Subaki: A Tragic Love Story

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For years Subaki was hiding the truth about his past. He was perfect, but there was one person who knew he wasn't always perfect, and loved him just the way he was. (y/n), from Nohr. You were kidnapped from Hoshisdo when you were just barley six.

Subkai has never forgotten about you, and will never rest until he retrieves you.

But far away at the borders of Nohr was an army about to invade the rich, soil of Hoshido. You were the general and ready to take up arms, facing whatever trials there were.

"General (y/n)," The solider next to you spoke. "Are you sure our army of fifty is ready to take on the border of Hoshido? We are such a small group comparted to the kingdom."

"Silence," You commanded. "I don't care how large or small our army is. I will bring Nohr to its rightful place and tear down Hoshido for the king... it's my rightful and only place as general."

The solider back up, slowly as he saw your eyes. No one knows what happened after Kamui left the capital, you've changed. It's scared the others and wonder if you're really the girl they've known and loved. The king had given you power… maybe sinful power.

You motioned for the plan of attack. Every solider charged towards the border, scared and prideful for bloodlust.

Subaki was near the border defense line as he saw the waves of Nohrian armor. He went pale at the sight and rung the dong. "Everyone! We're under attack!"

"What?! Where did they come from?!"

Subaki grabbed his lance and hopped onto his pegasus. He flew high in the sky and looked down below. Searching through out the whole crowd, he managed to find you.

His eyes widen at the sight of you chopping down Hoshido men. "How... how can this be...? Why is she killing her own people?!"

"Hahah!"You screamed and laughed for joy! "Die! Die you vermin Hoshido soldiers!"

He couldn't stand it anymore and raced down from above. You were about to gut a Hoshido solider when Subaki quickly blocked the attack with his lance.

"Stop it!" He screamed throughout all the bloodshed. "This isn't like you, (y/n)!"

You glared, piercing into his soul. "How does a filthy Hoshido man like you know my name?"

Subaki dodged his head getting chopped off, swiftly dodging your attacks while trying not to damage you fatally. "We're best friends! Childhood friends! You were kidnapped and taken away from me! Don't you remember anything?!"

You growled and managed to strike him in his weak spot, taking him down and leaving him defenses. "I only live to serve my rightful ruler. You'll kill with the honor of your perfectness."

He was going to let you kill him when he stared into your eyes. You weren't normal... pupils small and delicate... a deeper shade that your wonderful (e/c) are. You were being controlled...

"So long, Subaki."

Subaki knew what you really wanted him to do. You were slowed down by your armor as Subaki grabbed his lance, piercing directly into your heart.

The entire world stood still. He meant to only stab you in the stomach, not the heart. Subaki's breath was shaky as he gently pulled the lance out of you.

He caught you before you fell to the ground, blood already soaking into his white Hoshido clothes. "(y/n)... (y/n)... please... don't... DON'T DIE ON ME!!!"

Your eyes began to turn back to normal. They were the same (e/c) he remembered, staring into them back when the Nohrians took you away. You coughed up some blood, smiling a dead man's smile. "T-Thank you... I-I'm finally... f-free..."

"(y/n) please stay with me!" He cradled you close in his arms. "I-I just got you back! PLEASE! DON'T LEAVE ME!!!"

His screams died off with the rest of the battlefield. You gurgled out more blood before gently, resting your hand on his cheek. "Y-You're... not... p-perfect... w-when... y-you're... crying... s-silly...."

Subaki cried louder when your hand thumped to the ground. He wanted to die right now. The only reason he was fighting this damned war was because of you... and now that reason is dead...


"Subaki... are you going to be okay...?"

Princess Sakura stood at his side. She heard what happened and ran to heal Subaki, but Subaki begged her to try and revive you. Your grave stood at the top of the hill.

"Okay..." Subaki mumbled, purple patches collected around his eyelids. "I don't know... anymore... what... okay even feels..."

Sakura tried not to cry as she watched Subaki sobbed over your gravestone. The perfect man he always lived up too was sobbing his heart out for a betrayed Hoshidian. He would live for you, but inside he vowed to never marry any woman.

Because his heart only belonged to your still, cold one.

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