.block me out.

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"Ma'am," Rohan, a student from first year batch began hesitantly, "I understand the importance of addressing women's issues, but how can we ensure that addressing these does not overshadow the challenges men face?"

Saanjh smiled, her eyes sparkling with the thrill of debate. She had wanted to take up debate with students to underrated their perspectives before starting Law. She took up an easy topic, to make the class interesting.

A student from the back row, Priya, raised her hand. "But isn't there a risk that focusing too much on men's issues might dilute the progress we've made in women's rights?"

Saanjh's smile widened as she glanced at the clock. "We have time for one more question before we wrap up. Who would like to ask?"

The class ended, and students streamed out of the room, many stopping to thank Saanjh for the engaging session. She smiled, pleased with the day's discussions, and made her way to her office.

Half an hour later, as she was focused on her notes, she heard raised voices in the corridor. Concerned, she set her papers aside and stepped out of her office. The voices were growing louder, and she saw a group of students gathered in a huddle, their expressions a mix of anxiety and worry.

Among them, a girl paced back and forth, her face flushed and tear-streaked. Saanjh recognized her as Antara, a student from the first-year class. The other students looked equally distressed, their murmurs growing more urgent.

Saanjh approached quickly, her heart racing. "Antara." she called out.

Antara looked up, her eyes red and filled with fear. Without a word, she rushed over to Saanjh, grabbing her hand and squeezing it tightly. "Ma'am, Akshara is missing." she choked out, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Saanjh's heart sank. "Missing? What do you mean? Missing from the campus?"

Antara nodded, her voice breaking. "I don't know, her phone is off, and she hasn't left the campus yet. We've checked everywhere."

Saanjh's mind raced. She turned to the other students for more information. They explained that Akshara was Antara's sister, and they had last seen her a few hours ago, before the end of classes. Antara had been trying to reach her but with no success.

Saanjh took a deep breath, trying to stay calm despite her own rising anxiety. "Okay, we need to act quickly. Let's start by checking the areas where she might have gone. I'll contact campus security and see if they've seen anything."

Before they could start their search, a loud, urgent voice cut through the tension.


Saanjh turned to see a man in formal attire rushing toward their group. He looked disheveled, as if he had come straight from work. When Antara saw him, her face lit up with a mix of hope and relief. She ran into his arms, sobbing.

"Bhaiya, Akshara mil nahi rahi." she cried, her voice muffled against his chest.

He looked up and his hazel eyes locked with Saanjh's.

"Tum?" She asked, clearly surprised.

Before she could say anything, he turned back to Antara, demanding to know what had happened.

Just then, one of the students from the group hurried over, breathless. "Ma'am, I found Akshara's phone near the old library!"

Panic surged through the group as they rushed to the old library. The search was frantic but disorganized. Saanjh, trying to stay focused, was about to suggest they split up when she heard a faint cry from the basement.

"Siddharth," she called out urgently.

He dashed to where Saanjh was, and together they approached the basement door. They tried to unlock it, but it wouldn't budge. Siddharth, visibly anxious, called out for Akshara. From the other side of the door, they heard her voice, weak but relieved.

"Akshara, move away from the door!" he shouted.

With a swift and heavy push, he managed to break the door open. As it swung wide, Siddharth rushed in, grabbing Akshara in a bone-crushing hug.

"Are you alright?" he asked, his voice full of concern as he checked her for injuries.

Akshara nodded, though she avoided meeting his eyes.

Saanjh, noticing the strained atmosphere, asked gently, "Are you hurt?"

Akshara shook her head, still not looking at Siddharth.

They took her out of the basement. Antara embraced her sister tightly when she saw her, tears of relief streaming down her face.

Saanjh and Siddharth's concern grew. "What happened?" Saanjh asked gently.

Akshara's silence spoke volumes.

Siddharth's anger flared. "Akshara, tell me what happened!" he demanded.

Saanjh intervened, her voice firm. "Siddharth, please calm down. This is college campus, not your office. We need to handle this calmly. Akshara looks shaken up. Give her some time."

Siddharth's gaze turned sharp as he glared at Saanjh. "Stay out of this. I need to know what happened."

Turning back to Akshara, Siddharth's voice was icy. "If you don't tell me, I'll find out in my way."

Akshara's eyes widened in fear. "I was with a guy in the basement," she admitted, her voice barely a whisper. "We kissed, but when he tried to force himself on me, I stopped him. But  he did not stop, so I slapped him. He got angry and left me here, taking my phone with him."

"He locked you here?" Antara was shocked. Her sister nodded, her eyes filled with tears.

Siddharth's face contorted with rage. "Who did this?" he demanded, his voice low and dangerous.

Akshara flinched under the intensity of his gaze but managed to answer, "Kartik Ajmera."

Siddharth's face hardened into an expression of cold fury. His eyes, already intense, flared with a dark, seething rage. His jaw clenched tightly, muscles tensing as if he were fighting to control an explosive force within him. He exhaled sharply, a visible shiver of indignation running through him as he processed the name. His fists clenched at his sides, knuckles whitening as he struggled to maintain control.

He took Akshara and Antara's hands in his, his grip firm but gentle. "Come on, let's get out of here." he said, his voice barely contained as he led his sisters out of the library.

Saanjh followed closely behind, trying to keep pace with the tense situation. Every time she had met him, he had a light in his eyes, but today- he was someone else. The darkness in his eyes worried her.

As they reached the parking lot, Siddharth guided his sisters to the car and helped her inside. He stood by the vehicle, his posture rigid and tense, clearly struggling to contain his fury.

Saanjh approached him cautiously. "Siddharth, please be gentle with Akshara. She needs some time to process this."

Siddharth's eyes, dark with anger, locked onto hers. "You don't need to teach me how to handle my sister," he snapped, his voice edged with frustration. "I know how to be there for her."

Saanjh's eyes narrowed with frustration. "Akshara needs space. Don't question her about Kartik right now."

"That won't be necessary. I already have all the details about that bastard."

She knew what he meant.
He was Siddharth Kasliwal, it would only take him a minute to get all the details of any person in the world. She knew about the powers he held.

But she was all worried.
For his sisters.
For him.

Her gaze softened as she observed the intense look in Siddharth's eyes. Despite his anger, there was a flicker of vulnerability that made her heart ache.

It was for his sister.

Siddharth met her eyes again, his expression softening slightly. "Stay away from this matter, Saanjh." he said quietly.

"I will need to report this to the college authorities." she said firmly.

His jaw tightened. "That won't be needed. I'll file a police report myself."

As he prepared to get into the car, he glanced back at her. Their gazes met in a silent exchange, filled with unspoken words.

He did not want to be rude with her. But it was about his sister and when it came to family, especially his sisters, his mind would shut all other emotions out.

"Take care." Saanjh said softly, her voice breaking the silence.

Siddharth didn't answer, but before he shut the car door, she added, "Call me when all of this is settled."

With a final, lingering look, Siddharth nodded slightly and closed the door. The car engine roared to life, and as he drove away, Saanjh watched the vehicle disappear into the distance.


Saanjh paced back and forth in the garden, her footsteps echoing in the quiet night. For nearly an hour, she had been walking, her mind racing through a whirlwind of thoughts. The serene garden, with its softly rustling leaves and the distant hum of crickets, did nothing to soothe her turmoil.

She had asked Siddharth to call her, but deep down, she doubted he would. The worry gnawed at her—Antara and Akshara were on her mind, and she was desperate to know what happened after they left. Her thoughts kept circling back to Siddharth.

The anger and raw intensity in Siddharth's eyes haunted her. She knew he would make Kartik pay for what he had done to his sister, but she was also afraid of how far he might go. The rage she had seen in him was not something to be taken lightly.

Her concern was not just for Kartik, but for Siddharth himself—she feared he might cross a line.

She continued her restless pacing, the cool night air brushing against her cheeks but failing to soothe her frayed nerves.

Her phone buzzed, snapping her out of her reverie. It was a message from a number she didn't recognize. Her heart skipped a beat as she opened it.

Relief flooded through her. She quickly composed herself and called him back. The phone rang twice before Siddharth answered.

"Siddharth?" Saanjh's voice was steady despite the anxiety that gripped her.

"Yeah, it's me," he replied, his voice weary. "I'm sorry I didn't call earlier. Things got... complicated."

She understood.
The way he left from the campus, she knew he would be busy all day.

"What happened? How is Akshara? And what did you do with Kartik?"

There was a pause on the other end, and Saanjh could hear the strain in Siddharth's voice. "She is okay. Akshara's with Antara at home. I'm on my way to the police station to file a report. Kartik's details are already in the hands of the authorities."

She sighed.

His voice hardened. "I confronted him and made sure he understands the consequences of his actions. I won't let him get away with this."

Even though she hadn't asked for an explanation, he gave it to her anyway.

"You didn't hurt him too badly, did you?"

His voice softened slightly. "I didn't do anything he didn't deserve. He is in the hands of the police now. They'll take it from here."

She could feel the anger in his voice. But she wasn't going to lecture him. She hardly knew him and whatever he did, he did it for his sister and she was in no place to intervene.

"And you, are you....okay?"

"I'm trying, Saanjh. It's just... hard to see her like this and not want to make the one responsible, pay." There was calmness in his voice, but still anger with evident. "I can't just not do something about this. He shouldn't have forced himself on her. Infact, he shouldn't have walked anywhere near her."

"Akshara said she went there with her consent. Whatever happened after - there was not a yes from her. She was right to show Kartik his place." Saanjh explained.

"Akshara is a kid, Saanjh. She does not know what is right and what is not. At this age, people are fools."

"Well, you still are," she scoffed through the phone, trying to lighten the mood.

There was a brief pause before Siddharth's voice came back with a hint of humor. "Touché. But if being a fool means protecting my sister, then I'll wear that label proudly."

A smile appeared on her lips.

"Someone has to keep you in check," she teased. "Otherwise, you'd probably end up punching every guy who looks at your sisters the wrong way."

He chuckled softly. "You could have kept me in check, but—"

"I was once accused of being no good, Siddharth," she reminded him, still pacing through her garden.

He sighed. "Are you still going to hold onto that?"

"Till my last breath."

"Happy to hear that I will be your last thought." He laughed.

She rolled her eyes. "Aren't you cocky?"

"Cocky, confident—same difference," Siddharth replied with a teasing tone. "And you're not complaining, are you?"

Saanjh laughed softly. "I suppose I can tolerate your ego, just this once."

A smile appeared on his lips as he heard her laugh.

"Just once?" he teased. "That's a shame. I was hoping to impress you enough to make you reconsider."

"Don't bother. I am not saying yes."

His grip on the steering wheel tightened.

"Forget marriage, Saanjh." Siddharth's voice softened, the sincerity clear. "Just say yes to the date."

Her heart skipped a beat at his voice. She tried hard to say no, she still would - but it was undeniable that Siddharth Kasliwal had his charm and she liked it.

"Not going to happen, Siddharth."

"Why not?" he asked, a hint of frustration edging his voice. "What's stopping you?"

"It's not just about a date," Saanjh replied, trying to keep her voice steady. "There are complications—things you don't fully understand."

"I am trying to get to know you, to understand you."

Saanjh sighed, feeling the weight of her own emotions. Maybe it was just a statement for him, but it would mean the world to her if he meant it.

"There are things in my past that make it complicated. Things you might not be prepared for."

"Everyone has a past," Siddharth replied. "What matters is how we move forward. I want to be part of that with you."

"It's not that simple," Saanjh said, her voice tinged with frustration. "You don't even know the whole truth. You can't just ask me out on a date when you don't know a single thing about me."

That is why he is asking you out, you idiot.
To get to know you!
Her subconscious taunted.

"Then help me understand," Siddharth urged. "Tell me what's holding you back. I can't promise to solve everything, but I can promise to listen."


"And if you are worried about the bigger picture here -" He paused. "I haven't said no yet, but if you want, I will make it easier for both of us. But I don't want to fail even before getting to know you."

She was silent on the other side, trying to comprehend how the conversation took turn.

"I am still against marriage, maybe - fuck, I don't really know," there was frustration in his voice. "But you, Saanjh Mittal, might change that for me."

She stopped walking. All of the sudden, a cold breeze hit her. His words made her heart flutter.

"You don't mean that." she said softly, unable to fully grasp his sincerity.

"Try me, Saanjh." He whispered. "I am on my way to get a guy arrested, but yet - my priority is you. I guess I am fucked. I do want to get to know you, Mittal."

A smile crept across her lips, her anxiety momentarily forgotten. "Get Kartik arrested and I'll think about it."

What the fuck is wrong with me?
She mentally scolded herself.

She heard a cheer from the other side and she chuckled.

"That's mean, Mittal. Using someone's arrest to get your wishes come true - pure evil."

"Do you want me to take my words back?" She threatened him.

"Don't you dare," he said with a mock seriousness. "I'll get Kartik arrested and then you're stuck with me."

"Just don't make me regret it."

"You won't. I'm serious," he promised. "I'm willing to go the extra mile for you, Saanjh."

She felt a warmth spread through her at his words. "I guess I'll have to see it to believe it."

"Oh, you will," he assured her. "Just you wait."

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Siddharth," she warned, though her voice was soft.

"Trust me, I'm a man of my word." he replied confidently.

Saanjh looked out at the darkening garden, the quiet around her feeling oddly comforting now. Siddharth's words lingered, and she realized how much she wanted to believe them.

"Goodnight, Siddharth," Saanjh said softly.

"Goodnight, Saanjh," he replied, his tone a blend of satisfaction and anticipation. "I'll call you soon."

His I'll call you soon somehow gave her hope.
Hope of going on the date.
Hope of getting to know him.
Hope of -

Stop it, Saanjh!
Don't go there.

As she ended the call, she sat down on a nearby bench in her garden. The night air felt cool against her skin, but her heart was warm.

Siddharth leaned back in his seat as he drove, a smile lingering on his face. The way Saanjh's voice softened when she spoke to him, the way she teased him—he was starting to look forward to knowing her more. He wasn't going to let that one chance go.

It was a no for marriage from both ends, but somehow both agreed to meet each other again. Could that be their chance to rethink their decisions?


Can't wait to update more and let you guys read more of them.

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