Fire & Ice (19)

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"I want to know, Aditya told me a lot but I cant help but feel there is more, so what else is there, why did you all hide stuff from me" I looked around at Noor and Pooja who shuffled uncomfortably under my gaze

"Well, did he tell you about the accident" Pooja looked up, a look of dread in her eyes

"Yes, I got in the accident trying to save his life so I must have felt something"

Noor chuckled "It wasn't just something" her eyes met mine "You loved him Aapi"

"I what" I allowed my body to sink back in the chair "I loved him, oh god" I rested my head in my hands "You have no idea how badly I have treated him in the past five years"

Pooja placed a hand on my arm "On the night of the accident we found out you were pregnant, the baby didn't make it through the stress, we all wanted to tell you so badly but Waseem uncle forbade us, said it would only deteriorate your health" she sucked in a breath

"I was what" I stood up, my legs were shaking "We had a baby together and I lost it" the bile rose in my throat "I have to go, I have to see" ignoring their calls for me to come back, I ran as fast as possible toward my car


"Yes, go ahead, please ruin my house once again, didn't you already search my house three days ago" Aditya smirked at the officer then his eyes met mine "And there's my faviourate police officer, come to search aswell"

I cleared my throat "The search is over, everyone leave"

Aditya threw his head back laughing "Ooooh, wont your Abbu tell you off for that"

I swallowed thickly, how was I meant to apologise for the loss we both bared, all this time he had stuck around for me and for what? It wasn't fair and today I would set him free, I waved at one of the officers who smiled

"He's obsessed with you, dangerous man" one shook his head

"He isn't obsessed" I clenched my fist "You don't know him like" I paused, like what? Truthfully I didn't know him anymore, shoving past them I followed Aditya into the house, watching as he began to clean. I picked a frame from the floor, placing it on the desk

"Don't worry about helping, im used to cleaning it up by now" he laughed then stood up to face me "So what's up Zoya"

"What, no habibti today"

His eyes lit up "Do you want me to call you habibti" his head bent to the side slightly, his eyes running over my face

"You call me what you like, don't you get tired of doing all this all the time"

He shrugged "They'll get tired of searching my house eventually"

I passed him the file "I um made a list of a few things, i'm still trained as a lawyer and well, I want to help you out of this, to set you free"

"Thank you" he took the file, then threw it in the bin "But no thank you, they wont leave me alone, unless I leave and i'm not leaving"

"But why, I can handle the case, I know I can" I stamped my feet slightly, he was insufferable at the best of times

"Because that means leaving you and if I have to go through this everyday just to see you, then I will, unless you want me to leave, do you" he sat back against the table, his hands still firmly in his pockets

In all honesty the only thing I wanted was to mourn in peace for what we both had lost, the ache in my heart I knew had to have been worse for him, yet this cold, distant reaction to me pained me more than I would ever admit, though it was all admittedly my fault.

"Do you" he stood up, stepping right infront of me

"I" I exhaled loudly "No, no I don't want you to leave"

He looked taken back for a second before lifting me into his arms with ease and spinning me around, as soon as my feet hit the ground, I was pulled into his chest, his arms were around my waist, his face in my neck "I knew you felt something, I just knew it"

For the first time in years, I allowed my arms to drift up and wrap around his neck, pulling him in closer, for years I had wanted to hold him too, yet I had always pushed him away. I felt the tears sting my eyes, quickly swiping them away I stepped back "So what I actually came here for was, well, Pooja and Noor told me about the night of the accident, I was"

"Zoya, beti what are you doing here"

I turned around to see my Abbu, still in his police uniform "Oh I was just"

"Haven't you done my daughter enough damage, now again you still won't leave her alone, anyway I have an arrest warrant" he held out a letter that Aditya snatched from his hand

"Really, for harassing an officer, what officer have I" he paused, then turned me around "Did you do this"

Before I could speak my Abbu replied "Yes, she did, she's complained multiple times about you following her"

"Following her" he growled "I was keeping her safe, but whatever" he shoved past me, his shoulder barging into mine

I reached out, wrapping my fingers around his waist "I never wrote an official complaint, I swear"

His eyes softened slightly "It's whatever Zoya, things have changed, i'm sure after this beating, it might just be enough to set me straight, then maybe ill be able to stop loving you" he chuckled

I watched as my Abbu raised his baton in the air, aiming for Aditya, I stepped infront of him quickly, letting out a scream at the immense pain in my left cheek. I was span around to face Aditya, his eyes darkening significantly as he cupped my cheek

"Why did you get in the way" he looked up "So much anger Waseem, look at what you've done, I told you, I told you not to let anyone hurt her and now look at what you have done" he stepped forward but I pushed my hands on his chest

"Aditya please" I grabbed the warrant from his hand "You can't arrest him, it wont hold down, he doesnt harass me and I will deny it all"

"What has got into you Zoya" my Abbu frowned

"What has got into you, once upon a time you were a firm believer of following the law, now you're trying to put him into prison for something he didn't do, the whole reason I got into this profession was because I wanted to defend the innocent, and that is what I will do" I could feel my hands shaking, I had never shouted at anyone this way, especially my own Abbu

"Innocent, really, he's a murderer"

"And you're not, you've killed too, the only difference is you had the law on your side" I stepped back slightly, didnt Aditya once say something like this to me? "This world isn't black and white, it isn't just that he's wrong and you're right, you tell me since my accident has he done anything, as long as i've known him every killing has been in self defence, would you please just"

"Just what, you nearly died because of him"

"No Abbu, I nearly died because of me, I went to save him, I know the truth now, and I know what I felt then, you lied to me, you said he was obsessed and he wasn't, how could you not tell me"

"If you choose to side with him, then know I will treat you the way I treat every criminal" he outstretched his hand "Last chance Zoya"

I stepped closer, slamming the door instead, I leant against it, my eyes closed "I'm really sorry, I wish I could remember, I want to, I just, people keep lying and hiding things and what I actually came here for was" I looked up into his eyes "I wanted to know if you'd come and say a goodbye to what we both lost, I never got the chance"

Aditya looked at me, he blinked slowly "You know about the baby"

I nodded

"Okay, we can mourn that loss together, but how do I mourn the loss of you, for the first time in forever I saw a glimpse of the woman I fell in love with, what happens when you pick your father again, then what Zoya"

I hurried forward, taking his hands in mine "I wont, I swear, I was wrong before about you"

His eyes suddenly became hooded, his fingers gripping into my shoulders, the full weight of his body on mine before he dropped to the floor

"Aditya, oh my god wake up" I looked down at the injection stuck in his shoulder, looking up slowly a masked figure looked my way, the only facial features I could see was a deadly smile on their lips

Yayyyy! Im back! You're probs not as excited as I am, but tis okay! Anyhoo, I hope you've all been well, I only got back today so bare with me, i've been busy and writing is taking me some time to get back into. Also, how are we already on 19 chapters?

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