Chapter 23: Mother And Children

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"Go Team JNPR!!" Dahlia and the rest cheered as we all watch the match.

The Vytal Festival had already started since two days ago. Me and my team had gone through some training for this event, all of us are psyched for this moment. As Pyrrha finishes off the last remaining enemy, the crowd went wild, we were so happy that they were victorious.

"And Team JNPR from Beacon wins the match! That was a fantastic battle, the next match will be up in fifteen minutes. Fighters, get ready!" Professor Port announced.

Ginger suggested that the four of us should go and grab something to eat first before the next match. We all agreed to her and we began walking out of the Colosseum and went to the food stands. I looked over at Noir and see him drooling over looking at the various kinds of foods.

I sigh and only hit him by the head with my hand, which made him flinch and yelp in pain.

"Ow! Hey, what was that for?!" He glared at me.

"That was for drooling out here in the public, learn some manners will you?" I said, glaring back.

"I'll show you some manners, here!" He proceeds to hit me back on the head.

"Wrong move." I said, blankly staring at him.

I then stood up straight and started to walk away, but the moment I get nearer at Noir, I punched him on the face then walked away to look for something I want to eat.

"Whoops, sorry about that Noir my friend. My hand slipped." I smirked and finally I'm a few meters away from him.

"I hate you, Y/N!" He yelled.

This made me chuckle and I went back to looking for something to eat. Through all those minutes of searching, I ended up buying and eating takoyaki which is also a good meal. I bought like seven of them and started to walk around to take a look at the other stands. So far, none of what they sell catches my eye so I just didn't bother looking anymore. I found a nearby bench and sat down, suddenly I recall that me and my team were supposed to eat together. But I guess eating alone right now is a good idea after what I did to Noir.

Out of nowhere, one of my takoyaki was taken by a hand from above and I look behind me to see Ruby eating it. After swallowing the food, she beamed at me.

"Thanks for the food, big bro!" She mischievously chuckled.

"Uh huh." I only blankly stared at her.

My left hand proceeded to flick her on the forehead which cause her head to be pushed back and have a red mark appear on said forehead. Ruby immediately hold her forehead and glare at me with teary eyes.

"Why you do that?" She whimpered.

"That is for taking and eating my precious takoyaki without permission." I told her.

"Big bro, you're mean." Ruby sniffed.

"There you guys are." Yang's voice was heard from behind us.

We looked back and saw the rest of Team RWBY. I gave them a smile before continuing on eating my food, Ruby went and latches on our sister's arm and began to tell her about what I did to her. Only playfully rolling my eyes, i walked towards Weiss and placed a takoyaki in front of her.

"Say "ahh"" I said.

"What?" She was confused.

"Open your mouth and let this delicious food enter your mouth." I told her.

"Oh, okay?" She proceeded to opening her mouth.

I then fed her the takoyaki and smiled, after swallowing the whole thing she lightly nodded her head in approval of the taste. And the next reaction isn't what I expected.

"Give me more!" She said coming closer.

"Woah! Okay... here." I gave her the last two of my takoyaki.

She later thanked me and eat the last two. I only chuckle at this and looked over at Yang and the others.

"So have you guys eaten yet?" I asked.

"Not yet, we were about to look for something to eat." Blake replied.

"I see, well you guys should start looking now or else you'll be watching the next match with an empty stomach. I'll be going back to my team now, see ya." I playfully poked Weiss' nose before walking away to search for my team.

"Bye Y/N." Yang said.

After roaming around the whole area, I soon found them eating at one of the food stands. I approached them with a smile and waved, and the first thing I saw was Noir running at me and hitting me by the head.

"Where did you go?!" He asked, clearly upset.

"Bought something to eat?" I said to him.

"And leaving your own teammates behind? What kind of leader are you?" Noir glared at me.

"After what happened a while back about me punching you, I thought it'd be better if I leave for a bit." I rub the part of my head where I got hit.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that. Yep, that's a good idea since you might get beaten to a pulp by me if you stayed." He said.

"Hah, as if I would. So you guys almost done eating so we can get back in the Colosseum sooner." I said to them.

"I'm done eating, just waiting for Dahlia and Noir to finish theirs." Ginger stated as she adjusts her glasses.

"I am savoring my food, thank you very much." Dahlia pouted at us.

"Just quickly eat the whole thing already." Ginger sighed.

"Never!" She said.

"You're being childish, Dahlia. Here, I'll treat you more of those later if you finish that." I said, regretting everything about it.

"Deal!" She immediately eat and finished her food.

"Good, now Noir finish yours and we'll be heading back to the Colosseum." I said.

Once he's done eating, the four of us all walked back to the Colosseum to watch the next fight. The moment we got there, it has already began. We went to our seats and watched, all of us are so energetic at this. Team JNPR spotted us and decided to sit next to us, we talked about how great their last match was and can't wait to see the next one. The current fight ended with a team of Shade academy losing to a team of Haven academy. It was a nice fight, and it's now time for the next one.

The match for this day has ended, and it's t in me for us to head back to our dorms to rest up for tomorrow. Me and my team left the area and headed back to Beacon. A lot of people were there, scattered around the courtyard, there's also some bullheads landing here and surprise, some Atlesian robots went down. Then I realized, it was General Ironwood of the Atlas army who was in that bullhead.

I decided to just head back to the dorm and lay down on my bed, but then I noticed someone in the crowd. My curiosity got the better of me, so I went and approached the person and it was the one and only uncle Qrow. The moment I saw his face, I immediately grabbed his attention. He looks at me for a moment, examining my face before smiling.

"Well if it isn't the other pip-squeak." He said, ruffling my hair.

"Good to see you two, uncle Qrow. So what brings you here at Beacon?" I smiled.

"Oh nothin'. Just visiting the headmaster and will be watching the tournament." He answered.

"Are you waiting for General Ironwood?" I asked.

"Not at all, waiting for someone else." He said.

"I see. Then I'll stay here and wait with you as well. Wouldn't want my uncle to get lonely." I joked.

"Heh, who said I'll get lonely?" He gave me a slightly smug look.

"Uncle Qrow!!" A familiar high pitched voice screamed within the crowd.

In a split second, uncle Qrow immediately got tackled to the ground by my hyper little sister. Ruby was currently on top of him, beaming in excitement. I sighed and chuckled, when will this girl get all tired anyway?

"Man, that hurt a little. Ruby, can you please get off of me?" Uncle Qrow said.

"What? Oh! Oops, sorry about that." She got off of him and helped him stand up.

He dusts himself off and ruffled Ruby's hair, to which she responded with giggling. The three of us stood there, accompanying our uncle on waiting the person he is waiting for. Later, he looked at a direction with slightly wide eyes before smiling.

"There she is." He said.

Both me and Ruby turned towards that direction, and our eyes widen. We were so shock to even move. It was our mother, the woman I looked up to and the one that helped me and took me in since I was little. Summer Rose, she saw us standing there and smiled sweetly at us.

Ruby suddenly got out of her shocked state and tackled her to a hug. I was only standing there, still surprised at her sudden appearance.

"Mom! You're here!" Ruby happily said as she was being lovingly embraced by her.

"I'm here sweetheart, just as I said!" She said.

"But you didn't told any of us that you would be coming!" Ruby pulled herself out of the hug.

"I guess I made it a surprise for you three." She smiled.

A second later, mom then looks behind Ruby and at me. I stared at her for a moment, and she smiled. She opens her arms wide for me to go and embrace her.

"Well? Aren't you going to give your mother a hug?" She asked.

I finally snapped back to my senses, and run straight towards her. Embracing her tightly, I can feel her hand rubbing my back. I missed hugging her like this, it soothes me.

"I missed you, mom." I said, almost about to cry.

"I missed you too, sweetie." She said.

Later we pulled away from the hug and smiled at one another. Mom decided we should continue our reunion later, General Ironwood then approached along with someone that looked like Weiss. The general smiled and greeted mom and uncle Qrow, he only rolled his eyes and walked away. This reaction made the woman accompanying the general glare at him. I wonder what's going on between them.

Weiss suddenly appeared and happily grabs the woman by her arm. She smiled at her, but soon she had a look of realization and bowed at her to show some formality. So her name is Winter, and she and Weiss are sisters.

"Wait, sisters?!" I yelled, which caught the other's attentions.

"Yes, my dear older brother. Now go and introduce yourself to your girlfriend's sister!" Ruby then pushed me closer to the Schnees.

"Girlfriend?!" Mom and Winter said in disbelief.

"Ruby!" Both me and Weiss yelled at her.

"Oops.. oh yeah.. I forgot they still don't know." Ruby sheepishly chuckled.

"I'll leave you all in this situation, we can continue our talk at a later date, Summer." General Ironwood then walked away and left.

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