Chapter 19: Hope

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It's been a week since the incident happened. I haven't talked to any of my friends especially Weiss and only go out of the academy to stay here during my free times.

"How am I gonna explain this to everyone? They'll now think that I'm in a relationship with a criminal that they fought weeks ago." I said as I bang my head on the table.

I could feel a hand run through my hair and looked up to see Neo, who was wearing a worried expression. The way she looks at me makes me think she's apologizing to me for making that move back at the park. It only made me smile and look away, resting my chin on my arms that were resting on the table.

"Don't worry Neo, it's mostly my fault that everything happened. I shouldn't have confessed in the first place, then again I might not meet you if I didn't." I spoke.

She's now angry at me. I bet she won't even talk to me because of that misunderstanding. If only I have the power to change everything I would've done it. Weiss will probably hate me now, those glaring eyes of hers staring at me, contains the emotion that I'm feeling at the moment. Sadness, I can't believe I made my best friend sad. Am I even deserving to be her best friend after what happened? I guess not, I'm a horrible guy for her.

I snapped back to reality when Neo poked my forehead. I didn't even noticed I was spacing out, looking at Neo, she gives me a slight frown.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked.

She only pointed behind me, I turn back and saw the outside of the warehouse. Looking back at her, I give her a confused expression.

"What are you pointing at exactly?" I questioned.

Responding with rolling her eyes, she pulled me up from my seat and started to push me towards the exit. I tried not to budge but she was giving much force than I anticipated, I stepped forward in order for her to not push me anymore. I faced her while giving her a frown, Neo then facepalm herself and went to one of the cabinets. This caused me curiosity and approached her, I found out that she was writing something. So I waited for her to finish and she showed me the paper which the word 'Snowball' was written on in.

It took me a few seconds before finally realizing what she meant. I gave Neo a smile then sprint out of the warehouse.

"Thanks Neo! I owe you one!" I shouted.

She then gleefully waved at me and sending off a smile. I run through the many streets and soon arrived at a bullhead. Getting on it, I head my way to Beacon.


"Hey Weiss wait! Where are you going?! Stop!" I heard a voice yelled out.

I didn't bother stopping and facing them and only continue to walk away while tears rapidly drop from my eyes. My eyes were so blurry that I couldn't see right. But that didn't stop me. I walk and walk and walk, until I stopped in front of the docks.

That's where I continue my crying, why does it hurt so much? Why do I even planned on telling my feelings to him when he's already with someone else? I can feel my chest tighten, I hold it tight and continue to cry. Later, I then felt two arms wrapped around me from behind. I looked back and saw that it was Ruby hugging me.

"It's okay Weiss, I'm here for you as your second best friend." She said smiling at me.

Second? What does she mean by that?-- oh, I see. Seconds had passed, I now started to calm down, but was still crying.

"It hurts Ruby, to see that the one you love has someone else." I manage to say through my sobbing.

"Weiss, I know you and I both saw what that girl did to big bro but maybe it's only a misunderstanding? That they weren't actually together?" Ruby stated, letting go of me.

"That's impossible, they're probably together the moment after he told me his feelings." I said to her.

"That's not true, unless we find it out that is." She said.

"How are you so sure about that?" I asked.

"I don't know, intuition? Anyway, it's okay Weiss, you can let it all out later once we get back to our dorm. Okay?" Ruby said.

"Okay, thanks Ruby." I wiped my tears and smiled at her.

She smiled back and gave me childish giggle.

"Never could've thought the Ice Queen would smile like this." She said.

I only glared at her.

"Oops." She said.

Later, the two of us only laughed for a bit before Yang and Noir find us. The four of us decided to head back to Beacon and call it a day. Me and the sisters parted ways with Noir in the hall and the three of us got inside of our dorm. In that day and the next few days, I didn't bother talking to him because of what happened. I was in our dorm, studying with my whole team with me, doing their own thing.

There's always something bothering me that makes my studying hard for me. It was obviously him, I can't stop thinking about him. I want to stop but I just can't, I hate it. I hate him, this is all his fault that I'm like this.

"Hey Weiss? Do you have any plans on talking to him yet?" Yang asked, out of the blue.

"No I don't... at least not now." I said.

"Y/N said to me this morning, she wants to talk to you. He wants to explain everything. " She said.

"Tell him that I don't bother even talking to him." I said, discreetly gripping on the pen I'm holding.

"Are you sure? Because he really, really wants to talk to you. I think what happened in the park the other day was only a misunderstanding after all." She said.

I think about it for a moment, after what happened and even if he wants to talk to me, I don't want to face him. Not yet.

"Yes, I'm sure. I don't want to talk to that guy." I said before continuing my studies.

"All right, I'll inform him later and tell him to not bother you." Yang then continue to do her thing.

And then I continue to study more until it was three o'clock in the afternoon. I put away my stuff and stood up from the chair. Walking towards the door, I hold the door knob and looked back at my team.

"I'm going to the library to borrow some books, I'll be right back." I said to them.

"Okay Weiss." Ruby responded.

I opened the door and stepped outside before closing it. Walking down the halls I pass by different students on my way to the library. After a few more steps, I encounter two students with both the opposite genders happily walking together. The two of them sure were being lovey dovey while they're around me. This made me feel sad, I wonder if he and that girl are like that as well.

I wish that was me instead. My chest hurts, this feeling keeps appearing again. I hate it, I wouldn't feel like this if I didn't met him. This is all his fault.

"Weiss.." I heard an awfully familiar voice call to me.

I look up in front of me and saw him standing in front. A second later, I happen to stare at his face and admire it. Until I realized what I was doing and stopped staring then walked past him. But he stopped me when I got beside him.

"Please Weiss, I want to talk to you." He said.

"Go away." I said coldly as I push him aside and continue to walk.

"No, I won't stop until I talk to you." He blocked my way.

"I said go away! I don't wanna talk to you." I glared at him.

"Weiss please, I want you to know this. I want to explain everything." He said.

"I don't care what you have to say to me. Go away and never talk to me. " I demanded.

He only sighed in defeat and stepped aside, I walked past him and continue to head my way to the library. When I was a few feet away from him, I then hear him say.

"I'm not gonna give up on you Weiss. Soon, I'll... I'll.." He was hesitating to say the last part.

I only continue to walk but was still listening. Soon, he finally said the last part and my reaction was unexpected.

"I'll make you mine!" He almost said it quite loudly.

This made me blush madly, he's embarrassing me. I hate that guy, I only gritted my teeth and finally arrived in the library, still blushing.

"T-that dolt..." I mumbled.

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