Clan Territory

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The territory around the clans is quite simple. They live on a bit of land that is next to a twoleg place. There is a medium sized island that is connected to the beach during low tide. The beach is surrounded by very steep cliffs with two ways up: vines or a wavy sort of stair case that takes longer.

The path connected to the wavy sort of staircase leads all the way to the Cave of Dreams. Most border skirmishes are taken place on the path since it is the border between VineClan and StoneClan.

The StoneClan territory is almost all rock. It has few trees, but herbs grow well under the shade of the rocks. Small pools form where there are areas with no rocks. The camp is in a large cave with slits at the top for light.

The PoolClan territory is lush in growth. A large pool lays on one side of the camp and the rest is protected by brables and vines. Though the island is covered in birds the cats usually only eat them during winter when clams and fish seem to be else where.

The VineClan territory is almost entirely forest. Their camp is right on the edge of the cliff and they sometimes find nests with eggs and birds in them. They usually share the lush herbs with their neboring clans.

The twoleg place is just like you'd expect; monsters and stench everywhere. The kitty pets and rogues are either terrified or want to challenge the clans. Some join the clans, and others are fed by twolegs or eat rats.

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