Wouldn't Trade Him For Anything

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"UNCLE G! Look here, Azzy got me this cool necklace! It's gunna be my most precious thing." I heard, an enthusiastic voice at the door. I turned around and saw Chara standing there, a smile of innocence on his face and eyes full of hope, his hand risen to show a locket dangling from his fingers. 

I walked out from behind the bar of my restaurant, going to the door and crouching down to embrace him in a hug. "That's amazing, happy birthday bud. Let's go get your cake." I said as I picked him up and brought him to a table with his name engraved into it.

I sat him down in his seat as he swung his legs back and forth, excited as I went into the back to grab the chocolate cake I make for him every year, the restaurant closed on this day every year after I found him.

 The kid's had a bad run, his father was an abusive alcoholic that killed his mother in front of him, with her trying to defend him from his father. Out of fear for his life, he threw the closest thing to him at his father. The knife that killed his mother. Of course after something so traumatic, his mind blocked the memories, and he spent a month on the road, until one day, on the way back from the Capital City, I saw him. He was skinny, looked like he hadn't eaten for weeks. My heart went out to him, he didn't deserve such a cruel fate. To starve alone.

So I took him in, and figured out what happened to him. It hurt to know that he saw death at such an early age, not even five years old at the time. He remembers nothing of his past, but nightmares plague his mind. I tried my best, but he has barely grown as I can still easily carry  Chara, with him now being seven years old.

He can be slightly annoying sometimes, but he's the best thing that ever happened to me. His hopeful smile has gotten me out of a lot of bad times, and I wouldn't trade him for anything.

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