contest laughed at her. He was a tall teenage boy whose hand glowed with powerful aura around it. "I doubt a small girl like you can beat me. Watch my power. Suck the life of everything good or bad, Nosferatu!"

Ophelia dodged the attack and simply laughed at his spell. "What a weak spell. Take this, Freeze as the power of the God of Ice, Missiletainn!"

At first nothing happen making the group of people laugh, until the boy's body got hit with a powerful freezing blast of ice. He stumbled backwards, out of energy for the ice sucked it all out. "D-Damn it..."

Ophelia giggled. "Never doubt Ophelia Dusk!"

"Yay big sister won!" Kanna high fived her sister as the crowd cheered for her.

The crowds cheering is what got your attention, until Odin walked into your view with a handful of tomes in hand. "Thank you dear wife! My blood burns at waiting to unleash the tomes full power!"

You smiled and kissed his cheek. "You're welcome, Odin."

"OH! I almost forgot!"

He gently put down his tomes and reached into his pocket. It was a necklace with all the colors of the rainbows. They must have been magic because the jewel would color almost every minute. You gasped and hugged him. "It's beautiful!"

Odin smiled and helped you put it on. "Not as beautiful as my goddess wife whose beauty makes Lady Moon jealous."

You blushed and hid your face. "Y-You heard?"

"Of course I did! How could my ears not pick up your sweet and soft voice from the gods?"

"Dad! I won the hero's challenge!" Ophelia yelled from outside as Kanna skipped into the shop with her. "I'm the true chose hero!"

Odin laughed and kiss the top of her head. "Of course you are, you get it from your beautiful mother and me."

"Am I also a chosen?" Kanna asked?"

You smiled and picked him up. "Of course you are, but you're the god of dragons!"

"Yay!" Kanna smiled wide!"

While his family continued to talk Odin smiled down at them. He was glad he ever had the courage to marry you, but he knew one day he would have to take you back to his home town, but he knew you would be ready to go along with him to meet everyone else...

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