.strangers in the night.

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Cute butt.

Saanjh had the record of being at wrong places at awkward times. And here she was again, tilting her head slightly as she tried to understand the position she watched in front of her.

Ouch, that must be hurting his leg.

How did she get here, one must be wondering?

In desperate need of a break from the pulsating crowd, Saanjh had excused herself from her friends and pushed open the door to the VIP restroom. Her heels clicked against the marble floor, echoing her need for a moment of peace. But instead of tranquility, she walked into something entirely different.

In the dim lighting, she saw two bodies intertwined, the guy's bare butt facing her while the girl was perched precariously on the counter of the basin. The sex was wild, she could make it, the girl on the basin was on her peak of orgasm.

Before she could stop herself, a chuckle escaped her lips.

The couple froze, and the guy hastily tried to cover himself with the girl's discarded top, while she fumbled to adjust her bra, both of them breathless and wide-eyed with shock.

"Uh, hi?" she said, struggling to keep a straight face.

The guy turned around slowly, his face filled with annoyance. "Do you mind?"

She met her gaze with the most beautiful Hazel eyes she had ever seen.

She shrugged, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Not at all. Carry on. Just here for a quick pee."

The girl on the counter, now somewhat composed, rolled her eyes. "This is a private restroom, you know."

The girl was clearly judging Saanjh based on her outfit.

Well, girls can wear Indian attire at clubs.
There is no dress code, for heaven's sake!

"Clearly," she replied, gesturing to the guy's improvised cover. "But, I mean, is it really private if you're putting on a show?"

The guy sighed, exasperated. "Can you give us a minute?"

"A minute?" She let out a chuckle. "I don't think she will need that much, just put in and -" she stopped as the guy gave her a glare. "Nevermind, you know better."

The guy, now slightly more composed and back in his pants. He had dark, tousled hair that fell over his forehead, and a chiseled jawline that looked like it had been sculpted by the gods themselves. The hazel eyes that met hers were both annoyed and, oddly, amused.

He raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by her nonchalant attitude. "You've got some nerve."

"Thanks, I try," Saanjh replied, flashing a grin. "But seriously, next time, maybe lock the door? Or put up a 'Do Not Disturb' sign?"

The girl on the counter, still trying to regain some semblance of dignity, shot Saanjh a look. "Can you just leave already?"

Saanjh raised an eyebrow, glancing between the two. "Fine, fine. Enjoy your... whatever this is."

As she turned to leave, she couldn't resist one last quip. "By the way, cute butt."

The guy chuckled, shaking his head as she closed the door behind her, muffling the sounds of their flustered protests. Saanjh walked back to her table with a grin.

"I'm so fucked."

She walked back to her friends when Ishani groaned, gulping down her second drink with a dramatic flourish.

"Everybody here is either fucked or is getting fucked." Ishani regarded.

Her words made Saanjh let out a chuckle.

Of course, some people are getting fucked in the most bizzare manner.

The most happening club in Jaipur was alive with energy. The strobe lights painted the room in vibrant colors as the DJ spun the latest tracks, making the dance floor pulse with bodies moving in sync.

She was out with her friends, relishing a rare night of freedom. She swayed gently to the music, a smile playing on her lips.

"It's been so long, I have been fucked."

Rishi scoffed at Ishani's words. "You don't say your wishes out loud. They hardly ever get fulfilled."

That made her cry out some more fake tears.

"I missed this. I missed us," Pallavi shouted over the thumping bass, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

They were here to celebrate Rishi's 28th birthday and, coincidentally, his third breakup of the year.

"It's time for you to settle down," Ishani declared, her tone playful but with a hint of seriousness.

Rishi laughed, shaking his head as he swayed to the music. "I'll only settle once all of you girls are done. Baap pehle kanyadaan karega, fir khud adaan hoga."

"Keep dreaming," Pallavi rolled her eyes, her tone dripping with sarcasm.
He left the girls to answer a call.

Saanjh was quiet the whole time, her smile widening as she observed her friends. She had missed these moments, the carefree joy of their company.

She felt a sudden chill and turned around in shock, realizing someone had poured their drink down her back.

"What the fuck," Pallavi shouted, her eyes narrowing at the perpetrator.

"Douchebag! Can't you see?" Ishani was ready to pounce, her fists clenched.

Saanjh found herself face-to-face with a man whose eyes mirrored her shock.

His light hair was slightly tousled and his eyes, a piercing shade of brown, held a mixture of surprise and amusement.

His gaze, sweeping her from bottom to top with disdain, only fueled her annoyance. She straightened her spine, meeting his eyes with a cool, unwavering stare.

"Since when do barmaids here cover themselves as a didi? Ugh, this is boring to watch." Him, with his deep voice made a rude comment.

Whatever happened to apologising?
How about a sorry?

"Wow, it must be exhausting carrying around all that judgment in your Gucci pockets."

The guy smirked, unfazed by her comeback. "These Gucci pockets can buy ten barmaids like you," he retorted arrogantly, "but I wouldn't want to fuck you."

Saanjh's gaze hardened, a flash of anger igniting in her eyes. Her friends were shocked at the words of the guy, but they knew she could handle him very well.

"The feeling's mutual. I doubt your little princess dick can bring orgasm to any girl."

The guy's face darkened in anger, he took a step closer, looming over Saanjh with menace in his eyes. Just as the tension reached a boiling point, Ishani intervened, positioning herself between the guy and Saanjh.

Ishani, her voice commanding, addressed the guy, "Hey asshole, why don't you take a walk and cool off? This isn't the place for drama."

Ishani wasn't the one to take in any shit from a stranger.

But the guy wasn't ready to let Saanjh go without asserting his dominance.

A hand suddenly gripped his shoulder, and two more men joined him, forming an intimidating presence around Saanjh and her friends.

Saanjh's eyes locked with the same pair of hazel eyes, shining brightly in the dimly lit club. He was composed now, as he wore a white polo shirt that accentuated his toned physique, paired with sleek black pants, that hung loosely a few minutes back in the restroom.

His presence commanded attention without needing to utter a word.

Saanjh raised her brow at him and crossed her arms, noting his unwavering gaze upon her.

He cleans well.
She thought.

He let out a chuckle, a hint of amusement in his eyes, and casually patted his friend's back. He still had his eyes on her, that made her stomach feel oddly calm.

Saanjh, get a hold on yourself!
She reminded herself.

"Aditya, stop fooling around. She knows it too," he said aloud. Then, leaning closer to Aditya, he whispered with a wry grin, "About your tiny penis."

His remark elicited laughter from Saanjh's friends, breaking the tension that lingered from the earlier conflict. Aditya, clearly flustered and embarrassed, stormed out of the club with a final glare at Saanjh.

Turning his attention back to Saanjh, he approached her with a hint of mischief but apology in his demeanor. He spoke softly, acknowledging his friend's behavior and attempting to diffuse the awkwardness.

"I apologize for my friend's behaviour. Breakup drinks bring out the worst in people."

"At least he did not go for a rebound in the public restroom."

She exclaimed and earned a smirk from him.

Her friends observed how he looked at Saanjh, and Pallavi was the first to clear her throat, teasingly nudging Saanjh. He excused himself gracefully and walked away with his other friend, but not before nodding subtly at Saanjh.

"What was that?" Ishani whispered excitedly, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"Wait – who was that?" Pallavi chimed in, unable to contain her excitement.

"He looks familiar." Ishani narrowed her eyes, trying to remember the face. She was sure she knew him.

"Looks like someone caught our baby girl's eye tonight. Should we expect a royal wedding soon?"

These girls, such drama queens!

Saanjh chuckled, shaking her head at her friends' antics. "Oh please, it was nothing. Just a guy being chivalrous after his friend caused a scene."

She did not narrate the encounter she had with him at the restroom.

Pallavi raised an eyebrow teasingly. "Chivalrous? He was practically undressing you with his eyes!"

Saanjh let out a dry laugh, with a shake of her head. "He'd have a lot of layers to undress then. God help him."

No, thank you!
He can go undress every other girl in the club.

Ishani giggled, leaning in with mock seriousness. "Yeah, Saanjh, if that's chivalry, I'd like to see what he does when he's really interested."

"I wonder if he's good with his fingers. Saanjh would love that."

Saanjh's eyes widened in surprise at Pallavi's bold remark, and she playfully swatted his arm. "Pal! Really?"

Ishani, leaning closer with a suggestive grin. "If he's half as good with his hands as he is with his eyes, you might be in for quite a night, darling."

She could not believe her friends. They have always been insufferable, but tonight- they were on another level.


Saanjh arrived at work the next day with a pounding headache, the remnants of last night's drinks making their presence felt. Despite having already consumed two cups of tea, she felt the need for another to dull the pain.

She had been looking forward to the college's first parent-teacher meeting for undergrad commerce students, but now her headache threatened to mar the experience.

Having already met with three sets of parents, explaining the merits of choosing law as an optional subject, Saanjh was preparing herself for the fourth. As she heard a knock at the door, she closed her eyes momentarily to gather herself before inviting the next parent in.

When she opened her eyes, she was taken aback. Standing before her was a man dressed impeccably in a formal attire that exuded wealth and elegance. His hazel eyes bore into hers with equal surprise and recognition, causing a momentary pause as they both registered the unexpected encounter.

Saanjh blinked, momentarily unsure if her headache was playing tricks on her. The man standing before her was none other than the same person she had encountered at the club last night, the one who took her side. His presence here, in the context of a parent-teacher meeting, was both unexpected and intriguing.

"Oh god, what is with this headache. Is he really here?" Saanjh muttered to herself, her temples throbbing as she tried to maintain her composure.

She heard a soft chuckle from across the room. "I assure you, I'm very real."

Saanjh blinked, trying to process the situation. "You..." words were lost. "You're here for the parent-teacher meeting?" she asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

He walked to her desk, his presence commanding the room.

"Um, I am here for the admissions in -" Then he looked at the name card on her desk. "Law, Miss. Mittal."

Saanjh noticed the glint of mischief in his eyes and raised an eyebrow. Realizing he was messing around with her, she decided to play along, despite the headache pounding in her temples.

"Admissions," she repeated, trying to keep her face straight. "I'm afraid we're closed for admissions."

He sighed dramatically, placing a hand over his heart. "Closed? But I had my heart set on this prestigious institution."

She fought to keep her expression neutral. "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but the deadlines are strict."

He leaned forward slightly, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Surely, there must be something that can be done? An exception for a deserving candidate?"

She raised an eyebrow, her lips twitching with a suppressed smile. "Deserving, you say? And what makes you so deserving?"

He grinned, the sight both infuriating and charming. "Well, for starters, I have impeccable taste in law professors."

A flirt!

Saanjh rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, do you now?"

He has no filters.
She thought.

He leaned back, feigning seriousness. "No, really. Hear me out. I have straight A's in all subjects. You can call the administrating office at Oxford University. I'm sure they'll have good words for me. Consider that my letter of recommendation."

Saanjh couldn't suppress a laugh at his boldness. "I'm sorry, but we don't accept graduates from Oxford."

His eyes widened in mock indignation. "What? How dare you deny an Oxford graduate? The nerve!"

She laughed openly now, her headache momentarily forgotten. "I'm afraid we have high standards here."

He feigned offense, placing a hand over his heart again. "Ouch, that hurts. What about Harvard then?"

"Harvard?" she echoed with mock incredulity, leaning forward slightly. "Oh, I see how it is. Trying to impress me with your Ivy League credentials now?"

He chuckled, a glint of amusement in his hazel eyes. "Absolutely. Harvard, Oxford... take your pick. I'm their favourite international student."

When she laughed, her Jhumpa made a delicate tinkling noise, the sound adding a touch of musicality to the light-hearted atmosphere. He couldn't help but notice the subtle elegance of the earrings against her pink kurta, the silver jewelry contrasting beautifully with her modern surroundings.

"I'm afraid even your international charm won't sway our admissions committee."

He feigned disappointment, pressing a hand to his chest dramatically. "Alas, my dreams of studying under the esteemed Miss Mittal have been shattered."

She laughed softly, her earlier tension easing. "I'm sure you'll survive. Now, shall we focus on the reason you're actually here?"

He took a seat on the chair, a smile playing on his lips as he regarded Saanjh with a twinkle in his eyes.

He is beautiful.
With a cute butt.

She did not let her mind wander more than it already had, she had to focus here, not on his beauty.

"I am here to discuss the law course my cousins have opted for. Antara and Akshara Singhania." he said, nodding towards the names on the attendance list.

"Where are their parents?"

He paused for a moment, his expression thoughtful. "They're out on a business trip at the moment. Antara and Akshara asked me to attend the meeting on their behalf."

"Antara is studying architecture, and Akshara is in fashion, right?" she asked, tapping her pen against the desk.

He nodded, a smile playing on his lips. "That's correct. They've both chosen law as a complementary field to their respective studies."

Saanjh leaned back in her chair, considering their academic path. "They're still in their first year, so they'll be starting with contract law. In their third year, they'll delve into laws related to their specific fields."

He listened attentively, his gaze focused on Saanjh as she explained the curriculum.

Play it cool, idiot.
He tried calming his thoughts.

He leaned forward slightly, his eyes intent on Saanjh. "That makes sense. They're both quite passionate about their fields. I'm glad they're getting the opportunity to explore law alongside."

She was glad to see that the brother had knowledge of his sisters' studies and what the wanted to pursue.

As he rose from his seat, he flashed a warm smile at Saanjh, his hazel eyes sparkling with curiosity. "One more thing, Miss Mittal," he began, his tone light and playful.

Saanjh raised an eyebrow, matching his smile with a playful glint in her eyes.

He leaned slightly closer, his voice lowered conspiratorially. "Since you've denied me admission here, and of course - you find my ass cute, would you at least consider having a cup of tea with me sometime?"

This is your move?
He mentally scolded himself.

"I'll have to confer with the committee on that." She declared.

She was taken aback at his forwardness, but she did not shut her mouth as well when she complimented his beautiful butt.

For fuck's sake.

As much as she enjoyed talking to the hazel eyed guy, her heart pulled her back. She knew a cup of tea was not in her scene right now. Going out with anyone for that matter, was not her story at the moment, specially not with this guy.

"Does the committee include two girls?" He asked. She gave him a confused look but then realised he was talking about her friends from last night.

She laughed and nodded. "They are very particular about the candidates."

"I hope I am the only one."

Smooth, real smooth.

His smooth reply made her heart flutter. His charm was undeniable, and his wit had managed to thaw some of the reserve she typically held around strangers.

He waved her a bye and walked out of the office.

"Oh, fuck me."

She sighed and rested her head on the desk, a lingering smile playing on her lips.


Hello guys.
Hope you liked the first chapter.
It was just an introduction to the characters.
But of course, Saanjh's friends are here.

Is our main lead here too?
Is he the one?
Or am I simply fooling around?
Whatever, at least we got the description of his beautiful cute butt.

First encounters are always special, aren't they?

Stay tuned for more encounters.

Please do vote and share the book. 5+ votes and I'll publish the next chapter.

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