Ryoma X Revelations Female Reader

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Everything was going well between Ryoma and you, until you run into Scarlet, only dead and possessed. Ryoma took her on and kill her making her soul rest in peace, but he wasn't in peace. Sometimes when you were up late doing paperwork you would catch Ryoma out on the hill, looking over the Valla night's sky.

One night you decided to check up on him and quietly when out of your private quarters, staying hidden in the night like Kaze usually does. Tonight was different because this time Ryoma brought the same flower Scarlet died with him.

Your heart dropped in sadness when seeing the flower. Ever since that day you couldn't look at flowers the same way anymore. Ryoma got to his spot and sat down on the grass, placing the flower on the hills edge, and let the wind carry it away.

Ryoma let out a big sigh and looked up at Valla's wavy but beautiful night sky. This was your chance as you took it and came out from hiding. "Ryoma...?"

His head turned and his mouth lifted into a smile. "I didn't think you would follow me, (y/n)."

"I've been worried about you..."

His eyebrows rose in confusion. "Worried? Why? You should never worry about your older brothers, we are the ones who should worry."

"I'm sorry. But, Ryoma, why do you keep going to this hill?"

"I'm paying my respects to Scarlet. I may have given her peace, but she gave her life to us and are cause. I may have not known her for long, but she deserves the peace offerings I will give her."

"Oh Ryoma... that is so sweet." Tears ran down your cheeks as you wiped them away, "I wish I would have thought about that... I wonder what Scarlet thinks of me now..."

Suddenly the cold night air was gone as you look up to see Ryoma hugging you close to him. "(y/n) don't cry. Scarlet wants you to be strong for her. Don't let her sacrifice be for nothing. That is the only thing she will regret in death."

"I-I know! But the path I've taken has made people die! For me! I didn't want them to do that!" Your voice cracked horriblely, making you wince.

"(y/n) listen to me! War is nothing but mindless bloodshed, but there will always be the one to stop it. You are the light. The Yato chose you and now you must help bring peace for both not only my kingdom and Prince Xander, but for this kingdom too."

A small smile came to your face as you hugged Ryoma. "Thank you... Ryoma."

"Anything for you."

The wind came up from Scarlet's flower, it drifted until it landed perfectly on your head. Ryoma chuckled and pin it in your soft hair. "You look beautiful with a daisy in your hair."

A blush sneak up in your cheeks. "I-I do...?"

"Yes, you do. I've been meaning to say this. (y/n) over the months and battles we've had I've began to start something for you inside my heart."

"R-Ryoma.... are you sure? I-I took Scarlet away from you."

Ryoma shook his head and took off his face gear, the sharp edges around his face exposing this handsome face. "Scarlet and I were close, but never in love. I was sad when she died because I hope to have her help change the world. I've been asking Scarlet for strength and whenever I let go of the daisy it go towards you. I believe Scarlet is trying to tell me you and I are meant to be, along to change the world together."

"I-I have feelings too... but what about Hoshido?"

"I'll figure something out. Maybe one of our children can rule there."


Ryoma laughed at your red face, his hair brushing against your face. "I forgot to ask, will you marry me, (y/n)?"

"Y-Yes... but can we not jump to children right now?!"

Ryoma smiled and kissed your nose. "I wouldn't force you to have children, but since you said not right now I can wait."

"Thank you, Ryoma."

"Can I kiss my wife now~?"

A small giggle came from you throat as you snuggle close to him. "Of course, my king."

Ryoma smile turned into a joyful one, he hadn't had a joyful smile in so long... he made sure the kiss was passion and love...

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