Chapter 7: Differences Aside

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During the process of cleaning the dojo back into it's tip top shape, there have been quite a few little arguments between the defected Cobra Kai's and the Miyagi-Do's. Y/N is merely the middle-man in all of this when Mr. LaRusso is away, and this is exactly what is happening right now. As Y/N replaces the wooden dummy with a more affordable one, he can hear the sound of arguing in the back of the dojo. He walks over to find Demetri and a large dark-skinned boy named Chris arguing with one another, and as it turns out, Chris was one of the Cobra Kai's that attacked Y/N and Demetri at the mall.

"You think I'm just gonna let you diss me?" Chris asks Demetri, threatening him in the slightest.

"I didn't diss you, it was constructive criticism." Demetri fires back just as Y/N makes it to the both of them and stands in their way to prevent them from attacking each other.

"Don't tell me you two are still sore about the mall incident now are you?" Y/N asks, already past that already and accepting the former Cobra Kai's into Miyagi-Do.

"This nerd called me an imbecile." Chris tells the Wing Chun expert. "And I told you he can't just drop a challenge and leave." He says turning to Demetri to say it to him.

"I didn't "drop a challenge". He dropped a potted plant." Demetri says, pointing to one of the toppled bonsai trees.

"It was an accident." Chris says to excuse himself, but Y/N has had enough and firmly talks to them just how his Master Ip Ching would.

"Alright, you two, enough of this arguing. You two are now on the same side, so start acting like it. Cleaning the dojo is the first priority to helping improve Miyagi-Do, so I want you two to start with lifting that rock." Y/N says, pointing to the large rock that had Japanese Kanji written on the side that is sandwiched into the ground.

"How are we supposed to do that?" Demetri asks Y/N.

"Teamwork, either the both of you figure out a way to do this together, or Mr. LaRusso will have my head if this stone isn't up by the time he gets back." Y/N says before patting them on the shoulders and heading inside to show the new arrivals, aside from Chris about Wing Chun. As they squat inside the dojo, Y/N starts to discus to them about how the martial art was founded and how it can be used in real life. However, some of the teachings of Cobra Kai are still nestled into their minds, so he decides to regale them with a tale when he was in Hong Kong at the time.

"When I was in Hong Kong, and this was during the time I was in the middle of my Wing Chun training, one bully who I will not disclose, used to really pick on me, like to the point where it was not even funny for anyone other than himself. At one point he beat me half to death, causing his expulsion, I had begged him for mercy when he gave me none. But in the end he paid for it, his merciless nature cost him his future..." Y/N retells the story, causing the former students of Cobra Kai to look in sadness.

"So what did you do when he was expelled?" One of them asks him, specifically the kid with glasses.

"I forgave him because it turns out that he only did those things to escape the wrath of his abusive father. He bullied me because of jealousy, how he wanted to have a happy family of his own but ends up with a drunken wreck. So, my family and I did what we could to get him back on track and provided him a home in Hong Kong until he was taken in by a kind couple that wanted to adopt him." Y/N finishes his story. "Forgiveness may be hard in the face of a merciless adversary, but sometimes mercy can go a long way to redemption. All you need to do is be able to look into your heart to find the courage and strength to forgive them, even if they did something despicable. Because if you also use the No Mercy teachings of Cobra Kai, then this world will be thrust into chaos."

The students look at Y/N with understanding in their eyes, they start to realize that what he is saying makes perfect sense. Then, they all hear Sam shout out worriedly from the back of the dojo, and they all hurry outside and see Demetri on the ground with Chris looking down at him.

"Whoa! What are you doing? We're on the same team now!" Mr. LaRusso says just as he arrives at the dojo and Y/N walks over to the middle of Robby and Chris to prevent them from fighting.

"Once a Cobra Kai, always a Cobra Kai." Robby declares, pointing to the large dark-skinned boy.

"Well, that's not true." Mr. LaRusso says, before deciding he needs to tell everyone something quite literally mind blowing to everyone. "I know it's not true 'cause...I used to be a Cobra Kai." He tells them, and everyone's eyes widen in shock at the revelation before he decides to tell them further inside the dojo.

"It was 1985, I had just won my first All Valley and Mr. Miyagi didn't want me to compete anymore. He never really liked the idea of fighting for trophies in the first place. So, he and I, we got into this big argument and what did I do? I joined Cobra Kai. I learned to strike hard, strike fast, show no mercy, and it turned me into an angry and violent kid. It changed me." Mr. LaRusso tells them, revealing the entire truth.

"You never told me any of this." Sam says, still in shock of what her father is revealing to them all just now.

"It's not something I'm proud of, Sam." He tells her daughter. "But my point is, anyone can be seduced by Cobra Kai, even me. And I'll admit, Cobra Kai makes you stronger, tougher, but it will also get you in trouble. And that's what happened to me. I'm just lucky Mr. Miyagi was wiling to take me back. So, it doesn't matter who anyone was before they stepped into this dojo. All that matters is that right now, we're all Miyagi-Do." After Mr. LaRusso tells them these words, everyone starts to feel something well up inside of them, even in Demetri and Chris for one another as they stare at each other from opposite side of the line.

Soon after this talk, Chris and Demetri decide to have a truce and go back to lifting up the rock with a mix of Demetri's fulcrum and their brute strength once they get the stone a little way upwards.

"Okay, let's both do this fulcrum thing." Chris says, ready whenever Demetri is as they insert their bamboo sticks underneath the stone.

"Together, on the count of three." Demetri tells him, then he starts to count up. "One, two, three!" They quickly start to push down on their respective bamboo sticks, slowly but surely lifting the stone up, and when it gets to a sizeable gap, Chris quickly removes his stone and holds onto it with his bare hands, followed by Demetri. They struggle at first to lift it up, but with their combined strength, they manage to lift the stone up into it's original position. Everyone smiles softly at their teamwork, while Mr. LaRusso's smile was wider.

"Good job, guys. You see? We all work together as a team, anything is possible." He tells them before Chris and Demetri try to either go for a high five or a fist bump but end up doing both, which causes everyone to chuckle at the small moment. Then, Y/N gets a call on his phone and checks to see who it is, and when he sees who it is, he smiles and answers it.

"Hello?" He says on the phone.

"Hey there, cutie. Did you miss me?" Tory says over to the phone.

"I guess you could say that, how are you? Doing well, I hope?" He asks her as Sam and Robby look to their friend with knowing looks on their faces.

"Mhm, doing good. I was wondering if you wanted to go on another date. Somewhere fun this time."

"That's fine with me, I'll pick you up at your place, sound good?" 

"Uh, yeah, sure. I'll text you the address."

"Should be fun, alright. See you then."

"See you, cutie~" They both end the call as Y/N looks to everyone in Miyagi-Do as they all give him smirks, causing him to roll his eyes with a scoff.

"Screw you guys." Y/N tells them, causing them all to laugh before he waves them goodbye and heads to the front to get on his bike and drive to the address Tory texted him.

"Alright, now let go on three, okay? One, two, three!" Tory shouts out as she alone jumps off of the kid's merry go 'round in an abandoned playground. When Y/N had arrived to the location she sent him, she was already outside and in front of it before she had gotten onto his bike, wrapping her arms around his waist as they go on a small joyride around the Valley. 

Afterwards, she decides to bring Y/N to an abandoned playground that she usually goes to. Currently, they had the fun idea of spinning around on the merry go 'round to get themselves dizzy before they had to jump off of it, but Y/N merely steps one foot onto solid ground and dizzily falls beside Tory, laughing up a storm as he does.

"Oh god, everything is spinning, it's so disorienting, but it was fun." Y/N remarks as he sits up, getting his bearings as Tory does the same, scooching closer to him.

"I told you it was fun, did it take your mind off of things?" Tory asks him, not caring about their Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do rivalry.

"Mhm, it did. Coming to an abandoned playground and just having fun without worrying about anything. It's...therapeutic in a way." Y/N says honestly before he sees Tory look at her lock screen for the time, being 10:56 PM, and then immediately push him to the ground, back first as they look up at the sky. Afterwards, a loud jet engine can be heard as a large plan flies just above their heads and passed them.

Y/N's eyes widen in wonder while Tory takes but a small glance at him, admiring his childlike curiosity. Then the Wing Chun expert looks at the Cobra Kai girl and smiles softly at her.

"My mom had a job at a fired for taking the leftover food that was going to be thrown into the trash. Now she's sick and I have her and my brother to worry about..." Tory comes clean with Y/N, who merely listens attentively to her story, seeing the sadness engraved on her face.

"Is that why you joined Cobra Kai?" Y/N asks her, and she nods her head.

"If the world is gonna be merciless to us, then why should we show mercy ourselves?" Tory asks back.

"Because we'd only stoop to their level and become the very people we despise. If we resort to their tactics, that only serves to brand us in the same league as them. Don't you think so, Tory?" Y/N's words cut through Tory's heart as she gets a small but clear understanding of what he is trying to say, the only problem is that during the time they met at the beach house, a rift is soon made between her and Sam, meaning that a grudge is held amongst the girls. 

"I guess so..." She responds, sitting back up and so does Y/N. "But I gotta do this, my aunt is actually leeching off of my mom, and I don't even know what to even do..."

"I can help you, financially. My parents and I can provide you guys with a home, hot water to bath in, even a bigger space for your and your brother to play in." Y/N offers to her, and tears start to stream down her eyes over how kind he is, since no one has ever been so kind to her before. And from these emotions, Tory leaps into his arms and places a kiss onto his lips, surprising Y/N before he slowly falls into it, kissing back and placing his hands on her thighs and keeping them there.

They break the kiss after a few minutes, and they both start to blush with pink.

"I guess..." Tory and Y/N say simultaneously. "No, you first. No, please." They say together once again, causing the both of them to laugh at such a sweet moment.

"You first." Y/N allows her.

"I guess that makes us boyfriend and girlfriend, right...?" Tory asks him, but he shakes his head no.

"Not yet, I wanna do this properly. So, Tory Nichols, would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" Y/N asks respectfully as he takes her hands into his, staring into her chocolate eyes that start tear up.

"Yes, yes, yes. A hundred times, yes." She says before they embrace one another in comfortable silence before they both decide to head back to their respective places. In the end they discus that they would need to talk about Tory's situation with Y/N's parents to see what they can do about her mother, and her brother. After dropping her off at her apartment complex, she gives Y/N a kiss goodnight before he drives on home and goes to sleep as well, not able to see if his parents are awake or not. All in all, the date was a massive success for the both of them.

A/N: Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I don't have much to say other than thank you so much for the support and I will see you all in the next chapter. BYE!

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