Fire & Ice (17)

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So this is gonna be a huge chapter! Everything has changed and there is a hint in this for what is to come, anyone get it?

5 Years Later-

Pooja raised her glass "Happy eight years of friendship" she smiled

I smashed my glass against hers, "Come on, I want to dance" I dragged Noor and Pooja to the dance floor, giggling with them as we danced, spinning around with them, I looked up to see Pooja had stopped, following where she was looking I saw Aditya Hooda watching me, I placed my glass in her hand

"Zoya, don't" she shook her head "He has full right to be here, just like us"

I laughed "No, he deserves to rot in prison, but there wasn't enough evidence against him, im not having him keep following me and watching me, he's a creep, honestly Pooja, I will never understand why you stick up for him, he's a criminal or do I need to spell that out for you" I rolled my eyes, it was alarming that Pooja seemed to have such a soft spot for him

"You didn't used to think that" she muttered

"What, oh here we go, after my accident I changed, yes, just drop it Pooja, i'm tired of being made to feel like im the bad one here, sometimes it feels like you're hiding something from me, why do you stick up for him"

Pooja blinked slowly "Its nothing, I just think he deserves a chance is all"

I shook my head, beginning to walk over to Aditya "Why are you here"

He smiled at me, like he was happy to see me "Hello to you to habibti, long time no see"

I scoffed "You saw me last week and stop calling me that, why are you following me" I scowled up at him which only made him smile more

"Dance with me and i'll tell you" he jumped down from the seat, outstretching a hand to me

"You have to be kidding me, this is stupid, cops don't dance with criminals"

He chuckled "Oh don't remind me, I preferred you when you were a lawyer" he took my hand, pulling me into his chest, he rested one hand on my waist, lifting my left arm and resting it on his shoulder "Just dance habibti, for just a second, forget" he whispered into my ear

I allowed my eyes to close, his body was radiating heat, which only seemed to make me more comfortable in his arms. I inhaled, his scent was addictive, his arms around me making me feel safe "So, answer my question, why are you following me"

"You just don't give up, I just like to know you're safe, is that so bad"

"It is bad when you're a criminal and i'm not, it is bad when my Abbu put you behind bars and wants you there again" I gasped as I felt his lips on my cheek

"Sorry habibti, i'm a bad man, I can't help myself" he pulled back kissing my hand "Stay safe" and then he was gone, the only reminder that he was even there in the first place was his lingering scent and my racing heart

"Hey, Aapi, you okay" Noor placed her hand on my shoulder, then she looked at the door that Aditya had just walked out of "Can I say something"

I nodded

"Just because something looks a certain way, doesn't mean it is, he isnt as bad as"

"No" I cut her off "Stop this, that's all you and Pooja say, that he isn't that bad but none of you will explain anything and it's driving me mad, why cant you just be honest with me, what is it I dont know" I cried

Noor shook her head "Those are answers only he can give you"

Without a second thought I ran out of the bar "Aditya, Aditya wait" I shouted, watching as he turned slowly, his confusion turning into happiness

"What can I do for you habibti" he leant against the wall, his arms crossed

"People keep lying to me, no one will tell me the truth and I just want to understand, so please will you tell me honestly why a cold blooded murderer like you would be trying to keep me safe"

His eyes narrowed "That Abbu of yours has really gotten in your head over the past five years" he shook his head in dismay "If you're just going to insult me why should I tell you anything" he went to walk away

"But is that not what you are, I mean come on"

He rolled his eyes "You really have changed Zoya" the use of my name from his mouth sounded so foreign it made me flinch "You know what, i'm done here, you're never going to change your mind about me, your father is so up in your head that if he tells you something is black you'll believe it even if it looks blue"

"Then tell me what im missing, how am I meant to understand if no one tells me anything " I honestly felt like I was going crazy "What do you want from me"

"I want" he brushed my cheek with the back of his hand "You seem to have so much love in your heart, maybe there is enough for" he looked me in the eye "me"

"What" I spluttered "You want me to love you"

"Hm" he nuzzled my neck, his nose in my hair "Is that so bad, is it so bad to want you to love me like you love everything else"

"You're a murderer" I stuttered, gasping as I felt my body pressed up against the wall

"No, you are, you killed me five years ago, I was stupid to come back, you're different now" he slammed his fist into the brick wall

"How did I kill you"

He smiled "You made me love you, now you will not love me back, you think what you want Zoya, you want me to leave you alone, ill leave you alone, forever" he stepped back making me feel cold, then he turned on his heel and walked away from me

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