Chapter 1 - Chicago

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My phone buzzed on the floor beside me this morning, so I turned over and reached for it before looking at the screen; it was a phone call from a friend I'd met online; he was a hacker who used to be a ranger, and we'd met on an online platform. "Hey," I said as I answered the phone. "I've found her," Greg said, causing me to jump to my feet. "My mother," I said, stunned. "Yeah, she's in Chicago, a Mrs Cindy Herrmann married to Christopher Herrmann, a firefighter, with five children, including you," Greg said, making me smile.

"I'm not sure what to say," I said as I smiled, "but if you come to Chicago, it means we'll finally get to meet." Greg said, sounding pleased, that we had been friends for years and had helped each other through difficult times but had never met in person. "So what are you going to do?" he asked. "If you need money, I can purchase you a ticket because I have a steady paycheck right now," Greg said. Greg mentioned that he had started working for the CPD, which made me happy because I knew he was in a job that wouldn't get him killed. "No, it's fine, I've been saving for this for years," I said. "Well, let me know what you decide and I will pick you up from the airport" Greg said "ok" I said before cutting off the call and turning around before getting off my bed.

After walking around for a while, I went to my dresser and opened the top drawer, staring at the only thing I had of my mother, a night dress that she had wrapped me in when she left me outside the firehouse to keep me warm, which meant I knew she cared for me but I still didn't know why she left me, as I picked it up and held it close, tears began to fall down my face because after all these years, I had finally found my mother, but would she want me? that she has a family of her own and would me walking back into her life destroy her life?.

I closed my eyes for a moment before putting the nightgown on the dresser and walking to the corner of the room, grabbing my suitcase and stuffing it with what few belongings I had and a rucksack, I live in a small apartment and work all the hours I can but I still only make enough money to survive, as I finished packing, I sat on my bed as my phone rang, it was a message from Greg, and when I opened it, it was a photo of my mother so I just sat there looking at it for a while.

I grew up in the foster system, being bounced from home to home until I was 16 years old, when I left and began living on the streets until I was able to make enough money to get myself somewhere. Having a family was a two-hour trip away, so I had to gamble that she would want to see me. So I got online and looked at flights to Chicago before texting Greg, "I'm doing it, I should be in Chicago in 6 hours," I texted, which made me grin, "ok text me when you land," Greg texted with a smiling emoji.

So I got out of bed, grabbed my phone, and booked a cab to the airport before grabbing a set of clothes from my suitcase and putting them on, brushing my hair and putting it into a ponytail, and grabbing my jacket and shoes and putting them on as I sat on my bed, before grabbing the suitcase and heading out the door, locking it behind me, and placing the key through the letterbox.

Taking a deep breath before walking down the steps and outside until my cab arrived. "Michaels to the airport?" the cab driver inquired. "Yeah," I replied as I smiled as I stood there before he opened the door and walked over to my suitcase. "You get in, I'll deal with the suitcase," the cab driver said as I nodded and got in the back as I waited until I heard the drivers side door open and he jumped in. "So the airport we go," he said as he started the cab, so I buckled up and the car started moving. "Going anyplace nice?" the driver said, trying to start a conversation. "Chicago," I answered.

As I looked out the window, the driver said, "Ahh Chicago, holiday?" He asked, and I tried to be friendly, but all I could think about were my nerves. "I found out I have family down there, so I'm going to meet them," I said, being vague because I was still trying to process everything. After a while, the driver stopped talking, and we sat there in silence until the cab arrived at the airport and came to a stop.

"Well good luck, stay safe out there," the cab driver said as I leant forward and passed him the cab fare and told him to keep the change before getting out of the cab and so did he, walking around to the boot and opening it before getting out my case. "I will," I said before he waved and I began walking into the airport and checking in. As I waited for my flight, I took out my phone and untangled my earbuds before inserting them into my ears, attempting to shut out all of the commotion surrounding me because I had never been to an airport before, let alone out of the country. When I heard my flight was announced, I rose up and grabbed my bag, which I slung over my back as I walked to the gate.

As I approached the gate, I gave the woman at the entrance my passport and plane ticket before passing through and onto the plane. Once on board, I sat down and unzipped my bag, pulling out my notepad and a pencil and starting to doodle to pass the time. I lost track of time while drawing on the plane until I heard the announcement, and when I stopped drawing, I realised I had drawn Cindy. I didn't mean to, but I believe I was drawing all of my emotions and feelings. As soon as the plane landed, I grabbed my bag and headed to the baggage claim belt. While waiting for my suitcase, I texted Greg, "I'm here, just grabbing my bag," and within seconds, I received a reply, "on my way," from Greg. As soon as my bag arrived, I grabbed it off the belt and headed to the entrance.

After a while of waiting outside the airport, a car pulled up in front of me, as the window moved down, I realised it wasn't Greg "Tessa" the woman asked if I was a female cop "yeah" I said hesitantly "Mouse had to go out on a job but he sent us to pick you up" the woman said "Mouse had to go out on a job but he sent us to pick you up" the woman said "mouse" I asked sounding confused. "Greg it's his nickname" the woman said "I'm Kim, this is Sean" Kim said pointing to the guy sat next to her in the squad car "Hey" Sean said "Hey" I said replying back to him before I opened the car and got in before they began to drive off.

"So you're a Mouse friend?" Kim asked trying to get information "Yeah, we've been friends for a year," I replied, knowing she was trying to figure out who I was. "So, what you doing in Chicago?" Kim asked, but I couldn't tell her the truth because I didn't want it to go back to Cindy before I had a chance to speak with her. "Just visiting Mouse," I said as the squad car pulled up to the 21st "here we are, nice to meet you," Kim said as she turned around and smiled "you too thanks for the lift guys" I said grabbing my bag before I got out of the squad car. As I got out I looked at the building as they drove off. Before I took a deep breathe and walked into inside and into the reception before I walked over to the desk.
End Of Chapter 1

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