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"AHHH!" You yelled as an undead solider took away half your life points. It was in the middle of battle as Xander was helping you fight alongside. You heard a growl come from his throat as he raised Siegfried and held it with both hands.

"Be gone, wretch!"

He jumped in midair with the help of his horse and strike a critical onto it. The undead solider gasp out black blood before disappearing into purple and blue flames.

It was the boss as the area was cleared of undead monster. Xander ran up to you as he picked you up, gently taking you in his arms.

"Are you alright?! Little princess?"

You shook you head as the pain was unbearable. The undead monster had horizontally cut at the top of your collarbone to the ending of your rib cage. Xander cursed under his breath as he shouted at the Nohr soldiers to return to the castle. You started losing blood fast and blacked out, only to hear the soft whisper of Xander speaking.

"Don't die on me, little princes. I love you."


Warm light filled into your eyes as you blinked them out. It was nighttime as Jakob was fixing your bandages. He looked up and gasped, running out to a maid telling your family you were awake.

Jakob came running back in as he poured you a glass of water. "My lady! You're finally awake! It's has been a long whole week since you been passed out."

You shakily took the cup and drank the water, giving it back to Jakob as his eyes held concern for you. "I was out that long...? It only felt like a day..."

The door flew open as Xander, Camila, Leo, and Elise came in. Camila hugged you as Elise did, only sobbing in joy seeing you awake. Leo patted you gently on the shoulder saying how glad he was. It was Xander's turn, only he pushed everyone out of the room, even Jakob, to speak with you alone.

"Xander... what is it?"

"Little princess... you've had me so worried over you... It made me realize I want to protect you more than a big brother should... If you let me... marry me."

You blinked, still thinking that this was a dream. "W-wait? Marry me? I-Is this a dream...?"

Xander chuckled as he took out the royal queen's ring. The jewel was pure black as red lines, like Siegfried did while attacking, twisted around the jewel making it stand out.

"I love you, truly, I've been meaning to tell you for so long. You are my precious wife now. It is my honor and duty to keep you safe, At all cost."

Tears rimmed the edges of your eyes as they gently rolled down your cheek. "Y-yes... I'll I marry you Xander... I love you so much more than I did before..."

Xander smiled as he gently held you in his hand, careful enough to not hurt you. "I'm glad. My little queen."

You rolled your eyes at him while he kissed you. Elise jumped up and down and screaming happily behind the door. Leo sighed and rolled his eyes at his younger sister while Camila only simply laughed.

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