Chapter 25: Battle

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Me and my team stood across our opposing team in the battle field. Our weapons on our hands as we prepare ourselves to initiate the fight. The announcer had announced that the fight has began and Ginger and Noir immediately stepped back and hid in the rocky mountains.

Both Dahlia and I got into a stance and the first thing I did was sprint towards the four of the enemies with Scorpion Tail having its blade retracted from the hilt as the chain connects the two. As for Dahlia, she transforms her axe into a rifle and began to distract them by shooting them aimlessly. The four split apart and two of them went after me.

"Dahlia, you go assists the other two I'll handle this." I told her.

"Got it!" She immediately rushed towards the rocky mountains.

The guy with brown hair got in front of me and was about to throw a punch downwards while wearing those brass knuckles that he has. So he's the brawler in their team. I was able to dodge it by stepping aside and I'm quite surprised how strong that punch was the moment it made contact with the ground. A crater was formed around his fist as he pulls his hand back and looked at me. He charges at me once again and began to try and relentlessly punch me every second. I only either dodge or block it with my sword now together while thinking of a way to get a way from him. I suddenly got hit by my side by something which caused me to get sent back a few meters away from the guy.

I fell on my back but soon recovered and quickly stand up and looked at my front. His teammate, who has indigo hair that is combed to the side has now backed him up. I looked at his weapon and see that it's a long sword with the side where the dull part of the blade is where a gun is. Like they say, it's also a gun. I feel like I've heard that somewhere.

The guy then started to aim and shoot at me. I was able to dodge only a few because of the bullet somehow changing positions in the slightest. My aura bar is the one that is lowest, I frowned in frustration but soon it turned into a smile, showing determination on winning this match. I can feel the adrenaline in me as I charge at the two. My sword once again retracted and are connected by a chain I repeatedly swing it like a nunchuck and try to hit them. Thanks to this I can attack the one with a gun while keep the brawler away from us.

Soon, I was able to get him off gaurd by kneeling down and slide kicking him which made him lose his balance entirely and fall down. I turned back and saw the other one running at me with his fist ready to launch me away. But my next move only backfired the situation. I quickly grab the guy who is laying on the ground and used him as a human shield. He got punched really hard by the chest by his ally that he slipped away from my hand and immediately got sent out of the battlefield.

"And Napoleon has been eliminated by Tyler with a single hard punch! Betrayed by his own leader, how shocking that is!" Oobleck's voiced echoed around the whole Colosseum.

"I'm sorry!!" Tyler yelled.

"I'm okay!" We can hear Napoleon yell from outside the battlefield.

"Ouch.. That's gotta hurt right? Clearly it'll totally deal excruciating pain." I said half jokingly.

"Now it is on!" Tyler grinned at me and suddenly, his attack got stronger after receiving a punch from him.

But I was able to block it with my arms and only slide away. I have my aura to protect me from injuries, but damn that hurt. The geyser beside me began tp shoot out lava instead of water or steam. An idea went in my mind and a smirk appeared on my lips. My hands touched the lav and I can feel my self getting a little stronger. Setting my hands in flames, I set down my weapon and run straight at him.

"Oh so, you're the one approaching me now eh? Bring it, squirt!" Tyler said, preparing himself for an upcoming impact.

"I'm no squirt! Can't you see I burn my opponents instead?" I said as I punch him with my flaming fist.

He blocked it by holding my hand in place, I attempted to punch him again but the outcome was the same. All we did was try and pin the other down to see who is stronger, we both suddenly noticed how his brass knuckles are staring to melt from my flames so he immediately let go of my hands and jumped away from me.

"And you ruined one of my favorite brass knuckles. Oh ho, I'm going to make you pay for it." Tyler stated.

As I was about to go to him and attack once again, I realized that my aura is gradually depleting due to the flames on my hands. I let the fire died down and was about to switch back to my sword instead, I felt something on my arm and saw another person holding on my arm. His hand was glowing as he touch my arm, I got surprised by his punch but good thing I was cautious enough to notice it immediately and dodge it.

"Good timing, Phin. Are you done dealing with the faunus one?" Tyler asked the grin haired guy.

"Yeah, just let me do it real quick." He said as he adjusts his hands.

I was confused at this at first, but then realized that it might be his semblance. Examining the statement he just said just now made my eyes slowly widen. Until I heard Port announce something.

"Ginger has been eliminated from the match. Out of the blue, she suddenly collapsed." He said.

"Her aura completely went from green to red in an instant! What sorcery is this?!" Oobleck exclaimed.

I was in utter shock as I hear this. How is that possible, then I look back at the other two and gaze at the Phin guy. He had a smirk on his face. That's possibly his semblance which caused it.

"We'll make sure to win this." I said, grabbing on my sword.


In the rocky mountains of the battlefield, Noir is hiding using his semblance and was attempting to shoot at his enemy. But to no avail, he only kept dodging is like it was nothing. He had just found out from Ginger before she got eliminated that his enemy's semblance is possibly relating to having high senses. He stopped attacking and only remained in place, thinking on what he should do.

"Found you." He heard a voice said.

Noir was suddenly got hit by a spear, which caused him to deactivate his semblance, revealing himself. He lays down on the ground with the spear beside him, he looks at a direction and saw his opponent walking towards him. He couldn't believe what had just happened, he swore that he was in camouflage and yet he found out where he was.

"Crap, I'll just have to face you head on." Noir mumbles as he grabs his sickles.

He switched them into pistols and start to shoot at his enemy. The bullets, were once again are being dodged by him. Noir began to sweat due to this and finally he decided to attack him with his blade. He switch his weapons back to sickle mode and goes at him, as he does that, his opponent runs away from him. He was confused at this before he realized that he ran away from him to get his spear back. The fight had started, with both of them clashing their blades and hitting one another.

Due to his semblance, he has much more aura in his bar compared to Noir's. The both of them are panting because of the recent clash.

"I'm amazed at how you're still able to catch up to me despite using my semblance." He said to Noir.

"Well thanks I guess." Noir sarcastically replied, rolling his eyes.

"My name's Owen by the way. It's nice to meet you, but I'll have to say goodbye now." He said as he prepares his next attack.

"Not on my watch." They heard a feminine voice.

They turn to the side to see Dahlia immediately splashing Owen with a weird liquid substance. He began to panic as the liquid inflicts him slight plain with his aura depleting until it reaches the red bar. He's now laying on the rocky ground and as well as out of the match. Noir looked at Dahlia and see her only shaking her head at him while wearing a smirk.

"It appears that you'll always need a babysitter to help you out. Like me!" Dahlia grinned.

"Oh shut up." Noir glared at her.

"We should go and help Y/N out. He's currently at a disadvantage at the moment." Dahlia said.

"Y/N has been eliminated from the match by Phin and Tyler. Only two fighters left on both teams! Who do think will be victorious in the end?" Port stated.

"Too late for that. Well, our victory rests upon our hands. Let's do our best." Noir said as he activates his semblance and the both of them head towards to where their opponents are.

After getting punched really hard which made him lose all of his aura, Y/N weakly sat down outside of the battlefield. He slowly stands up and watches Noir and Dahlia continue their battle. He looks at the large screen above them where the aura bars are displayed and saw that both Phin and Tyler's auras are on the yellow. While Noir is on the yellow and Dahlia on the yellow green.

All Y/N had hope for is to help Noir distract the enemy and wait for Dahlia to initiate the so called ultimate attack. He watches his teammate and best friend fight with the two, clearly being at a disadvantage. Dahlia was no where to be seen, meaning that she must've been preparing herself.

With all of Tyler's punches perfectly hitting Noir thanks to Phin's help, his aura is just a few inches away from the red bar. He seem to not hold any much longer and was eliminated by the final blow. Due to this, Y/N can't be more nervous. His thoughts clouded his mind, thinking that they might lose. But all of that immediately disappear the moment he saw both Phin and Tyler get splashed and soak with unknown liquid.

"Just in time, huh?" Dahlia smiled at them.

"What? What in the world is this? Why am I burning?!" Tyler started to panic.

"Don't worry, they only inflict burning pain. It won't damage your skin at all! Well but your auras will be depleted to red though! That means, I win." Dahlia gave them a smirk.

"And Team RNGD wins the match!!"

A noise went on and they all looked to see their auras on the red bar, while Dahlia's on the yellow bar. The crowd cheered for them as Dahlia jumped in joy. Noir, Y/N and Ginger all smiled and happily watch their teammate rejoice at their victory.

"You guys rock!!" Ruby and the rest cheered for them.

Dahlia went to Noir and lend a hand to him. The two looked at one another before they smiled. As the everyone else rejoice, Phin only got mad that they lost and looked at his hand. Realizing something, he looked at where Team RNGD's leader and only angrily stared at him. He adjusted his hand and only stood up and walked out of the battlefield with his team.

Y/N on the other suddenly felt differently, he was about to stand up from his place but his right suddenly feel like it has been broken. Which it is. He winced in pain and gripped on his now broken arm.

Noir noticed his distressed face and immediately goes to him.

"Dude, are you all right?!" Noir asked.

"My arm hurts..." He said quietly, not being able to handle the pain.

Since his aura has been completely depleted, the injury will be healing a little longer.

"What happened to Y/N, Noir?" Ginger asked as she and Dahlia arrived to beside them.

"I don't know.. but he's suddenly in extreme pain." He explained.

"Is everything good here, you four?" A man appeared.

"Sir, we need medical help. Our leader is injured!" Dahlia told the man.

The man saw Y/N gripping on his arm and went to call for the medic. They arrive with them and helped him get out of the battlefield and to the infirmary.

Y/N is currently sitting down being examined by a doctor. The rest of his team were standing outside the room, impatiently waiting for the result. The doctor finished examining him and decided to x-ray him. After that he showed him the results.

"Your arm has recieved great damage, leading to the bone being greatly fractured. On what time in the match did this happened? How did it happened?" The doctor asked looking at him in the eye.

"It.. it suddenly hurt really badly, just right after the match ended. I didn't get hit by anything after I got eliminated, so I'm wondering why this happened as well." He said.

"I see... we'll quickly patch you up and let the others investigate on this incident." The doctor said.

Minutes after, team RWBY along with team JNPR arrived at the infirmary after seeing what had happened. They meet up with Noir and the others and the first thing that had happened is Weiss asking them.

"Where's Y/N?!" She asked, the worry and panic visible in her voice.

"He's inside the infirmary getting healed up." Noir answered.

"Do you guys know what happened?" Pyrrha asked.

"No... he was in excruciating pain just out of the blue the moment after the match ended." Ginger said.

"Will he be all right?" Ruby asked.

"He will." Noir reassured her.

Nixium: Nixium wrote this really late at night so me is sorry if it seemed so rushed! But I do hope you enjoyed the longer chapter!

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