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A fish jump from the pond as it splashed you in the face. You giggled as you rose your kimono up to just about enough to not get wet as you walked into the pond.

You smiled at the fish as they swam around you. It was early morning as you were the only on up in the Kingdom of Hosido. Or so you thought...

You couldn't sleep well. Having a nightmare about your Nohr family as it never seemed to go away. This happened often, but you would always go to the fishes as they seemed to splash away the pain.

Morning light peeked out from the top of the castle walls as it warmed you up in the pond.

"Hmmm... that feels nice."

"I'm glad it does (y/n)."

You jumped and turn to the sound of the voice as it turned out to be your older brother, Ryoma.

"R-Rymoa! You scared me."

Ryoma smiled a tiny bit as he walked up to you near the pond. "Sorry. I couldn't go back to sleep and though I'd walk around. I didn't expect you to be out here with the fishes."

You gently walked out of the small pond as your feet were soaking wet. The cold grass and air bit at your feet, but it never bothered you anyways.

"I always come out here when I have... a nightmare..."

Ryoma smile faded away. "Are you alright? Do you want to talk about it?"

You looked down at your feet as the wind picked up and blew the grass tickling your feet a little.

"I dreamed about my Nohr family... again..."

Silence filled the air as you started to feel uncomfortable. Did you say the wrong words? Is he mad? Does he hate me for thinking about my other family?

Your thoughts were silenced when a pair of arms wrapped around your figure as you felt a cold feeling against your skin. You looked up to see Ryoma hugging you as you were pressed up against his armor.

"I'm sorry, (y/n), for having these dreams. I know they must pain you after what you saw when the war is over. I promise to be a shoulder for you to lean on when you are upset."

Tears filled your eyes as you blinked them away, "Thank you, Big brother Ryoma. That means a lot."

Ryoma smiled as he ruffled your hair, "Your welcome. How about you and me spend the whole day together? I maybe king, but I can see around things so we can spend time together."

"Ryoma... I would love that! Thank you so much!"

You hugged him as you wrapped your arms around his neck pulling his head down slightly. You face got a bit of his hair in your face. "Hehe~ your hair smells nice~"

Ryoma laughed as he let go. "I suppose I'll take that as a complement. Come now, you can choose today's plans for us."

You smiled as you knew you were going to enjoy today...

*one year later*

A letter was slipped under the screen door of your bedroom as it was a letter from Ryoma. It said to come to his bedroom and dress nicely.

You questioned the letter but did as it told as you dressed up into a nice white kimono with (f/c) color as the outlining for the cherry blossoms.

You softly knocked on the screen door of Ryoma's room as his rough, but soft voice answered.

The screen door opened to Ryoma with his headgear off. You tried not to laugh as he still looked like a lobster. Just only half and half without the headgear.

"(y/n), I'm glad you got the letter. There is a question I need to ask of you..."

"What is it?"

Ryoma shifted as he knelt down on one knee as he held out golden ring with the white and red jewel of Hosido in the middle.

"(y/n), Will you marry me?"

You blushed and looked at the ring and at Ryoma.

"R-Ryoma... I-I..."

"Wait please, before you say anything let me say this. We aren't siblings."

Shock hit you like a wave as it made you dizzy. "W-what...?"

Ryoma nodded his head as he took your hands into his large, but warm ones. "Your mother came to are father as he took you in, knowing you were another man's child. I remember the day you came... I held you in my arms... remembering you were something special."

"Oh Ryoma..." Your heart swelled with love as you looked Ryoma in the eyes.

"Hosido still needs it queen. (y/n), will you be my love and Hosido ruler?"

You smiled and hugged Ryoma with all your heart. "Yes! Yes I'll marry you! You've made me the happiest I've ever been!"

Ryoma smiled as he looked down at you as he moved a strand of your hair back. "Are past maybe broken, but are future is stronger than iron. Take my hand..."

You smiled and cupped Ryoma's face as you grip his opened hand and held it close to your chest. You leaned in and gently kissed him. Ryoma hummed and deepened the kiss as Ryoma seemed to melt into you.

Little did you know, three siblings watched as they smiled at the sight.

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