Chapter 2: The Actual Welcoming Committee

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A day after the incident at the beach with Y/N and the Cobra Kai's, the former is merely practicing as usual on the wooden dummy, the sound of flesh and bones hitting against the wood continues to sound off loudly inside his room and can be heard from downstairs, where his parents are currently making some lunch for some visitors to the house. As it turns out, while they were at the Auto Repair Shop, they met the owner named Daniel LaRusso, a very nice guy with a smile that just radiates kindness. He approached them, and they told him about their car problems, which the cause of it was merely some needed cleaning of some wiring and connections. Other than that, Daniel welcomed them into town and starts asking regular questions that one might ask when you move into a new environment.

They obliged, telling him all about where they've gone and why, and also about Y/N as well, who they also told Daniel that he does martial arts, surprising the Auto Shop owner, saying that he knows martial arts too. So, as a way of bonding with both families, the L/N's and the LaRusso's are going to be having a little welcoming lunch as a little compensation for what the Cobra Kai's did at the beach, in Y/N's perspective. So, the Wing Chun/Jeet Kune Do expert is merely getting a work out in before their guests arrive. Once he gets done with his routine, he grabs a towel and wipes off his sweat before he heads into the bathroom to take a quick shower, and as he does so, his mom calls out to him.

"Y/N! Mr. LaRusso and his family will be here any minute, changed into something when you're done showering, okay?" His mom asks him from downstairs as she finishes up some chicken parmesan, taking it out of the oven.

"Okay, mom!" Y/N responds back before getting in the shower and cleaning himself off. While he's doing that, the doorbell rings, signaling the arrival of the LaRusso family, to which the patriarch of the house opens the door to greet them.

"Mr. LaRusso! It's good to see you again." Y/N's dad greets Daniel, who smiles at him before they shake hands quickly.

"Likewise, Mr. L/N. I hope you don't mind if we've made some macaroni salad, my wife made it." Daniel says, gesturing to his wife, Amanda LaRusso who has a pot of said food in her hands. Alongside them is two children, the oldest being a girl with brown hair and some gorgeous blue eyes. This is Samantha LaRusso, or Sam for short. The younger child has long brown hair, darker than her sister's and reaches up to his nape, this is Anthony LaRusso, and he's much to busy playing on his Nintendo Switch to look up at who his father is talking to.

"No at all, Daniel! Please come in, my wife is getting the food ready." Y/N's father says, gesturing them inside, allowing them to walk into the house.

"You have a lovely home, Mr. L/N." Sam compliments as she looks around the house, and before the patriarch could respond to the nice words, Y/N's mother comes out of the kitchen with a plate of chicken parmesan in hand.

"Hello everyone, sorry for the wait, lunch is ready to be served." She tells them before setting the plate down on a circular plate that has a smaller glass circle that can be rotated in either direction, a common table you'll see in Chinese cultures.

"No need to worry, we just arrived, and where is your son?" Daniel asks curiously, not seeing the teen of the house anywhere.

"He's currently in the shower, he just finished his Wing Chun training." She answers, causing Sam to perk up a little at her words, all she knew from her dad was that there was someone in her age bracket that was new to the neighborhood and that they were going to host a small lunch together. She didn't know that their son could do martial arts, at all.

Speaking of, Y/N walks downstairs, hair damp from the shower as he is wearing a F/C long sleeved-shirt, jeans, and some funky banana socks.

"Oh, hi. I didn't realize they were already here mom." He greets the LaRusso family before turning to his mom saying the last part to her.

"They just got here, Y/N. Now, come on now, let's eat before everything gets cold." Y/N's mother says, ushering everyone to the table as Amanda LaRusso sets down her macaroni beside on the opposite side of where the chicken parmesan is. They all sit as follows going from the left, Y/N's mother, Y/N's father on her left, Daniel LaRusso, Amanda LaRusso, Anthony, Sam, then Y/N who sits at his mother's right. Soon after, they all dig into the food, making some light conversation as they feasted.

"So, Y/N, your mom tells you that you studied martial arts if I'm not mistaken." Daniel clarifies to the teen, who perks up from his food to look at the LaRusso patriarch.

"Uh, yes sir. I was in Hong Kong with my family, and I was bullied a lot as a child, so I took up Jeet Kune Do and Wing Chun classes to be able to defend myself. The first one was because of one of my idols, Bruce Lee, and the second was because Bruce Lee was taught by someone named Ip Man, a legendary Grandmaster of Wing Chun. His son, Master Ip Ching, was my master and taught me everything he knew from the beginning to the end." He regales them with the tale of how he first got into martial arts, and Sam seems to be quite curious on the Chinese side of it and so does Daniel. Amanda and Anthony merely listen out of courtesy but are still attentive nonetheless.

"Wow, he must be a great teacher to teach you all that he knew." Sam says, impressed by his story, but Y/N's head looks down at his food as his face scrunches up in sadness.

"Yeah, he was." Y/N says, emphasizing the "was" to signal them that he has passed, and the LaRusso family and Y/N's parents look at him solemnly.

"O-Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" Sam tries to apologize, but Y/N stops her."

"It's alright, really. He wouldn't want me crying over his death for very long, he would've wanted me to use his teachings to the best of my abilities, learning from him and his philosophy. He was like a grandfather to me in Hong Kong, he was quite stern at first, but once you start to learn the tools of the trade, he eases up slightly." Y/N says, and Daniel LaRusso is reminded of his own Karate teacher, Nariyoshi Miyagi, or Mr. Miyagi as he's usually called. Much like Y/N, Daniel was bullied and he learned much about Karate from his sensei, and he continues to take his teachings to heart to this very day. In a sense, Daniel and Y/N are not so different from each other, they learned from the best of their craft, gained a wise old mentor as their one true master, and both have passed to allow them both to use their lessons to heart.

"Well said, Y/N. Well said." Daniel comments, and said person nods to him before they quickly finish up with dinner. Afterwards, Y/N's mother decides to let the kids have their time while the adults have their own chats as well, so she tells her son to take them upstairs into his room so that they can bond while the adults do the same over some sparkling drinks.

Inside Y/N's room, Anthony continues to play his Switch as Sam and Y/N start to talk about what is similar with Ip Ching and Mr. Miyagi, suffice to say, they were almost a carbon copy of each other with a few glaring differences. After a while, Sam takes notice of the wooden dummy and walks over to it with curiosity. Y/N follows and stands beside the dummy, leaning on it.

"This is a wooden dummy, this was my master's and he allowed me to keep it a few days before passed. It trains us to be numb to the blows and strikes of our opponents to our limbs, and it teaches us the techniques that can be applies to real life situations." Y/N explains to her.

"Could you show me some techniques?" She asks, interested to know about his martial arts discipline. He nods to her before he stands in front of the dummy as she moves to the side. He gets into his Wing Chun stance before he does his Gang Sau, Gum Sau technique on the wooden dummy, slightly startling Sam and Anthony from the loud clanging of flesh and bone, and wood. After doing the Gang Sau Gum Sau, he begins to do the Huen Sau Gang Sau, which looks like he's doing a swimming with his hands before he strikes the top and bottom of the two leveled prongs from below with his hands called a Double Pak Sau Double Tan Sau and settles back into his stance.

Sam claps at the demonstration before Y/N decides to show her the applications of those two techniques. He tells her to stand in front of him and tells her to do a side kick, which she does with hesitation as he performs the Gan Sau Gum Sau technique and does the same thing he did with the bully from before, trapping her leg in the pit of his elbow joint, stepping over behind the ankle of her planted foot before checking her shoulder and taking her down to the ground slowly. Once done, she looks quite surprised by how effective that is as she stands up so that they can demonstrate the Huen Sau Gan Sau.

This time, he tells her to throw a left jab into a right cross, which she does so, only to have her jab pushed out of target using the Huen Sau and then her cross gets blocked from the outside by the Gan Sau before he does the swimming motion to go underneath and have his right arm underneath her left armpit as his left hand has bicep control on her right, which is a common thing you can see in MMA fighting. Anthony by this point is already intrigued, unlike when his dad would want him to join Miyagi-Do since the techniques involve chores for muscle memory.

After that display, they settle for another grapple with Sam having full bicep control on Y/N while he has a collar-bicep control on her. To demonstrate, Double Jut Sau and Double Tak Sau, he snaps her head down with Pak Sau, which gets Sam to try and bring her head back up for a level reposition before Y/N does Double Tan Sau to get her off guard for a double leg takedown onto the floor before he plays with her by throwing lightning punches close to her face as she lays back first onto the ground. Sam covers her face on instinct but smiles when Y/N holds out a hand for her to take to pull her back up to her feet.

Then, clapping sounds can be heard from the door as the parents of the children applaud for Y/N's display, and so does Anthony, much preferring this over Miyagi-Do.

"What a great display, Y/N. Your master taught you well." Daniel says, impressed extremely by this. Y/N, flustered with pink just bows to Sam and back to the parents.

"Thank you, Mr. LaRusso, I try to implement the techniques to real life instances, those are just a few I've searched up so far." Y/N explains to him.

"Well, you're doing a very good job, son. But it's time for the LaRusso's to head on home now, say your goodbyes and we will wait for you at the front door, okay?" Y/N's father asks, as the three kids nod to them before the parents head back downstairs.

"That was really cool, I actually prefer that over what dad teaches Sam." Anthony says jokingly, causing Sam to playfully gasp, turning to her little brother as they all laugh afterwards.

"Who, knows. Maybe you can be my pupil in the future, if you put your mind to it that is." Y/N says with a smile as Anthony leaves the room before turning his head back to Sam. "I really had a good time today, Sam. It was really nice to meet you."

"It was nice to meet you too, hey, maybe you can come to my dad's dojo sometime. He can show you some Miyagi-Do techniques if you'd like." Sam offers to Y/N, who holds his chin in thought for a few moments before nodding.

"Sure, as long as it isn't Cobra Kai, then I'm set on coming by." As Y/N says, that Sam's face scrunches into a sad frown. Thinking it was something he said, he goes to apologize, but she stops him.

"N-No, it's alright. It's just that...someone I used to date is in Cobra Kai, he hurt a friend's arm really badly during the All Valley Tournament." Sam explains to him.

"I've heard about the All-Valley, they say Cobra Kai won it." Y/N recalls from the beach incident.

"They did, but the won it dirty. My friend was already injured from a cheap shot from behind. His arm was in pretty bad shape but he wanted to continue, so he did. But my ex used that to his advantage to win the trophy." She explains further before Y/N places a hand on her shoulder, causing her to look up at him.

"I've said this before, Martial Arts that is used for striking first or used for no mercy at all is not Martial Arts, that's violence and it's a bad way of living. It's what you may see in the worst of bosses and workmates, even in students too. So, if there's anything you need, anything at all involving the Cobra Kai's, I'll do what I can." Y/N's words hit Sam's heart with warmth, she can truly trust this teen that he's just met. With loving parents like his own and a master that is so similar to Mr. Miyagi, you'd think that the two are mirror images of each other.

"Thanks, Y/N. I'd better get going." She says with a smile, with Y/N doing the same. They head downstairs with everyone waiting for them before they all say their goodbyes to one anther before the LaRusso family leaves the L/N's residence. After they leave, Y/N hugs his parents and heads up to his room to continue training. Cobra Kai is like an infection, poisoning the minds of others, and if this were to continue throughout his years here, he may never stand a chance in the long run. And Cobra Kai is starting to be wary of him too...

A/N: Hey everyone, in probably a day or two, I will be counting the results for the Love Interest Poll, and just a quick little spoiler, Tory is currently winning with Sam in second, Moon in third, and Yasmine fourth, so be sure to place your votes as soon as possible before then. Anyways, thank you so much for the support and I will see you all in the next chapter. BYE!

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